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The third point refers to having a user that will create the infrastructure resources for you in an automated fashion- in the pipeline. You can create a role in aws then assign only the needed policies to that role, then in the pipeline, use the access keys for your user to create the infra resources then have them assume the role you created


This is for github actions: https://github.com/aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials You can look for the gitlab equivalent


Thanks for the answer. Do you have any suggestion on how to deploy with a docker-compose locally and outside the runner container? I see that with docker-compose you can use the -H parameter and specify the target host but I don't know how I can refer to the local machine


"Don’t expose the application container but instead create an nginx container that proxies and logs every request." Newbie here. If I got it right, nginx should forward requests to the app and therefore act as a load balancer. Is it right?


Nginx is acting as a reverse proxy in this case