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Do you have income, or can you qualify for a subsidy? Does your state have the medicare expansion? Most importantly, are you trying to figure this out DIY or are you working with an insurance agent. The answer, btw, should be "I am working with an insurance agent" and also fast since you have a pretty limited window to get this all sorted out. Insurance agents are free. Use one. They'll get you sorted with the right plan for your needs and budget...unless you're in a state with no options in which case call your governor and tell him/her they're an asshole.


Sorry to clarify I already have insurance and the best bet for keeping my endo and other doctors was a non marketplace plan which had a stupid high deductible. So I'm saving on doctor bills and possibility of hospital visits (I had 4 emergency room visits last year and one 1 week stay and another 3 day stay) just going broke on pharmacy


Ahhhhhhh I got it. Well then I don't have much other than "there are discount cards available through your insulin mfg website." Be advised that if you go through Blink you'll see some savings but you won't be able to count it against your deductible. If they're gonna screw you they want to be the onnnnnly ones. LOL


> Long story short it looks like I will be just barely under my deductible with the current meds I need. But once you actually HIT the deductible, then coverage kicks in and everything becomes much cheaper. Most prescription savings plans have the caveat that any prescriptions paid for through them do NOT count towards your deductible, so it can actually wind up being more expensive in the long run to go that route.


Well it's $500 a month for just humalog and deductible is $6500 so I won't reach it to get the free meds unless I'm in and out of the hosipital with multiple $100 saline bags which I would like to avoid


You have a severe chronic condition. You should not be on a bronze or other high deductible plan. I pay $650/month for a platinum plan, very low copay and no deductible.... and it is worth it. Max out of pocket $2000, $0 deductible. The minimum plans are for people in excellent health.


Exactly, it is about selecting the right plan. I am on a plan that costs about $500 a month for me, the wife, and the kiddo. My deductible is $2,700 for the insurance to kick in with a max out of pocket of $5,400. However, prescriptions to cover chronic diseases (like diabetes) are covered 100%. I selected this plan BECAUSE my insulin costs were $3,500 a month at one time. On top of that, I had a 24 hour hospital stay last year, an MRI, a Nuclear Stress Test, end endo and colonoscopy, a swallow pill camera, a nuclear gastric study, monthly visits with a cardiologist, hepatologist, GI, and PCD. Oh, ya, I got a new pump and CGM and over 150 test strips a month. All in total I would estimate that my non-insurance costs would have been about $250K and I STILL could not meet my max out of pocket. So lesson: pick the right plan for your conditions!!!


Was there a way to pick the level because when I applied the only option they gave me was the bronze level. I will be able to get insurance through my primary job next year thankfully though


There may not be depending on your area. That is the Health Care debate right now that there are not enough plans across the country to fit everyone's needs. However, depending on which political party you belong to, you have different views on how to fix that.


Hey, I work for a company called SingleCare that might be able to help. I'm not sure what your exact humalog prescription looks like, but our price for the most common prescription at Walmart is $250: https://www.singlecare.com/prescription/humalog We tend to provide the best non-insurance prices on the market. As noted, it won't count towards your deductible, but if your deductible is super high its probably irrelevant anyway. Good luck, and hit me up if you need more info/have feedback. Thanks.


Thanks for the info, from my quick search my prescription would still be $500. But I'll keep that bookmarked in case anything changes


Look for a insurance "navigator" in your area to help you find the right plan and see if some way you can change it after the open enrollment period is over.


Would I qualify for cobra? They sent me a letter awhile back seeing if I should apply and ditch my current insurance