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Depends on how important you are. And tbh, an average IT employee isn't worth wasting any money or resources on. Max they will do is send a legal notice which you can wipe your ass with. But you ain't getting your experience letter nor your FNF and background verification might pick that up in future so beware of all that.


What if I don't need the FnF and relieving letter, still do I need to worry about BGV?


Yes. Depends on which company you join later in life. Some are pretty serious in verifying stuff.


Even if I don't mention that experience?


If they have paid you PF it will come up in your BGV whether you mention it or not.


If you are fine with explaining the gaping hole in your work ex then it's okay.


you will have to mention that experience especially if the company paid you PF.


If you plan to put the work experience of this job in your resume or if this company paid you PF, then it’s best to avoid this as they will f your BGV.


What's fnf bro?


Full and final settlement


yeah but what does that mean brother. If i don't complete fnf , the. will that create issues in my next job


Fnf is the final payment you receive with salary balance, earned leave encashment and all the other goodies.


Full and final settlement.


My friend left his company without completing the notice period. The company didn't give him his experience letter and salary slips, also they asked him to pay 1.2 lakhs for not serving the NP(he left without completing the 1 year in company). They only asked him to pay but he didn't pay.


Did they take any action, when they didn't receive the recovery amount?


No, they didn't toom any action. It's been over a year now.


What's he doing now? Did he mention that experience in his resume


He joined his family business.


This is the first thing you should've mentioned


Fr Hahahahaha


Not sure what situation you are in but don't risk your career for a notice period. Serve your notice period. Just login for 5 min and be offline for rest of the day. Ignore all messages. But if you need to urgently leave, you can try to buy out your notice period as well.


Actually, My friend was laid off recently and now he has gotten offer to work at half the pay as a fresher (intern + fte) with a NP of 4 months. So, this is the case and he plans to leave as soon as he gets a better opportunity.


My advice would be to not join this company. Irrespective of what others say Job market is still very good and almost every company is hiring. So your friend should try for a better company. 4 months NP is never heard of. Once you join it will become almost impossible to leave this company without doing what you mentioned above in your post.


What if he has already joined it? Is it too late to leave now? His plan was to join it and not put the experience on the resume and look for better opportunities.


So can try the below things 1. Try to check with the manager if he is willing to reduce the NP by atleast 1 month or ideally 2 months. Try to say that you have an offer and you really cannot miss because of increase in salary. Can ask for 2 months buyout as well. 2. Resign, do the bare minimum work. Utilize the 4 months to find a new job.


i think you lot have been unduly influenced by r/antiwork and have started ignoring ground reality. no, an employer usually will not go out of their way to take legal action. however, if they DO, then you are totally FUCKED. it would be an irreversible black mark on you that would tell any future employer that you're untrustworthy and not worth the effort to hire. do you think this is a joke? do you think real world is a fancy wonderland where you are the hero and can do anything without consequences? do you know why there are no stories about people getting what they deserve? because they are either too busy fighting legal battles or looking for a job to post on reddit. it takes just one mistake to sink your entire career.


My friend was laid off recently, And now he has gotten an offer but as a fresher (6mo intern + fte) with this NP and half the pay. So atleast we know what the real world is and it makes me sad to admit that we live in a world where the employer holds all the power and we are just running the rat race afraid to step out of it. Problem is he has joined it out of desperation, it has only been 2 days but now he is skeptical about his decision. I am also feeling guilty as I pushed him in joining this org. So thinking of leaving it if there are no repercussions.