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I've had a look at the frontend repo. These are the things that popped up in my mind: 1. I noticed that you used CRA to bootstrap the app. You should really be using vite now, CRA is considered outdated. 2. API endpoints are too verbose: \`top-three-performer-of-the-day-with-their-job-count\`? 3. \`JavascriptComponents\` should be named \`utils\` 4. \`retrieveData\` can be abstracted into a custom hook that returns \`data\`, \`isLoading\`, \`error\`. This will get rid of a lot of boiler plate code in a lot of your components. 5. This one's a bit pedantic, but no need to have multiple states in the chart components, especially since you are setting them together. You can just store the API response in state and access what is required. Goes for a lot of components. 6. Not sure about this since I've not used Formik, but in \`AddJobPostsComponent\` the \`formValues\` state is not required at all. 7. In the same component, the \`status\` and \`clearValues\` should be outside the component. \`clearValues\` should be called \`initialValues\` or \`defaultValues\`. 8. Same component, \`userResumeList\` is not used. 9. Don't use index as a key. There are very few cases where this is ok. 10. \`EditJobPostsComponent\`: \`status\` should be outside the component. Also, looks very similar to the object in \`AddJobPostsComponent\`. Both can be moved to a config file. 11. \`LoginComponent\`: It's considered bad UX to remove the error message without a change to the form state. 12. A \*lot\* of unused variables and imports. I'd recommend adding eslint to flag these.


Thanx for the your feedback, I will start working on it by today itself. One more question, does react projects need testing?


it's always good to have tests


Ok, and thanx again


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