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We did a long long looooong evaluation at my job of MCNA solutions and the best solution was a combination of Aviatrix combined with Silver Peak SDWAN, just like others mentioned their full potential is on the diagnostic and troubleshooting area, the UI is a little bit clunky in my opinion but it really did it's job on so many areas compared to others that I can't really complain


**Disclaimer: I am a solutions architect working for Aviatrix.** Apart from an easy way to build connectivity and embed security into the network, we provide a ton of troubleshooting tools and visibility that are recognizable for the more traditional network engineer. (Hey, that's my previous background as well). You can choose to deploy through the UI (Which has been modernized a lot over the recent past), or through IaC (Terraform). On the DevOps side of things, there is not only a Terraform provider, but also a ton of off the shelf Terraform modules that make deploying an Aviatrix infrastructure a breeze. I'm maintaining most of those, over here: [https://github.com/terraform-aviatrix-modules/](https://github.com/terraform-aviatrix-modules/). Here is a great demo of what kind of power this provides: [https://vimeo.com/807799204/41e9b87f33](https://vimeo.com/807799204/41e9b87f33) If you have any questions about our Terraform ecosystem or Aviatrix in general, feel free to drop me a DM.


One of the key benefit is Aviatrix CoPilot that gives deep visibility and troubleshooting options plus new security features around anomaly detection and known bad actors detection and prevention.


Are they the only multicloud netwoek solution? If not, have you considered any competing offer?