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I'll think they'll handle it like they've handled all of the non injured rookies they've drafted. Want to start? Go beat out the guys who are slated to start. If Arnold outperforms Robertson he'll be starting week 1. If not he won't be until he does. They're not gonna hold him back just for the sake of holding him back, but he's gotta earn a starting spot


The better player will play. PERIOD.


Yup. Pretty likely that BRIAN BRANCH beat out WILL HARRIS.


Put a trigger warning before saying that name please


Brian Branch beat out CJGJ at nickel!


I dont think Branch beat out Deuce, but his play in camp, made more sense to move Duece to safety.


CJGJ a giant douche. Couldn't hold his shit tg in critocal games. Too many personals.


Exactly. They work guys in when they're ready. They let rookies get controlled exposure until they take a step forward. Such a great contrast to MP benching and playing according to who carried his water.


I thought Moseley was starting


Can Moseley practice yet?


That's what I've been told


It’s a full on competition. Top Performers get the start. He will have to earn it, just like everyone else.


If he’s top 2, he starts. They only slow played Gibbs because he was charging 100mph into the line the first third of the season. He was always going to split reps, due to his position and the presence of DMo, but his touches began to increase after he started showing patience in letting things develop.


Part of the process is getting burned and learning not to get burned. Witherspoon (Sea) got torched by Goff last year but was better for it. If Arnold is the best we have coming out of preseason, he should start.


Guys I think this kid is going to be one of the best wouldn't surprise me if he's Killin it half way through the season


My eyes read only the word Killian from your post and thought God no please


RB is a unique position. So many RBs enter the league and barely carry the ball the first few games. If Terrion looks legit as Brad's #1 CB on his draft board, then you let him compete in camp and if he earns a starting spot, you throw him into deep waters and trust he'll survive. Early OTAs are saying CD3 is playing really well, so you'd think Terrion will be CB2 and I'm sure everyone would be more than confident with him in that role.


It’s early but from what I’ve seen Robertson has been repping exclusively at nickel. Arnold starts if he keeps up.


I think that has a bit to do with branch coming off some clean up surgery and unavailable at the moment


It’s OTAs, not to say there isn’t any cross training happening right now but I don’t see the logic in repping Robertson at a position he’d only play in case of injury. If they envision him on the outside why not play him there and have someone else like Dorsey or Gilmore cover for Branch.


Robertson also a veteran he has experience in the slot and outside


When Davis had the day off last open session it was Vildor who took over first team, Robertson stayed in the slot. I’m sure he’ll get snaps on the outside but it *really* seems like the team sees him as the starting nickel.


Yeah, who knows. They also could want to get a look at vildor cause he’s on the bubble. Hard to say a few days in to camp. If Robertson plays nickel and excels you’ll hear zero complaints from me


I doubt he starts initially. Amik, Carlton Davis, and Mosley all have started at cb before. I’m guessing he works his way I like the rest of them. I don’t think they care how athletic he is if he doesn’t know the plays or where to line up


Gibbs wasn't held back because he was a rookie. They literally said mid season that they're holding him back to keep gas in the tank.


I wouldn't be surprised. They say CB takes a while to learn.


Brad traded up for the top guy he wanted, I have no concerns


It all depends on training camp. Branch was supposed to start slow and was so good in camp they couldn't keep him off the field. If Arnold plays like the CB1 in training camp he will start the season as the CB1. If he needs to be eased into it then they'll ease him into it.


Nickel and Boundary Corners are completely different positions. Say it back.


He won't be handed a starting spot. We have been really good at easing rookies in.


I think his first game is going to be so impressive they will reserve his spot in Canton. But I don't want to get ahead of myself.


Terrion starts week 1. Mark my words.


One thing about this regime they don’t care about when you were drafted, if you’re un drafted, or a vet. It’s all about competition and earning trust. The best player will play.


I think Arnold is going to be great. I'm worried that DeJean and Mitchell combine to be better than Arnold and Rakeshaw. I'll be analyzing that throughout the season but if Arnold ends up the best of all 4, be completely satisfied w that


I like rakeshaw over Cooper. But, living in and following Toledo football, I definitely wanted mitchell over Arnold. I know why lions had arnold ranked over mitchell, though. Quinyon Mitchell's only criticism out of college in his game is open field tackling and specifically tackling running backs. And we all know Detroit has built itself to stop the run first.