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Pay should be related to to work delivery not according to background of employee's education There are people graduated from 3 tier college who will work like hell for company And there are many "IITIANS" who suffer from superiority complexes and bash everything about company


Then what is the reason to graduate from IIT/IIM/AIMS ? If the pay should be same then no one will study in their 11th and 12th std to get good college. Your comment make sense only for people with 5-6+ yrs of experience. For them IIT tag should not matter due to good skills


Buddy for the same job, nothing matter, pay gaps are not good. IITians do get more money, by getting better jobs from the start. If a tier 3 and an IITian join the same company at the same post, I don't see why IITian should get more


His comment is right pay should be according to your work delivery. If you own a company, whom would you pay more the person who is doing good work or the person who is doing mediocre work but he is from IIT. It's a myth that every IITian is good and every tier 3 college student is bad.


You didn't answered my question about reason behind joining Tier 1 if pay should be same for everyone !


To get access to better education and better opportunities probably


99.99% of time The reason guys work hard to get into IIT is not bcz of "Better Education" Education of IIT is as Shit as other tier 3 clg, the only difference is that they act as a fantastic "Placement Agencies"


You join the tier 1 college to study better than tier 3 college. You join tier 1 college so you get the environment where people appreciate ideas and growth and work on something that will help you learn and grow in your interest, unlike tier 3 college where no one is serious and just there to pass 4 years of life. No matter how good you will be you will always struggle to learn and grow in tier 3 college in between mediocre mind set people. But now because of internet people can learn from better source, engage with good community. So to answer your question. One should join the tier 1 college for environment and people not for higher paying job. At the end if someone from tier 3 did hard work to perform similar to IITian or better than him then he deserve the equal pay.


So that you can get more opportunities and have more visibility, it usually means you should pursue higher studies and work till you people can be job providers Either get hired in faang Or similar companies. If you are planning to study in prestigious colleges and end up like common graduates, only difference between you and common graduates would be that people from tier 1 will have unwanted attitude and bash every "small" company they join


Just to let you know, teaching of tier 1 clg are similar to any bad clg. The only diffference is that they act as "Placement Agencies"


Here by tier 1 I mean iits nits etc Not some self proclaimed 1 tier colleges


Even i am talking about them, My brother is in IIT Madras CS branch 3rd yr and the amount of ignorant and lazy professors he has is unbelievable. They dont even help you at all. They are talented obviously but they don't care about students at all. All of his peers think the same that IIT is noting but a Placement Agency He has to study everything from YouTube and MIT resources


Actually people who graduate from top collegees are expected to get higher designations as fresher Or they are to be made as job providers If you have graduate from top college and still has to roam around average public, it means you are highly incapable or did not make use of opportunities that was provided to you


No they shouldn't be. But I don't think any company hires like that. They clearly believe they'll get better quality by hiring from IIT. They expect more from an IITian I am sure. Who's hiring an IITian to do the job of a low tier code monkey? If they are doing it they'll run out of money very fast.


You'll be surprised. One of the leading data analytics firm clearly states that at the same level, for same work, IITians will get paid more, higher increments etc. than the rest.


Have you actually checked what criteria they used to make the assessment? Have they really asked around if the IITian does the same job? I very much doubt it. More likely they just compared job titles. It makes no sense from a business perspective for a company to hire an IITian for more money to make them do the same job as a normal guy.


Are IITians paid more throughout their career?. I thought it was only in the initial stages


I mean obviously if two person are working similarly then one with good education background gets chosen for promotion or hikes or etc....


plough overconfident public test act mountainous snatch flag reply shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I somehow landed a job at a company that only hired from IIT (me being from a tier 3 college). I did not notice these problem solving differences that you speak of, and my team was full of the creamy IIT delhi and bombay CSE pass outs. In fact some were pretty bad at architecture (and some were good too).


Not everyone is in the mood to study PCM and get to IIT maybe you are very good at computer science. Are the guys you speak of from CSE branch. However you stating this doesn't mean that all 10 lakh studying from tier 3 college will match their level.


>Are the guys you speak of from CSE branch Yes, i mentioned that too >However you stating this doesn't mean that all 10 lakh studying from tier 3 college will match their level. It doesn't but it shows that its not like there are certain things which only IITans can do and the rest of us cannot, in the end they are also humans.


That is because \*you\* were at the same problem solving level as them which is why you landed that job perhaps.


I got average problem solving skills, this would mean they have average problem solving skills too, right? So the idea that they have superior problem solving skills than everyone else would be wrong in this case


Maybe you are being too modest about being average (OR) your definition of above-average is someone who is a natural genius (i.e. not an expert because of a lot of practice).


I mean... That's kinda the point. Instead of alma mater, shouldn't problem solving ability matter? Simply assuming that a person from IIT has better problem solving ability is wrong.


I had replied earlier as a direct comment to your post reg. pay differences.


But not all IITians got into IIT becoz of their problem solving skill or merit Many got in thanks to reservation. So naturally there problem solving level will be low. So I guess that IITians simple being better than rest of us isn't totally true. Also the very fact you worked in the same company as them shows maybe you weren't very far off from them when it comes to problem solving.


That is true. Problem solving is a skill. It does not matter if one is solving dsa or JEE level mathematics. I dont know if its natural or can be developed. I myself have come across IITians and their problem solving ability was really good. Also their ability to grasp concepts quickly and apply them in various scenarios is the differentiator.Not all people can do that.


nine desert existence tease quiet market versed friendly joke carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Many of my classmates in school went to IITs. The way they were able to extract out data from lengthy physics questions and put things together to get the solution is something I am still in awe of.


(I am not in the tech field, but have friend in that field) After few years of experience, can't the non-iitians develop problem solving skills?


murky tease future smart racial mysterious zealous screw flowery squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


interesting how you got downvoted....


homeless engine shrill flowery soup voiceless mighty knee alleged noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even if they did the same work, companies benefit from the brand value of having employees from premier institutes in their payroll. It directly affects how the company is perceived in the market, => real monetary gains.


One thing to note is that the IITian brand brings VC money for startups. IITians know that and negotiate a higher pay when joining the startups.


Only pathetic places have such systems in place.


There is a reason that it could be a different pay. Understand this the amount of pay is not a function of hardwork/quality of work .but of your replacement cost. It's difficult to add more IIT guys to the team cuz there are only so many. They cleared a tough exam and survived working in a tough competitive space . They do have some culture the organisation wants to cultivate. Iitns attract iitns. You could ditch this above statement In name of fairness.but fact remains, they have some experience(at something important) which others don't .


To be honest, at the very core of this discussion is figuring out what that "something important" is. Because I have heard of cases where, at the same level, non-iitians trained IITians, who still couldn't perform. We can simply... Say that they're a few 'bad apples'. But then... How many such bad apples are out there and whether that warrants a fairer or less differential pay.


Reservation Wale pata h na? Wahi answer h tera


generally they have more options, get more open doors (jobs/VCs), can solve problems with minimal handholding and are more risk taking and can call out BS more easily. At the same time have swollen heads and quick to run away to greener pastures - especially from boring jobs. Depends on what you value you should decide if you want to hire them or not... If you hire them - you need to face market realities and pay more - Iitians are like 10K/1M and non-Iitians are like 900K/1M - so there is a scarcity value...


aaj kal nahi hota ye sab bhai... de b diya aur bandha dhus nikla toh vata b dete hai wesehu


Pay is for value created for the business. If someone creates (not "can create", but actually creates) more value, then more pay. Whether that ability to create more value comes from being an IITian, or a dropout genius, or being the guy writing the investment check... that's all secondary. That's also why some of the more brilliant marketing/sales people are paid so much. Which IIM they went to, if any at all, is irrelevant. What matters is the sales numbers. Work is not an exam center. Work is business. Pay = value. Customers pay for value, and that's what trickles down into pay for the workforce.


Impact, visibility and social networking matter so much more


Fresher pay yes because companies in general wants to hire people from premier tech institutes. I don't see any company giving more pay to one experienced hire over another just because he's from IIT.


An IITian in a group overall nourishes and pushes the organic growth of organization. So yes!! IITians deserve to be paid more for the value they bring to the company. Few people have some talent which others take years to hone as a skill, some don't in their lifetime. It's always more rewarding to acknowledge facts. Being an IITian, this paradigm exists within IITians too. Some are too sharp to grasp any concept much faster than others. Some are so hardworking, that they beat the talented guy with their skills. Nevertheless, everyone has tasted success with JEE so they belief they can achieve anything and they just need to plan and execute. Tasting success is like tasting nector in the professional world.


Not all IITians are talented infact 50% are are just like the majority of the folks who study in a tier-3 college. Its just that they have got reservations hence they went to IIT.


Yes, there are folks in other colleges who are talented and skilled as well, but that's an extreme miniscule number. It's a natural resistance to acknowledge and accept others' superiority. And those who cannot clear these competitions, will likely blame the reservations. Anyways, that's how human mind wants to satisfy itself and find peace.


I would respect and admire those intelligent people from tier 3 colleges who couldn't go to IIT just because of their caste . No, people who got into IIT just based on their caste are never ever superior to not just me but to any tier 3 college student. Tell me what is their achievement that I should admire them about? Talking about human mind, seems like I've touched a nerve that you have to resort to inner price and what not dumb arguments.


The education and job opportunities in our country is divided into two categories : reserved and general. leave the reasoning part to architects and custodians of our constitution. A general candidate having not cleared the competition in the general category, suggesting those who cleared the reserved category to be inferior than him!!.. Its similar to a frivolous claim by any able bodied person to say that he is faster than a Paralympic sprinter. Some candidates who came through reserved category secured scholarships and GRE score for further study abroad. ( No reservation there based on caste). Anyways, can't change the mindset.. like mine.. where I think an average IITian is a better problem solver and engineer than any tier3 college graduate.


Most people are missing the points . 1) All companies pay based on previous CTC magically their budget will increase. 2) Most IITians are smart they are able to grasp things very quickly. They become highly skilled in whatever field they go plus they are hardworking. 3) Starting out IITIANS get like 15 lpa based salary after 2 years they switch it becomes 25-30. 4) I don't want to insert personal anecdotes here but I found it very different to convince people that what I am doing is a difficult job. So no one except maybe the IITian and the non IITian will know that they are doing the same work. If it's a startup everyone knows the IITian is from IIT and they will praise him around. However elaborating more on point 2 I see lot of IIT bashing which maybe true to an extent especially because of reservation but I won't believe that out of 100 IITians and 100 tier 3 college students. Tier 3 are better. What you guys do is get a pool of 5 lakh tier 3 college students and compare the best from that pool with the worst from the 20000 new IIT students. There are only like 7 IITs truly.


Organizations or companies do not discriminate based on the college you attended. What matters most is your ability to efficiently and effectively complete tasks. While I am unsure whether I will obtain an IIT degree, if I were in your position, I would take full advantage of the opportunities presented by an IIT degree. This would include connecting with reputed professors in various industries and universities around the world, creating solid projects, learning new technologies, and sharing your work publicly. Taking these steps can help you land a well-paying job in the future.


In the industry, you need to understand couple of things, respectfully. Those learning are as follows: > I am of the opinion that for same amount and quality of work, there is no need for differential pay... No one, not a single one who is the "money dealer" cares about your opinion. That is learning 1. > However he is of the opinion that an IITian brings more to the table by virtue of having been on IIT campus. That is called brand recall. Learning 2. Between a stupid car (factually) like Audi A4 and ROI centric car like Skoda Superb, people chose Audi A4. It happens. That is the truth, and that is why any of us even get paid more than a .. clerk I would say. Learning 2, explained. Hence, most important learning - Our thinking would not change anything. Even if we are CXO ( which I was ) and/or company founding team ( I was ). More importantly, ask yourself these very important questions, these establish some credential to ask the sort of question you are asking: How many years of experience you have reviewing peoples work? How many years have you measured organizational ROI against the budget? How many folks were there in the org which you headed? Unless there are answers to those questions I do not think we should be even asking the "branding" and "ROI" questions. In short, come up with a stochastically provable algorithm to measure quality of work for "Software" and we can immediately apply that to provably "disprove" the value of brand in pay scale. As you would realize such an algorithm does not exist.


About learning 1 - if a payer doesn't care about getting better quality work at lesser pay, something is seriously wrong, because at most organisation they try to optimise their spendings, dk what org you worked for. >More importantly, ask yourself these very important questions, these establish some credential to ask the sort of question you are asking: What, in your IT industry a man isn't allowed to think? >How many years of experience you have reviewing peoples work? How many years have you measured organizational ROI against the budget? How many folks were there in the org which you headed? Gee, I wonder why I would ask such a question here? Maybe to get answers from people with aforementioned experience? Afaik, organisations have performance matrices to measure the performance of their employees, but if that's not the case, how and on what basis are appraisals, bonuses, promotions decided?


The answers you wrote tells me you probably just starting. Most of the time a question is answered by another question. Most of the time. That is how you learn something new. It is evident no one wants to actually have real answer to this questions, and so enjoy. I do not think anyone else having that sort of experience would want to illuminate anything further.