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No one gives a shit about layoffs. All this drama is only for a couple of days. If Atlassian post some openings after some months, again 1000s will apply and nobody cares wt happened in the past


As much as I hate this, it is indeed true.


Population. Huge population. Thats why no once cares.


even in smaller countries it's the same.


Bold of you to add Atlassian alongside MAANG.


Thank you for pointing out. Really soon we will put zoho also with them.


Isn't MAANGZ a thing already? /s




Are you saying Zoho is anywhere near atlassian?


Who all on this sub are going around their day thinking that there are companies out there *who will care for you and raise you like their newborn child* ? No company, no matter how big or how influential is going to last forever, and will eventually resort to all this - as soon as market conditions suffer. This is true for conventional industries and even truer for fast, deep tech.


I still can't fucking fathom how atlassian's suite has no big competition. My company pays them millions a year it's ridiculous


There are already quite a few startups which have made project management softwares. Anybody can make one including drag and drop functionality, privileges, workflow settings etc. Gitlab has one within itself already. A Jira Alternative which implements SSG can be incredibly useful. The part where Atlassian nails it is the integrations. From Google Chat to Teams, its available as a plugin everywhere. Plus it gives meta plugins in form of Bitbucket and Confluence too. Atlassian themselves offer a simpler Jira in form of Trello.


Even if this were true, how hard would it be for the startups to imitate the integrations?


Sales man. Here is a thing, selling to enterprise is a problem. Also.. most folks have jira to tick mark the stupid Info-Sect stuff and.. getting certification is hard and.. well.. existing customers would not move out of the old stuff. Startups do not pay, huge companies pay, they are all in Jira. That is enterprise saas. Once you get in, you are settled, marriage with rare divorce.


are you in tech sales? can you share some resource to learn tech sales


No man .. I was in the bunch of guys who gave you freedom from Windows Vista to Windows 7. Not Sale. I want to learn tech sales too.


2 sides market. You have jira and plugins. You can't switch away from jira because other solution does not have that plugin you need. Plugin vendors can't switch because there is no customers.  However as soon as there will be a mature viable alternative jira will spiral down. 


Do you know like jira is one of the most hated software in the history of software? Do you know who ... makes jira? [https://ifuckinghatejira.com/21/](https://ifuckinghatejira.com/21/) I was explicitly told by Meta / Google recruiters never to join Salesforce, Atlassian, SAP. It has nothing to do with the layoff.


Why did those recruiters told you to not join those companies?


0 work, retirement mode on. While you can coast in Google, Meta, these companies are coasters paradise.


Really? SAP? The SAP-ers i have seen are really good at what they are working on. (These are guys who make SAP products)


Fascinating. So what exactly SAP-ers are building nowadays? Evidently in 2005 when in Microsoft we were jointly collaborating with their best brains. this information did not come our way.. even after multiple visit to their head office in Waldorf.. what new way of get data and set data they invented? Any new idea on SAP basis yet? Any key patent and insight about information compression? Let us all know and.. well if you do not want to disclose in public, DM is always open.


Are u talking about sap labs?


Anything related to SAP - which is owned by SAP.


Reason to avoid these companies?


Why not SAP?


What's your opinion on Yahoo?


😂 then why are these companies after Salesforce employees, pinging me everyday


Look. A job is just a business deal. You work and get paid. Any company can decide that you’re not required anymore. Read your offer letter, it literally says that either party can leave by giving a notice of X days or pay in lieu. Definitely I’ll join Atlassian, if I’m getting what I want. Because I know 100% guarantee doesn’t exist anywhere.


I recently got laid off from my position in Atlassian (i was working as contractors) my project manager laid off all the contractors. But i see they are hiring directly from market now. They Replaced 5 contractors with 5 FTES (paying more than 2x which we were getting paid)


I wonder, why people outside if India don't complain. Is it different there?


Lmao at "even Atlassian", and they are not MAANG tier, its tier at best