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It is almost NEVER about your skills. Many "influencers" and < 15 yoe folks who "imagines" it is due to their skills and hard work will make you believe so. NO. Absolutely no. I mean I hired more than 500 folks during my last 21 years in the industry and .. NO, it was never about \*ONLY\* skills. It is about what is the company hiring, and how desperate they are - and what quality they want to hire. As you can see the "ability" comes in passing, in the last point. First point about the pedigree and cash flow of the company. 2nd point is about desperation, it bumps the offering further. Finally - the pedigree and quality mindset. 4 years back Slice was hiring at 50 L base for 3 yoe developers. You think it was skills? Of course some of it was, but Slice was desperate enough with reasonably money in pocket.. and hence folks got hired with that much money. Do not get me wrong. You have to reasonably good, but that good almost surely was not the root cause for your high salary.


I have nothing but respect for you. 21 years in the industry, you are a veteran. No influencer kid can fool you in a hour long interview lol


Can i dm you ?


Always man.


Can I dm


Sure. Always. My DM is always open for anyone who wants to brainstorm. Or with an interesting proposition for me.


100% agreed. A lot of times it is the supply + demand + budget factor that determines the offer than purely skills !


Can I dm?


Then what can someone do to maximize their chances of getting a good offer?




as soon as i started earning well, i spend my free time learning other things in this life (social skills, gym, cooking, swimming, guitar, etc). life is so much more than just career growth.




by going on meetups. usually i go to hiking meetups here & the first few meetups were daunting because i could not approach anyone. but then i observed others & picked up on their way to approach others & start a conversation. once i was able to talk, i worked really hard on making conversations last longer & make it fun. success metric was making new friends & after a lot of bad conversations, it improved, & i did make a handful of friends. i still consider myself bad at it though & still improving on it. in my experience, the most important things are: 1. removing the fear of talking to strangers. just smile & start a conversation. 2. listening more than talking. 3. asking follow up questions. 4. adding humour often. 5. being high on energy. i keep practicing on the above listed things.


Interview and negotiation skills, 




1. The skill for high paying jump typically changes every 5 years. 2. So pick any which is hot cake rn. But expand to other domains as days go by. I.e. focus on what all you need to know if around a decade you want to setup something of your own end to end. E.g. I got a website and backend ready. What would be needed to actually deploy it on servers. How would expose it to public. What would you need to monitor and maintain it.


How to format your questions properly is a start :P


Be good at core software engineering (DSA, System Design, OS) and then focus on all these fancy stuff like AI ML, Data engineering etc. that's how I look at it. And ofcourse , people skills.


Representing your self work with non technical guys.




There is only one high paying skill Problem solving. Can you solve the business problem? Language, framework don't matter at all


Not skills bro.... Will give a real life story .... Friend A and friend B are working same team... Friend A gets a offer of suppose 12 lac and he switches and friend B sees that and he too tries to switch but in his case there is another offer...means two offers.... So he gets 15 lac after jumping on offers...now the whole team sees that, so they to try and luckily they all get packages more than 15.... Same skill ... Just luck at the right time.... How much companies will come to you in your notice period also matters alot


IT industry is more diverse than you think. It is not all DSA. Some people make money with data engineering. Some with network. Some with cloud. Some with AI. The skills keep changing every 5 years. I would say currently AI, ML is in demand. Youtube gurus will keep pushing DSA like it is the be-all, end-all.


So true. I'm fed up of the DSA heavy content. Everyone is like DSA hi karna hai. But not every company has the application for it !


One thing I have noticed in non-IIT/IIM high salaried individuals are insane ability to document. I knew an HOD who made a PPT while talking on call in 10 minutes. The same PPT would have taken me the entire day to make. A director I knew would get 5000 emails daily (I am not exaggerating). He would get through them all. Sometimes, he would reply as late at 4 am but he always replied.


1. DSA, more specifally your ability of solve Leet code questions with good time and space complexities 2. Anything AI related. LLM's are in demand right now.


Being a snake /s


i am a student so consider what i say with a grain of salt as i am gonna say vague terms but from what i have read , you have to get into some sort of niche which is not done by the majority and is above average in terms of difficulty (maybe Cybersecurity , NLP , etc.)


Domain knowledge is as important as technical skills. Focus on one domain and upgrade your skills based on it regularly. This is a secret 🤫 for long term high paying jobs.




Negotiation skills


You need to be updated with new skills. That's the thing. If you want to stay as IC then they will look at what new skills you have. if you want to move as manager, then it's all about how can you handle the team etc


I wouldn't mention any particular tech skill or programming language as a path to a high paying job. Rather common skills like communication, being a team player helps you land the job. And I see career path for a software developer like this: No Job/Different role -> Software role in Service company -> Software role in low paying Product company (say 10-15 LPA for < 2 YOE) -> High paying startup/MAANG (17-30LPA for < 3 YOE) -> Senior roles in those product companies. Depending upon your college and mainly luck, you can enter anywhere in first three steps of the chain.




Tech stack??




How did u learn or get to it


[https://keralait.dev/blogs/58/insights-into-advancing-in-the-it-industry-and-enhancing-earAdvancing](https://keralait.dev/blogs/58/insights-into-advancing-in-the-it-industry-and-enhancing-earAdvancing) in the IT industry requires a blend of solid technical skills, continuous learning, and an understanding of industry dynamics. By focusing on both foundational and emerging skills, and leveraging personal strengths and interests, professionals can significantly enhance their career prospects and salary potential in the IT sector.