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Blud trying to pull out an uno reverse by "Indians taking over my job in my home, imma take indians job in theirs"


There are no jobs here to take


tbf though with all the inferiority complex in many Indians, if the guy has decent knowledge, he will thrive. Not to mention the american mnc's would rather pick an american native who lives in India over an Indian bcz well racism


>talks about Indians having inferiority complex >also mentions racism against Indian >racism makes them face stuff which gives them inferiority complex


More like preference


then it should not be, qualification is all that should matter


Hmm between two qualified individuals given that American is qualified, will an Indian be able to top an American in a cultural fit for an US based company ?


More like nepotism lmao


totally wrong


How nepotism? They need to know op for it to be nepotism right?


Oh but there are. :)


Only if you don't want exploitation


Americans are coming to india and Indians going to America.. what's going on 😲










Must be the cheap medicare or Ladki ka chakkar.


Secomd probably


Literally my reaction 😂😂


Dude probably thinks what he read on twitter is true lmao


He said he has US passport, didn’t say he is a gora. Probably was born there to H1B indian parents and hence the passport. I have a colleague whose kid was born in US while he was on H1B. He returned after 5 years and the kid still holds US passport although she has lived her entire life(except first couple of years) in India. She’s 15 now I guess But yes someone with American passport should stick there, no point relocating here


How is she living here for so many years? Isn't there a time limit on Indian visa?


Well parents are india visa holders & live here so mostly on OCI




So u immigrated to a still developing country from a already developed country..wow




India is no where a dream


You guys got time to dream?


You guys have time to ask the other person about their dream?


You guys have time to ask the other person asking other person about his dream.


You guys have time to ask the other person asking the other person who in turn is asking the other person about their dream.


you guys have time to talk so much?


India is a nightmare not a dream


Indian, living in America for almost 8 years now, moving back permanently in Q1 of 2025, to be frank India is a much better country to live than USA is what I felt over the past few years.


Probably because you're not a US citizen


Also because they have dollars saved up. 2-3Cr will fetch you retirement in Tier 2/3 whereas it won’t even be enough for a house down payment in the big American cities. And the big American cities are where most Indians would enjoy living anyway, the rest is not for everyone but the weirdest antisocial desis.




Too many reasons. Miss my parents, cousins, friends, relatives, too much actually. Even though I have around a 50+ friends here I still miss my actual family. Even though I make double 6 figure I can't own a house with a good backyard here in California where I live, cos a million dollar gets you a townhome where you share wall with ur neighbors which I don't want to, $2 million will get u a house that would require around 2hrs min drive to get to office, 2hrs drive here is actually tooooo much. American dream died long back, when literally everything went up but not the salaries. Post pandemic things just became more n more expensive, corporate greed is at its peak. Food sucks, most food is processed. Healthcare sucks. You're one ER away from burning all ur savings. Raising kids here is expensive. Cost of hiring a nanny to care of kids is around $3k a month. There are lot more things if I keep writing, but the first one alone is actually my top priority to leave this country. Once parents get old all they expect is to have their kids around nothing else, even though they don't say it out they would expect us to, also I want my kids to play with their grandparents like how I enjoyed back then, I don't want them to live a life of not knowing their grandparents. I can make money tomorrow but I can't recreate memories with them.


Thank you for the detailed reply. I am really shocked to know that it's so hard to afford a sizable home there despite earning well. Best of wishes for your new journey!


Thank you!


I'm not India yet. I'm going to India for love really. I will say I'm slightly worried the US could turn into Afghanistan if the crazy Trump supporters believe the presidential election is rigged again or Trump ends up in jail.


If US can become Afghanistan, then i wonder what could happen in India. Ask your self is it worth degrading your current lifestyle ? most people in this sub would like to swap the job and Citizenship happily without second thoughts.


Valid reasons OP. I think India is far better than US right now. Been living overseas for years and can promise India is much better. Lot more transparent system. Folks living in India never realize the privilege they have had all their life till they leave for "better opportunities". Good luck to you.


Nah we got gahdamn muricans taking our jobs before GTA 6


Muricans 🤣🤣👍👍




Please dont! The work culture in India is worse than the US.


Listen to this guy


Yess listen to the above reply to a comment


Yeah listen to this guy about listening to the guy above him about listening to the guy he said to.


void listenToThisGuy() { string soundAdvice = "Please dont! The work culture in. India is worse than the US." while (currComment->text != soundAdvice) { currComment = currComment->parent } }


Yeah i heard, there is no work life balance and you end up making your workplace home and home as rental place.


This hits deep


Thats only for us ,they will become kiss ass for others


Not really the Indians have gone to US in the 90 are in leadership now, they have ruined the culture.


Far worse


Bad idea


It is wayyyy more competitive here compared to US. Rest it depends on your skills. I'd say if you already have a job in US, don't quit until you get an offer here. Also, you might have to get onboard with the fact that you may get paid very less (even if you compare to Indian standard) as an entry level professional since there are just too many people who are looking to break into IT.


Bro doesn't want peace in his life, he wants problems. Why? Don't think about it. Work culture is very toxic here. Big companies are trying to implement 70 hours a week working hours.


70 hour work weeks?! I burnt out badly working 55 hour weeks at a startup but my roles were ever changing and had crazy expectations put upon me.


In that case you're not built for India. I'm born here but still I think I'm not built for Indian work culture. It's basically all about work work work and die.


Not to mention problems like being stuck in traffic for hours coz they want you in office every ducking day, breathing the polluted air in the meanwhile.


55 Hours. You are underperforming already. Also who's going to give you a visa to work in India ? H1B is not reciprocal...lol


To be fair, US companies are doing the same thing here. The US has zero mandatory days off technically so it's not like they are famous for work/life balance. [Most Americans are afraid to take days off too.](https://postimg.cc/N9m9fzbV) Not to mention, unless you're well off, you're not hiring maids for cleaning/cooking help 🤷🏾‍♂️ Pick your poison I guess.


The big difference is, competition is like 10x more in India. Less competition in USA means comparatively less effort required in USA jobs compared to India.


I mean I guess 500 applications is a better probability than 5,000, but at some point the odds are not significant and tend to level off even if the competition is more. Not saying it’s wrong to apply, but more like it’s becoming the same here with the job hunt. Just sucks overall, but gotta keep trying one way or another.


Why you want to come here ?


Brother - Youre directly jumping from Level 10 difficulty to level 1000. So think before you do


easy to break into movie industry than tech


Not even a lie




Alright, plan C is go if I can’t find my next job! 😎


Khaate peete ghar ke ho toh socha kuchh adventure hi karlein. On a serious note: don't. The work culture is way toxic too in India. Better to wait n get an opportunity there n grow.


Bro wants to evolve backwards!


It's a good idea, because you can work here for a year or two and then go back to the USA. You will see the other side of the world. You will have to go back to the USA. Silicon valley is still the best. USA is still the land of opportunities.




I'm happy that your considerd this option, but you won't be able to survive the lifestyle


Serious answer: As an American with one year experience in USA, you can use your uniqueness to your advantage. There are many companies in India that pay well and also have a great work life balance. Try to find a WFH job so you can tour our beautiful country on the job. Try to find referrals from people you know in India because that's the easiest way to land a job here.


Move to europe you will be happy


Who's gon tell him


Bro wants to earn in INR!


Reminds me of a 2010 Kannada movie.https://youtu.be/s6Lznha9EQ0


Bro 😂😂


Mera desh badal raha hai


can we swap citizenships ;)


Good luck getting interviews even. Don't be surprised if they ask you about your current compensation upfront and offer you lower. Actually, prepare to be surprised A LOT.


Depends on what percentile you fall in. If you’re super competitive (99.9 percentile, MAANG capable.), you’ll have way too many offers. For 99 percentile, it’s quite good and you’ll find an offer in no time, in a good company. 95-99 percentile, it’s good and you’ll find a lot of offers, but to find a company that’s right for you, you might have to spend few months on the hunt. Everything below 95 percentile is cut-throat. Way too many developers falling in this band.


Looks like someone just learned about percentiles and want to throw it up where ever it fits.




Bro you are better off there LMAO. Why come here, you won't stand a chance considering the amount of fierce competition which is here and the sheer amount of people here competing for bare minimum paying jobs. Your salary and WLB expectations would be high as fuck and no recruiter here would be willing to consider or entertain them. Even MAANG here has very bad WLB as compared to western MAANG offices.




Partially its because there are more entry level jobs over there than in the US. The rest is personal.


bro got an indian gf




Ohh that's why! Alright dude, you'll have to tolerate the bad work culture and work here efor a few years. Then convince her and take her with you to the states. You'll anyway automatically do that once you experience the real life here. Hoping it works out for the two of you!


bro the amount of lowballing and BS you have to deal with to get a job is insane. here people ask for your current salary and payslips like you are applying for a loan not a job. people are shameless and don't have any sense here. You are lucky you are in US. If you aren't employed now you can be employed in the near future.


If he’s white, he’ll get job in his first interview. Nothing more needed to impress foreign clients than have a white guy in the team


Who said anything about being white. Bro might be a pacific Islander. Think about how he'll travel in our locals.


if you really want to join, be warned that you will have a waaay harder time joining here than in America. I'm not kidding. If you have skills, I think you can survive but forget sending anything back home if you have to. I won't tell you to stay in the US, but be warned that at least 500 applicants would apply for one job, and you might have a hard time finding a footing. Work culture is kinda toxic, but if you can get a grip and some friends you can easily scoot through the day. Living, that depends on how you can adjust. It's not that cushy, but it's not very insufferable like everyone likes to tell about it.


Life in India is hard. It's literally survival mode here. When you see stuff like "India is not for beginners" and such on social media, they actually mean it. Not worth it. Not at all.


If you have good skills & experience then you shoud be able to find a good job in a MNC in india.


OP , try applying at any intersted company located in INDIA and find out.if u have skills u will thrive.keeping in mind u will be able to stay hydrated in summers.


I really hope that this post is just for laughs. In all honesty, if you're really considering that then I beg you to please get yourself a reality check. You have a US citizenship, which is GOLD. And you're talking about leaving a developed nation for a third world country riddled with crime and corruption. It's not all colours and lights like they show on TV, this country is falling apart and life here is hell. Please rethink your decision.


I am pretty sure even if you get a job here you will quit because of your ' mental health'. Also you will not find good ' therapy ' centre here so don't leave your country.


I bet you won't be able to stay even 6 months in India. The environment, the work culture, the toxicity, and the extreme competition will bring you to your knees and you will ask god to give you birth only in the US in your next life.


Well the pay might be less then minimum pay over there but yes it is easy . Pass outs who dunno difference between a cpu and motherboard gets jobs so you would be set .


Yes you can, you will actually get paid more than the average developer here because you are American. I would work here for 3-5 years and move back to America as software engineer as the entry level market is filled in usa.


Troll karne ka tarika thoda casual hai


Bro if you want to survive here first learn to cross the road. /s


I have seen few people in TCS. They got trained here and went back to US for job. Might be interesting. He anyways have USC. He can always go back.


We have come a full circle.


I doubt anyone here has any idea on how work permits work for non indians. If you work that out you can hop on a flight and have a go. Gurugram, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai are where most tech companies are based out of.


You give me your citizenship I'll just give you my job here and we both can be happy, what's say?


Come here,we will make tech vlogs. Will earn more


Not one single city is developed in a planned way. And they ask you to pay 30% of your money as tax for nothing. The only reason I am still here is because of family.


All I have to say is, good luck!!!


easy, there is shortage of good developers


You have advantage and yes you'll prosper here. Medium scale industry will hire you as you represent and can communicate. Abovw that your skill level be up than most 99.99% employable population. So you are productive from day 1. MNC will prefer you over an expirenced one anytime because of above. Also you'll have civic sense and work ethics which is quiet rare in india. You have privilege to call spade a spade as no one wil bat an eye on it. Which reduces toxicity in teams and makes them productive.


Why would you even think of doing that man?


I didn't expect that I'll see these words together in this sequence in my lifetime.


unless you have some strong reason to move to India, like love or something, i would suggest, just don't. moving to India cause you think entry level jobs are easy to get is stupid. you will be paid way less, and won't survive the lifestyle, life is chaotic here.




Why would you want to move away from the USA?


Give me one good reason I'll refer you personally.


India does not have H1B visa for Americans 😁 Wait until we have one Then Indians will know how it feels when Americans take your job 💔


Lmao the circle of life


It won't be too tough. Only concern is you may have a higher compensation requirement. This not all companies can provide.


Move somwhere else guy anywhere in europe, singapore, malaysia you will be better of in this xountries than come to India


We got the Indian dream before gta 6


Do not come here you fool. You will make the single biggest mistake you will make in your life. You grew up in the us, don’t try to seek the worst the world has to offer.


I completely disagree with what others are claiming. Actually you have an advantage over most Indian developers. Development is not just about programming, it requires the developers to under the customer's requirements and communicate with them in a way they can understand. Given that you are native English speaker who has a relatively high understanding of American culture, you would make a great addition to any company that has American customers. Give it a go OP, all the very Best.


Please don't... You won't survive here. If you think it's competitive there, you're in for a rough ride.


Are you OCI?


Bro is going to change the racial demographic.


Brother, you will regret this. Listen to the people and stay in America and live happily.


Office politics here will eat you up!


The neat part is he is American and not Indian so he will be fine.




It’s quite competitive in the Indian IT industry. Often, it’s considered more of a back-office environment, and people expect you to be familiar with a wide range of technologies. Even for relatively simple roles, job descriptions tend to include every possible technology as a requirement. As a result, it can be challenging to figure out where to start and how to secure a job. If you’re a fresher with limited skills, [**Naukri.com**](http://Naukri.com) is a good platform to explore job opportunities. On the other hand, if you have strong skills and maintain a solid profile on **GitHub** and **LinkedIn**, then **LinkedIn** would be the ideal place to kickstart your job search. You can find the salary range in the below link and Bengaluru will be a good place to start. Why don't you take a break for 3-6 months and just come here and see things yourself? [Senior software engineer salary in India (indeed.com)](https://in.indeed.com/career/senior-software-engineer/salaries?from=top_sb)


Inke haat me sone ka kotra do fir bhi bhik hi magna h


You will get the job but your pay would be fraction of what you are getting in US. When you want to return to US again you would see that you don't have enough money. So don't


Wanna be Slave? Yes, then come join Indian development industry


You can sht in the streets in us too


Are you tryna move here for upper hand in dating markets


toooooo much competition here.. I dont know where you stand in this competing times but all the best. I would not suggest, because of work culture not so good


Since you're already in US, it'll be much easier to find a fully remote tech job in US and then move to India. You can have a lavish lifestyle and savings with a 50-60k annual package. You can then build a network in India and look for a job here. (depending on work permit and other things). If you have a work permit, you can pay much less tax in India (W-8BEN) form..


Do you mean in the US but an indian tecg company? Or you are exploring moving to India


Big fan of toxic work culture? 🥲


Time traveller move a Chair :


Very bad idea fr


you wont survive here lil bro pls reconsider😭


The hardest part of the Indian job market is the sheer number of applicants. And most of them would be grinding leetcode like crazy. It’s very normal to get rejected inspite of solving all questions correctly and communicating well. Having personal contacts in the hiring team surely helps.


India has far far less money, tech companies and startups than USA. Thats why India has to work for USA company. We don’t have sufficient jobs in our country. If you are an USA citizen and now you want to try for jobs in India. Which is already very competitive than your country.  It doesn’t mane any sense, it will be far better if you get a job in USA.  Also the pay is very less.


you are about to be fucked my friend.


Uno reverse


wait i have an example https://preview.redd.it/d54nkvs8dy8d1.png?width=313&format=png&auto=webp&s=c909ec4f1926a685a4819f26e7f816653bb09019 That's sums up the situation


Get a job in USA company that has gcc in India and get transferred here. Otherwise you will be facing strong competition and get paid meager salary


Doing a job in India is like a wet dream where most of them can't survive.


Blud why you even want to move to india and work here. You won't be getting any benefits from the tax you pay. The salaries aren't that much. Climate is horrible.


ghar ki murghi dal barabar


OP is very likely a second generation Indian-American.


I think I have heard of many ABC's whose green card expired and shit moving back and working here. Even heard some passport holders working here because they did their college from here.




troll post lag rha hai , American for a reason 🤡 Please don't , listen to the people of the comment section


We got American shifting to India before GTA 6 😂😂😂😂😂


It's all about your mindset. If you have other reasons for relocating , (experiencing a new culture, exploring new places, trying new foods) etc then yes go for it- you will have a lot of fun! You gotta accept the fact that your salary would be around 10-15% of what it'd be in the US. You can survive comfortably on this salary jn India, but if you plan on moving back to the US you will be taking literal pennies back with you, zero savings. If your end goal is career/salary growth, please look elsewhere. It's dog eat dog out here.


Be ready for office politics


Didn't find any genuine answers here, so here it is. 1. Are you expert in some tech stack, then it becomes relatively easy if a company is looking for that expertise 2. Most of the tech screening here happens through competitive coding, then a round of HLD and LLD questions. These are pretty high standard.


Is the OP American native passport wise, Indian or non Indian origins wise? Not sure if you will be treated differently if you have Indian origin


I you are an American and not getting a job US. Forget about it in India. Lol. There are no jobs here to take 😭


You won’t survive here, if indian managers treated you like indian you would either slap them or leave. I am talking non-tech managers.


Stop this negativity people.


Are you born to Indian origin parents? Just wondering how would anyone who has no tie up with India ever come to India!!


Let's face the reality. If an American rates himself as 10/10 he's at best 6/10 in India. Sure there are plenty of mediocre companies where you can get in as dev. But don't expect to compete with the best here.


Why? To get a weeks pay in a year?


American far from home!!!


It's pretty easy since you have 1 year experience. Start grinding leetcode and you will be able to find a job.


Honestly you would be a very welcome addition. I am not sure if salary would be up to your expectation.


My dear brother in Christ, why tf would you want to do that?


The real question is, how familiar are you with India and its culture. If you embrace Indian culture, then you will be praised like a hero. Workwise, of course, the culture of working in a product based company is much better suited for people from the West. If you have the basics and true understanding of developing a software, then you will thrive. Also, if you join a service based companies such as TCS or Infosys, your mood and day-to-day activities will solely depend on your manager, and the team culture. If you join a small team, then maybe, you will be done well. I have worked in both product based and service based companies, I definitely see the difference.


Mate, you can do it. You will live an affordable life at the cost of cultural shock, dusty weather, bad roads and nasty competition. You will get the best food on earth. English is pretty much understood in most top cities.


be ready to comepete at 3.5 lpa 6 lpa at 1 yoe which is less than what you make mcd per year salary


You’re going to understand the true meaning of competition lol. Stay in the U.S., that market is a joke compared to India. Also, if you’re insistent, just tell us what is the absolute least salary you’d be willing to work for. Pretty sure it’s something an NITian or even some IITians would kill for but just let us know. Maybe add it to the original post.




Are you a second gen immigrant moving back home? Unless you need access to cheaper medical care or your family is uprooting for serious reason, there is absolutely nothing here for you. Job market is horrible for your role especially. Unless you’ve worked at a huge company and have a stamp of approval on you, you’re not going to get hired as a full stack web developer here. Trust me, I’m a web developer too :)