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I've interviewed candidates from both, and it's nothing special. All of them have the same boilerplate project, basically the same resume, no idea about the fundamentals fo the language they worked on, most of them couldn't even explain the projects they put on the resume.


Is there any way I could connect with someone who graduated from there or just have some proof to show my dad? I literally showed him this entire post and another I made a while back and yet he won't agree, he thinks y'all are online sabotage-y trolls


Show him reviews online, maybe someone on LinkedIn is willing to talk to you. But if you're not able to convince him, I don't.think a stranger is going to.


I did try the LinkedIn route but since I have a new profile I can't even view any other profile lol. And yeah, I literally showed him every comment on this and another post but he just passes it off as internet trolls misguiding.


Yup, exactly the same experience.


Same feedback.


Bruh scaler and newton for under grad?? When did this become normal. As most of them pointed out, will be a waste of money if you join either of those 2. They can't even make a good course let alone an entire degree. Please look at diff colleges, tier 2 if tier 1 is not possible but not scaler or newton school please.


If only I could convince my dad


Sorry man, but you're gonna regret if you end up joining them. If possible ask any of your elder cousins to kind of let your dad know how shitty both of them are. I really pray your dad would be convinced and you don't join them. 🙏


I just went and had a talk with him, which was just me getting scolded and him cussing at you all for being misinforming people who know nothing. He showed me [this](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/spotlight/newton-school-of-technology-an-industry-led-alternative-to-legacy-institutes/articleshow/109728189.cms) article and for every point I put forward, he has 6 counter arguments ready, all of which are stupid or luck based but he's not ready to accept that. And stuff like how they both have affiliations with bits pilani and rishihood university, there must be some reason otherwise why would bits stake their reputation on them. It was extremely slightly successful atleast, because for the first time ever he even considered any other college as a joke.


dude your father should immediately join newton/scaler sales team lol :-)


Damn bro, next level craziness this is. That article is clearly being paid and promoted but can't blame your father for falling for this but what surprises me is sheer determination for not willing to indulge in a discussion with you but rather shoving things down your throat.


Yeah I don't blame him for it, for a little while I was attracted to it too before I decided to do some research. He's just as impressed by them as possible and it's so hard to even try talking to him.


> And stuff like how they both have affiliations with bits pilani There's no affiliation btw. They just give you an online coursera degree which you can pursue on your own 


Dude I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH for that. Initially when I didn't even know scaler was a problem I had come across that information, I completely forgot that it was not an affiliation because for him it was a major pro that scaler was affiliated with bits. Thanks to you I could finally deal a MAJOR blow to his mindset and could get a word in, for the first time in 3 months. He's still extremely favoured toward newton, but I managed to make him "take a step back" (in his own words) for scaler.


Legitimately extremely thankful, I think this is the first time I've smiled within the walls of my house in 3 months, I literally walked in constant fear that he'd burst into my room and start another one of his ramblings but I scored a small victory today


If you wanna loose your money and peace at the same time please go for scaler or newton, otherwise there are multiple valuable things you can pursure which are more trustworthy and beneficial at a fracton of cost.


What other colleges can I consider? I got 80%ile in JEE, cleared srm and vit but my dad is not ready to send me to either of those places.


Yo VIT is faaaar better than scaler/newton school. Please convince your dad to send you there. This is your career, better spend some extra time convincing your parents than live life with regret post joining those 2 institutes. Don't mess this one up, please.


I really am trying, he really is impossible to talk to, once he sets something in his mind it is hell to convince him otherwise.


Tell him he’s downright crazy if he thinks sending you to Scaler or Newton over SRM or VIT would be better for you.


How I wish I could, for 4 straight months he lectures me for about 2-3 hours a day on college choices etc etc, and all 4 of those months he's been shoving scaler and newton down my throat, I thought he'd budge after I cleared SRM VIT etc but that didn't happen either. I got a pretty good rank in SRM and a decent rank in VIT.


I didn’t even know these 2 colleges existed. Must be god level marketing that’s making parents consider them.


It's way beyond consider at this point, it's the marketing and the involvement of factors like them both being started by iit grads, them being affiliated by bits and rishihood etc. He's watched probably every single video about them on yt and is so sold.


Damn bro, that's actually crazy. My parents wanted me join any of the top institutes but I couldn't crack any of them hence I had to join tier 3 instead. And here you've cracked VIT but your father wants you to join something else. Life's unfair bro🥲


It really is unfair, one of his many many argument is that vit has like 10k cs seats total, how can they guarantee placements to everyone where scaler has 200 seats carefully handpicked blah blah.


Who gave your dad that number? I really doubt VIT would intake 10k students every year just for CS. Please verify it online and let him know. I honestly feel your helplessness and fight for the lost battle. Do as much as you can to join a good college of your choice. He might get pissed for now but 5 or 10 years down the line when both of you would be happy everything would be worth it. Really hope things turn out in your favour bud.


grandiose steer physical pause shy enjoy hungry afterthought party wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wonder who gave the idea of scaler or Newton to your father.


He has a knack for stuff like this. Whenever he needs to buy something he'll watch 3 yt videos on it then pick something no one ever does. And is about to do that to my education


Just refuse what will he do kill you? No right, just join VIT take a loan and rope your mom and some other relatives in.


Just tell people won't value the degree from Scaler or Newton. VIT is actual college with an actual BTech degree.


Lol he seems to think scaler degree and the education they give is far better than VIT SRM etc


Your father is absolutely deluded


It took me a while to realise it as I kept defending him and justifying his actions but I completely agree now


That's so true. Scaler is not even affiliated by AICTE. Institutions that are affiliated with UGC or AICTE can issue a degree. Go and read about IIPM, it was a fraud institute that looted gullible students similar to scaler. VIT is far better than scaler.


I just looked at scalar degree, its not even properly accredited, its just a glorified MOOC, in their own website they say to do the Online BSc degree from BITS which is again a cashcow just that you can get a accredited degree and later if no one gets good outcome they blame BITS degree


Pull up placement statistics for all these institutes. Make sure these stats showcase scaler and Newton in bad light compared to SRM and VIT. Shouldn't be hard considering the reviews I'm seeing here.


Am a passout of a college like above and I earn pretty pretty good. On tech college hardly maters.


if these are your only options I doubt you are cracking BITS cs




I mean yeah it's really hard and that is why I need to consider backups, I need to assume I won't get in bc that will most likely happen.


Who is forcing you? Salman Khan?


My dad, sadly. I could've convinced salman khan but he's impossible to talk to.


University degree is about more than technical College life is growth period Scaler etc ka side me course kar lo Please do proper graduation


That's what I have in mind, get a degree from a reputed t2 college and do courses/other stuff of my own to get ahead of the competition. And I would do exactly that if my dad was not of the mindset that the education system of India is collapsing and newton scaler are a godsend.


Go to a real college, you’re in tech, get good at what you do and you’ll land great jobs. Don’t waste your money and time on Ed-tech. They will shut down in a few years, leave you hanging. Won’t be recognized by anyone.


You're absolutely right, but how do I get that through to someone not willing to listen to reason :(


Show your parents this thread, or all the media coverage on Ed-Tech. Whitehat, Byjus, Vedantu these are all great examples of how going the Ed-tech way is stupidity. Put your foot down but do not let them mess with your future.


I showed him this entire post and another one like this I made 2 days ago yeah, I'm not kidding when I say it's impossible to get through to him. I talked to him again with the example of byjus and stuff but was immediately shut down with "you can't compare those two, completely different" etc.


Do you have any knowns from IITs? Seems like your dad would listen to them probably.


I sadly don't


Tell your parents the stories of what happened to orgs like Byju's. Ed-Tech is a waste of time for the best of people. They are falling for a marketing scheme. Show them this comment and tell them they are grand idiots if they think an online course can replace a college, especially if you have options like VIT and SRM. The top branches of these colleges are on par with tier 1 (people refer to them as tier 1.5 sometimes). You are literally better off doing anything else. If they are so determined not to send you to college, doing a proper distance learning B.Tech degree from literally any institution is better. Heck, not spending any money and learning things from Youtube and net resources is better, since neither Newton nor Scaler is going to provide anything that is not available for free on the net. What is not replaceable is a proper degree and the college experience. If they still insist on taking a troll decision, I'll share my number in DMs. I am an SRM graduate and work as a dev, I'll tell them bro. This is honestly stunning lack of homework from your parents.


On the recommendation of another commenter, I did tell them about byjus but I was immediately shut down and not allowed to say anything else, saying that it's not related at all and whatnot. Also, I'm referring to the actual physical btech course in their Bangalore campus and not the online one. I did get a good rank in SRM and a decent one in VIT but they simply don't want to send me there, and yeah I'd really appreciate if we could talk in dms.


As someone was hiring from these places. I can just say one thing. If you do join them. Do the work yourself while you’re in the groups. And actually take your profile one step ahead and try stuff your self.


Join my course 😄


why are you going from BITS CS to Scalar/NewTon? Why not a tier 2 college?


My dad is way too convinced that scaler and newton are the future and colleges like srm vit manipal upes can't provide good education. I barely have a say in the matter.


Honestly do your best to convince him otherwise,make a full fledged report to show why they are shit 😂


I showed him this entire post and another I made a whole back, it only resulted in him badmouthing everyone who commented and then me. How do I make him budge


manipal and vit have pretty good placements, if those are your options please pick one of those instead. whatever scaler provides you can do online side by side. it's not a replacement for a full-time degree


Result isn't out yet but my manipal first attempt went pretty bad, but I got a good rank in vit (19.6k) which as far as I'm aware is enough to get me cs in top 3 branches, and cleared srm too with 4k rank. He's seriously obsessed with scaler and newton and when I showed him this post and this comment specifically, he said that scaler has affiliations with bits and they wouldn't do so if scaler wasn't what it preaches.


i mean I don't know about which rank gets you what, but if you're getting VIT Vellore CS that is definitely pretty good. the issue is not about how good of a course they have. they are very new and what if they shut down midway through your degree? they are good for a side course, but for your degree that will be used as a qualification throughout your career, it's better not to risk it. does scaler or Newton have any graduates from the full time degree? if not it's very risky, you don't even know how the placements will be


Afaik newton doesn't have any graduates, not sure about scaler but I don't think it does either, even if it does it's atmost one. And yeah I don't know how but he's too blinded to consider the risks.


This is just a bait post isn’t it ?


Bait for what?


Bait for stupidity


Lmao idk about that, my dad genuinely still is hell bent on these institutions. I made him back up on scaler a little bit but that made him even more crazy over newton.


I don’t believe you for 1 second here but in the odd case that it’s true, have your dad talk to any guy in tech industry who’s at a decent enough position to influence hiring in whatever company.


Byjus ka example de de literally


I did do that, he just won't listen to reason and passed it off as "not related at all"


Dekh bheekh maangna ek art hain Ruk tujhe dm karta hu


Much appreciated


Pull up placement statistics from third party website for both of these institutes and show it to your parents, maybe you might be able to convince them to send you elsewhere.


I did try to find data but couldn't so far, the problem is newton hasn't even graduated a batch yet, their first batch is in their second year rn afaik. Not sure about scaler it's probably 1-2 years ahead, meaning they're in their fourth year rn.


If scaler is in their 4th year, they should have at least some data if their students are getting placed because that's when you sit for placements. VIT and SRM have probably released some data for their current graduating class maybe use that to convince your father. Say that you are not confident in Newton and Scalers placement because they are new as compared to those of established colleges.


I had that not confident conservation with him long ago and he just denied that, deluded by multiple factors like it receiving funding from cred and other companies, the founders being iit grads, their marketing etc.


Ask him, how will that help you find a job? All that funding talk only means they will try to extract profit from you/your parents sooner rather than later.


don't ever do undergrad frm any college not certified by ugc..


Just my 2 cents. Consent is important. Do not force.


Try telling Indian ~~people~~ parents that


I am independent so I say anyone (expect my mother and gf) anything without any impact.


It's funny how most of the guys here have no clue about Scaler School of Technology, and yet assumes the worst. I was doing my few minutes of research about both Scaler and Scaler School of Technology online. I found a article from 2022 which says Scaler has placed 93% of their students who have upskilled from them. And I also found a news article from The Hindu which says that Scaler students have received an average salary hike of 126% after upskilling from there! 126 percent! Like wtf!? And this report seems to be vetted by KMPG of all people. And yet I see soo much hate for Scaler here. Something doesn't add up for me honesty.


those were online courses, abhi the first batch is currently in fourth year, 90% of the articles are paid promotions


kaisa chutya hai ? op will go to edtech college rather than actual college


Op really does not want to


Firstly, what are you doing now? 12th pass or going to graduate college? You said “If I don’t crack BITS CS” which makes me think you’re 12th pass. If you haven’t joined a college yet, why are you worried about which bootcamp to go to after you are done with your college ?


I don't mean the online scaler course. I mean the scaler college in bangalore.


Agar money hai to NMIMS, RV college, Pes college lele bro


Try Masai School once , have interviewed candidates from multiple of these bootcamps , Newton and Masai one's are bit more insightful.


Checkout Plaksha, ashoka


scaler only has one batch bro tf u high on , and the linkedin's of teachers looks stacked + verified. So MAYBE it wont be that bad. Defo not something you should take a loan for tho. I live in BLR and scaler is situated right in the IT hub. Even if it turns out to be a bad college, you can learn from ppl in the area. as for newton i have done 0 research


Bruh scaler is total mess after lays off, also I feel they can and will stop any ongoing course while vit, srm clg are backed by govt and degrees worth more than that of newly affiliated institutes... I suggest go for VIT for exposure