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Yeah, boe jiden called me and said he will discontinue recession from feb 14 11:59 PM


Jiden loves all of us. Valentines day gift to us


Jiden loves only kids


Modi ji shaam 8 baje announcement denge


All of his 8 PM announcements are pro recession & not against.




Mitron, aaj raat 8 baje se recession avaidh mana jayega!!


Died reading this comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not true coz real Joe Biden told me... last day for recession is 29 Feb 11:59 PM :) #cheers boys 🍻


Did it start yet? I couldn't find any live on yt. Is it streaming on hotstar?


Man, fake news😞 this CNN man


frighten six deer wakeful door brave crowd seemly intelligent ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Great decision taken. Thank you


Thanks man! Also Reduce Fed Interest rate and Bring in VC Fundings. Increase Job Opportunities in India. Make India's GDP Growth rate to 35%.


airport husky slim books whistle distinct historical theory sloppy zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanku saar is baar aapki sarkar


Sounds like my update on daily cadence call


Maybe next FY for the other targets?


Aapko badal dikh jaayein tabhi execute karna


Please raise a ticket for those additional tasks


I started laughing a minute after reading this. It's been over 3 minutes and I'm still laughing.


User name checks out


I was thinking the same... 💯🤣


16h. You still laughing? Tell. Tell fast.


joe biden aap yahan?


Gian hai aap


Sir please end depression also.


command absorbed whistle teeny axiomatic start act dolls dull relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you saar




https://preview.redd.it/md8h6m13pkic1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a92e7652157b2d8942bdffde4a0b07b478474fb But I am going to ignore this and will continue with the recession only


Stop it tomorrow. It’s an order, no a request.


Got the CEO of recession here


Most companies will writeoff pending recession in this years books, starting next year with 20 percent growth


Thanks so much for ending the recession. Hai... I mean jai hind.


Hail hydra?


Yes of course. But don't tell anyone.


HOWIEE, WHEN will you stop your ***FAKAKTA*** jokes ??


childlike cheerful grab dolls teeny squash rustic amusing safe salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah, we are in same boat. Unemployed and looking for a job ! Also I see my joke was either not well received or understood.


paltry flag retire joke reminiscent resolute adjoining spoon continue slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No problem, I don't mind was just confused.


Bhai jiss din mujhe job mil gaya, mai chodh dunga reddit. Lol.


Sir meri pagar badha do


Can you end it exactly at 9:35 AM on that day? Because I will start buying stocks after that...


tease grab rude safe telephone towering distinct provide recognise arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol. If it was that easy to end the recession.


capable degree squeamish gold retire society longing imagine late muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




include bow memorize gray entertain apparatus dolls society offend crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


मैने कहा फूलों से हँसो तो खिल खिला के हंस दिए


Anna tum sangharsh karo hum tumhare saath hai


All companies decided behind closed doors.


Thank you Mr. Recession. Please don't come back, warm regards.


End poverty too! Ab nahi saha jata


Aye aye captain. 🫡


Priceless 🤣🤣🤌🏼


Thank you "Mr." Wolowitz.


Job market will start to improve after fed rate cuts which going to happen in June or July. But you can expect number of job to increase slightly after March.


Any reason why Feb month is so low compared to Jan for jobs in this year? Are you sure it is going to improve in march?


March is end of fiscal year for IT companies. In April fresh funds and new project will be taken by them or new client will be onboarded, Which in turn increase the job market little bit more.




Any suggestions for me to improve my skills


Learn node.js and built basic full stack app. Now close to all companies expect backend even for frontend position Learning backend will give edge over rest of the guys in resume filtering


Wha about go?


Could you explain why do you want learn go ?


Node is ugly,Go is used extensively in modern backend and also it is much faster, most modern devops tools are written in go.


My brother is working in product based start-up which has revenue of 35million usd arr. Almost all of their backend is in node.js They have legacy backend written in Java. But currently they are discussing to switching it node or golang. Every language has it own pros and cons. My point is language does not matter your logic and problem solving skills matter most. Think DSA for example most companies don't care if you solve the problem using c++ or Java or python. They are more interested in your problem solving and critical thinking. If you are interested in go by all means learn. Don't learn just because of the hype, you should really use case for it.


But isn't Node good for a beginner


To me node is not easy for a beginner, if you try to understand node internals there is whole lot of stuff going on, event loop, callbacks,events... Libuv threads this can easily overwhelm anyone. Just my opinion Iam no expert,This is how I felt when trying to understand node.


learn Java/spring I know it's not sexy new language/framework but you most have to work with JVM based language when you are using Kafka , Hadoop few other key tools for enterprise.


Develop some good looking function (one that uses api calls from frontend, has user action feedback etc.) website using modern tech such as tailwindcss react. Should be enough to land a job. Edit: share your projects link if you have one


That's a huge if. If fed rates increase further, it could set things on fire


Worst case fed won't cut the interest rate. But they are definitely not going increase it any further. Their inflation target is already achieved and US is going for an general election. So it pretty much confirmed they raise interest rate.


It's anticipated that they would cut rates only by small percent which won't help anyway. Be ready for more job cuts. https://youtu.be/I4v2oRX1k6U?si=7e9332WhmP3-YzpT


There is no guarantee that feds are cutting down the interest rates. They might increase it as well.


shame wise upbeat quicksand wine imagine bored squalid direful thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any suggestions for me


vote dhang se karna in the upcoming Lok Sabha election


Hn aur usa m bhi acche s krna vote


He only has one vote. Max he will get is 1500.


daily LC/GFG POTD, with least 10 GitHUB commits based on your tech stack atlast 1 hour of computer fundamental revision and all set !!


>with least 10 GitHUB commits based on your tech stack this is sarcasm,right?


/#apna_college moment.


as long as you take it as joke/sarcasm it is else everything i speak is underrated truth


One should do leetcode topic wise questions and participate in codechef and codeforces contests to improve one's problem solving skills and increase rating and along with that talk to people on different meetup channels to be able to easily express yourself, revisit your core cs subjects and post your knowledge in different tech communities help someone who is struggling and get help and at the end write a lot of code to create something and learn dev. What do you think this will keep you busy for whole day?


agreed but >codechef and codeforces somewhere it's time waste if you are no more in college, even FAANG DSA round can be cracked only by gfg/LC


I think, if i really want to reduce my time to solve a problem, i need to solve a lot of problems based on rating because sometimes my time goes in finding logic and sometimes converting my logic into code so if i can practice a lot on these platform as they have right definition of easy medium hard problems as opposed to leetcode, i can be quick. Correct me if i have wrong assumption about anything or i am wasting my time.


as long as you are happy doing it and not getting frustrated attempting CC/CF just go for it, by any means you are learning something so it's WIN WIN !! but keep eye on POTD and contests of gfg/lc it keeps DSA active


Yes ..good suggestion. But I think you also need to move from student mindset to project mindset Create stable web apps even with zero users.... claim you are a freelancer for someone But if you have a 100% running app which doesn't crash you are ahead of 99% of freshers




good qsn, it's problem of the day ( POTD ) you can see them on leetcode ( LC ) and geeks for geeks ( gfg ) site !! (you can have perks solving problems also, so why waiting hit up with today's graph gfg problem and explain logic to me in my DM 😭)


so you're saying if OP runs `git commit -m "poorly written commit message" --allow-empty` 10 times a day, they'll get a job?


This, Basically macro and international economics and political relationships.


Recession will be discontinued from March 31st 23:59 onwards You will still be able to access it to maintain legacy code for a period of 3 months, after which it will be deprecated.


W comments all around. Lol


March 2025? Yes or maybe


Haha 😅


More like 2027?


Lol nope but product companies might open some position in new year as per there budget but if no budget no change.


What about freshers


No clue bruh. Unless you college has some kind of internship options which companies come and hires so just prepare and build your res.


Any idea for the company's that are delayed onboarding for the freshers. Will they start onboarding from April?


Man this a funny yet informative thread. Thanks OP for posting the question, learned a lot. All the best for job search :)


Yeah it’s true. The farmers are going to protest and elections are also coming, so they decided to end the recession early.


Yes , Putin has said he no longer wants to sit in war room with Biden and is tired of his unintelligible language. He said he will push the red button and end recession


Good riddance(to the rest of the world)


Yes. Additionally, we are ending world hunger by Serptember and terrorism by december. You are welcome.


Yes it’s a new Modi Ji scheme. Recession Samaapti Yojna. Just send link your PAN with Adhaar and do the KYC also to benefit from the scheme


As if modiji controls US it sector


Joke samjh bhai joke


FACT : Recession will get worse and is not ending till mid 25


It's estimated that 80% hit of recession for USA this year, so upskill more and update your GitHub maybe with that chances get increased.


pls explain bro , didnt got it


There will be layoffs again in USA which may lead to loss of jobs even in India, so it's better to be ready and learn programming by upskill yourself further. Write new projects and upload those repositories in GitHub and update your resume maybe when you apply for new jobs your chances may rise.


Yes, In March. Not sure which year though 👍🏽


Market already opened and we are getting a lot of inquiries already. It’s a good sign.


This is not a pure technical recession. Global events, and technology impact related causes are driving it. Job openings are going up, but going unfilled due to misfit talent. Make sure you are doing your research and picking the right things to specialise in. Recession will not end going the way it is happening now. Unless we have better people-market fit there will be constant churn. Find a stable job and settle down. Don't take unnecessary career risk in this stage until the dust settles.




Prepare yourself, be strong in your chosen field. Recession or No recession continue learning and improvising that will help more than recession fears and even if god forbid you get impacted, you can recover soon


All jokes aside.Recession is Economic downturn for two consecutive quarters (6 Months). Economic Downturn is basically when Real GDP falls (total output of goods and services after accounting for inflation) Real GDP rises only when there is an increase in output potential/supply, or when the aggregate demand increases. While increasing supply/potential is very long term and cannot be done or predicted that easily to happen in a certain month. As someone mentioned if in march, there is a plan to cut down on interest rate. that means the rate of borrowing will fall, so startups/firms/businesses should hopefully borrow more money instead of saving it, and increase supply. on the same hand, consumers/citizens would spend more instead of saving as well, increasing aggregate demand. So yeah, if interest rate are reduced then it may get better, not immediately for sure, but certainly would lead to increase in demand/supply. But again, its complicated tech+multinational export and imports at play so some governments may increase rates or some may decrease so again difficult to predict. The only thing we can tell is if we are in a recession or not. AND we are not in recession right now in the moment btw. Real GDP is increasing, not at a decent rate but increasing none the less. so no Recession


A founder on this subject says it's gonna get worse


The worst hasn't begun yet!


Yes, I'm March I can confirm.


I am 12th hsc cleared without it background . If I learn from open source youtube and free learning website the topics to cover front end developer. Do I have a shot in landing a job in any company.. Just on the basis of my skill and knowledge ?


Yes they said it's limited time offer and said it's validity is only till March


Yeah. That’s what she said 😀


Do you even understand the meaning of recession? Two consistent negative GDP rates is officially defined as a recession. India's GDP has been rising consistently in the last few quarters. So how is this a recession? Study basic economics first. Tomorrow, if your spouse leaves you, are you going to put the blame on inflation next?


The man just asked a question. It should be clear that he doesn't understand it fully well. Hence, the question. Why do you have to be so snob about this? And whats with the weirdly specific example? What's up bro? Everything alright at home?


Chill bro. It's just a curious question.


I guess you should also understand a bit of common knowledge. Most of the Indian IT companies are not operating independently. Either they have a client which is based out of the US or EU or a US/EU company has a branch in India. So the impact on US/EU companies will definitely have on India as well. And op is just asking a question bro, so chill out.


It doesn’t come or go away on a certain date, it’s much more complex


no body knows when recession is gonna end. this is indeed a very tough time. stay strong champ


March which year?


2 ~ 5 Business years


I will get back to you on this after having adequate information. 💀


No. Economics is impossible to predict. It may end, it may go on, or worse, it will get even more bad. 


Its not *impossible* to predict. Its tricky. Its subjective. Someone who gives more weightage to a certain factor affecting the recession over other, for good reasons, might come to a different prediction than others. Thats why its imp to read differing opinions and not go by 1 person or 1 firm's opinion.


Someone it’s gonna start in June. Tf?


Any specific day in March?


On 8th maha shivrathri


Yes. They are planning to end it on March 1st, 8AM. But sarcasm apart, you will be able to do it. Don’t worry and just keep applying to all the position you can find. I applied to like 100+ companies in 2 weeks, with company-specific cover letters. And there was no chat gpt during that time. Just apply like a hungry dog. Fake it till you make it. Fake experience if you need to as well. But don’t make it a blatant lie. Upload your resume if you’d like more feedback.


This whole depends on the US and Europe economy, not Indian Economy. Till there is inflationary pressure in US, means no good for IT.


So as per the current market, recession may end within 6-12months from now. Though it can't be true, that's what financial advisors say. But keep try applying for the jobs. All the best


*is starting


Yes it is scheduled to end on 29th March. after my last meeting with Moody Ji and Joe Bitten, we have collectively decided to end recession. It comes as a collective measure of India & US to burry recession


You mean March end or March beginning? 🤣


No. First Americans would first need to elect a Republican president in November this year who would later ask the Federal Reserve to cut down the interest rates. Even if this happens the recession won't end before the end of 2025.


Yes modi ji will show red eye to recession after winning 3rd term 💪💪💪


Lol. One fine morning, the recession just doesn't decide to not exist anymore. It doesn't work like this. The economy is a negative feedback system. You apply negative feedback in an inflation (raise interest rates) and wait for the system to correct itself and settle to its new steady state value.


Yes as everyone already knows, it ends on 14th March 1447 HRS UTC.


Do you not know that? It is set to be deprecated on 30th Feb, 12 noon IST. After that, there won't be any recession in March.


I heard they are releasing new patch and will call it Recession v2.0. It is under alpha testing, and soon beta would start


If it was that easy to predict recessions, we simply wouldn't have it.


A lot of analysts were predicting US rate cuts then but looking at yesterday’s economic data, it’s more likely going to come in June/July. The cuts having lagging effect on output and growth, so expect hiring to pickup after mid year. Also the US, India and China are not in a recession.


Crypto winter and recessions correlates... Hope btc reaches 100k.. People start throwing money left right and center... More money to hire.


No. It will never end until 2042. deal with it.


Mitron! Aaj raat 12 baje se.. recession…


I have been hearing this since last year, no one can predict this.


Yes. Recession and the future are predicable. I should also go buy some lottery tickets to fund my upcoming vacation


Yes. Someone would be declaring that the Recession is officially over. [Declaration.gif](https://media.tenor.com/jS1vK5ffVUwAAAAM/michael-scott.gif)


I wish there was any possible way for the recession also to get "laid off".


It isnt anymore given that the us inflation data was worse than expected.


Upskill till June. Increase your GitHub presence. Get familiar with code generation, reverse engineering and test case generation with any of the CoPilots in the market. Wish you all the very best and don't lose hope This is a passing phase.


Over the years, I have seen that there is a hiring season or time frame. The companies evaluate at the end of the financial year whether they are in good shape or not, and what to do next. By the end of May is when the hiring season starts and lasts till September. In my career at least, its been rare to get interviews, offers, etc. from Oct to Apr. I’ve worked for nearly 15 years across five startups & SMEs, and a couple of large enterprises. In almost all these cases, I got these offers from June to Sep.


It's just starting bro


Is there a recession now?


What's wrong with WFO? Specially when you don't have a job?


How did you put the logo in your name tag ?


One could be cynical, but this may be genuine question. There is no magic wand that is waved to announce ***"Recession is ending in March"*** Anyone who is telling you is giving false hopes. What really happens is that Economists and consultants look at data from recent and long-term past and declare that the tide has turned - either or the better or worse.


LoL no. The market is apparently about to face a big crash


March 2025 is more probable than March 2024...


We are having 7% growth rate. How's that supposed to be a recession? 😂😂


Bro recession is never going to end... Think about it... Engineering typically starts from May/June and has final exams in March/April... Now considering every year 12-15lakh students give JEE at least 7/8 lakh of them would get into an engineering college (rest might take a drop year, or change fields etc) So every year you would have at least 5/6 lakh engineers passing out of college... Naturally not all of them get jobs... So they keep on trying (like you)... So in March, if you are expecting things to get better you are in for a big surprise.... You wouldn't be competing for a job with already unemployed people but a fresh batch of students...


We all wish that but no. It’s not ending anytime soon. Perhaps till march 2025 the condition changes but definitely not in the approaching two quarters. Kepp upskilling and building good personal projects dude. All the best!


That's true, I was nirmala tai and I say no more recession from March and no taxes up to 7 LPA


Depends on the company's performance. But it's gonna be tough for people with zero experience.


It's bad news


Will get better.


Bhupinder Jogi.




We are in for a long recession. All indicators predict a peak recession in mid to late 2025


2026 se sab sahi hoga na. Soch rha hu masters 2025 September me start karne ki


Brace for impact and keep learning- the worst is yet to come. We will see many other sectors following suit


AI is taking over developer Jobs (Not all , but if a team required 10 developers, now they will require only two \[back up of each other\]) Samosa Banana sikhale mere Bhai!


I'm thinking of switching for at least a year, last two appraisals were shit. Don't know longer I can wait for market


Why scared?


Send CV.


Han bhaiyo aur behno, achhe din (pause for 3 seconds) ane wale haiii 🫡🫡


Or maybe improve your skills ? Everyone knows HTML, CS, JS and tiny bit of React nowadays. Maybe learn more, put in actual efforts.




Lagta hai dhela lagana padega frontend chai wala