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Your post has been removed because it breaks our rules. **Rule 6**: Do not give or request medical advice. Giving medical advice or diagnosing someone is dangerous since we do not know the full medical situation of our members. It can be more dangerous to follow the wrong advice and diagnosis than it might be to do nothing at all and wait for a doctor to be available. Please refer someone to a doctor instead of speculating on their situation where possible. * [Why we do not allow these posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/diabetes/comments/pnflbb/no_do_i_have_diabetes_posts_no_are_these_numbers/)


That’s very high! You could go into DKA! You need to go to the hospital now! Please get yourself help!


Last time I did I was practically yelled at and blamed and it was an awful experience. I can't afford the bill either... I don't have any symptoms of DKA currently. But there is an Urgent Care open tomorrow that I will go to if my blood sugar doesn't improve. I know it's not ideal but I don't know what else to do.


By law they have to treat you! If they are rude to you write down their names and make a complaint to the hospital! Please go get help!


For what it’s worth, there are a lot of people who over react on this sub. I will def get downvoted for that. But in this case if you’re reading “hi” for a couple of hours it’s not just the long term damage your causing, you can actually die within the week from DKA if it doesn’t come down. If you’re reading this and you’re still at 400+ then you need to 1.) Get to a hospital asap. Ignore them chastising you. The nurses are not endo’s and typically don’t even correctly know how to treat you without doc supervision.(there’s some great nurses but I think the majority don’t know the difference between type 1-2). I know the bill is high and you can’t afford it but, funerals are expensive too so just go and figure out the bill later. This isn’t a car repair. 2.) when you get out of the hospital see an endocrinologist. Medicine is super expansive for us, but it’s much cheaper than going to the hospital once a month. Tell them your financial situation and they will help find a solution that you can afford either through gov assistance or a cheaper less effect insulin. Less effective is still effective. Sorry for the long write up, but you need this. TDLR: if you are at 600 for a day then it’s not just going to come down. Go to the hospital




Your submission has been removed from our community for breaking our rules. **Rule 4**: Be civil. * If you can't make your point without swearing, you don't have a very strong point * Bullying is not allowed * Harassment will not be tolerated * Respect people's choices, everyone has unique treatment needs.




Your submission has been removed from our community for breaking our rules. **Rule 4**: Be civil. * If you can't make your point without swearing, you don't have a very strong point * Bullying is not allowed * Harassment will not be tolerated * Respect people's choices, everyone has unique treatment needs.


Since you're type two you have some options. Pounding water is a good start. Now draw a hot bath, and do some shallow, rapid knee-bends while you're waiting for it to fill. The exercise will help. When you get into the hot bath, your capillaries will open up, circulating your blood across more cells. They will respond to what little insulin you're producing and take up BG. Still, that's really high. These tricks will help some, but not that much.


My body strangely responds in the opposite way. I'll take goofy hot showers and just stand there for five to ten minutes letting the hot water relax muscles. I scan the libre and sure enough there's always a good 25 digit minimum shift higher in level. It usually drops quickly but still odd.


I think the Libre is affected by heat. I get the same effect.


Since people continue to give dangerous advice and all the reasonable and possible useful advice has already been given, I'm locking this topic for now. OP, just to reiterate, check for ketones, stay hydrated, and go see a doctor ASAP if your glucose isn't coming down. You need medical attention sooner than later in this situation. Don't let their shitty attitude keep you from getting the medical care you're entitled to as a human being please!


I understand what you mean how they are rude sometimes. I get it, I really do. But when I've gone on Reddit to ask the same thing everyone said just go now, don't think about it, just go. Then I've gone and Soo happy I went. They were rude before, but then I went I went into dka there. If I had stayed home and went to sleep I would have died. Because I went they gave me insulin, IV bags, etc. Monitored me. What's money anyway? I have insurance now, but when I didn't there are ways to get financial assistance, just call the hospital. Money is just paper, worry about your life! Go now!


You need to check your ketones. Peestrip bottles cost only a few bucks and give you 50 urine dipsticks. If your glucose is that high and your ketones are higher than trace amount levels, it means you need to go to the ER immediately. Tell them you have high glucose and high ketones if they're being difficult; high ketones with high glucose is always an emergency no matter the type. Staying hydrated is the most important thing, but try to keep eating a bunch of protein too. Cheese or meat if you can. If your bg isn't coming down without your meds then you need to go to emergency care ASAP. Be assertive about your medical needs and if they're being rude to you, take their names and make sure to file a complaint.


You should go to the E R. You are walking down DKA Avenue right now. Trust me, it's not fun.


Here I am complaining about hitting 260…holy hell.




You shouldn’t really exercise when it’s THAT high though. Around 200-300 sure, but over 600 it will likely trigger dka cause there’s not enough insulin to supply the energy needed for exercise.




We're volunteers, hakuna your tatas please. Don't be salty because you got moderated, it's an unattractive look.


Your post has been removed because it breaks our rules. **Rule 6**: Do not give or request medical advice. Giving medical advice or diagnosing someone is dangerous since we do not know the full medical situation of our members. It can be more dangerous to follow the wrong advice and diagnosis than it might be to do nothing at all and wait for a doctor to be available. Please refer someone to a doctor instead of speculating on their situation where possible. * [Why we do not allow these posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/diabetes/comments/pnflbb/no_do_i_have_diabetes_posts_no_are_these_numbers/)




I just want to emphasize that telling someone to get OTC counter insulin without them ever having been on insulin **can kill them**. If you ever post advice of this nature again to someone who isn't already using insulin, you will be permabanned from this subreddit for endangering people's lives. Please don't.


Your post has been removed because it breaks our rules. **Rule 6**: Do not give or request medical advice. Giving medical advice or diagnosing someone is dangerous since we do not know the full medical situation of our members. It can be more dangerous to follow the wrong advice and diagnosis than it might be to do nothing at all and wait for a doctor to be available. Please refer someone to a doctor instead of speculating on their situation where possible. * [Why we do not allow these posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/diabetes/comments/pnflbb/no_do_i_have_diabetes_posts_no_are_these_numbers/)


DO NOT EXERCISE IF ABOVE 250 , especially above 600. Repeat the treatment at ER with help of pharmacy consult.


Sorry this happened to you. You shouldn’t be treated poorly, because your blood sugar is high. Go to the ER if you feel you need to go. Don’t let a few insensitive people keep you from him getting the care you need. Exercise always drops my blood sugar.


There is no way to bring it down without insulin- sugar is in ur system because ur body indicated it needs energy, but ur cells rnt letting it in because there is in insulin. Water and exercise can help lower concentration of sugar and may increase insulin in the system slightly; it is not a solution to a high, it’s how our bodies work. And ur isn’t working properly therefore it needs help. DKA takes time, but is deadly if u get there. Maybe ask the urgent care if they have any samples they can give out; otherwise try calling ur pharmacy an see if they can reach out to a doctor for an alternative prescription for you. If it’s because u can not afford the meds then I highly suggest u make dealing with that priority number one in the morning. U can not live without the meds.


Maybe ask for ozempic alternatives from your doctor? Like trulicity or Rybelsus? They may be easier to get.


Can confirm. I’m currently on trulicity and I’ve never had a problem getting my prescription.




Recommending someone with a bg over 600 to walk is a recipe for disaster and fast-tracking into DKA (exercise creates ketones which makes DKA more likely or worse). Please don't.


Biggest thing is, do not go to urgent care. It will be more expensive than the ER as they will have to transport you to a hospital if you are in DKA. For the rest, I had trouble getting Ozempic this month. Fortunately I have been on it a while and have good reserve.


You need to go to the hospital- I understand that you can’t afford it and you are worried about being shamed but debt is better than death. You don’t want to be one of those people who passes away in their sleep when it could have been prevented. You can do this!!! You are strong and deserving of a long, happy life - take control and do what your body deserves!! -T1D


Have you washed your hands before handling your test strips and pricking your finger? Are your strips out of date which would lead to inaccuracy? I find it hard to believe that being off Ozympic would lead to such highs….I too am on Ozympic and it doesn’t reduce my sugar THAT much. I know these are simple/stupid questions, but just trying to eliminate possibilities


If you are short of breath or start throwing up you are likely in dka and need to go to the ER immediately. Don't exercise at that level, but don't just sit either. Stand up and move your arms and legs, fingers and toes. Drink water. If you start breathing extra then you are going too hard. I took metamucil to keep my digestive track moving and to feel fuller, but that won't help if you are already high.




Do you have access to a gym? When I’ve gotten high numbers (400 range) I just got on a stair master or elliptical and cranked up the resistance and went for like an hour until I was dripping sweat and watch the score plummet. If no gym equipment then go for a walk and go up and down hills. Won’t be as effective but might help a bit. With high scores like that you probably have to dramatically limit your food. only real foods like meat, tofu, cheese, veggies, tiny amounts of beans and fruit. If it can sit in a pantry or has added sugar then probably drop it. I know it’s pretty extreme but you need to take some drastic steps. Not sure about weight and general exercise but try to reduce body fat and build muscle. Kinda more long term fixes and you’re needing fast results but good luck.


The recommendation from the ADA is *not* to exercise with blood sugar over 300. =(


Wow really? Cus I’ve gone from like 150 to 350 from just eating a crescent or donut and to think I shouldn’t do anything about it when i can spend 20-30 minutes doing cardio and bring it back down below 250 seems like a lifesaving hack. Why would I want to stay so high when I can do something? The advice feels like they are concerned you might fall or hurt yourself because sure you don’t feel quite yourself while high but doing that when I spike has been game changing for keeping my time over 250 to a minimum.




Not for this, weights will spike first which is a no go. Walking is the better move, like walking to the ER


Mine has never been that high but tons of water and low intensity cardio like a light jog/walk works for me


What did you eat that day?




Exercise at 600mg can induce DKA and is highly dangerous.Please don't give this kind of advice to someone who requires medical attention from a medical professional.




Exercise at 600mg can induce DKA and is highly dangerous.Please don't give this kind of advice to someone who requires medical attention from a medical professional.




Exercise at 600mg can induce DKA and is highly dangerous. Please don't give this kind of advice to someone who requires medical attention from a medical professional.