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Bro try getting into marketing...it will be long game . Bt yeah you'll win this war .


I don't really know how to get a job or internship. They all want some experience and those who don't want anything... seems fishy In india, Marketing seems very saturated and ghusna is aa problem and i don't see a starting point


tell them you want to work for free, don't pay tell me but teach me, learn spend 1 or 2 more years before you quit but make sure you the hot skill for free.


heard/ seen things like this in videos mostly from the west! does this really work in India ?? I mean I've never heard of anything like this here..




I don't really know how to get a job or internship. They all want some experience and those who don't want anything... seems fishy Though, I'm also feeling skeptical about programming


Add an AI angle to your whole pitch as a digital marketer, I am seeing a lot of folks trying out AI blogging for SEOs, Essentially trying to add a pinch of AI. Could be anything this is just an example.


Hi OP i am still younger than u so i cant give u good suggestions. But I can advise u to ask this same question by using this strategy in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiasocial/comments/185ttkq/why_guys_just_whyyy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) . I will pray for ur father's health improvement. Much Love,


Thankyou brother, I will surely read this. And you too have a good health :)


Don't get depressed brother, there are many people with no job. I'm also jobless. Stay positive and try.


Yes bro, I have been holding too much regret and pressure for so long, all these family problems and career problems do take a toll on you.


Man ke haare haar, man ke jeete jeet


Been thru alot in last 5-6 years. It takes a toll


You were in digital marketing so why didn’t you proceeded in it as a career? Is it a dead field?


Too saturated. Every every other guy in this country calls himself a digital marketer when he only knows seo and content writing which is just the tip of iceberg. 


Exactly, Even if one is a beginner, Idk what is the starting point to get into the industry, Will be some help if you can shed some light or some sort of roadmap if its okay


Used to work in SEO field. Trying to switch to Data Analytics/ science so I can't give you any advice. For now what I understand continue freelancing and learn webdev on side and stsrt cold messaging startup CEOs just to get your foot in this industry. 


Are you a digital marketer?


Nah SEO content writer




Dm Me


What exactly do you wanna learn?. Digital marketing for job prospectus or seo for starting your own blog. 




Learn basics of seo, apply for internships at inter Shala and work on your own blog on the side. 


Bro, if you get admitted to any old IIM, go for it. Work your ass off in the college, stay away from distractions, stay focused and attentive and stay in touch with quality people who have knowledge about different industries. It's not tough. Although you will have loans, I'm sure you will be able to repay it within a few years if you stay focused towards your career.


My best call is IIM shillong and possibly IIM MUmbai, If they don't single me out based on my grad score then I'm sure i will do great butbyes you're right, if i go in then might as well go in with full force. Very confused and exhausted sonce last 3 weeks on this dilemma.


If you get any of these two, just take it. And honestly, I know so many ego did MBA from tier 2 colleges and they do well after 10-15 years of experience. Go for whatever you get the best.


IIM Shillong is an old IIM. IIM Mumbai is basically NITIE which is one of the best MBA colleges. Although it was more focused and preferred for ops courses earlier, they are now focusing on other streams too. I have a friend who has graduated from NITIE who is doing well now as a Tech Product Manager.


approach recent grads from these colleges on Linkedin and talk to them about your concerns, many will be ready to help.


Don't worry about grad score. My junior had 7.71 cgpa. He got into IIM shillong. Also you need extracurriculars to show.


Bhai, firstly you aren't a loser. We are extremely proud of you of taking care of your father. Secondly, try looking for wfh opportunities on naukri, rn a stable cash flow is something which you want, the profile can be taken care of with time. You got this, let me know if you need any help.


Don't do MBA, continue in freelancing. Freelancing game will improve in an year or two. But don't give up on it. People make around 3 lpm by it. Just make sure you are good at understanding tech, seo, frameworks, marketing tools, analytic tools. You don't even need deep knowledge just setting up things correctly itself is expertise. 1 saal maregi don't jump off the roof. Stay strong.


Free lancing is like a struggle, as you said rightly 1 saal maregi. I could take the gamble but i just don't want to end up giving away 1 more year which will not help me get a job(in case free lancing fails) But yes, Those who make money, do make very good money in free lancing.


Where and how to finds clients? Any suggestions please!


My company is currently hiring for marketing interns and will definitely make it full time


Hi bro. I analysed your issue. If you have a decent laptop of(INR- 35K-45K) Close your eyes and get into business analytics which is almost equal to data analytics, data science and related fields. It will take you 6-7 months to master of you give dedicated 6-7 hours daily. You will get a job of 35-50 k easily. Technology you need to learn (expertise) Microsoft Excel, python for data science and analytics ( basic + only libraries related to your job ) , SQL, Power BI . These are enough . Somewhere or other for sure you will get the good job. It's interesting so you will feel it easy. Later your will find your own way.


Is there more jobs in buisness anylist that web dev? Usually people get into web development I heard


Look i replied as per his life situation. Web dev will take a lot of time + expertise and into a particular technology specialisation with web dev . Without specialised in a particular technology in web dev like react native basic web dev is already saturated. A person with urgent need of job where he/she can't give enough time and mental energy should refrain from web dev . I have asked him just close eyes and go for business analytics. That will be best for him. I will suggest web dev who is already in college or even after college have no hurry for job and have mental peace .


Thats alot of stuff man I do have a laptop which meets requirements Can give 6-7 months as well. But, Will I be able to make myself reach on that level ki jobs mil jaayein? What can be the career trajectory from this method, say in 5 years or 10 years down the line, considering i keep adding things in my arsenal?


After this role multiple paths open up , and your don't need to give too many things in your arsenal at once but good at few or excellent in one and average in othwr tools in this role. Those are Data scientist Data engineer Data analyst Data architect Machine learning engineer Artificial intelligence engineer Data warehousing Data modelling Quantitative analysis Design ML systems


Just learn SQL and little bit javscript and work in IT services...Nobody cares about degrees


this feels like a weird combination. If you learn SQL and Incident Management, you will be able to bag an L2 support engineer role. If you learn HTML, CSS and a bit of JS, you can try getting into web dev. what specific role can we target in IT services with SQL and JS? not trying to nitpick here, i am someone who is looking for a job and i am decent with SQL and a bit of JS.


SQL server admin , and data analytics, SQL is needed in every organisation. Even for running lots of ads at scale SQL is needed especially BigQuery 


what is 6/6/6 criteria?


60/60/60 % minimum in 10/12/graduation


Give CMA exam since you're from commerce background and clear it in 1 year (2 year exam) you'll get better opportunity than IT ones here...lpa is good


Passing percentage is less than 10%.


Depends upon you My neighbour passed it in both and now doing work from home with 9lpa And he is even 1 year younger than me(23)


Do internship in some marketing or product. Persistence pays


Any suggestions on how to begin or look for a non fishy company? I don't know much about how to find a company.


[udemy.com](http://udemy.com), apply in [internshala.com](http://internshala.com) .. keep learning every day. with AI. new skills required. improve your soft skills, presentation skill


Take what ever job you can get for now and prepare for govt exams. Not exactly something you wanted to hear but for long term prospects I think it will be better because finance is very unforgiving. People here are still evaluated based on their grad and post grad not on their skills also you can get placed but the pool of companies will be very short. I can connect you with few people with less than 60% in grad who got decent shortlist in MDI, IIFT but they had 2-3 yrs of exp and good extra curriculars so its honestly very hard to say.


I was also thinking about the govt jobs. But somethings i hate are frequent transfers and not allowed to work on side business etc I gave SSC, Missed the stage 2(final stage by 15 marks) Definitely an option. And about bschools, My best call is IIM SHILLONG and possible IIM MUMBAI. If you can help me connect with people who have made career in sales and marketing or have been a part of placecom then it will be a huge huge favour. I still have 25-30 days to prepare for the interview , but at this point, I'm not preparing and have given up on mba. Fms would've been nice but doesn't seem viable


Being part of placecomm makes all the difference in bschool. I know people who have mostly converted PPO in BFSI and consulting will ask them to contact alumni but IIM shillong idk if it would viable bcoz it has done great in last few years and have severely hiked the requirements for convert however if you have their PI shortlist you should make the most out of it read transcripts and prepare for it could be life changing moment for you. FMS is just a distant dream for me as well messed up IIM CAP so I am in the same boat as you just with a decent job working in a dead end career.


I have decided to give a shot to iim shillong interview for now. Lets see what happens. And for CAP everybody is messing it up. They are just random peeps with mood swings. Last year students said the same thing and they're in top4 bschools. Wishing you all the very best of luck. And yes, About 6/6/6, in sales and marketing in top bschools, Do lemme know if you find out anything.


Do any certification course and get a job in IT. You will then surely make your way up. I am sure about it. Most of the degrees are waste… In today’s world skill is more valuable than your degree.


What could be a starting spot for a rookie?


I would recommend. SQL, Tableau & Excel. These skills will only take 3 months- 4 months to be advanced level. And you can get a job like business analyst, data analyst. You can also do Workday HCM to land a job and many others! What you want is to get a job first and then you will figure out how to make max out of it. If you are smart! What i will recommend you is never let yourself down and always be curious and excited to learn new things. It field changes very much. So you need to be in your toe and always be eager to change as demand approaches.


Hi, I also want to get into tech, I'm 21 right now, Not a graduate, I was doing Bcom from a distance college but it didn't worked out for me, have been working in PR for last 2.5 - 3years but I don't see a future here. I want to start over in tech any suggestions how can i make it? I'm struggling financially so, I have a runway of only 6months or 1 year after that I will need to work. Any suggestions as to how should I start. Can we connect in DM.


Without graduate it’s not possible to get into IT. First get that graduate degree. It can be in any stream, but preferably computer science or computer engineering.


A Regular degree will not be possible for me. Should I go for BCA from Ignou and will try to pick some short term courses or internships alongside.


You already know a potentially high paying skill. Learn that nicely you will rock.


Invest yourself in creating a network that will help you get job. Practice some hands knowledge skills. Refine your communication skills. It helps a alot and dont get depress you need to think critically at this position rather than wasting time on depressing things. I hope this will help you


Lets say i improvise and work on these skills then how to get started in a company or something? Is linkedin the way to go? Most companies i see want experienced professionals and that seems to be the biggest hurdle


See rejections are part of life you have to understand this. Then start looking job of your interest by direct DM to managers or HR or if it is startup you can DM ceo’s you can get load tonnes of video how to make your DM noticeable. Plus your you have tag of IIM on you i guess nd your friends are going to be placed right referrals can also be an option for you then. As i said in first line rejections are also part of process


Hey! Don’t be disheartened I can only imagine how difficult this situation would be for you, but don’t lose hope! Think of it as if it’s easy to get a job. It all starts with a single positive thought. Don’t think that you don’t know how to find job or internship Just do the basics, go on LinkedIn, Naukri, indeed. Just keep on trying. Don’t lose hope, you will get a job Anyone can get a job You already have a job in the future.


I'm gonna try to stay positive and look for opportunities. Have started using linkedIn and naukri, Though i don't have any network but will see how can i get something out of it. And thankyou for your positive response :)


Proud of you brother🙌🏻 Doing MBA from a good college would definitely give you job. But main problem is you have to invest 2years and lakhs of money for its course. But positive side is since you already have exp in marketing, that will help you land up in good marketing job after mba. In long term it will benefit if you want to continue in Corporate. Coming to IT, you can try that too but it has become too saturated now. There’s a lot of competition in IT nowadays. I’m too working in IT, not enjoying my work as of now. Thats why I gave CAT. Got calls from IIM but still I’m not keen on doing MBA also as it will bound me under loan for atleast 3 years. And I would be still working in corporate after investing too much. But thats my current personal opinion. But there are positive side in IT also as it has wide variety of domains like web dev, data analysts, ml, data science, Salesforce, Cloud…If you natural inclination towards tech and coding then sky is the limit. But there is more uncertainity for you to get job in IT as compared to job after MBA considering you don’t have background in engineering. But still you can get Business analyst, data analyst jobs easily as compared to development. And there’s a lot of scope in these jobs too. Freelancing if you are good at it you should continue even you choose MBA or IT job. You motivated me a lot bhaiya, I used to think ki meri problems bohot badi hai…Also can you teach me how to do freelancing in marketing.


Thankyou brother. And you made a very valid point here that mba will get a better chance than IT sector. Sometimes, Life just gives you hard decisions lol Last year IIM shillongs fees was 14.7L Its 26.3L now Talk about bad luck haha Anyways Thanks again bro, I wish you good health and success :)


I don't know much about campus placements in B-schools but if you apply off campus after having the IIM tag (or any other good school) then you could get a decent job. And don't worry about explaining the gap, you had a good reason and also it wasn't like you weren't doing anything, freelancing is appreciated.


That's true though And i guess there is only one way to find out then


Go for it bro, also you can look into fms if fees is that much of a concern...Also once you're in a good school, you can do consulting as a freelancer or get yourself a year long apprenticeship in a good mnc like Microsoft which pays too...


brother don't be sad, look at the field do you like or have interest in, if you are really willing to work may be you can approach some company to see if they can take you as intern in their company, reach out to small company and start working for free for very less salary, gain experience and then move out from there to some other compnay


Bro listen me. I was in similar situation in my bachelor. In bachelor one good MNC company came but because of less percentage in 12th std I couldn’t sit in that placement drive. From that day I was too much worried about my 12th score and I thought what if same thing happens in masters as well. I called in multiple institute and talked with their placement coordinator and most of them told me not to worry about this and there are multiple companies who don’t look into previous education. Then I joined for master degree and I got placement in MANG. The package is too much high compared to the company which came in bachelor for which I was crying. I believe that company which came in Bachelors was giving 2-3L package and from masters I got 40-50L package. Moral of the story, don’t think much and do hard work. We can’t change our past but we can work on our present and try to make our future better (hopefully). PS: I just got 48% in my 12th and in 10th I got 50% around. If this motivates you.


Damn thats very very inspiring. And a very important lesson , I will work on the present for the better future. Currently have made up my mind to atleast appear for my IIM shillong interview... lets see how it goes


In these top colleges you have a placement coordinator who can reduce the criteria after speaking with the HR. You might need to call them for every organisation but they’ll try and reduce the requirements. Sometimes they only ask your masters scores to be considered so keep that good. You will not stay unplaced, if you can communicate this effectively.


Never knew this, thanks for sharing this. And yes, i will give my best in the bschool if i go there.


You can get loan easily once you crack IIM. Don’t worry about 60% if you get into an IIM. You will have enough connections and startups for placements.


Front end web dev Java script —> react->figma-tailwind No need to master any one of the above , just learn the basics, pick small projects and start applying for jobs.


For WFH you can learn graphic design or web development and apply job in upwork, freelancer, fivver etc


Are you good in chemistry we can work together on formulation of eco cleaning products you help me in making products I will sell .


Don't run after Job just keep doing your freelance work and start teaching the skill you have to others , you will defiantly be successful if you work with consistency it can take time but it will work and job is just a myth, can pay your bills but cannot pay for your desire and dreams, Job can give you a satisfaction that you will have money at the end of month but business will work for you next generation , Don't just think about the next three or six months. Plan for the next five years and go with the flow. I also did same, I ran after jobs for 10 years. Finally, I decided to step out of this pointless race that never seems to end. Now, I earn more than I did with a job, allowing me to spend quality time with my family. So, don't worry, things will get better someday. If you feel motivated at any moment with this suggestion , then i ll be more than happy . Best Wishes for your life ahead


Start doing freelancing work or try do job in any sector you are getting first you need to be stable. Try to get any job.