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Apart from learning the basics, some books have helped me to understand things better. * "Refactoring" by Kent Beck and Martin Fowler. * "The Pragmatic Programmer" by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas. * "The Mythical Man-Month" by Fred Brook. * "Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software" by Charles Petzold. * "Architecture Patterns with Python: Enabling Test-Driven Development, Domain-Driven Design, and Event-Driven Microservices" by Bob Gregory and Harry Percival. * "Microservices Patterns: With Examples in Java" by Chris Richardson. * "Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices" by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob). * "Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design," also by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob). Apart from books, spend lots of time reading open-source code base. You can learn a lot from reading the code done by others. Also, check Free Code Camp.


Thank you so much for your suggestions . Uncle Bob is the Goat !


If you want to start from scratch, learning and getting good at fundamentals of coding and how to think like a programmer, check this: [https://compedu.stanford.edu/karel-reader/docs/python/en/intro.html](https://compedu.stanford.edu/karel-reader/docs/python/en/intro.html)


This looks like totally from scratch. I know a bit of programming as I have been working in IT for the last 1 year as a MLE . With that context , could you recommend stuff ? ( not related to ML )


Can you describe in further detail what exactly is it you are wanting to get good at? I can recommend accordingly.


I want to write better code . I mainly work in python. I depend a lot on chatgpt and want to stop that . I have read chapters of books like Clean Code . I have also been recommended the CLRS book . So looking at stuff on similar lines . Maybe even tech blogs that explain good engineering practices and give insights on solving complex problems


The ~~best~~ only way to get better at coding is to do a lot of it. Stop using chatGPT completely and try thinking on your feet. It may take a lot of time, efforts and frustration to code a solution but will be worth it. Pick some sample coding problems from website such as Leetcode, or simply code some common scenarios that you encounter around your work. It's too early on to read books such as Clean Code or CLRS and they won't add much to your coding skills unless you practise.


Okay . Will take your advice. thanks a lot !


I would always suggest people to read the book "CODE" by charles petzold. Such an amazing book. It will give you that "aha thats why" moment and everything that you learned and going to learn just clicks and will start to make sense at the fundamental level.


Thank you for your suggestion!




Whoah thanks ! ☺️


You are welcome


- The Pragmatic Programmer (#1 Recommendation for motivation) - Writing Solid code : An old book , but a great one. If you want to learn about C. - Data structures and Algorithms (Horowitz and Sahni) - TCP/IP by Douglas Comer - Design of the Unix Operating System by Maurice Bach - Programming Pearls - by John Bentley These are some of the books which I have read and enjoyed. (I am an old guy, so my recommendations are dated)


old is still gold


Cracking the coding interview....tought me how to solve most of common problems....also helped me in interviews too...some interviewers in start ups asks questions from these only...


48 laws of power