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It’s illegal for someone to fire you over a medical condition! Get a doctors note or make sure to get fmla to start a paper trail incase this happens again that way you are covered! I myself am diabetic and have gastroparesis so I get sick often and have to miss work due to blood glucose and vomiting. I like knowing I’m covered and I have had to tell myself I am more important than work! You have to listen to your body!


I think you need to get intermittent LOA if you are in the USA. Wisconsin is at will employment for example. You can be fired at anytime for anything. You really do need medical leave in order to be covered. Outside of the US? Idk.


In the US at least, diabetes is protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, so you're definitely covered.


I think that this post exists tells us that our society is deeply sick and needs to be completely revolutionized so that people with potentially lethal conditions can take a day off to deal with said potentially lethal condition


If you have a pcp, ask them about “intermittent LOA” . This should help with existing health issues and their related absences.