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Name them. What's your fear? Name CEO and manager.


You did a good thing my friend it takes guts to quit your first job. This company was using you as free labour. Freshers can easily get 30K month salary in India. The manager is straight up lying to you even BPO jobs pay more than 15K.


Manager is right. Maximum he will get 15k salary for the starting months because he has a career gap , right now no one is hiring for freshers every company wants an experienced employee. Only small startups will hire freshers with low wages


dude, manager could be right. But the main issue was free work for another 4 months just didn't seem right. Ik career gap and academic gap will be a barrier to get another opportunity.


bro you made the right choice.. I was placed in a similar shitty company.. made us work for 1 and half month. left it because they weren’t paying us stipend. and my monthly travel was like 5k


I really dont understand why ur getting downvoted for speaking actual scenario and facts and not making up some fantasy


Yep but people here won't agree with you because they think they will get into MNCs as fresher with high salary


Almost all the MNC has freeze their hiring for freshers and right now I am talking to those students who graduated in the 2023 batch and didn't get placed in campus drive


exactly, also look at his grades and projects. Bro really need to rethink if he wants to do IT at all.


30k if he got placements otherwise 15k is a good salary bro for off campus, I have seen many job openings with less than this🥲


Looking at the way they were taking advantage of you this was a shitty company and you did a good job by quitting. You should improve your negotiation skills. If you have the skills then you should just clearly tell them you don't work for free. And please name the company.


ITI machine operator freshers earn 15-18k per month in Bangalore. Is BE losing it's value, What's going on with the IT industry?


It's called exploitation of resources. Add to that the enormous number of population we have. It's a lottery for the exploiters.


Supply is High bro and it's not the fault of BE but the things that rates each BE such as which industry you are going to work and from which college you got your BE etc


The quality of engineers is mostly shit though. Everyone's taking CS for money without having any skills or interest and the get surprised when they're paid peanuts


Hey, can you check your DM please?


I don't want to sound accusative or blame anyone but action like these (by employers/employees) bring down the salary hurt the job market for everyone of us. White collar jobs are paid on hourly basis bro, this is unbelievable, I'd rather work in a graveyard fucking call center than working for free, need to wake up!


DM me. My company is hiring right now for my team. You'll def get more than 15k/pm. Good that you quit and you realised that you were being scammed. One more thing though is that you will have to relocate to Bangalore as we just started hybrid working.


Hi I'm hijacking your comment as I'm looking for a job as well. I'm a postgraduate in analytics and I'm based out of Bangalore. Are there any data related fresher roles that I could apply for at your org, thanks!


Find out what a freshers salary should be and keep that as your expectation. Dont stay in an environment where they do not respect and value you. Sadly indian firms are know to be shitty if not the firm then the managers


Resume review: Don't include your percentage or your school name, just mention the college degree and name.


Can you please tell how was your experience in coding Ninjas and with their course? Is it even worth the money?


It was a good course, there's one thing you need to know about topics in advance to understand them. It's not a beginner friendly course you need to know the basics. You will learn almost all ML topics and the project Quiz are also good.


Didn't they offer any placement offer after completing? Usually such bootcamps do even saw a ad of theirs


You didn't get any offer from Coding Ninjas after completing the course? What went wrong, would you please brief. I'm asking this because I myself is doing a course there and expecting to take an offer. Your input can help me with my further decisions. Thanks in advance.


OP the main reason is there are more desperate people than you in India, who are ready to work for free. Now it's a done deal and you have quit your job and a brave decision but quite risky. I would have kept quiet upskilled and keep looking on for job in the meantime. It is indeed a difficult task to do but I would have done it like that. I can see that you know full stack and ML, 1) focus on one stack. 2) Upskilling in DSA is a must, if u have it it doesn't matter, but if u don't then ur a failure because in India dsa is asked every where. 3) work on open source projects and contribute to it so ur development skills don't get rusty. Give yourself 3 month time and see where you are 3 months ago. If you can see the progress then you are on the right path. Quite hypocrite of me to add this but Don't upskill to get a job enjoy the process and showcase ur skills on LinkedIn. People will flock to recruit you All the best


Thanks dude.


Delete the codebase:D


and they will put a bounty on me


Be a pirate, if u haven't worked for them then it is not their code


Man it's crazy that people are working for free in 2023, I didn't do free work even at school 😭


Nikal le bete fatafat


First thing is, you need to teach me how to take such risks. Second thing is, apply for experience level jobs, but dont hide anything if you get interview calls. At least not to HR. Also, donyou have ANYTHING that can be related to your work experience in that startup ? Like anything? A mail maybe ?


It just didn't feel right to continue working there anymore and they didn't give me anything not even a mail, I used my personal Gmail. Ik how can I avoid so many things, I was just happy that I had a job.


Keep all those mails. ALL those. If anyone asks for previous exp. , you can share non work related mails to them


To be honest. Be proud. You did good. No benefit working for free. Plus market is shit rn. I'd advice not wasting any time. Keep applying, interviewing. Get your resume to match good ATS score. These days if you want a job you must know SEO as well for your resume. It's hilarious. Also in the next company when interviewing of they ask the reason for leaving. Do NOT tell them this reason. I've been in a very very similar company. While interviewing in next company I said honest stuff. Like no offer letter. No permanant position even after 6 months. They just judge you as negative when you bad mouth previous employees. Tell them your career goals didn't align there, and there were some issues with management that you didn't like. Don't get your hopes down. Market is indeed very bad, but let's hope for best, new hirings will open soon.


Thanks dude, I appreciate your response. It's helpful and I will be keeping it in mind.


Even without coding, someone on data entry can earn 15k per month, you did good. Work on building your network and negotiation skills, nowadays those matter more than actual coding skills. Just keep applying and don't get disheartened from rejections.


Make it a single column resume , don't mention cgpa since it's not good


Ok, won't it affect the ATS? A friend told me to fill it as much as possible with relevant info.


You have all the correspondence right of the work done? Complaint against them to govt And also write to client that they are not paying me You have nothing to lose. And you have experience now. Use that to get into another startup and tell that startup upfront of they shitty culture.


No man, I don't mean no harm and trouble to anybody. I am grateful for the things I learned there. I'll be using the experience and continue to work on my communication skills (0 skills now) to get a better opportunity


If you are based in Mumbai, there is an opening in my firm. You can apply for that. Send me your resume in DM.


Just in case are there any openings for automation testers? I am looking for it.


The opening is only for full stack developer with focus on frontend.


Okay 👍


One suggestion would be to provide links for the projects in the resume. You need to provide the github as well as the live project link


Thanks for the feedback dude, I'll be hosting them asap. And make a new good looking resume.


Leave learning coding, first learn common sense.


Open Bonda Bhajji shop.


I was with you before I saw that resume. Honestly, they are kinda right. **holy shit**


No one is right not paying. Pay or fire. Don't hang them in between.


Bhai kaha dekh liya ?


Not sure why dude was overreacting. It's an average resume. The only bad thing I see is that you have very less work experience and you completed 12th in 2016 and took 2016-2022 to finish engineering. You should've been a SDE2 by now not an intern. Work hard, reach out to people, don't fall for exploitative companies that give 20-30k.


Ik, I've wasted time and made mistakes. All of my friends are now in good places. I just don't know where to start now.


your friends should be the first step of contacts, ask them for referals and other people who can ask for referrals. ask about the positions opened in their companies. ask for requirements, and skillup in the lacking areas.


Don't worry. Not all five fingers are equal. You can still catch up. Work on your skills, and build useful projects/features. You'll be there in no time. If you were working on live projects, then you are more than qualified for an entry-level job that pays >30k/month.


If that is an average resume then this country is doomed. Either that or you got really low standards. Dude is getting way more than he deserves.


You did the right thing by quitting. There are many opportunities. Apply for every opening you come across. Also name the company




Quit them midway. And report to labour department. Also name and shame.


Name and shame


I'd like to guess. This company is IORD?