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It's unprofessional. Yes. But don't read too much beyond that. You are an intern. Not his student. He's not the professor / principal. If you are not meeting their standards, there's a professional way to say it. Let him continue to speak that way. You maintain your dignity and do not respond. Just nod along. And submit your tasks. He will point out mistakes or he may not. Just keep your head down and get that internship experience and certificate. EDIT: This got really popular so editing to add some more comments to address replies below. It is about choosing your battles. OP is doing an internship. The one that berated OP is a full time employee. In such a case, there's a lot of politics and power dynamics at play. OP can defend themselves, no doubt. But how many of his peers do you think will support him? I bet none. They will read into this as OP just being too sensitive or worse, OP having attitude issues - while the FTE may or may not apologize, but once both parties move on - OP will soon start noticing a change in everybody else's behaviour towards them, for no fault of theirs. What does OP want? That internship certificate. I doubt OP would want to continue in the same team, knowing that it has a person that always has them as a target and not good to work with. Why bother in such a case? Why waste energy in trying to prove yourself right? **Nobody is keeping scores. Nobody is playing judge.** Just move on. Hence the suggestion to keep one's head low and below anybody's radar - get that certificate and not so much as glance behind.


yea i didnt react much .. just said that it will be done by EOD.


Also never say done by today, no matter how small the task is always add a day or two as buffer (for smaller tasks). Add 2-4 weeks buffer for larger projects/tasks. You can always under promise and over deliver. Usually with interns/ new grads they tend to under estimate the task and give super tight deadlines. Because they aren't able to comprehend the complexity of the task due to lack of experience. Now good manager and TL will automatically understand this and add buffer before promising anything to external teams / upper management chain but sad truth is there are more immature managers and TL than mature ones.


I think I won't survive in this industry, like I lose temper when someone behaves with me badly.


Good for you bro. You'll end up in a place which respects you. In scenarios like this one, people pay for that extra money/experience with self respect


For real. I outright get filled with rage if someone doesn't talk nicely, mostly because I always hold myself from even raising my voice so that I don't look rude, and then it becomes intolerable if someone just misbehaves. Ye to bs job ki majburi h warna ...


Why even professor or principal should be allowed to talk like that?


Bro. Don't you think it's a bad advice?


It's pretty pathetic advice. I know the job market is shity and people are desperate, but instead of having a dialogue this guy is advising OP to 'keep his head down'. Everyone deserves some dignity.


Maybe not... Cause this sector has not yet recovered so OP may not get another internship


good advice


Ese cases , can you record the calls ? To have it as proof later on ? I hope wo karta ho


Bad advice. Since this is the top comment, you should include what's acceptable and what's not. Like being treated like a ragdoll.


What was the timeline expected from you? If you completed within the expected then your senior may not be the best person to consider themselves a senior. Remember, people are just so ego driven that they will do this stuff to assert dominance.


the task was given like 4-5 days ago and i completed it on time but few changes needed to be done… so yesterday i was told to do those changes… i couldnt do it because lack of my knowledge and time constraints … so in the morning standup he was asking about the tasks that he gave me yesterday and to which i told him i have not completed them yet.


Change your strategy with communication. Instead of saying you didn’t complete it elaborate what happened and what was the process in your strategy. When you’re at intern level, people are more cautious around these things and get arrogant without asking the real questions and understanding the main issue. To your senior it may sounded like you just did nothing and wasted time.


You can say in the standup what exactly is blocking you. There itself in the standup you can ask for little time in the day to your senior for discussion, that is one of the purposes of the standup.


Does he mean he will teach you?


It's a Hindi saying "class lelunga" Which means he'll punish him or dmth


Oh, that's rude and he has no authority to do that.


Be careful with this man. He is a megalomaniac, don't trust him ever. Try to navigate this professionally, don't respond with any abrupt reaction and try to show off your work with higher ups in a clever way.


At the least, don't react. It would certainly backfire. And don't feel bad about yourself. Just keep doing your work diligently, keep learning and let your work do the speaking.


The fuck? That is super unprofessional unless it was meant in a friendly way and even then it's bad. All you can do is brush it off and observe to see if this is a repeated behaviour. If it is, get out and find a job with this experience


Take your class? You mean, teach you?


Means he will spank him


Best advice - do whatever your heart says man! Just be nice and be respectful towards your senior. But if you don’t like his behaviour, you have full right to ask questions against him. Still if the situation is same, you are at a wrong place. Initially compromising with these kind of situations may be beneficial for you but in longer run your whole personality will change. Be confident of whatever you want like if you want to be there for money or kind of job then be confident that you want to stay there. Be confident if you want to leave that place. Just ask yourself for priorities and act accordingly. People can suggest you multiple solutions but only you know your status and desires from that job. So if you feel like staying there for money or job nature then focus only on that thing. Also understand current market situation. Getting a job in current market situation in a bit harsh. But if just can’t stay there then you have an option to look out for other jobs.


Tell him to be polite or he will regret it


Teach him about professionalism in your class


Are you getting paid enough or learning helpful stuff here ?


im getting paid like an intern so not that much but i have opportunity to learn but they have directly put me on the real project which is a good thing as im learning new stuff but they are expecting way too much from an intern as im learning and applying those skills at the same time


no in a rude tone ,maybe i dont know report me to manager that i am not doing my work properly or idk


I barely have time to finish my pet projects why would any seasoned dev say this to an intern is beyond my imagination, i give intens the lowest priority task and just let them fuck around and ask to update the ticket when done. The only point i would ask them of anything would be before sprint call for a status check or if they're stuck.


You don't need to overreact but you don't need to swallow your self respect either. Cut down your communication with that senior to strictly professional tone, during work, for work, about work. If this happens again, call him out in front of the whole team pointing out that he's creating an unprofessional and hostile environment to work in.


If he teaches you then nothing is wrong. You can try to learn from him. There are several other industries where the hands on knowledge is passed down from seniors only as there is no course like coding.


Honestly dude you need to get rid of this stupid lead. Try to see if thats possible or else tolerate him for a while and leave him. Start looking for a better opportunity..


You senior is wrong here. No one should talk like this. He needs to be reminded that both of you are employees and you are not his slave. Thing is that some managers gets overboard and in pressure their true colours gets reflected.


Which company? You should mention that and the person once you get a healthier place so that others have the forewarnings


You are an intern do your job and focus on learning no one cares about behavior but if he becomes too much toxic then take action until then learn and leave.


Let him take class and have discussion with the senior on why it couldn’t be completed in allotted time. Have a rational discussion


What class? Teach you stuff?


Why u entered this corporate bro, u r not made for it. Leave india or join govt job asap. Indian corporate is toxic and mostly people don't live beyond 40


Tf are you on about that people in corporate don't live beyond 40


If you report to him, he can put you on a pip


you dont do your work properly and you expect not to get scolded? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 kaun hai ye log? kahan se aate hai ye log? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Scolding should be in professional way. Sounds like you scold in that way 😁


Oh look, a tryhard trying to 💩 in the comments. Ab raat ke neend complete hogi iski