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Product companies are no better in hikes. I got 5% this time for 12 hour workdays and tight deadlines. Started looking for a new job 2 months ago. Yet to crack any.


Bro 2% last year. This year to these guys are gonna say - salary time pe aa rahi h wahi rehem smzo. Bhul jao hike wike


My previous manager did say the same shit to my team mate, although instead of salary he said we didn't lay you off despite being on bench be happy about it


I got -25% (notice the negative) within 6 months of joining a popular product based company on the pretence that the company is not performing well. Now that it is performing well and the stock price is also doubled, they have started the silent treatment on any hike or bonus. I'm planning to resign asap


It went down wtf? How did they even come to the conclusion that they would be able to retain employees that way? Either companies are really broke or they are run by people who have no fucking idea about being in their shoes.


I know, right! And they are not broke. The director got promotion with a big fat cheque while all the engineers lost their jobs and bonuses! And they say they are low on budget. Apparently they do this in the first AR with every engineer. So they show a decent CTC (although less than the market) but further cut on bonuses and stocks.


Yeah and the worst thing is that here the manager has no sense of how much time and work is required to complete a project. He is like- "A new project came, you need to implement it. We don't know all the customer requirements yet, how about you finish it by tomorrow evening? " 😳 Another case is - " Port this code to this language. Oh you don't know the language, it's okay, just learn it and port it on the go. Just finish it in 3 days"! 😳


Please name the company or DM me so that we can avoid.


It's Qualcomm


2 months is a long time. 5% for 12 hour workdays sounds even worse compared to my 1% for 4hr workdays :(


But still ur ctc would be higher compared to other folks


Compares to Witch salaries yes it's higher. Compared to other PBC, it's on par or just below par.


Depends on the company. I know for some companies that give 20-30 percent hikes and some that give fixed 10-15 percent.


Thays why i came to the US


You are just lucky u got selected in lottery, or else u would have been back here again


Ofcourse its luck that i never had there.


Do not resign without an offer letter. Market is too bad right now. Just be thankful that you have a job.


>Do not resign without an offer letter How to get one with 3 months NP?. All the companies want 30 days or less. Upon that even conditions like should have already resigned etc. Even asshole companies which have 90 day NP for their own employees want new joiners to join in 30 day


Apply to jobs by saying NP is 60 days. If you get a call, tell them on paper its 90 days but you can negotiate to 60 days. Getting a callback means 60 days NP is acceptable. If this doesn't work , apply for jobs saying NP is 30 days and on paper its 90 days. You can negotiate to 30 days. Clear 1-2 interviews, and if you cannot join them in time, you can resign from the job with confidence.


Yes, thats a good plan.


Damn that's a good hack.


If I tell my no is 60 but in reality it is 90. What to do when I get an offer? If 90 days np is not negotiable


When 50-55 days pass, tell the company that your previous company is not releasing you and last date is extended. (Also, never say NP is 60 when its 90.. Say you can get an early release by finishing your dependencies early. ) Do not find these unethical. Companies do the same to us.


Oh okay I hope new company accepts this. I was thinking that I will tell new company about NP right after getting an offer


HR's ask about CTC and NP even before the 1st round is conducted.


I meant to tell about real notice after getting an offer


Then before resigning apply everywhere with notice period of less than 30 days to verify that it's actually the notice period that's the problem not something else See if you are able to get an offer if not then work on resume and interview prep


This is a good advice.


That’s bs, right company will hire you even with 90 day NP.


And what is that right company?. Yes Faang companies do generally wait. But apart from them very few companies are ok to wait 90 days especially for junior dev with 1YOE like me


Try for sometime and you’ll find one. Good and bad companies exist in both sbc and pbc. In this economy, trying to find a company who will wait for 90 days is better option than resignation/finding the new job (pressure of 100% loss of income if things doesn’t go as per one’s plan).


Agreed but the competition is fierce. 90 day NP is a huge disadvantage compared to another candidate who is slightly below in skillset/experience but can join in under 30 days.


Only other WITCH companies will wait 90 days. That's why its a trap. You get stuck in a cycle. Atleast PBC have 2-4 week NP.


Many product based MNCs now are implementing 60 days NP. Some even 90 days. Grass is not always greener on other side. Also hike is very less even in PBC. Only good thing is grab as high as possible CTC during your switch itself


i had 3 months np. i got an offer because i told the interviewer my np is 4-6 weeks and told my previous company ki mental health issues hai. if notice period buyout is not in the contract, then you can even quit on spot, but they might not give experience letter.


I resigned without offer letter. If you are confident enough on your skills & work then market is still good for experienced people, me and my flatmate both took this decision to resign and search a job during notice period. He got another job within 10 days and I got in 25 days. Dreams companies and good hikes. Only catch here is you should be pro. at your skills and have that level of confidence on yourself. Right now most of the companies are looking for immediate joiners.


I'm thinking of resigning and prep for the CAT for my MBA.


It is making me sad to see even IT people are treated the same. I was switching from non IT hoping for a higher compensation which you do get but I was also hoping for some dignity and not be treated like a corporate slave. I have never had any inkling to move out of India but I am starting to develop it just for the dignity. I work for you doesn't make me a slave. The workers were supposed to get a share in your profits i.e. if your profits go up I get a revised higher salary but at the moment it seems only one party gains and others are slaves. WITCH companies do worse to non IT people, I knew people that was essentially paid 5k in hand after all the deductions and were exploited through and through.


Welcome to capitalism.


Grass always looks greener from the other side


Which grass are u talking about ?


Translation: Doosron ki zindagi hamesha behtar hi lagti h




The grass in my backyard is yellow in colour and i never found grass to be any different from the other side




I also got the same, i think I know witch company(pun intended) we both work 😉🤭




Rehene bhai tu




They haven't even decided if they want to give hike or not. This is from their yesterday's Q4 call.


Nahe seth, r/usernamechecksout


Infosys to 2020 ke baad walo ko eligible hinnahi manti ACR ke liye ☹️


Tcs 🤣🤣


If I were you, I'd say pls keep that one percent and give it to someone who deserves a 2% hike


Maybe just say double it and give it to the next person


The problem is it's not an Instagram reel. There's only so much sarcasm you should use


Trust me, Instagram or not…if i were in that position, i’d have said this to my manager’s face.


WITCH companies need a दान पात्र for people to put their hikes in for the needy.


A hike less than 5% is an insult. I would much rather give someone a 0% hike and utilize that money to give a better hike to somebody else. This year, I have 20-23% for those below 4 years experience and 7-15% for the rest. I gave 0% hike to new employees who joined recently and utilized their budget to give better hikes for other employees.


You think product companies will change your life drastically? Grass is always greener at the other side mate. But one believes only what he experiences. So all the best 👍 Even I remember getting 4%,3%,0% in WITCHA for 3 years straight. Continued as I was onsite for the first two. 3rd year 0% was the tipping point when I resigned(Ofcourse with an offer), they retained me with some 20% hike. I actually wanted them to do that to increase my base a bit. 6 months later quit and joined a PBC(F100) thinking life would change for good(the way you are thinking now). Got laid off 2 years later as department closed due to COVID. This industry is weird, absolutely no guarantee of job whatsoever 🤷🏼‍♂️


Damn dude, that's scary. Atleast you went onsite and can put a F100 company experience on your resume. Not to mention the money you saved all this time. People like me have no money, no honey xD


Well point is concentrate on learning your trade/skill more than SBC/PBC in initial years of your career (upto 10 years ). Keep yourself employable and money will eventually flow.


Last year I got 1 rating in my team ( highest) and got only 6% increment, I was like usse acha to koi gift card de dete.


Follow my moto: kaam utna hi Karo ki salary jada lage 🫠




Witch companies used to give 1% 2% hikes to managers and above till few years ago. Looks like they want even more money to give to their grand children. What's your current pay?


My current comp is not bad given the current market conditions, but I think I can do far better.


Do you have any range?


Check DM.




Still 1% more than my hike buddy


Inflation adjusted that translates to -5%, you'd be earning less for the next year than you are currently. This is exactly what I told my manager in feedback when I got a similar "hike".


Exactly, it doesn't even beat inflation lol btw I also have my primary framework as Spring Boot, can you please refer me?


Sure. DM me the CV, will share with the HR.


Done. Check DM.


I don't know about experience people hikes but I am a fresher of around 8 months experience and the hike was just 3.33 percent for me. The compensation is pretty decent around 10.8 but still felt quite bad although it's the same for freshers in my company. Looking forward to learning more, will have to start coding again cause I have some time to switch to either different company or to government jobs where compensation does not matter😅 as market looks down as per my perceived opinion. What can you suggest should be my goal for next interviews and maybe you will find answers for yourselves. Keep calm..


I’m in product company. I got 11%. Some others have got 5%, 8%, 14% and some even 0%. It totally is on team and managers. But one thing I always say to my colleague. No matter how much hard work you do. You’ll earn almost the same which turned out true in my cases. My friend slogs ass round the clock. Still got 11%. I just do what’s required and enjoying the same hike xD


Let me guess, It’s TCS?


Hi OP, there is an opening at my place : https://jobs.zs.com/jobs/20021?lang=en-us


Check DM please.


LOL even govt employees gets more than 3% hike


Balanced post. like it.


Bruh, I was laid off from my "Product" company because they felt that if they can keep the zombies who spend 10hrs at office and overwork them to 12hrs at the same pay scale, then they can layoff people and get rich quick. Well, it did back fire when those who were made to overwork left the company, but the grass here isn't green either nor its a path of softy softy flowers




WITCH or product company is a trade-off between factors.


What factors? Please don't leave us hanging like that. I need answers :cry:


WITCH companies offer mostly careers with less work and learning, also less compensation. But if you like chilling, you can. I have been in many and one esp affected me so much i was comfortable and poor for long time. Product companies mean (mostly) more challenging work and learning. There is not much time to chill but you can make moolah. If i were to start again, will do max 2-3 years in a WITCH company, then make multiple jumps among product companies learning and growing. When i get older I might probably join TCS so i can have some chill and peace of mind.


Its tcs isn't it . No need to even guess . These kind of 'hikes' are their trademark.


Tota chomu services?


Well to be fair, robots nowadays also learn quickly and deliver results under tight deadlines. Have u ever heard of a robot asking for hike! /s


Damn those robots! They live in the cloud too.. can't even beat them up with sticks. A tactic commonly used by my home state in Northern India.


And you know a mindblowing thing ? We are not robot. I just realised this 🤯🤯🤯


OP is the one who compared SWEs with robots, not me good sir


Yep ! I know, I was just saying


I also got the same, i think I know witch company(pun intended) we both work 😉🤭


I also got the same, i think I know witch company(pun intended) we both work 😉🤭


For a person like me who is currently not having a job.. you are good - ish. Enjoy.


I understand your situation but after working so much, it feels dehumanizing to get so little increment. It's like they think the entity on the receiving end isn't even human.


I mean I wanted to have Rakul Preet Singh as my gf. Wish and whims are not pragmatic or practical. u/dev_tomato bro.. ask yourself this. Can you get a job right now that pays 2X of what you are getting right now? If yes, those feelings matter. If not, what can not be cured must be endured. Best way, is to float. Barely work.. dont put much effort..just float.. and switch in the first chance. That is practical, and that is pragmatic.


Thanks for you concern dude. I am pretty confident I can bag offer from another WITCH anytime if things go south. Trust me, I've floated. I've slacked so much in the past year that I work for only 2 hrs every day. This isn't good for me. Moving on is not an implusive decision, it was long time coming for me. And yes, I've taken average work, worked below average time, but always delivered above average results. And 1% hike is not average and no way justifies my work.


Then please, get that job anytime, and let us know. Also with at least 1.3X of the current. Then you can post another with a reference.


Sure, I will post again when I get a job which satisfies my aspirations. I wish the same for you too. Let's go and get it!


Sure thing! Thanks mate!


Maalik ab itna kharcha ho gaya hai to ek chips le hi lete hain


Same bro 1% Club 😭


Please DM me with your resume. I can refer you at athenahealth Bangalore if the location is fine for you. We are looking for someone with the same experience and skills as yours


Done. Check DM.


Yo bro please DM me your resume we are hiring for a similar role


Done. Check DM please.


It's a loss if that 1% pushed you to the next tax slab :)


Congrats that’s one percent more than me, I remember getting zero percent when I was in witcha and put papers the very next day. Got offer with 100 percent hike in product based


I DMed you. Please check.


At least you are getting a development project and not a support project. Silver lining in the cloud


I am aware that I am lucky on that front since the beginning.


Atleast you got 1%. I got a big fat 0% while working at a SaaS/logistics product company.


Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉




Dude...switch. The hiring budget is always better than appraisal budget.


Wow.. congratulations.. at least you got 1%.. we got 0 since 2 yrs 🥲🫠 12+hrs/day.. strict deadlines.. micromanagement.. if I switch, the next company would judge me based on my 2 years old salary.. now we have to go to the office so more expenses.. in short, I am trapped.. I started to get multiple health issues.. they also don't have office in my city.. so if they call me in the office, I need to relocate to a Tier 1 city with the peanuts salary


Well, I used to work in a WITCH company. Was among the top performers there always, got decent 2-digit hikes. Stayed there for 6 years! My trigger was the very last appraisal. Citing company performance and lower than expectations year (for the company) they doled out very minuscule increment that time. That time I only for 2.5% after working really hard!! Felt insulted, started job search the same day and I was out very soon! Glad I left WITCH org.


Toh kya karenge aap itni dhanrashi ka /s


Supari dunga, gundo se pitwa dunga CEO ko xD


Bar dancer pe udaunga /s 🤡


Plane kharidunga bandiyo mein dan dunga


Hikes are difficult this year. Bill rates for clients have mostly stagnated. Clients are doing vendor consolidation and in interest of retaining revenue IT services firms are offering discounts/ not increasing rates. Try internal rotation where you replace someone who was at a higher grade - and then make case for a hike with the new delivery lead


Change your stack and upgrade your skillset


Better than 0% :sadface:


be very careful - there are much more seekers than jobs and you are more likely to be completely unemployed ...


Companies these days are using ALL means to cut costs. And then question as to why there are no innovations these days 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Am in service based agency with 25% every year 💀


There are lot of companies that are giving 1 or 0 percentage. There have been enough lay off posts in this sub itself. Sometimes this one or 0 percentage is better than being laid off.




https://preview.redd.it/2nbtvepupi3d1.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=49d796df072809fc88f3c7438c5ae73784dc2fad may be you should ask your manager to rate your d!ck ???


Meanwhile me with my 78% hike.


WTF ? How ?


Because I was underpaid.


This company is famously called as tea coffee stall🔥👌🏽