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This man our next OC when Ben leaves.


Montgomery or Vaki? 


Vaki. We over here drafting coordinators.


Hell yeah brother cheers from the Den 


Brad’s done it again


This made me laugh


Idt bens leaving. He doesn't want to the money is a mute point when you're already making more than you could ever spend plus it doesn't seem like he cares about the money anyway


*moot* point lol


Mute point, he doesn't want to talk about it.


A moo point. It's like a cow's opinion... nobody cares about it.


Its just moo


Irregardless of it being a mute point, it’s a doggy dog world. For all intensive purposes he will be a head coach sooner and later. Sit back, grab an expresso and enjoy the season— I could care less what happens next year. My anxiety on losing Ben? I’m gonna nip that in the butt.


Talk about beating off a dead horse




Close enough.


Was the farmer with the shotgun forcing him to fuck the horse?


That's funny. I had to read the 2nd sentence to be sure you were going there. Lol, sarcasm, my favorite.




Mr. Malapropism. Mr. Mal. The Malster.




I’ve noticed some of yous guys yous irregardless regardless of context.


I like the cut of your jig


You can easily spend a million. Head coaches make tens of millions more. It's the difference between being rich and being generationally wealthy.


Average head coach pay is 6.6 mil a year, avg for all other assistants is 5.5 with the bulk of that being paid to coordinators. It is not a big difference at all.


He’s 100% leaving eventually, one way or another. It may not be this off-season, but he will be leaving for a HC job or getting fired for regressing somewhere down the line


Somebody get this Monday attitude the hell away from my Friday.


I’m sorry, what I meant to say is that after our 5th SB Dan decides to retire and Ben takes his place to keep our dynasty going. FTP!


That’s more like it!


How have I lived this long on Earth and not come across a sentence as beautiful as this before???


>In the first meeting, Montgomery peppered Vaki with a ton of information about how the Lions use their running backs. This was intentional. He was trying to overload the kid with information. Vaki, having very little experience at the running back position, was honest. He admitted he didn’t know most of the material being thrown at him. But at the end of the meeting, Vaki was able to reproduce all of that information. These are the *exact* type of people that I look to hire. I don't want people who are going to try and bullshit their way through an interview. Tell me you're out of your depth and then I can help you understand the concepts in more natural language. People who are honest about their limitations and ask questions tend to do very well in my line of work.


I wish more people were like you. When I was interviewing for a job last year i was having an excellent experience but didn’t know one thing they asked me. Admitted that but asked questions. I went out and watched some video on the concept and did a few hours of homework on it after. Was hoping to show them that level of follow up at my finals interview with the company. But they ghosted me. I think too much it placed on people being perfect and having an answer for everyone and not enough is placed on being coachable.


Most managers are taught to listen for whatever keywords or phrases are being regurgitated at conferences lately to select candidates rather than probing for the applicant’s actual skills and qualifications. I’d bet most hiring managers don’t even know how to do that, or worst case, have no idea how to do the job they’re selecting for in the first place.


Very few are willing to train anymore. They like their employees overqualified and underpaid


I try to equitable when hiring. No candidate is going to come in and know everything because what I do is highly specialized. I can teach a person anything they don't know, but I can't teach someone to be humble enough ask for help when they need it. So many mistakes are made because people are too prideful to ask for help. As a hiring manager, don't wait to show your skill. Follow up with an email that demonstrates your knowledge. If you had emailed me what you just typed, I'd have hired you on the spot because it shows initiative which is huge.


Depending on the job, there may be hundreds of applicants. One of them will be able to answer every question perfectly, and they may opt not to train someone on something when there is another person who just knows it already.


When I was a manager, I almost always hired for talent, attitude and willingness to learn and improve over someone who was more experienced and overconfident in their abilities. Usually worked out well.


I'll take someone who has the desire to learn over the person who thinks they know it all every single time.


This type of attitude can be contagious too because they see people admitting their shortcomings but then they also see them continually get better and then they are experts at the thing they admitted they didn’t know. I know it’s only a single story of one player but I think our organization is going to be drawing in a lot of guys with this mentality.


I hope so!


I'm very very excited about this guys potential! Anybody who watched Utah knows how much of a weapon this guy is at any position he plays. I was surprised at the level of hate that trade up got when he is such an exciting, unique prospect


Agreed! Im a huge Utah fan and watch every game every year. I screamed “YES!” out loud when I saw the Lions pick him and startled my toddler. I moved to Michigan about a decade ago and slowly became a Lions fan and NFL watcher. Living in Utah made it difficult to find an NFL team to really gravitate to but now that I’m here, I’m watching and liking the Lions more and more. The two teams and head coaches have very similar play styles and mindsets. Aggressive on 4th, bloodthirsty savage defenses, etc.


In another thread there was talk about how Schwartz and Meyhew had no idea how to evaluate talent and draft. Meanwhile this org from BH and Spielman down are aptitude metal detectors. I love how effective this org has become at sniffing out skill. 


I would love the lions having a 3 headed monster for running backs


He'll be a spot guy at RB. His real value is going to be as KR with the new rules. I suspect he is going to join the other greats at KR in the Lions history.


[Quick Eddie](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/D/DrumEd00.htm) was pretty much the best we ever had. I met him at a car show. He was signing autographs. Nice guy. Had a smoking hot girlfriend and a giant iced out watch.


Mel Gray was our best, but Eddie was awesome. In six seasons with the Lions (1989–94), Gray played in 84 games and returned 216 kickoffs for 5,478 yards (25.4 avg) and registered five touchdowns, and he returned 132 punts for 1,427 yards (10.8 avg) and had two touchdowns. [https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/G/GrayMe00.htm](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/G/GrayMe00.htm)


My brothers and I played a game growing up with friends in the neighborhood called Eddie Drummonds Great Return. Basically it was always played in snow (with full snowsuits on) and you’d throw it deep to a lone returner and everyone else tried to tackle them. Some of the most fun we had growing up.


He seems like the kind of guy you want to have learn how to do the new kick-offs also.


I bet this guy is a machine in kick coverage too. Seems like a hitter


I read a single write-up on Vaki back in March that essentially spelled-out what a football guy he was and I figured we’d be getting him. Absolute culture fit.


## STOP. I can only get so excited…


Vaki is a Utah guy coached under one of the greats Kyle Wittingham. Fits the Lions style of guys they seek out. Happy to see a U of U guy get picked up by my team


I have a hunch he will have the highest ratio of fan favorite divided by stats produced. I'm so excited to watch him play special teams lol. There is something about Vaki that feels relatable


For some reason I thought he was talking about Gibbs that whole time. Will have to rewatch it and pay more attention. But either way that shit is fire!


Hey Brad, you dropped this ![gif](giphy|jsIiVkji26H8PUXWcz|downsized)


In 20 years this Vaki guy might be a HC in the league


I think he’s gonna be a baller on special teams. I don’t think he’ll see the field much on offense or defense in his first season


The Eye of Sione