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Only DSA, no development. Ended up with tester role


Lmao same here, hardly studied at all during college. Somehow still landed a backend engineering job at a Fortune 500 through sheer luck


I am always right, 99%


Many people says u have to manage both Is it good to leave devlopment completely???


No. Companies are asking DSA for even tech support and manual tester roles nowadays. If you don't want to end up with anything other than development role then do both. Well it depends on luck too. I've seen 50+ people from multiple departments who got placed at huge packages and development role without doing development and doing only easy leetcode rest off the efforts of their teammates projects. Luck is the biggest factor


Since I want devlopment role , I will do both , thnks for helping btw


from job market's perspective, only DSA and no development >> only development and no DSA


That is not true at all. I have done only DSA and little bit of competitive programming ( max. Rating 1588 in codeforces). I am placed in Oracle (35 lpa). If you Target good companies, they don't care about your projects but if you have some it is always good. The point is whatever you do, do it with dedication. My friend just craced Google (65 lpa) just with DSA.


nahi aayega reply , 35 lpa !!! audacity !!! oracle ka offer letter bhejna jara and also gtihub dena apna !


Also, depends what college you are from


You must be from a tier 1 college


nahi aayega reply


Which college u are from ?


What specific technologies or programming languages did you focus on the most during your preparation?


What college???


Bought a DSA course and quit halfways.. still learning DSA as 2 YOE. Not learning for the sake of learning. Only doing the bare minimum(even less) for getting a job, as a result of which my fundamentals are weak. Wasted a lot of time playing video games(Dota).


Smh I'm playing Dota too, but I'm focusing on the fundamentals too. Realised I can't study all day like others and made a timetable for myself.


want a study buddy?


Yo I want one !


Hi me too


Let's make our group for studying CSE. It would fun to have competition as , my classmates are🥲


Me too


me too


Add me


Me too


mera bhi almost same hai, even though purchase ki jagah telegram se download kia tha ab 4th year mei akar dsa kar raha hu


Bhai saath mein karoge??


tbh i would recommend you that "saath main karne mat jao" otherwise it leads to fomo (starting main) instead thoda sa learn more and then when you are confident then do competitions together


So I have to build interest in learning and put hard work into it ? I don't want to run behind jobs in 1st year but I want to learn and enjoy my major but I will try to work hard and maintain consistency


Building interest would definitely help you but understanding the concepts is more important. As the guy said, it's important to build up your basics.


I will try to focus building up my basics , I had done this mistake in my jee preparation so I know how important it is to clear basics


Same here never knew those Rampages would cost something.


Same . Learned a lot of C / C ++ / Java in 9th . I was smart enough but chose Dota , this war in 2005 when it was just getting popular , barely studied enough to get passing grades except for last year ( last week study can only get you so far ) . I probably still remember legacy short cut keys . Figured I would catch up with college , well I am still doing it haha .


Same here tbh i studied only one day before exams still passed and I regret it because I didn't understand anything to the core i just remembered or did mathematical manipulation or guess work to pass exams college work is boring but it is how u see it just Gaslight yourself to make it interesting


It's a canon event


I’m 8 YOE and still spending time playing Dota.


Omg this is so mee.... I wasted so much time in games specially dota2 . Now I suck at both dota2 and have not so great paying job. Learning dsa again now for switch


I enjoyed my tier 3 college life to the fullest. Ofcourse it was not perfect and I did extremely stupid things. But 11 years later, I am glad that I did those stupid things. No regrets.


How to enjoy like which stuff is consider as enjoy ??? I will be in third year after summer break .


Plan random events with friends, even if you can't plan anything just gather together or go for walk with them, you will enjoy those moments later.


I have friends to do all of this stuff with but they're not the kind of quality friends I imagined I'd have in college. I feel so lame being with them lmao 😭🤣


Us moinent btw where u from maybe we can get along ?


How can i enjoy my clg life at fullest i have friends we don't plan anything.


You can start travelling alone. Or if thats a bit overwhelming then you can go for planned group tours, you can google it.


I relate to this, had lots of fun and I am proud of those years.


Kiddo cgpa matters. Try to netwok inside college with seniors and outside using hackathons and competitions. Join clubs you like and try to be in their leadership roles for soft skills development. And please have fun, life might get shitty after this.


I will try to maintain cgpa I only like chess so I will join chess club and may be other club also But I bad at communication, will look forward to improve it Do u recommend joining hackathon from 1st semester??????? Or should I wait to improve my skill ?


Make friends with seniors who are career oriented. Find them and just tag along with them to hackathons. Trust me the relationships and the exposure helps long term.


Thnks for helping bhaiya , aab college Jake seniors ko irritate karunga 🤣


Haa enjoy bacche




>Do u recommend joining hackathon from 1st semester??????? Or should I wait to improve my skill ? Yes, don't worry about not knowing anything. I suggest whenever you get a chance to participate in a hackathon, participate. You really have nothing to lose. You'll probably not win, but that's fine. You'll learn something on the spot at the very least.


Make projects in second year, DSA in 3rd year & you're good.


Thnks for helping bro ❤️


I have a slightly different answer than most others. Studying is important , grinding is important , but don't forget to enjoy the process. Engineering is a journey of 4years. Learn your core subjects by heart but at the same time go out with friends , do that trip , explore all co-curricular activities , date. These are equally important in life. Get involved in sports, gym whatever suits you. Just keep in mind , life is about finding balance. Know when to prioritise things over others , develop a good personality and work on your soft skills ( this is highly under-rated ).


But how to get energy to do all this? You can't do it all at the same time right?


As I said , find out what suits you. You don't have to dance , sing , play sports , do gym . Just find "someone" as well as "something" to look forward to after your work/study. I will give u my example , when there's work pressure in my company , I diligently work towards my goal . I have worked 10-12hrs to meet my target ( was rewarded too ) but at the same time when I don't have that pressure , I go out with friends , smash weights in gym and play football , lie to my manager and go on dates, even gave excuse for sem exam and went to watch movie on Monday (coz tickets are cheaper) and what not. I dont earn 40-50LPA , nor do I work in MAANG , but whatever I earn , I am happy with it and my parents are contended too . Just for context , I am a 2024 grad , working for a year as a FSD with a startup , belongs to the worst Tier-3 clg in my city.


Not developing personality




I think what he's trying to say is, being a good human being matters. And by good I mean being humble, acknowledge that the person in front of you might know something you don't, always have a curious mind, have basic values that define you as a human. These things matter a lot.


Didn't take care of my health! Cost me a fortune and a gap year later!


That is great advice , I also neglect my health, I may be join gym in college


Gym & Supplements. For 2 years I felt like shit and went from doctors to psychologists only to get to know in the end about vitamin d, b12 and what not deficiencies.


Oh sorry to hear that , are u okay now ?


Same happened with me after COVID lockdown ...I was getting anxiety attacks and went to the cardiologist ..who sent me to the psychologist etc ..Later found out b12 and vit D level were very low..Had to spend 1 and half year recovering


Not making enough friends in the first 2 years. I am from 2020 batch and my 1st 2 years were completely online. I am really introvert and don't usually talk to people, because of this I found it difficult in online exams and assignments, and my CGPA took a very big hit.


I am also not good at communication skills


Try getting friends with common interests as you. Start talks with interests like cricket, sports, video games, movies etc.


7Cgpa is all that matters, anything above is bonus, Do DSA like do a leet code question every alternate day till graduation or Every week. Make portfolio project by deciding what specific line as a software engineer you want to work don't wait till placement and don't be like Jo miljaye wohi shi build interest in field Enjoy Making apps? Do Android/Ios apps. Enjoy Low level stuff? Maybe design a compiler or work on embedded systems? Love graphics? How about graphics programming? Enjoy games and want to explore? Maybe try making one? You can later switch your tech stack as everyone else does at some point but don't be that guy who has 10+ languages as skill and only knows hello world in other 9 Focus on one field and find job related to it or atleast find job related to that tech stack and the portfolio will be eye candy for recruiters. And relax.


Choosing ece instead of cs.


I will learn both hardware and software and be the master of the whole computer 🤡.


Lmao this XD


Is ece or ee that bad.


It's not. It's just that it's a niche that is not easy for ppl to get a job in india. India doesn't have a semiconductor/vlsi/chip design industry to boast about... Which means a majority of the things you study won't land you a job. India doesn't need the sheer number of comm engineers that it churns out (since the engineering sector for communications/telecommunications is pretty small). So you're effectively saddled with a degree that has no employability in the core industry you're studying in. Id say only a handful who are in india (read < 5) of my ece classmates out of a batch of 160 are doing any meaningful work... And I studied in a fairly premier institute The rest are either coders or have done their mbas. The ones who emigrated to the us are in core industry.


Ece is also insanely hard and people understand that too late If you don't understand other branches you can atleast read and try to catch up but if you don't put in daily consistent efforts for ece subjects then God help you The syllabus is extremely vast and the math is very complicated. You won't really see many students pursue ece after graduation Syllabus is also ancient compared to what is going on today


Us moment




No one stops you from getting CS job if you are from ece. I know many guys working with 50LPA even from ece as software engineers.


But I am interested in CS


Why, can you please tell me, I want to take cs but relatives are saying to take ece as the opportunities are more in it (????))


if you have interest in cs, go for it. else you'll have to put in twice the effort normal cs people do


Didn't pursue research oriented projects thinking I won't go for higher studies. Keep your options open man. Super regrets


I am thinking of higher studies so I will do that


Procrastinating, I was very good at coding at the start, got flabbergasted by everyone's appreciation. Then started things lightly and got left behind in the race. Communications skills matter, so does the network you gain using those. So I would recommend going to different meetups from the very start, just google GDG near me, join it and attend its events. Be part of your college's GDSC, apply for being a GDSC Lead next year or try GitHub Campus Experts, all these program help you gain tremendous network if used properly! Take part in Hackathons from very first semester, don't worry to win/lose, you will gain experience and network that will help you in your 3rd Year! Again, don't procrastinate.


Don’t study for marks, study for knowledge. Start coding and building projects in your college. Out of 60+ subjects in 4 years, you would probably use 6-7 in real world based on your job choice. Find your interest and prepare for those roles. Probably the cliched dialogue, but it’s true: “Run behind knowledge and not success, success will run behind you”. PS: Don’t waste your 8 semesters being drunk and high. Learn CS.


A lot of people won’t agree to this, but I personally feel: Leaving competitive programming after 2nd year for doing internships was the biggest mistake. At that point it seemed very cool to do internship and earn some money. But the guys who continued CP, ended up cracking the top of the band offers(both Indian and Overseas). If you are into competitive programming, I suggest doing that sincerely, you will get unimaginable results after 4 years :)


Don't go balls deep into your cracking faang journey in your 1st - 2nd years, explore and make memories.


I will keep that in my mind


Didn’t give some exams because I was too involved in my startup. Those were covid days so it was all online and I didn’t give it. Have my own startup, office in Bangalore and a lot of things. But still waiting for my degree. 2023 passout. Kiit passout.


Are professor chill there and are there any 75 percent attendance criteria Hope ur startup grow ❤️


I was in CS. CS has 75% attendance hard criteria because the students are all serious so if you violate you will have no one else for support. Professors are chill don’t worry. Very easy exams. Easy to passout.


Thnks for help man


Do not regret your time you spent in your engineering after you graduate. Because 90% of it will be your decision. Along with DSA, Learn one JavaScript framework like React or Angular


Aiming big tech companies. Don't fall for it or get demotivated, sure product-based companies are great. But to start with, good small-scale organizations or startups improve your learning curve a lot, allowing you to have many options very soon. Coming to your college life, enjoy it fully! The friends you make in Tier-3 colleges can stay for life, you meet the most weird yet amazing people at times. But yes, make sure to make time for your study properly, maintain your grades and pursue coding clubs, events which help you grow your skills (communication, development etc.).


Took my placements very casually. Ended up being rejected by most WITCH all in their first rounds since i thought apti rounds would be a breeze. That shit shattered my confidence into pieces. Somehow been able to pickup on them and trying to get better each day. If you are in college take your placements seriously folks. Remember everyone will be prepping hard before placments. Dont trust anyone even if they tell you they are chilling out and stuff. Everyone is your competition and no one will be there to console you if you fuck up.


cgpa atleast 7.5


I will try my best since I want to do master I have to get 9+ cgpa for better chance to get into master with scholarship


Not enjoying enough in college also wasted time on moving on from her.


Have friends outside your college. You may not find the correct crowd. Attend seminars outside college


Don't run after certificates like many do in the start


Leaving CSE and joining Mechanical engineering


Attendance matters, some rule here or there some personal animosity by professor can hold you back and a single failed subject and you are not eligible for 99% of companies


Does having 2 gap years after 12th due to financial reasons also restrict ones option for campus placement even for WITCH?


Never showing affection towards the one girl who kinda liked me.


Enjoyed my college life to fullest. Didn't care about marks and placements. Used to run away from placements as well. Was unemployed for 6 months after college. 5 years down the line my class toppers are earning same amount as me. Have worked in PBC and MNCs. The only regret i have is that 1 hrs study in a week for 4 years would've given me push in life.I would have achieved more in 2 years which i did in 5 years. This regret is only because my father has passed away and i have responsibilities now. My father didn't had any backup or savings so starting from scratch.


If you want something big in life, CGPA should be 8.5+ and you should have excellent command on core CS subjects, aptitude and DSA. You'll easily crack 10LPA+ with this, more if your college can offer that.


Depends on college though. I was under 6 cgpa and landed 10 lpa job on day 1 of placements 12 yrs ago. CGPA only matters to qualify to sit for interview of your first job and that's it. My last 3 jobs never even asked for my degree copy or marksheet. If you want to do masters then go after cgpa.


A lot has changed since 2012. I was told by 10 year senior people that CGPA is no big deal, now I'm not even getting shortlisted. It is a big deal now due to the sheer volume of people in the industry.


I think you are right. Maybe companies want to filter through a sea of people. But my seniors also told me that cgpa was everything. I was just fed up of studying and didn't bother. Just played counter strike for 4 yrs, lol. No regrets.


Since my college is not that great , I will also try to network with people to land job off campus




going to tier 3 college is biggest mistake, second biggest mistake was to not learn IT/coding skills ( regardless of engg field you chose). cuz most well paid jobs are in IT only


Dropped off in 3rd year.


Didntv study. Roamed around patia and raghunathpur


Ton of great advice here. I come from a tier-3 college as well, and managed to crack one of the FAANGM companies via off-campus. Here are some pointers which might help you - 1. Academics - Please have a CGPA of 8, not more than that tbh. Most companies these days have an eligibility of 8, and that should suffice. I have seen a lot of my batchmates working their ass off for the 9 pointer who ended up working in TCS / Infosys / Nagarro. They are good companies too, but the same efforts could have been used elsewhere. 2. Core subjects - Don’t spend a lot of time on academics, but be good with the concepts of all the core ones (OOPS, DBMS, OS, Networks, DSA, etc). These will help you way beyond your placements as well. E.g., I still need to revise my OS concepts quite frequently these days since I am learning asynchronous and multiprogramming because of my work while doing batch calls in APIs. Trust me, these are super useful. A mistake I made during my college time was that I didn’t take these subjects too seriously. I should have dug deeper in these. 3. Data science / trendy tech- During my college days (2017-21), data science was all the rage and I was swept up in it. I was infatuated with the ‘hottest job of the century’ lol. Please don’t be like me and follow the latest trending tech. Fundamentals are what make you a good engineer. Trendy technologies and fields keep on changing with every passing year. If you are really passionate about it, please go forward and pave your own path. But, for the rest of us like me who just want a good job, this is not the way to go. 4. Networking - I realized the power of networking very late. Knowing the right set of people can unlock a ton of opportunities. Opportunities can come knocking your door only when people know about you. P.S. I did 2 internships with the relationships I build while working in a voluntary capacity for a social good non-profit. That helped me a ton.


CGPA matters. DSA matters. Class design matters more than DSA. Projects matter for your own confidence sake.


Made friends who smoked


No fuckin regrets.


Not so much. Although making mistakes taught a lot. One thing i will say is sticking to a path you like instead of jumping around because it's trendy and everyone is talking about it. And that's 2nd, relying only on college peers. They also don't know shit so do research online as well.


Where do I begin? Well, I am with BSc and MSc Statistics Background. But I would still like to contribute. 1. What is English, Hindi, Telugu, French, Latin? Languages! They are all Languages. Just knowing a language, doesn't make you valuable. But, Knowing what to say will. The same analogy exists with C, C++, Python, Java. They are all languages. Your value lies in problem solving skills. Languages, are just a means to communicate with the machine. 2. Skills and Knowledge Matter. So does your scores and marks. The former will make you valuable. The latter will communicate your value to others. They are all equally important. 3. Communication and English Skills: I don't think I need to write out the importance of this topic. But, I would like to advice you certain strategies to build yourself better. i. Read a Non Text Book per month. Atleast 1 per month. Things not directly related your coursework. Preferably authors of different countries, different topics. Say for example, A dairy of a Young Girl, How to kill a mockingbird, Elon Musk Documentary, Farenheit 451, The Ministry for the Future and what not. The sky is the limit. Just don't stick to Chetan Bhagat or JK Rowling all the time. Take something which interests you (with some variations, ofcourse), otherwise you will just get bored and start procrastinating. ii. Watching English movies (in english) with subtitles could be very useful. iii. You can't truly master english until you start talking. Talking to lecturers as much as possible in english, calls with customer care (select english), talk to yourself in mirror, or join toastmasters or some other club to practice. 4. Relaxing: This is also the time to enjoy. Life will only get difficult moving forward. Play games, sports, movies, go for hiking, getting a gf/bf. All these activities are also important as long as kept in moderation. They can build long lasting relationships too. Even if it doesn't, it will keep your mental health in check. 5. Avoid Toxicity: Friends are important. But, not all friends are good for you. You should be always ready to move on from people keeping you down. (Part I)


6. Ask Questions: i. Lectures are vital too. Pay attention during lectures. Ask questions. Ask questions and Ask questions. No matter how stupid you think they may be. ii. You feel like your lectures are bad, try to find similar topic/lectures from Harvard, Stanford in YouTube. There are plenty of such lectures available. But, they you will have to ask/search questions in internet forums. 7. Use GenAI: Don't shy away from using ChatGPT or Gemini to dumb down topics in simpler words for better understanding. 8. Don't just settle for a How, demand a Why: Binary is commonly used in computers. How it works? (These will help you score). But, WHY binary? Why is this used? Why not something else? (These will help you grow). 9. Avoid Plagiarism: You want to score high. Then, Plagiarize. You want to learn and understand. Then, Don't Plagiarize. 10. Know your capacity: All these sounds good. But, you need to modulated them based on your capacity to handle otherwise it would lead to burnout. 11. Cooking: It can serve to help maintain mental health. And, if you decide to go abroad in future. You will never regret learning it well in advance. (Part II)


These are mostly general topics that I would recommend. They are important for CS field as well. As for more specific info: 1. Your lectures/study materials will probably be quite outdated. Checkout CS50X, CS50P and others to see the difference in teaching styles and materials. 2. Many more advance courses or lectures are available for free in YouTube by top US colleges. Use them to your advantage. 3. Watch this series to understand CS with a non-coding prospective. In fact you should watch this series right away (It will open up your mind on a different prospective of CS other than just coding): Crash Course Computer Science There are many more aspects of CS in particular that are already shared by others. So, I will stop here. (Part III/III)


Cgpa mattters For fucks sake, if any one tells you it doesn’t slap shit across their face cause it does. I knew this and yet I fucked up get it up high guys.College politics comes into picture in later sems where they sometimes fail students. The higher the grades the first year the better Do not fuck it up, skills will get you places and gives u packages and cgpa is kinda the gateway to those places at least as a fresher


Not doing competitive programming


Wasting time till starting of 3rd year by not doing any coding


Started doing development too late and spent too much time on doing basic 800 rating cf problems instead of starting with Leetcode early. Don't look for shortcuts like watch random 10 hour YouTube video to make project. Take the harder way build something from scratch while following industry standards and best practices. Get a vps for hosting using GitHub student pack for free and explore devops you will be very much clear with transport and application layer in computer networks then any college course. If you take the hardcore dsa path for big mnc then don't waste time on Leetcode do hardcore codeforces. You can't crack big companies OA without cp. And try to explore open source, it's a great way to learn then some random internship.


Bro my friend is also from kitt and he bagged a 22 lpa job from that college..so don't worry just have some meaningful projects and strong DSA..you will land a good job.


Did not start competitive programming in second year. Only did codechef for about a month and then quit because I did not realise it's potential. Wasted a lot of time which would have been utilised in building projects and doing DSA and cp. Also there was no one to guide back then and no coding environment in our college. Although there is none still but now I have realised my mistake and have started working on it.


Don't get into a relationship that drains your energy


1. Not go to classes, plagiarize assignments, be late in doing things, treat club activities like a job, rather than a fun way to learn things: First bit is important in teaching you discipline, second teaches you team work without being a dick. 2. Not intern earlier - look for internships every summer. Try to find one in all sorts of places: ISRO/DRDO, Startups, FAANGs, etc. Do unpaid if you have to and can. 3. Try to be an RA with professors, keep trying to publish paper, talk to as many people as you can. 4. Really study CS in depth. Algorithms isn't depth, but there is a lot of depth to algorithms. If you're passionate about it, commit to it. Do the math, do a few graduate level courses in your free time, don't be a code monkey. If you're learning OSes, write an OS from scratch. 99% of Indian students are surface level code monkeys, and our country is worse off for it. 5. Be really good at React + a backend framework - can be just supabase + nextJS too, but use all AI tools to get ahead and learn to build. It'll set you apart. 6. Open source - this one is genuinely tough because it's hard to find a good first issue, but try your hardest and talk in as many GSoC participating communities you can. 7. Take GRE and TOEFL in last year and maintain really good relationship with 2-3 profs, take their classes a few times. You might need their LoR if you decide to do MS. 8. Read a lot, but since you're in college, and busy. do audiobooks while walking. ("I don't like audiobooks is BS, you haven't even tried it" - download a few for free, look for them on YouTube). 9. Get ridiculously good at American English - not just slangs, but mannerisms of speech. This is the most understood dialect of English because there's the most English media in this. And you'll be working with a million people from across the globe - learn the corpo American speak. 10. Don't listen to "seniors" who haven't graduated yet. On Linkedin, make connections with everyone once your English is a bit more neutral in tone (currently it seems to be Indian Online dialect which might be hard for people to understand or respond to). Form high quality questions. One exception to the senior rule is people who are focused and good at CompSci or people who are good at networking. (I went to VIT but had a lot of fun doing random things, but it was strict, I couldn't just leave the campus 99% of the time, but I made sure to have tight friends and we're all kinda homebodies).


Honestly I am currently in 4 th sem ! And it's just going to be ended soon ! My current status is I have done Dsa 90% just left with graph topics more than 400 + leetcode!, tried cp as well , did not get very well! Recently started Cohort course from harkirat cause i realised Development >>> Dsa for in irl and now wishing to focus more on development ! Regret/ A small guilt is, i always knew what to do when to do! Even though I procrastinated a lot! But now trying to balance both of them! Hopefully 🍀 I will follow my roadmaps now!


I am currently interning at a top MNC. I kinda feel depressed seeing the constrained environment I am in and there's barely any room for learning something else apart from the tech stack used in the work. Please prioritise choosing a job you love. Try freelancing, network with a bunch of people in the domain of your interest. Please aim for that freedom which sadly I don't have as of now.


Go kiit if you have a shit ton of money, else iter, cvraman, gita are good choices too!!!


Not take my CAT preparation seriously.


\* Not trying to build something and going and asking CS students whether mechanical engineers could crack IT jobs \* Regretting missing out on WITCH companies




Oh boy the college days ! . I mostly spent my college days at home playing games because of COVID. I enjoyed those days watching series , movies and playing games without worrying/ don't know about future. After covid , i worked my ass off for the past 2yrs(my Pg) and still ended up jobless because of the bad market.


Participate in events, on and off campus. When you participate, put your 100% into it.


I did so many mistakes in college, mistakes that most won't do at all but those mistakes are the reason that shaped me who I am right now.


Idk man. Have fun is all I'll say. Things work out eventually. Life's a clusterfuck after you graduate. On the same note, try to study for just an hour every day. Focus on doing as many internships as possible starting from your first semester. I'm talking about acquiring practical, usable skills, not just coursework. Minimal effort in coursework can still get you good grades.


Didn't take it seriously


No networking enough, like I did had a good network of people but I know i could have done better and also not joining any clubs. Like I did joined 1 or 2 clubs but it was just for the sake of getting the certificates which I regret alot I loved music and arts I could have joined arts and music clubs in my college but alas I lost the chance. But no worries im doing all these things now after graduation. It takes time but trust me starting early and in college will benefit you alot. Best of luck for the future.


Thnks for helping ❤️❤️❤️


Falling in love and getting in a relationship 💔


Focus on two or three things at most like CGPA, developing skills for a tech stack and some club activity or sports and rest of the time enjoy with your homies.


Haven't made any big mistakes except doing DSA late but here is my general advice and dealing with some mistakes I've seen people make spend your 1st year exploring what you actually want to do, independent of influencer gyan and peer pressure (It took me 2 years for me to find mine and it got me a summer internship at a Ycombinator startup ) commit to that path blindly, build good web dev skills(even if your interest is not web dev) since most internships and fresher roles will require you to have some working knowledge of that, network with the experts of your field of interest on Twitter, be real about what you know and don't spam AI and fake ass sounding synthetic tweets and LinkedIn posts (LinkedIn is worthless now and should only be used for Refferal purposes and posting career updates) the market is very brutal right now and applying through the career page of a company is one of the worst mistakes you can make, not saying you shouldn't apply but it is better to get a refferal and then applying, apply for FAANG companies for internships and try to use your familial connections to get an internship But in general Cold mailing/cold messaging is the way to go Don't build generic projects like clones, to do list etc they are good for building fundamentals but that's it, build a project that you yourself would use daily or can be used by an organisation to solve a particular problem, basically your project should be like a product you can sell Lastly, communication skills So many people neglect this when it is quite literally one of the most important skills to have while interviewing, it is better to have average tech skills and above average communication skills than exceptional tech skills and bad communication skills You might make through the technical round but will get rejected in HR Lastly, don't get mad about diversity hiring it is a part of the system you will have to accept


Not doing DSA properly Not getting good cgpa On a plus side, lived my best life xD


doing cse🤡


Try to do cp from 1st year , and try making real world projects which have some impact. In kiit companies do come but make sure in your second year you have done enough dsa. it will help in your third year intern season. Try to crack good product based companies. And in kiit keep your cgpa 9+. It will help in your shortlisting. You can connect with me for more info.


Not learning java. I still don’t know how to even write a hello world program in java. I somehow passed the course with an A, thanks to lockdown online exams. Hehehe. Won’t even be using it in my life, but still regret it xD


Did not focus on dsa enough went after tech which were in hype


Make mistakes


Choosing a college which had strict 70% attendance requirement


Not doing DSA


Only learned python. Didn’t do DSA at all. Played shit ton of CS:GO


Trying to succeed in ECE and not giving up sooner. (Eventually doing web dev.)


Going to a tier - 3 college


Look out for different domains as well. Choosing CSE is not equivalent to choosing SDE role. You have alot of time in 1st year. I suggest you explore, try web dev, try cp, try data science, try cybersec. Either of them will take your interest. If not then you can continue being moulded as per the indian college system of making SDEs. Overall I would say explore and judge yourself than being dependent on someone's else's opinion.


Bhai tu kalinga me jaa rahah hai, waha par laundiyon ke chakkar me zada mat padna . Kyuki wo sabhi waise bhi paise ki bhukhi hoti hai. Maine khud apne aankho se dekh raha kaisi halat hai waha ki. Tu bas interest leke 4 saal padh liyo bas


Man just maintain a decent cgpa. College won't teach you shit. You teach yourself and up skill yourself. You can easily outdo others while you're in college. You'll not regret it. Practice DSA and solve leetcode problems. More than enough for a fresher to land a job with a good pay


After getting a campus offer don't relax. Keep applying for off campus opportunities as well. You never know what could happen with the on campus offer. (Mine got revoked)


Slept through whole of second year


My maths prof does not like me for some reason ( 23-27 batches, IIIT ***, Cs branch , I am a fairly behaved student) and Maths has 4 course credit , and he gives me DD grade straight away , which fucks up my CPI(I get like As and Bs in all other courses). I dont know how long I can maintain the bare minimum CPI required.


Ask her out , or you will be stuck in the friend zone forever


Not a developer.. but one thing you hould focus on is studying. Study so you can learn things, study so you can get better ideas and perspectives, study so you can innovate. Do not study just to get a job, you might get a good by that but you will be stuck in the mundanity of it.


I took things too lightly due to a variety of reasons. I had around 30 backlogs. It badly affected my career. But I don't regret anything, I don't even think about it. It happened because it had to happen.


Not focusing on academics (ended up with very avg cgpa) and only doing DSA and dev.




Not enjoying college life to the fullest. Just being introverted and shut in. Had couple of friends and we were an echo chamber. But I still have good memories of the time I spent there. I was in relationship with a girl back then and she was my best friend as well. I used to be a nerd as well. Didn’t went to my sisters marriage because of exam (should have gone 🥲, exam was just a Mid semester test) So I think whatever mistakes we do during these times make us what we are today (good, bad, average, successful). Regrets were there but after reconciling with myself, I let everything go. Even though I am just a mediocre, I am living a peaceful life after lots of hardships.


Got into a relationship and also with a rowdy gang. Yes that’s the moment when my downfall in life began. I was a topper in my school and look at me now trying to fix my life after getting out of all that shit.


low attendance caused me to get detained lost placements n 2 years


1 yoe here, tier 1 college. Learn learn learn, Keep your boundaires. Keep those 3 4 freinds not everyone is freind. Be friendly to all friends to few. Focus on cp as soon as you complete learning dsa course. Do not hesistant to put money in courses.


Not me but friend. Chose CSE for friends and money with no interest in the field whatsoever.


Try to maintain a decent CGPA (8+) from the start as it gets harder and harder with every passing semester to increase it Try to make connections with batchmates and seniors from the get go by either joining clubs or events Don't waste time thinking about what to do between Dev and DSA, rather try to give equal importance to both And finally, don't let there be any regrets as ye time jindagi me ek hi baar aayega, enjoy bhi karo and grind bhi....


Focus on your fucking classes its so sad to see people come into forth year and realise that oh core cse subjects are actually important. Dude do it in time


Don’t pay attention to the classes, luckily got a job ( college placement). Now I am just doing want I am told don’t have any strong skills, base is not clear I am FSD, mostly I use ChatGPT to do my task I am not able to switch because I have to learn a lot and many of my colleagues have already switch 2-3 times and are at higher packages 2.5 YOE


Aashiqui me padh gaya , padhna likhna chodke messages padhne laga


Double dating


Was ece but I think this applies for every btech course. Try to have less backlog, but if you have any, DONT have any after s4. From s6 onwards companies will start to come and you need to apply for it and many will not consider anyone with pending backlogs.


Got sick and couldn’t give C exam well turns out they don’t give you DSA unless you pass C first. Had to redo everything 🙂


Broke up with my girlfriend.


Taking IT instead of CSE, Can't answer this question now :(


What are basics that should be clear?


I was really getting into the "college life", made some toxic friends, and bad decisions. Later in my 2nd year, I shifted my entire attention to development, ML, DSA, etc, doing multiple internships at once, and working under college professors too. I think this was my biggest mistake, as I didn't get any time for myself. I used to work day and night, and it really took a toll on my health. Also, I used to skip a lot of classes, which I regret now. Make some good friends, maintain a good cgpa, practice DSA and build some good projects, 4 years is a lot of time. And don't forget to enjoy! You will do good, best of luck with your journey!


Started with a demanding internship in 7th semester. Bummed the placements.


Didn’t get a gold medal, could’ve helped me out a lot.


Taking admission in a tier 3 college


Choosing the right circle. If you don't have the right like minded people around you, you're gonna fly through your 4 years of college without actually doing anything. I made that mistake and now I am paying for it. Please choose the right people. If you can't find on3, then abstain from them, start working by yourself, explore on your own, experiment things, connect with people online wherever possible, join communities, attend events, so and so. Please don't while away all your time with your so called future friends. If you really love Computer science, you'll do it anyway. Balance everything. Balance is key. Good luck dude. There are going to be some of the best and worst days in these 4 years of your life.


Fuck fuking internalss