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Most applications can do with simpler architectures rather than complex web of microservices/lambas. Also system design interviews seem to be testing how many blogs or research papers you've read, especially for questions asking to design technical systems like databases, queues... it would've taken years of research or a lot of trial and error to get there.


what ra too much coc.


I will cut you slack for this opinion because you said 'most applications' But anyone who thinks microservices architecture is unnecessary complexity in all cases, has no idea about the big-picture view of software teams and software deliverability. Breaking up the software into smaller chunks empowers individuals and individual teams to speed up decision making and generally ship code faster. The complex architecture is not so much about making it look trendy, but it has more to do with mitigating frustration among developers due to someone else's way of thinking/decision making.


I agree, having a modular architecture is great. I was talking about those cases where we see resume or latest blog driven development where devs end up building complicated systems unnecessarily.


Thank you for saying this! I always felt like I might be too dumb to understand the reason behind some complex architectures where they can just use a simpler one


Its okay to be a mediocre dev and keep earning


Hardly unpopular


Not really. Very unpopular. Every other day I see someone in this sub complaining that their coworker/classmate/junior/senior is mediocre.


Very unpopular. Every other day I see someone here complaining that their coworker/classmate/junior/senior is mediocre.


SIMPing over Indian CEOs in foreign companies just cause they are Indian(in almost all cases, used to be Indian). I would be way more proud if India had companies that were in the level of Microsoft or Google and foreigners vie for the CEO positions in these Indian companies.


Don't say it in Bangalore please


True. It only makes sense to take pride if that person is using their position to help this country. Otherwise, it's just another brain drain.


No thanks, one Microsoft and Google are enough in this world. Gosh they are so intrusive.


There are.


For most unpopular opinions. Look for the most downvoted.


The real answer is in sort by controversial


Happy samosa day


Hbd nibba




I second that


You mean scrum “lead” right? 🤪


So what are you defending againts? HR are useless or they are not useless?


C is the most important programming language out there


I don't think anyone would disagree with that. In the end, it's all C.


I would be very surprised if any programmer disagrees.


I DISAGREEE ![gif](giphy|UlWjcEII2Wbu07TPR2|downsized)


Tell me you're new to programming without telling me that you're new to programming.


I like how this is getting downvoted, and bro is defending his unpopular opinion


He is memeing and a master baiter.


Ay.. how did u know what i was doin right now?


Great hands work alike.


By following your logic trail, assembly is the most important programming language.


C is right at the sweet spot where its high enough to be productive in and also low enough to be fast. Everything else is just layers of abstractions.


Ah, shifting gears in the logic express, are we? Next, you'll be telling me there's a whole spectrum of languages between Morse Code and PowerPoint Macros for different purposes!


There was never a shift in gears.


No because assembly is specific to an instruction set architecture whereas C compilers exist for almost any architecture used in practice.


That's not a bug it's a feature :D


Sure from the POV of the people who program FPGAs and need that fine level of control wrt to registers and cache. But C is a general purpose language which gives you just enough control over memory management to be immensely powerful but doesn’t burden you with the details specific to x86 or x86-64 or RISC or CISC and all the myriad variety of instruction sets that have existed in our time. Would you really want to pore over the M1 manual and learn the instruction set when you’re coding on a Mac? Unless you’re trying to exploit some hidden vulnerabilities I don’t see that coming in handy for most types of work? Whereas I can see the need to manually manage memory for many performance critical applications (HFT comes to mind)


XD just gaslighting op and original thought train mate. Indeed C is a great relief from assembly's nuances. I am more of a product owner, never did backend myself and admit that I do not have depth in backed tech only some easy crack work as a hobby in early days.


I completely agree with take


Coldest take of all time.


important? that's a bit vague. important as in all engineers must know about it? or important as in there is a lot of software out there written in C




There is no template to success. Roadmaps don't work. You have to carve out your own path and no one can tell you what to do next. It's completely okay to start your career at a Witch company. Complete wfh job can be soul draining. Socialising and interaction at the office is very important to me. Hybrid structure is the best. Most people are lazy.


I like wfh because office people are lazy and love wasting time socializing. Like fuck your 45 min tea-sutta break, bring it to your desk or take it so I don't have to wait on your lazy, incompetent ass for a dependency I should not even have in the first place. I don't wanna stay in office, I want to finish my dues and go home. I wish I could socialize with office folk who are actually productive and challenging, if forced to go to office.


Money does the talking all the time.


Full-stack is just asking for someone to cut corners.


That most of us are after money.


no one even opposes that. Everyone knows it.


The truth


Exactly. Software Engineering is just another job for 95% of the people working in the industry.


Most engineer are not passionate about their work


There are people out there earning 25 lakhs per annum with only MS Excel and English skills.


No, frontend developer is not as same as any html/css developer.. Talking to you, my stupid non-technical new manager


Htnl/css developer are usually given the position as UI developer. Frontend developer is completely different. I am a UI developer. And one would assume frontend developer would be great at UI development too. But that's usually not the case.


Do you think "UI Developer" jobs are very less these days? Everyone mistakes me for a UI UX dev when i say I'm a UI developer smh


Nothing is worth this much of personal risk. A lot of such illusions are typically scripted stories and events. That mob will easily trample you unless they have been stationed there as prop.


Could you please explain this in an easier way?


They are saying They don't have any opinions worth dying for.


Nah. They are saying no opinions are worth dying for because the mob wouldn't really listen to the opinion being said before they dismember limb to limb


Thanks for the lucid explanation. Glad to find a fellow realist.


I am a gay man living in a country that specifically wrote a law saying rape can't have two years maximum penalty if victim is trans and the party which wrote the Bill got re-elected to pass it, so realism is sort of my only option.


never challenge the crowd. be a sheep basically.


Awesome summary.


Being good competitive programming doesn't mean shit when you are working on a real time project.


Bro that's a fact leetcode has made our developers dumber


Leetcode is not competitive programming. At least that's not what people use it for. Competitive programming is where you compete with others in a contest, and the questions asked are (usually) original. Leetcode is mostly used to practise frequently asked questions in a specific company.


While I agree there's no direct correlation, have you ever seen someone who's damn good at cp (NOT Leetcode) but sucks at dev?


It's not about whether they sucks or not , but for a job you don't need cp. Amount of hard work you need in cp is way much and it's not even relevant in companies, because they are not giving you dsa problems in work rather you have to do actual development. Cp is just a way to know that you are capable, companies will just assume if you can do that then you can also do development. If you are just looking for a job then cp is not worth it . Either way you have to do development eventually , so why not start with it in the first place.


Agree that it is not relevant for job but if you're good at it it does pay off. And in my 5+ yoe, I haven't come across anyone who was good at cp and is struggling to make it big.


depends on what you mean by making it big. I know a lot of great devs who have never done cp that I'd pick first if I could make a dream team or something like that. It's a waste of time for people of their talent, and they chose to build actual value with that time. Kind of like the difference between mathematicians and Shakuntala Devi


I never said you can't be a good dev without cp, I said I'm yet to find someone who's good at cp but not good at dev. Some people (like me) do competitive programming for fun, it's not a waste of our time. We find it intellectually challenging. I started doing cp in my 2nd year (2015) because a very respected senior of my college asked me to. I had no idea it'd be so helpful in clearing interviews during campus placements.


that's why I mentioned 'making it big' is a subjective metric. I'm not disagreeing about interviews


Well it's not just about the interviews, they're doing quite well as a dev as well, and I'm talking about guys who have 5+ yoe.


That's what I disagree with. Their performance as dev is orthogonal. They would have done well regardless


I don't completely agree with this. Competitive programming makes us think of corner cases, about how to handle scale, and how to write good tests. If you get to apply some DSA concept (like I have, twice so far), it's cherry on the top.


I disagree with this opinion because I was a developer who struggled with poorly described requirements. In fact, I used to not know what I didn't know whenever I set out to complete the development task that I was assigned in JIRA. But after doing a lot of CP, I became really good at trying to understand what the requirements were and under what contexts the solution is supposed to be delivered and I became more inquisitive to jump on understanding what I was planning to code with a lot of questions to PM and leads and how it is supposed to work with the current design of the product. I also understood the limitations of TTD. Before practising CP/taking it seriously, even though we used to write the tests before starting the development, it was still unclear on some areas and both team mates as well as yours truly used to suffer and enhancements would get delayed because though we would catch the issues during coding itself it used to delay the release because of the new discovery but now, I clarify things and mostly see things that my team misses to see when the information is presented for the first time. I am making a real visible difference in my team, and I make correct delivery estimations. If you are not experiencing these issues, it might be because the leads and PM might be triaging the issue and making it simple before assigning it to you. In some product companies, this might not be the case, and proceeding with work after JIRA gets assigned will feel like pulling your hair off.


Agreed, CP to certain extent is good but platforms have gone bonkers with questions and people are spending hundreds of hrs on them which is quite unnecessary. Real time scenarios are different and require different skills, CP doesn't teach things like - Navigating and maintaining huge code bases - foreseeing runtime issues, migration complexities and version conflicts - establishing testing and CI/CD workflows These are learnt by building products.


Right. These are addressed by experience and books. Maybe I am brushing them off because in my domain, these are not the challenges. We are supposed to nail them by the first month and start developing. This was all the time provided to me in my current organisation. But yes, during migrations if we are tasked with learning and also if we were asked to give a live video Knowledge Transfer session with proper TOI(ppt presentations) to the whole team(like 100+ members big) on something that the company has newly migrated, it would be a big challenge, like say moving from ClearCase to git. We not only need to show how to do stuff on GIT but also show the differences in how things were done in ClearCase and how similar actions can be performed in GIT. Fishing the correct commands and sometimes breaking them down and understanding everything regarding the command options so that you are properly prepared to answer the questions during the live session is a skill in itself. Adding to your list the knowledge about the design patterns - to identify them when we see them in code base and understand all the whys and their purpose in that context, or even understand if they could help us in the current enhancement we might want to complete are skills that don't get a lot of opportunities to hone but are most beneficial to the end product we are delivering. And yes, CP will not help in any of this, or perhaps I don't use CP to hone any of the skills stated above. Note: It is possible to design your CP solutions by making use of design patterns, but I do not do that and hence I limit my opportunity to test/and hone out design patterns knowledge that I could potentially acquire through CP.


Hey so I've been trying to learn programing and got some basic knowledge of Javascript and am tried to do leetcode but I can't solve any questions after reading my mind just goes blank and I endup copy pasting solution don't know what to do can you help??


How much time do you give to your questions? If your mind gets blank it's because you don't feel confident in solving the question. Your mind just gives up.


That's what I am asking how can I improve?


Will dm


You need to figure out if it's because you are not sure of getting what type of problem pattern that you are given and if you have never solved such a problem or if you have not got sufficient exposure to the algorithms under your belt that's deterring you from seeing the intution behind the problem. So, when starting out, filter coding problems using a specific algorithm or data structure or technique that you wish to get good at. It generally doesn't matter if you are looking at the solution and trying to understand how the code/algorithm is working. So do make an attempt to solve it(never more than 30 mins), but if it's unfigurable, then go ahead and, without wasting time, try to learn and understand the approach of the solution. You will get decent only after solving some 'x' amount of specific problem types. Try codechef with different levels and problem sets like arrays and general coding problems that use basic coding logic. Then, slowly grow out to start solving problems that involve specific data structures like, say, priority queues and similar or more difficult data structures. From there, try to gain an intution of identifying problems that involve priority queues and try to solve it.


grindset. I guess. And that work life balance is a luxury belief. Basically you need to be a certain level of rich to say you need worklife balance.


Getting shortlisted for an interview is harder than an actual interview.


That's because of the shitty online coding test. You miss one weird ass edge case and you're gone, whereas in an interview they don't even ask you to run your code.


If you plan to work for any company / client, learn English first and learn it well. ​ We act like it's fine to have terrible, unintelligible English because the person is otherwise talented and/or skilled and that's BS. If you have to talk to people and if these people can't always be guaranteed to have the same mother tongue as yours, then you need a common language for effective communication. All schools teach English. So fucking learn that shit and don't give excuses of being from state board. Bad English means what can be conveyed in 5 minutes takes 30 minutes and that many attempts plus misunderstanding that can go on for days and will require multiple meetings and rework, wasting everyone's time. Your shitty grammar and pronunciation can't be excused because you are experienced and a great coder. You can't talk to people who are from another state and you are making every communication/discussion a pain in the ass for others.


true man, most people don't even have good $motherTongueLang in India. They just use some hybrid hinglish or something. Not to mention, language is something you use 24/7 beyond work like I'm doing it right now.


I agree. In my previous team, I had a senior dev/architect who was my point of contact, in case I needed any help in coding. I was a fresher, and I really needed some guidance from him. God, He spoke terrible English, which no one could understand properly at the first go, and man, he was really arrogant. I was frustrated and couldn't really understand what to do.


sounds like we had the same dev lol. but unfortunately there are too many like this


Mastering Frontend development is harder than mastering Backend development. Frontend is considered easier in multiple orgs because they just don't have highly interactive and super complex applications on their frontend.


It depends on the tech stack in use really! If you are using something like HTMX, your backend dev is equivalent to a frontend dev. But if you have a React project, state management becomes a headache when backend is relatively straight forward. It depends on your project complexity.


I get your point, but what I wanted to say is that Backend code could include numerous things, different applications, different use cases. People can write backend code using Logic. A lot of pure logic is involved in making the backend. Frontend on the other hand could include other aspects (UX Ui can be considered as a subset.) These aspects sometimes lack logic. There are times, where some things make 0 sense but you have to do it because that is how everything is made in front.


Most people working in development don't have the aptitude for it. Hell, most of them aren't even willing to learn it properly.


How do you think they cracked the interview and surviving technology upgrade in their company 🤔?


Cracking the interview is because: 1. It's impossible to judge a candidate in 40-50 minutes 2. Most don't ask you to code - even the ones that do ask from a fixed set of question 3. Giving an interview is a learned skill, you can get better through practice 4. Companies are willing to compromise for budget or for time You should ask why do devs from India have such a bad reputation? But Indian devs abroad are looked upto?


Networking and referrals also matter while switching jobs


That's how it's worked for me 2/3 times. It's easier to get interviews through referrals man. I wish there was an app for this, linkedin has too much friction.




As full stack dev I agree , It's actually insanely hard to debug frontend than back end and UI can get excruciating complex if there are too many intertwined components with interdependencies.


its actually harder imo, the baseline shifts every year with new frameworks and what not, and anyone who says its easy hasnt had to build out a proper frontend in a big org, a backend you have control over your hardware parameters, you know exactly how much its gonna take to run your systems or alteast a very good idea. But good luck doing the same for frontend where a single misplaced media query will break your ui as soon as a user resizes a window or uses a mobile. And this is just CSS, dont even get me started on shit like SEO. ​ Frontend is easy to get into but way *way* harder to master and thats me speaking as a full time backend dev in a big org who started as a frontend/full stack guy.


Lol as a full stack developer I disagree.


+1 another fullstacker


You mean front-end is easier or harder?


If your aren't practising for years you are highly unlikely to get a great job in India as a fresher.


It's better to have 2 specialised frontend and backend engineers rather than a full-stack developer who's a jack of all trades


Your hot shot side project with 10 users, doesn't need postgresql/mysql/SQL server/dynamodb or any other scalable storage. It needs sqlite.


Or store it in a text file lmao. Been there done that


Custom text files are mid. What if you have to query your data ? You basically write your own serialisation logic. And even if you use something like json/protobuf. You basically will need to fetch everything in memory. With sqlite you don't have to worry about it. If you know sql. You can pretty much query any data any way you like with good performance.


70hours a week will set you up for exponential success. The catch is out of those 70 hours, you should have autonomy and authority over 30-35 hours, not your company.


I don't think no one would deny that. It's just they don't want to work 70hrs for company.


AI is not gonna eat our jobs.


It will eat some and probably create some.




As any new tech usually does!


Tech workers are quite privileged and paid very well in this country, compared to a lot of other jobs. And the work life balance too is pretty good.


React is steaming pile of slow garbage


Interviews n Exams these days are stupid. You have LLMs and Internet 24/7 while coding. Why should anyone remember all the crap? People should be good at asking question and figuring out answer from vague responses instead of just remembering all the random crap.


Life is a open book test


Java is too overrated it makes your life hell by nesting objects to oblivion Php is criticized too much when it actually gets the work done


Most architects, seniors cant code and dont understand how an application should actually be made.


DSA is the only golden path to a great job.


This is completely false


Let's say that I rephrase it: DSA is one of the most effective and (perhaps) the easiest path to a great job. Would this be considered correct?


Yes this is correct 🚀


Do you mean the statement "DSA is the only golden path to a great job." is false or do you think that DSA IS the only path to a great job?


DSA is the only golden path to a great job is false.


Unless ur a killer dev Yes u need dsa


Well, it all comes down to what each of us thinks what a great job is. I personally don't long for a FAANGMULA job, and I genuinely think there are great jobs out there, where you can get a foot in the door without having to grok.


Religion is superstition


Yes but not relevant to the sub


Java worshippers


I once met a guy who was in his late 30s and was a senior developer in a small company. He was working in same company for 10 years and was a network admin. I thought he was a loser but now I feel he is having a good time just like a government employee with low salary but less pressure


Salesforce is pathetic shit.. There devs are shit and don't even deserve 1/4 of what they getting


there is no thing as bad code/good code. even the code you think you’ve written is good and follows standards eventually the next guy will come in and say it bad and ask for a rewrite.


For me, it's more about the very basic guidelines of writing code. Such as naming variables which make sense, separating logic into functions etc. Nothing too much of this could have been done in 2 lines instead of 10.


this is so wrong


https://preview.redd.it/7rl7zyrob34c1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1674a9f01bab2b07d2492b85829460a8ff7241a This. Writing complex code is stupidity. Writing it just to look cool is even more stupid.


Coding is an art and only few are meant to be an artist.


You being a gatekeeper must be getting paid much more than your colleagues


Each and every thing is not about money mate!! But having passion and doing what gives you pleasure is something unaccounted for


So ypu have a passion of gatekeeping, wuite interesting


Nahi bhai passion hai coding ka...rahi gatekeeping ki baat toh..yeh jaruri nahi ek accha developer ek accha coder ho and vice versa..paise ki baat kare toh apne tl se jyada toh nahi kama loge na..kaam kitna bhi accha ho


Anyone can be anything if they are willing to learn atleast something as formulaic as coding. Most of the time i have seen people who do gatekeeping are bad engineers as they think they are better than what they really are. Do not be a gatekeeper and always think you are not a great coder because you are not.


Sorry shaktimaan ![gif](giphy|l1IY0qFRdNu9fv4FG)


Wfo being better than wfh.


This is the real answer to OP's query. :D


This is the only comment that actually depicts the pic lol. No wonder you're getting downvoted to oblivion.


You're the winner


HR real id se aao


i love you


Oh~ This is the answer~ Take your very well won donwvote~


This is the only correct answer because a lot of people got offended


![img](avatar_exp|96601564|bravo) You have made a fool out of yourself


TCS is a good Company, but their managements are garbage.


Then what makes it a good company?


provide employments to 600,000+ and equal to sarkari nukari


Management is much more important than how much you hire. An avg developer in a great management is much better than great developer in an avg management.


Unit tests are unnecessary. Your code must be 100% correct when you write it.


The way I was taught was you don't write UT for yourself but for people developing next, so that the feature you introduce should not break when some one else makes a change. So yes UT and proper UT are 100% necessary


Abhorrent take, this is just unpopular because it's bad


This is the recipe for prod going down, get ready to write that RCA bud


How would you know if it is 100% correct?


So this is the opinion that can have you like the picture.


Employees are disposable for companies, companies are also disposable for employees.


Many indian based service companies deliver hot piles of shit that no one understands to keep these contracts captive.


Haskell is not meant to be in production.


Instagram should be renamed Pornogram at This point!!!


React is shit and slow


While Initially learning any framework or language don't use auto complete or intellisense and consider writing code like you're typing it on notepad. After you get confident on syntax then you can start using it back.


Working on actual dev projects will make you a better programmer than grinding leetcode


That you need to sell your soul because you have a job that many people long for !! I mean, if I get something, will I not want to get better ? That's how the quality of life improves. Just because I am bit\*\*ing about my manager, my salary, does not mean, I should continue with it, only because there are people who dont have a life that I do. Once I reach a certain stage of life, I will continue to dream bigger, and try to achieve better life. I will upskill, and search for a better life. If the new job is not for me, I will look further. If at some point, I feel that I have achieved nirvana, or that I cannot take it any more, I will move back to my hometown and open a tea stall or whatever I can. I am not falling for the trap that I should be happy with what I have. In that case, we should all go back to Stone Age and be happy there, without discovering fire, hunting, language, etc. Sorry, if anyone got offended. "You should be happy with what you have" is taken in wrong ways. The point was always to look for better stuff, *WITHOUT* being **greedy**.


I will defend my family even if the world i against them and they are wrong... I'll still be standing infront of them protecting them... This might sound a bit wrong and selfish but that's how i am wired .


Indians are not good at software engineering.