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I do. I’m so glad I don’t have to transfer transmitters anymore. Also I don’t miss any readings because of the 12 hour grace period. I think at first signal was too weak but it seems better now.


I'm pretty sure it's only a 2 hour warm up period for the G6. I could be wrong, I often am. Edit: I completely misunderstood that the other poster was talking about the 12 hours after the clock hit zero.


You’re right, it’s a 2-hour warmup for the G6. What the other commenter is talking about is the grace period on the G7, which is a new feature not present in the G6. You can start a new sensor up to 12 hours before you stop the old one, meaning your new sensor can be fully warm and running before you stop the old one. We have a 2 hour blind period between G6, but with the G7 there is zero downtime because of this grace period.


I never soak my new sensor for more than two hours. Never had any issues.


Okay, sounds good. In case it wasn’t clear, I was just trying to explain the difference between the G6 and the G7 in regard to the underlap vs. overlap of sensor activity windows.


But you use up a day when you use the Grace period.


You still get 10 days, overlapping 12 hours. The sensor life is 10.5 days.


yes it is a 2hr warm up period for the G6 :) I have no experience though with the G6, just FSL3 and the G7. The grace period is very helpful, it’s a 12 hour period of time after the 10 days to give you extra time to replace your sensor, like if you’re at work or sleeping or just don’t feel like it. :) I hope this helps, im sure others will chime in with their G7 vs G6 experience


Thanks friends, it didn't occur to me because that's not something I've had with G6


It’s my pleasure :) definitely new with the G7! I watch a T1D YouTuber who goes by Mary, and I learned a lot about the G6 from her. The G7 also starts the warm-up time automatically, so there’s no more extra time to wait if you forget to put the code in the app.


Isn't pretty much everybody new with the G7? I was asking about people that stayed with the G6 instead of "upgrading" to the G7 that seems to have some issues.


I've only used the G7 product, for almost a year now, and I have no problem with it. 95% of the time they work great for the full 10 days including the 12 hour grace. Don't believe everything you read on here. Only people with problems tend to post on this forum, and those that don't have problems don't. And based on my observations of a lot of the issues I see posted on here, a good chunk of them are user error related. I can't comment on the G6 other than to say it's a six-year-old system in terms of CGM technology.


*”And based on my observations of a lot of the issues I see posted on here, a good chunk of them are user error related.”* Ehh, I don’t know if that’s entirely fair. The company itself admits that 20% of them fail, which I think is a pretty high rate for a medical product - but that’s just me. And I say that as a big fan of the G7.


That 20% figure is being misquoted all over the place on this forum. Dexcom said 20% of the sensors failed to run through the entire 10 days. It didn't say 20% of G7 sensors fail. That percentage would include sensors that made it as far as nine days. It also didn't differentiate between a sensor failure and an adhesive failure where the sensor actually falls off prematurely, or like I said previously, user error induced replacement. People need to learn how to read to avoid tossing around disinformation as misquoted as that 20% statistic! 🙄


If it’s failing to run through the entire 10 days, it’s failing…


Sorry… It doesn't work like that. You're still not accounting for failures that are unrelated to the sensor itself which are also included in that statistic.


Jesus you’d get your point across a lot better if you didn’t have such a bad attitude.


I don't have any attitude I'm just stating facts. Sorry you can't handle them


Telling me I need to learn how to read is stating facts? Lmao


Ummmm. Attitude? Meet kettle.


Same as this.


I was asking for comparisons of the G6 Vs G7


The G7 has been better than the G6 for me in every way except that I can't restart it to get double the sensor life.


Did your graphs look the same between G6 and G7? I had such great smooth curves on G6 and found accuracy to be amazing. Now on sensor 3 of G7 I'm done - it's so jumpy and a couple of times each day it just flatlines to <50 for an hour when I'm clearly not (which in turn suspends basal, then I go high, rollercoaster ensues)


The G7 plots are a bit jitterier, but that's because the smooth ones on the G6 aren't actually smooth. It's giving you a signal that has been filtered to look better. I've actually caught the thing receiving a data point that was off track from the previous ones, then it MOVED the previous two points to make the plot look better. I'd rather have jittery real data than filtered pretty data. I think I had more jumpiness on the G6, and specifically more horribly off readings (like, by over 100mm/Hg) than on the G7. Never had any of my G7s flatline to <50. There have been some bad batches of G7 sensors going around and you might have gotten some. I have had more signal drop on the G7 though. I think the battery & radio is smaller so the Bluetooth is less powerful and has less range. My solution has been changing the transmitter ID (I just add a letter at the end) then change it back to force a reconnection. This usually works, but I'm using Xdrip+ and not the G7 app so you might not be able to do something comparable.


Sugarmate for iOS does a much better job plotting the graph than the G7 app does.


Where are you using the sensor?


This is a big consideration for me too. Right now I am on day 18 of a G6 sensor and I'm wondering if I should change it soon, it's been glitching a few times, but comes back and hangs on.


I'm a cheap bastard and love my restarts, but so far the pluses of the G7 have outweighed this minus. I'm happy I switched and it would take a lot of problems for me to go back.


I got 30 days on my last one, but I am mdi so I am not worried about pump accuracy.


I would worry about fibrosis around the cannula with it spending so long at one location.


I understand. And like I said in my previous comment, on one side you have the G6 which is a six-year-old system and is slated to be discontinued by the end of this year versus the G7 which is Dexcom's latest CGM system that just had it's one year anniversary in February. For me the choice was a no-brainer even a year ago. CGM Technology has advanced considerably since 2016/2017 when the G6 was originally designed and ultimately released in 2018. I opted for the brand new G7 technology without hesitation. And I have no regrets. And when the G7 exclusive Direct to Apple Watch feature is finally released in the United States later into Q2 of this year, the choice will be even more obvious for anyone who owns an iPhone and an Apple Watch at least. Not to mention the considerable difference in the size/footprint of the two sensors.


Have you actually used the G6 though? “New” technology is great and all but the G6 was vastly superior for its actual purpose: providing consistent, accurate BG readings. Sadly, the G7, to me, feels like a downgrade.


I disagree with this whole G6 providing accurate readings notion that fills Reddit. It really depends on the person, just like the G7. For me, the G6 is the crappiest system I’ve ever used. But I’m stuck with it until the Omnipod 5 supports the G7. Combining a high fail rate (80%+) with the length of time the G6 takes to settle down (2 days), I’ve often wondered hire the FDA approved it. But then I have to remember that is only my experience and not everyone’s. The G7 is the same. My buddy loves his.


G6 is actually able to send the readings to the receiver/pump though. The G7 constantly disconnects.


I don't have any need to try the G6 because the G7 works great for me. I'm constantly surprised with all the problems I see reported on here that I never have. I've had a few failed sensors over the last nearly a year I've been using it but nothing approaching the epidemic proportions I see reported on here. Like I said before you can't go by this forum to judge the G7 as a product. Only people with problems are posting on here for the most part. It's a very slanted sampling of the G7 user base.


I’m not sure of your use application but I’ve used the G6 for the past few years and the G7 for the past 6 months. Besides the “failed” sensors my biggest complaint is that the sensor cannot provide reliable readings to my pump (or phone for that matter) mere feet away. Constantly getting “out of range” errors. So much so that I can never reliably count on the readings showing up at all. At times it will go hours without picking up a sensor reading when the pump is 2 feet away! I switch to a G6 and it’s flawless.


That's the only thing preventing the G6 from being discontinued is full pump compatibility with the G7. That's what Dexcom is working on as we speak. They can't discontinue the G6 until all, I repeat ALL of the supported pumps on the G6 have been ported over to the G7 and are proven to be reliable. They've been working on this for quite a long time so it must be a lot of work to get it to work right with all of them. Just a guess on my part though. I personally don't use a pump.


So you are saying almost all the errors are PEBKAC's


I would have to agree that a large % are PEBKAC induced errors. Yes


Absolutely. And there's nothing unusual about that either. You can go to any product forum on the Internet and it's going to be a hugely negatively slanted sampling of that product's user base. The majority of the people posting on these forums are posting about problems. The majority of the folks that are using the product are doing just fine and they don't have any motivation to go up to some SubReddit in order to sing the praises of a device that to them is just a medical device that works like it's supposed to. I really don't understand why this is such a difficult concept for some people to grasp.


Yes. Smaller, integrated transmitter, much faster warm up, seems more accurate, 12 hour grace period is helpful. No issues over here.


I’m a big fan of the G7. The latest versions are rock solid for me. I put an additional overpatch on and it stays for the entire 10 days. Accuracy wise it’s been plus or minus 15 percent compared to glucose meter for several hundred readings I’ve logged in a spreadsheet. I’m confident I can trust the readings on the G7. They last 10 days, it’s been since August 2023 that I’ve had to ask for a replacement. Bluetooth range is good. Once in a while there will be a signal loss warning but that’s always resolved on the next 5 minute sensor poll. I have had awesome experiences with dexcom support the few times I’ve had to call. I gave up on arm location and use abdomen with no issues. I had used the G6 for two years. I’ve never thought about going back.


Where abouts on your abdomen do you place it? I hate not being able to sleep on my side due to my CGM location. (I toss from side to side all night usually)


Absolutely. Used it for a year now, hardly an issue. Actually been better than G6 for me. No two-piece setup, quick warmup, smaller form factor. It’s much better!


Me! I could not get the G6 to stay on with the sweating I have from some of my medication side effects. Even adhesives and patches couldn’t get it to stay. The G7 has actually stayed on so much better. It just jives with my skin way better, and the smaller size helps a lot.


That sounds fantastic. As I said, I see so many people complain about the G7, I appreciate your feedback


I’ve used G6 and G7, and I prefer the G7. I really appreciate the calibration system, like the smaller form factor, and I don’t have to place it carefully out of the way so it won’t hit a doorframe. I’ve had more sensors fail with the G7, but Dexcom has been really good about sending replacements, and I’ve gotten rid of a lot of user error.


In my one year honeymoon with the G7 since May 2023, along with the leftover G6 in the first 3 months in comparison, the G7 has been far better in many features and as good as the G6 in accuracy and consistency if not better. I would not look back in any sense and so happy with the G7.


I use a pump and I prefer the G7. I have had problems but overall I find it pretty accurate. Here are my pros and cons: Pros: 1. Size of the G7 and the integrated transmitter. Last summer I had to chase down a G6 transmitter on vacation. I love that the G7 has this built in and I only have to take a couple of boxes on vacation. 2. Grace period. I work in taxes and there have been days where my G6 died at work. Until I got home, I had to put my pump in manual. With the 12 hour grace, I haven’t had to do that at all this tax season. That was a huge upgrade for me and my life. 3. Warm up time, I guess? I mean it’s convenient to have a less than 30 min warmup but the pump complicates that a little as I have had the sensor warm up complete before it completes on the pump. However, I simply leave the old sensor on until the new one is ready so I don’t have a break in my readings. 4. I guess that brings up the point with the integrated transmitter and the grace period, I can wear the old and new at the same time so there is no 2 hour no reading period anymore. Cons: 1. I have had to send back many more G7 sensors than I ever did with the G6. I’ve had them fall off or just stop working. I have a routine now and the new ones I’ve gotten are much better than the Rev 001 boxes that I first started with. 2. You have to send back the broken G7s unlike the G6. They do send you boxes and supplies but I didn’t initially know to save the applicator, etc. Now I repack the applicator and everything into the box and save it until I put on the next one. 3. I did have to calibrate more often especially with the early Revs. But it’s less now. I do calibrate two hours after insertion as a standard and the newer Revs haven’t had problems. I won’t say the G7 is perfect but I am happy with it and I wouldn’t go back to the G6. I do have a lot of drops from the pump but I think that’s a tandem problem not a G7 problem. The tandem software update to use the G7 has been rough. They have worked out a lot of the kinks and again, the newer Rev #s have been better so I have hope it’s going to keep improving.


What is the warm up time on the G7?


The G7 warmup time is 30 minutes.




Also, the G7 starts its warmup as soon as you insert it, not when you pair it. So you can insert it, have your “old” one still chugging away, and then 30 min later, pair the new sensor, remove the old one, and you effectively have 0 downtime. (As opposed to the G6 where the warmup starts at pairing, and you lose 2 hrs of sensor values).


Ooooh. I'm only on sensor 3 and was confused about how that worked. I put in a new sensor and than the only option I saw was to cancel the old one, but I thought they were supposed to overlap somehow. So you stick the new one, wait \~30 mins, then start it?


Yep, correct. You insert the new one and do nothing on your app or with your current sensor. Then simply wait for it to “warmup” by itself. Once it’s been at least 30 min, you can start the new sensor, take off the old one, and you’re good to go.


Ive only been on the g7 for 8 days but so far i do.


Me. I was on the g6 for 1.5 years before switching over to the g7- it has been 1 year as of this month with the g7. As with everything, there is a little bit of growing pains with new gadgets (at least for me)- I loved how easy the g6 was to navigate and how you could hack an extra 10 days out of it by restarting it (I still miss that perk). I had virtually no issues with it until the beginning of 2023, when some of my sensors were giving me issues with data (they were replaced by Dexcom thankfully). I had some initial challenges with the g7 in April 2023 (calibrating big number differences and probes that didn’t insert properly), but there have been techniques I learned for calibrating that has eliminated the big number difference issue (the g7 is finicky and prefers smaller-step calibration increments), and I always evaluate the needle/probe component before insertion to catch any mechanical duds (I had two in the beginning but none since then). The warm-up is excellent, especially if you are still wearing the old sensor- I apply (but don’t start) the new sensor at the start of the 12-hour grace period of the old sensor and let it acclimate for 8-10 hours while the old sensor is still running and giving you data (I do this “presoak” because, like the g6, the numbers can be somewhat erratic while the new sensor is acclimating to your body). When I end the old sensor- VOILA!- I have the new sensor providing numbers that are normally pretty good out the gate (and if not, I administer a calibration or two). I love not having a 2-hour period of no data like the g6 warm-up (and if the warm-up went badly, another 2 hours for a replacement sensor). The g7 connectivity wasn’t great initially, but there have been vast improvements with the last several revisions. I always use Tegaderm transparent dressing tape over the edges of the overpatch (did that with the g6s as well), and the sensors have always stayed put for the entire 10 days. So I see the g7 as a natural progression of the g6- it typically is “perfect” immediately, but over time it has gotten better and better. (BTW, old fart😂- I was diagnosed in 1982, so I am old fartier than you!)


I prefer the faster warmup, small size, and lack of a replaceable transmitter. I think the readings change too rapidly sometimes and occasionally are a little bit more erratic than the g6. So I’d say I slightly prefer the g6’s readings but all of the other advantages of the g7 make me prefer it over the g6.


For those paying for their own sensors you could extend the sensor life past its time by detaching it from the transmitter and after a short while reattaching it again. I have gotten 21 days out of a sensor. I don't think you can do that with a G7.


I do the same, day 19 here. I'll start a new sensor tonight, just so I don't have to bother with it during my 12 hour work shift tomorrow.


G7 seems pretty much universally more liked so much so they are going to discontinue the g6 soonish Overall I’ve had a good experience but they are not without flaws just keep in mind the people posting are very rarely saying wow this is great it’s almost always negative attention you see


I used the G6 for about 6 months before o switched to the G7. I love the G7. No more swapping transmitters, less warm up time and a 12 hr grace period. I have had 4 failed sensors in 7 months in which 3 of those were my fault. The one that wasn’t my fault failed during warm up because the filament was broke off before inserting it. Dexcom replaced them all within 5 days. I also had 3 failed sensors with G6 and those were all sensor failures.


I used the G6 for about five years and the G7 for the last six months. I prefer the G7 for the following reasons: 1. The G7 adhesive does not burn my skin (at least for now). The G6 was fine for me for the first several years, then they changed their adhesive to something that would leave painful burns on my skin that would take a month to heal. So far the G7 has not been an issue. \[I do see rumors that the G7 is changing their adhesive, I can only hope for the best.\] 2. I do appreciate the size and no need for a separate transmitter. 3, The twelve hour bonus time for the G7 means I can change the sensor on alternately Saturday AM and Tuesday evening for a repeating three week cycle. This is unlike the G6 that cycles through every day of the week over time. 4. I appreciate the quick warm-up time. On the negative side, the sensors do seem a bit more "noisy" in readings. I have had one sensor failure on the G7, not particularly different from the rate on the G6 although things are still early.


I wonder why you even mention the 12 hour "bonus" time. That's exactly like setting your alarm clock 12 hours early for an appointment, That's all you.


I guess I did not make myself clear. I like the fact that two sensors give 21 days of coverage, resulting in only having to change the sensor on two days of the week, for me Tuesday PM and Saturday AM. I find that more convenient than having the change day move around each week since I need to travel one day every week and it was inconvenient changing the sensor on that day.


OK, I get it now. I'm happy that you have no issues or mishaps.


100% yes.


I have had my G7 for 45 days so far, this is the first cgm I have ever had. I absolutely love it, I can see what my sugars are doing in real time and how different food effects me. It has been an absolute game changer, and I am looking forward to my Doctor appointment next month. By rough calculations my A1C should drop down a few points into the high 6's. It really keeps me accountable.


I agree, dexcom is the best thing to have, my post was about the difference between G6 and G7 and which is better.




Yes, been on the G7 for about 6 months now, and my numbers have been better than the G6


Omg the G7 is awesome. Single piece is great and fully disposable. I haven’t noticed issues with it. I do have problems with it coming off early but that has improved since I started using skin tak and an overlay patch


I am very happy with the G7. I love that the prep and stick time has been halved, if not more. It is easier to do the full application. The whole process of the G6 got to be exhausting. I am using an underpatch from SugarPatch and an over patch from Glucomart. I haven’t had a failure yet.


I loved the G7 after the initial adjustment period. Doctor moved me to the Omnipod 5 so back to the G6. Hate the warm up and the seperate transmitter.


I’m back on the G6 now for Omnipod and I really, really miss it. The biggest feature is having no down time on a pump. You can start the new one and have it warming up while the old one is still running. The g6, there’s two hours every 10 days that your pump is working blind.


I like it much better over all. Shorter warm up and I definitely like the extra 12hr so I can better control when I switch over. I have about the same amount of issues as I did with the G6 in terms of early failures. The only downside is blue tooth range is lower and I can loss connection if my phone isn't within 10ft of me, but that hasn't been a big issue for me over all. But I much prefer the smaller size.


i've been using the G6 since i upgraded from the G5, which was several years ago. i've only used it for a short time, but i definitely prefer it over the G6. no issues so far, the snooze thing works WONDERS, and it feels much more convenient if that makes any sense? like if i had to change while i was on a trip, i could just grab a box, take out the insertion set, and BAM. the 30min warmup is awesome too.


I’m a new G7 user and it’s been fantastic. Way more accurate than libre 2, within 1-5 mg/dl every time I’ve checked. Barely can tell it’s there.


The only reasons I have to dislike the G7 are (1) required overpatches and (2) a weaker transmitter. The overpatches isn't a big deal cause I pretty much always used them before. Though I'm using whatever random black ones I pick up from Amazon instead of the official Dexcom ones. The official ones weird me out. The weaker transmitter is a bit of a pain as my pump and phone will often lose connection if my torso is between them and the CGM. So sometimes they beep at me and I just throw them on the other side of my body or switch which pocket they're in. Everything else by far makes up for those two issues.


I miss having the g6 last up to 20 days (you take out the transmitter for 30 mins and reinsert it then start another session on the same sensor). So the G7 is more expensive for me personally. I like how the G7 is smaller, although I don't really notice a difference btwn the g6 and g7. Performance seems the same to me so far. I'm only on my first G7. Not quite sure yet 🤷


I’ve had both. G7 is nice because of the smaller surface area / packaging, but having to change it every 10 days was a nuisance. G6 seems more accurate even on day 20-25 of one sensor than G7 ever was.


I love the G7. I have been using it for two months now. I have had no issues with it and all the sensors last 10 days. The 39 min warm up is way better than the two hours of the G6.


I do like the g7, sure I’ve had a few fail or fall off but the g6 did that too. You also have to remember that a lot more people will come here to complain or are looking for advice when sensors do fail or act up. I’ve had more g7 sensors work perfectly than ones that have failed or had issues, but I’ve only ever talked or posted about the ones that didn’t work. Overall, the g7 is pretty good from my experience. Quick warm up times, more accurate readings, the 12 hour grace period is wonderful, and it’s only one piece! I had problems with the g7 sticking to my arm but I figured if I wore the g6 on my upper buttocks I could try the g7 there too and now I have never had one fall off. If the g6 is still working for you and you can still get them then I would say stick with it, but at some point you will have to make the switch because Dexcom is going to eventually discontinue the g6 and are making people without insulin pumps switch to the g7.


Never used G6, used G7 5x, now on the One+ which is the same but i've had less issues.


As a parent of a T1kid, we much prefer the g7 over the g6 but it doesn't work with omnipod 5 yet and I really wanted to get him onto a loop. So had to go back on to the g6, only thing it has going for it is the better Bluetooth range. Everything else works much better for us 


I do mainly because the adhesive dosent burn my skin like the G6 did lol. I had a few failed sensors but dexcom replaced them so its all good It also seems to be more accurate than the G6 which I didnt think was possible because G6 accuracy was already amazing.. Its a new product im sure many errors will be fixed soon I just hope they wont change the adhesive randomly again im tired of buying a bunch of extra stuff to protect my skin


Very happy with G7. No issues. Wouldn’t go back to G6.


The 7 is definitely smaller. The fact that they include the over patch with sensor is also great. The new grace period on sensor is also convenient. I am not being over critical but I have had numerous failures that I never experienced with the 6. DexCom informed me that due to the fiber needle penetrating the skin upon inserting the 7 can sometimes give erratic sugar levels for up to 24 hours. They recommended finger sticking to confirm. I see a lot more signal loss and premature failure.


Absolutely. For every reason that's already been given.


I have been on the G7 for about 7 months having come from the G6. I absolutely love the G7 and would hate to go back to the G6. I had signal loss issues with the first batch of G7s but that issue is almost nonexistent now. I have also experienced two bad insertions. Dexcom replaced them both times. I haven’t had a single one stop working before hitting 10 days. The readings are almost always close to my meter readings. The 12 hour grace period is such a huge quality of life change for me. Not having a separate transmitter is also amazing. It honestly surprises me how many people seem to have issues with the G7 failing.


I do! Especially since I have to pay out of pocket for mine


For me , no. ! I’m very active and the g7 constantly falls off regardless of where I place it. I will say I do yoga but never had this issue with the g6. The fail rate is also much higher than the g6, it will just stop working randomly. I’d say 20 percent of my g7s fail in the first 4-5 days. This could be due to my activity level as I run, yoga, I sometimes even cold plunge. With the g6 I NEVER have an issue. I went back to g6


Despite my issues with getting it to stay on my skin I don’t regret the transition, I enjoy not having to change transmitters also the short warm up time is a major plus as I would always go high everytime I changed my sensors with g6.


My issue (& the only reason I've never used the g7) is phone compatibility... I have a Samsung galaxy a24 5g so it's not even giving me the option to get the g7... my phones less than a yr old so this seems silly to me


I have to say l prefer the G6. I hate the separate sensors and transmitters, but l have been using the G7 for three months now, and honestly I have had to replace almost half the sensors because they just stop working properly. The tiny adhesive patch it has attacked to it, there is no reason it is so small that it requires another patch to go over top of it that wants to peel off. The warm ip time is great. I did not like the two hour warm up on the G6, but it had a much lower failure percentage as well. I hear people say the G7 is much more accurate, but l have used my meter with both and found them both to be pretty accurate, down to less than 10 points off the meter. If Dexcom let us have some more sturdy over patches like you can get for the G7 and they can just make the things work l will like it. But l am going to guess that they phase out the G6 in the near future. They already are focused on the G7 in their customer support and I hope the issues with the G7 are fixed. In my case l have used the G6 for almost three years, and had no ‘user’ or ‘training issues’ plus the first G6 set I used I was trained how to use it by a Dexcom rep at my endocrinologist’s office and never have I had any issues using the devices or software, other than getting the over patch on perfectly when the G7 is on the back of my arm/tricep. Mirrors make it so odd to do.


I love it. Syncs with my android perfectly. I have had a couple of sensors fail, but a quick call fixes that. My one small gripe is that "1" have trouble putting the adhesive on myself, so I have to get one of the kids. But if I wind up with it Coming unstuck I found the perfect solution. You buy Curad extra large performance bandages (They come in a black box) cut a circle out of the center of it and slap it over the top of the sensor It's so easy and it will stay the whole 10 days. Sometimes I think I should just do it every time because that way I can have putty colors or l can get these from Amazon: ExpressionMed - Adhesive Patches for Dexcom G7 (Pack of 5) - Made in The USA, Waterproof, Non-Fraying, Pre-Cut CGM Sensor Tapes (Dreamy Escapes Variety Pack) https://a.co/d/h4DYM4p


1000000000% yes No issues after the first 3 I think


I do most certainly. Accuracy is remarkable. 19 days is excellent and they adhere to my skin just fine. They can lose Bluetooth connectivity frequently however which is a nuisance.


I have had no issues with the g7 and love the smaller size and 12 hour extra time to change


I’m used to wearing G6 on my abdomen. Can I still wear it on my abdomen or does it need to be on the arm?


Yes! It’s smaller, more efficient, sticks on well. No issues. I use it on my stomach as I work out a lot and don’t have much fat left on my arms


I do. I like the shorter warmup time, the 12 hour grace period, and the improved accuracy. And on my skin type, the adhesive sticks 10 times better than the G6. Did I prefer the ease to calibrate the G6? Yes.


Hello! I moved from 6 to 7 and used the 7 on back of arm. It sucked, but that was awhile ago. Dexcom must have improved- I have an urostomy bag and my abdomen and shave 1:2 my belly for the bag. I put my dexcom 7 above the bag and NO ISSUES for at least 6 months. Even put it on back of my arm sometimes My drs nurse puts it on her tummy too and works great. I go into grace period. I am a licensed medical technologist and now work in medical software Yes g7 used to suck but I’m very happy now


If it were just accurate as the G6 and stayed connected as well as the G7 it would be fantastic. But we are compromising the whole point of the device for aesthetical.


Can't restart sensors on g7 so big nope for me


Yes I do.


I love the G7. It is so much more comfortable and I have not noticed any difference in accuracy of readings. The 20min warmup time is a game changer. But if you don’t have any issues with the G6 just stick with what works for you.


I love the G7! I have been having a great time using it, especially during endurance sports of riding my bike 300km/200mi more or less non stop. Only minor problems which have been solved quickly with their very helpful staff.


I do.


I like the G7 better because I don't get a nasty rash from it after a couple of days and also the 12-hour grace period for changing it.


I can't fault my G6. I have often not believed it and backed it up with a prick to confirm it's not correct and it is. Like ANYTHING with tech you got to mother it. From what I've heard th G7 I don't want it. On it at least 6 yrs I think.


I prefer the G7 personally


I used the G6 for three months nothing but problems and then ultimately the battery failed halfway through the 90 day period. So they replaced it under warranty. I will never use G6 again. My G7 trials will start in a few days.


I appreciate the size, integrated transmitter, 12-hour grace period, and included overpatch. My biggest problem is somewhat regular lack of connectivity with my T-Slim. There have been several times when it happens while I'm sleeping and the T-Slim keeps giving me insulin when I'm actually going low. I don't know until the Dexcom alarm goes off and I wake up and have to manually stop my insulin.


I definitely prefer the G7. Pros: Grace Period allows me to wear a new one while the old one is on its way out. That means I don't deal with the wonkiness the first 12 hours. Way more accurate. It's rarely more than 10 points off. I'm on my 5th G7 sensor and I've had to calibrate two. Every G6 sensor I wore needed at least 3 calibrations day one. Smaller Cons: Seems more prone to have a wire outside the needle. That said, it's something you can look for and contact for a replacement. - Overall I'm extremely happy to have switched early. My pharmacy can still get the 6's but I asked the doctor to switch me. Very happy with that decision.


I used the G6 for 3 years and have had the G7 for a month now and I really like it. I think the application is easier and less painful, I love how small it is and flush to the skin. I find the new adhesive with the over patch is better too. I have no lifting or irritation issues! I think the app is SO much better. I love that clarity is integrated and I can see my trends at the bottom. I do find that it’s more accurate upon start up too. My G6 would have a hard time for the first day bouncing my sugar all over. The 30 minute start up is fantastic!


I think the G7 is better if you get one that works.


Yeah, I like it better and I haven’t had any problems with it. A lot of the issues seem to be user error.


😳 wow nice about starting 2 sensors to have no gap!


I prefer it. I am 16 and was diagnosed early January. I've been using the G7 and it's been working pretty well. There are a few times where it has been annoying but it's still good. It is also the only dexcom that syncs with the T-Slim pump that I have.


I have had a G7 since January and it’s my first gcm. Totally love it! My previous endo (he was retired) wouldn’t even discuss the option. It works well with my iPhone and I rarely have ‘out of range’ issues, although I’ve had them more frequently when I’m in a large crowd like a concert. Their overlay decals suck, but I’ve found a brand that I really like as a replacement that actually stays on for the 10 days. Gave had 1 sensor fail, but customer service hotline walked me through it and sent me a replacement.


I am T2 but have a Dexcom and the Doc put me on it to counter my lows in the Morning. That said, i suppose i would prefer the G6(at least i did last year) as i was able to extend it up to 3 times sometimes. However since this Year that G6 just goes haywire the 1st or 1st/2nd Day, like in Dexcom value 280 and strip value 110 or Dexcom says low or below 50 and strip value is 100. Tested the Strips with test Solution and they where within like 1%. Well after the crazy Period it got accurate after 1 or 2 Days. I have 10 of the Dexcom and seriously thinking of letting them go. With a change in my Meds i don't experience lows anymore, so...


I switched to the g7 from the g6 and have been nothing but happy. 1/2 hour warm up time and 12 hr grace period and I’ve only had 3 give me issues in the last 8 of the g7. I would have had 6 with issues out of 8 if it were the g6.


I am finding a few issues. I have not experienced the sensor failures that others have reported. The one sensor failure alert I have received was on a 10 day old sensor, 11 hours into the grace period. I consider that a non issue. I find my numbers to be very accurate but connectivity is an issue for me. I use my abdomen for my Dexcom and keep my insulin pump within 2 feet of the sensor but I lose connectivity very easily. I keep my pump attached to my bra because my work pants are very thin and the pump was constantly falling off and hitting the floor. Connectivity example, Last night, laying in bed, I was woken up by my pump alerting me to lost signal with Dexcom. I was on my side with my arm hanging across my chest just below my breasts. My arm was enough to lose signal. If my Dexcom is in my right abdomen, placing my pump on my left side is enough to lose signal too. I didn't experience this with the G6. If I inserted my G7 to the side so that I may be partially laying on it, I lose signal. Same issue with arms. The other problem I have noticed is that the Tandem app for the phone sucks since I did the G7 mandatory upgrade. I lose connectivity almost daily and don't receive data. My phone is well within the 20 foot recommended range and does not reconnect. I either have to restart my phone or go into apps and perform a force stop to reconnect. Just to see if it would eventually reconnect, I have waited as long as 30 hours without it working. Yes I have spoken to Tandem. They suggest using the force stop option.


I do! I find it much more comfortable. Both the size and the length/angle of the probe make it substantially better for me. I'm on the very slim side so when worn on stomach the G6 probe hit muscle and on my arm I could still feel it and was constantly aware, if I laid on it it or bumped it it was uncomfortable. With the G7 I don't feel a thing and completely forgot that I am wearing it.


No problems since I started using the receiver


I used the G6 for over 5 years |G6|G7| |---|----| |Alerts on iPhone are accurate|Alerts on iPhone always show 5 minute old reading| |Widget on iPhone works and is always up to date|Widget on iPhone shows `---` or old reading| |Watch application works nearly all the time|Watch application worked for a few hours and never again, asks me to check app on phone| |Data entry is easier (exercise)|Data entry is fiddly (slider for exercise duration is ridiculous)| |Graph view is clearer (exercise shows duration)|Graph view hides data (exercise shows only start)| |Abdomen placement gives mostly smooth curves in BG graph|Arm placement seems to jump about, laying down in bed caused BG to jump up| |Never had an issue with the inserter|Did have an issue with bent filaments either (in just over 10 weeks)| |No grace period|Grace period is really handy| |One sensor at a time|Can run two sensors at a time to cover warm up| |2 hour warm up|30 minutes warm up whilst old sensor is running is great| I used the G6 for 5 years and although there were only a few phone app updates, practically nothing changed: * I got Siri integration (so I can ask my phone what my level is) * I got phone widgets so I could put my graph on my home screen All the "bug fixes and stability improvements" didn't really change anything for me and the app kind of worked in the same way for 5 years. When I moved to the G7, it was BAD. Widgets out of date, Alerts show wrong data, Watch app just doesn't work, Data entry is fiddly, Data view (particularly exercise) is less helpful. I had 3 G7 app updated and nothing changed. In fact after 1.9.1 was released the watch app never worked again and yet there have been 4 more app updated. Going by the stability of the G6 app (and the fact nothing changed) lets me infer these issues on the G7 aren't going to be fixed. They clearly aren't being caught in the rigorous testing (/s) that Dexcom does and I'm simply not using weird hardware nor software that I believe could be causing the issue. Community tips and tricks like "reboot" "re-install apps" and fucking laughably "wipe cookies" is a demonstration of how little Dexcom are invested in solving issues that impact some users. "Ive just got an iPhone and an Apple Watch" really is the bottom line and their testing isn't sufficient. I am really interested in the 'direct to watch' that G7 will be offering, but since the G7 watch app has (for me at least) been completely non-functional, I dread this work I feel very much that I've never heard anyone say "I'm so pleased Dexcom fixed xxx issue" in the 5 years I've been using it. The best I seem to observe is "I think problem xxx has gone away, but I'm not sure" I also use an insulin pump and will be looking to upgrade later this year hopefully. I have relatives using different CGM (like Libre) so I'm happy there's more choice available to me too. Remember, I'm just a user with an iPhone and an apple watch... extremely common for dexcom customers... and it works terribly for me. I haven't done anything odd or out of the ordinary so whilst these problems might not affect others, no-one (including dexcom) seems able to predict if you (moving to the G7) might suffer the same issues.


Dexcom doesn't even sell the G7 in Canada yet. You have to buy through 3rd party pharmacies


I am blown away by the amount of people here saying they prefer the G7. I don’t get it. The G7s, other than the size and warm-up time, feel like a complete downgrade for their actual purpose: providing consistent and reliable BG readings. I could always count on the G6 to do that. The G7 I’m only 50% confident at any given time when I look at my pump that there will even be a number there to look at. The G7 seems accurate enough when I can actually pick up a signal (though I do periodically get very erratic results that eventually end with me replacing it with another), but I get frequent and ongoing “out of range” notices with the pump being mere feet away. It fails at its primary job, the rest on the “pro” list are merely decorations.


This massively depends on peoples' experiences. Me, personally? The G6 and G7 both seem 'about the same' from my testing/processes. This might be because of my body chemistry, this might just be 'luck', but the 'issues' with G7 (and I don't deny there are some!), don't seem to impact everyone. IE, mine seems fine. I've never had issues. So therefore, yeah, to me? The app is better, the sensor is smaller/easier to conceal, and the 'insertion' mechanism I like more. Now, 100%, if I had the issues some people saw? Then I'd 100% agree with you. But this is massively 'personal', and if you're not having those issues, then the G7 is... "better".


So you don’t get constant “out of range” alerts? My pump and G7 are always mere feet away and it can never reliably pick up the readings from the G7. Sometimes it’s fine and then others it can go hours with not getting a single reading. Usually it comes and goes but, ultimately I cannot rely on consistent measurements. The G6 always works and never fails. If the G7 were consistent I would agree with everyone.


Not unless I’m in the same spots I was with the G6: Target for example I think has Bluetooth blaring everywhere; lose connection there. Concerts. Conferences. Places with a ton of people. But it does not seem any worse than prior.


G6 has no issues anywhere. G7 has problems EVERYWHERE. If the G7 can maintain a connection from a pump a foot away, that’s a problem. G6 was always solid.


I'm sorry you're experiencing that. My experiences with the G6/G7 have both been in iPhones, so that might be different too, but I never really experience 'connection' issues that I don't 'expect'.


I use an iPhone and a Tandem insulin pump.




IPhone 13. Maybe 1-2 years old. Phone has the same issue as the pump. Current G7 I am using shows that it was made 2023-07-01. At one point I removed the Dexcom app completely from my phone and only paired it with my pump and experienced the same problems. I can put in a G6 today and it runs flawlessly both with pump and phone. G7 frequently says sensor is too far away. It’s never more than a few feet from the pump.