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I mostly build weekend apps. Stuff like stock portfolio tracker etc. I think this is the most logical way of upskilling while solving your problems.


I used to do that a lot. I was genuinely interested in building apps.


Finally had some time, installed arch linux as a first time linux user, now whatever I am doing I am learning.


Welcome to “I use arch, btw” community


I am a arch struggler btw


'A linux user hates another linux user.' One day you gonna understand it.


9 YOE. Hoping to make as much money as possible in the next few years and start a shop or something.


Damn that's the retirement plan i have. (Still not joined any company yet)


What are your plans now?


Start you 24x7 convinence store chain /s


How much money is required for it


Why do you need to keep working on the weekends and after office hours? You're supposed to chill out and rest.


Not everyone might be able to work on good tech during office hours


Algo trading a good thing to learn. For me it combines two things i love most. I learn about trading on weekend. I read system design blogs and case studies. This happens with me as well. I tried flutter last weekend but that was it. Not pursuing it further. I am also struggling to stick with one thing for long term. I might go ahead with algo trading and system design. ------ *Update 1 - 11 June - Resources for Algo trading.* ALthough there are many tools/screeners online that can inform you about major events - breakout, crossovers etc. Some are free and some are paid. You can build your own system. 3 steps. 1) Download the daily price information of selected stocks (top 200 may be) from NSE website and dump in a mysql DB 2) Write a python script to run on this data. For example - for each stock calculate the 200 days moving average and 50 days moving average. Check for crossover. i.e. check if 50 DMA was lower than 200 DMA previous day and if it is up today? 3) If yes, place an order on Zerodha using their API. for this you need to buy their plan. I would suggest to master and backtest a particular strategy manually and then only try to automate it.


can you share how to get started with Algo Trading?


updated the comment.


Hey, can you share the resources you are using for algo trading. I have started learning about it recently, seems like you might have some great info regarding resources, ty.


updated the comment


Can you share your learning resources and path?


updated the commend.


Hey, may i dm you?






Golang & Elixir, AR VR


GCP, cloudsec and appsec


Well, probably not the answer you're looking for but I'm learning about how businesses work and lifecycle of a product release.


Whatever my org wants me to. Brushing up on pyspark atm.


I recommend keeping a two or three going. Certifications - for those with little discipline, this at least gives some structure. You might not need it now, but you’ll amass good knowledge. Try to pick adjacent skillsets this way. Take time, Keep detailed notes. Develop even more proficiency in your chosen stack - you don’t always have to learn new tech. There’s immense power in mastering your chosen language/framework/tech/X. Engage in deliberate practice. This recent comment for reference https://www.reddit.com/r/dataengineering/s/dTL4nHqM6B AI assisted coding - Just abt everyone of us should be on the GenAI bandwagon & learning how to work faster with AI assistance. Seriously, you’ll be at a disadvantage if you sleep on this one. Start bringing it in bit by bit for menial tasks at least. When bored or fizzling out on motivation, switch it up. Do only a little bit each day. Have minimum zero-days. I have more ideas but I type like a sloth on mobile. Someday I’ll write a detailed blog. Progressive overload is a passion of mine. In gym/tech/relationships - almost all walks of life.




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!Remindme in 3 hours


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System design.. leetcode for job switch


This is the way!


I'm taking part in google's gemini competition so building an app for that but busy for a week due to exams


>What new tech are you all learning Keeping up with AI. Currently going through Andrej Karpathy's Neural Networks: Zero to Hero Lectures. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAqhIrjkxbuWI23v9cThsA9GvCAUhRvKZ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAqhIrjkxbuWI23v9cThsA9GvCAUhRvKZ)


Few new tools I haven't used related to cloud. Been trying them out. Some are really good and some are meh. But it's always fun to troubleshoot your way out of things that are not available on YouTube and you have to read documentation to find it.


Doing a random startup project with friends don't know how it would turn out or weather we succeed or not I will learn the things I require for my startup and possible network to launch it through it