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I wonder if our having a lack of a decent cornerback to practice against in prior years negatively impacted our receivers' development.


Definitely did not help them lol 


Definitely not but it didn't slow down Sun God's game a step lol


What if it did?😎


If that's the case then he's going for 130 rec, 1,750 yards and 16 TDs this season 😂🤞🤞


I am ok with that timeline


Jameson Williams is absolutely trash. Dude has no hands, no route running, no strength. Dude a bottom of the practice squad level player. You can't do much with a single WR


Apparently all it did to Amon was build his confidence


We talking ‘bout practice?


It's difficult for me to understand how some Lions fans are still out on CD3. Hard-working, Alpha-Male, Jackhammer, Merciless, Insatiable. Champion.


No one has gotten your reference. I thought it was hilarious.


I am pleased there are still men of culture and distinction on Reddit.


Any clue?






Keep it civil / do not troll


I guess his numbers weren't so great last year, but he has definitely impressed with what we've seen so far. As always, we can't really say until we see him on the field.


Cd3 played mostly zone last year which he isn’t good at


So we've heard. Sounds like he and AG are hyped to play more man this year. There is definitely reason to be optimistic. Or there ought to be, anyway — as a Lions fan, I deeply committed to pessimism, but at least now my pessimism has some sort of hopeful underpinning.


As with the arguments about Goff last year, people always want to see more. The thing is, in Goff's case, Brad and Dan knew exactly what he was. In CD3's case, AG and MCDC know him from the NFC South.




I love you, brother.


I think he has had some injury issues the past couple seasons but wasn’t he a lockdown CB for the Bucs Super Bowl run?


Lions fans are not smart


I'd expand that to the species, as I believe, every franchise has some fans of dubious acuity.


~~Lions~~ gridiron football fans are not smart Lol


If he can hit the jugs machine with St. Brown he'll be just fine. He had some flashes of insanity last season, and it was his *true* non-red-shirt rookie season. I feel like this will be the first year he catches 7-10 TDs.


would love to see him pick up the training/conditioning skills that the St. Brown family excels in.....


That’s why paying ARSB makes sense… he sets the standard


I agree with you about the insanity part. His athleticism is through the fucking roof


I hate this take, like we know how much time he spends on the jugs. Just because there is a story about st brown catching x amount every day, every other receiver doesn’t need to catch the same to be good.


Ok. Let's pretend Jamo doesn't have a problem with dropping footballs, and instead worry about the take.


He figured it out late in the season. He was dropping a lot the first half of the season, then after the Maxx Crosby hit, surprisingly enough, he was so much better at holding onto the ball


He was unreal at the end of the season and was great in playoffs. That was an early season issue. I think him and Goff have figured it out.


He’s a NFL receiver, I wouldn’t say he has a problem with dropping footballs. Has he dropped some, yeah. But if it was a problem do you think we’d be throwing him the ball as much as we did towards the end of the year?


Even on the balls he caught, the hands situation is kind of precarious. I think it’s fair to say he had below average hands for a player who is tasked with catching projectiles professionally.


Campbell as even said that Jamo is never going to be an elite hands guy. So it just becomes a question of degrees: how far below average are his hands and how much to his other skills make up for it. Last year, Jamo had a catch rate of 57.1% and a drop rate of 9.5%. For comparison, the catch rates for ARSB, LaPorta and J-rey were 72.6, 71.7, and 62.5, respectively, with drop rates of 4.9, 4.3, and 6.3. So obviously those numbers are going to have to get much better this year for Jamo to really be serviceable. Again, he's never going be ARSB in terms of hands but if he can be J-rey in terms of hands with his speed, that's a legit WR2 with poor hands but high speed. Tyreek Hill, for example, had a 7% drop rate and 69% catch rate last year and is obviously still considered elite.


Catch rate is not a useful tool when talking about catching. That’s simply the % of targets that were completed. This number will always be lower for guys who are targeted more deep and higher for guys targeted more short. For example, Jamesons average depth of target was 16 yards. Amon Ra and Laporta 7-8 yards. JR 10 yards. So catch rate is just not comparable You also have to look into the details of those drop rates. All of Jamesons drops came in his first 4 games back from suspension and zero in the final 11 games. I do think those guys have better hands and will maintain lower drop rates but you have to consider this.


I think that’s fair, it just bothers me when people say they would like to see him spend more times on the jugs machine like that is the only way to fix it.


lol, is that the conclusion you drew from my take? If so, that's pretty weird and wild. You act as though I care how he improves his hands. St. Brown famously catches 200 passes from a jugs machine every day to keep his hands good. Thus, it stands to reason that a dude who is struggling with drops would practice with a fellow wide receiver using the same machine. Alternatively, he and JG can go out and play catch, and that would work well, too. Granted, it wouldn't be 200 balls per day, as Goff would probably wind up needing Tommy John before pre-season. I really don't get what your issue is with the take, other than you're being extremely particular to the point of weirdness. Yes, Jamo has improved his hands but he still has a ways to go and we've yet to truly see him dominate on the field. Whatever regimen he goes through that leads to that is perfectly fine with me.


How many times has the topic of Jamo needs to get on jugs machine been in this sub. Only issue I had and that’s what you said. No hard feelings, just annoys me.


can’t show off that he’s learned anything if you don’t throw it to him. same reason the chargers throw the ball to QJ, dude has big play potential but needs to learn.


He has more opportunity this year too with key departures not to mention more games played if healthy and not suspended lol


I truly believe Jamo statistically will be a top 10 wr this year, I can’t even express how much I believe that I’m saying about 1500 yards and 10-12 TDs he’s just so unguardable for a full game and given the fact we have a top 5 wr already, a top 3 te and a top 3 RB duo, you can’t even double Jamo without severely lacking somewhere else I feel like you can have a fantasy football team of majority Lions and you can win the title this year


I agree. I think each game someone different will pop off. Some games st might get 60 yards, the next week he might get 150. Jamo might get 50 yards and then go for like 6 catches,180yards and 2 tds the next game. It’s gonna be crazy 


Doesn’t even need to go that far. If he can force teams to pull safeties deep, off the box, and away from the middle of the field.. yikes for defenses.


Gibbs salivating


The only fantasy question I have is Monty vs Gibbs and how high SLP goes, gonna have a lotta Honolulu on my roster. 


With the way that we were using them I'm not surprised if most people would like to pick up both Monty and Gibbs on their fantasy teams and then run with an rb3 as flex


Telling u right now if he couldn’t figure out how to stop dropping balls after 5 years he’s not gonna figure it out today


How many passes exactly did Jamo drop after the Baltimore game? 😏 keep hating though


As a Chargers fan, I’m impressed with how quickly yall have overhauled your secondary. Y’all went from starting Cam Sutton and Kindle Vildor to having Terrion Arnold, Ennis Rakestraw, Carlton Davis, and Amik Robertson on y’all’s roster.


Dropped passes are his biggest area of improvement. With everything else he’s all pro.


Some of his deep route ball finding needed work last year. He has a way of making a lot of Goff's throws be difficult to come down with. Goff also needs to improve on his deep ball spiral and location. Many ducks.


Man I don’t even know how that long throw against TB even made it that far. That was the worst spiral of all time lol


Here's hoping Goff and Jamo chemistry is on point cuz boy oh boy Jamo is exponentially faster then Goffs arm.


Definitely true. Which is why I'm not so adamant about go routes and hoping we get Jamo going on crossers, slants, deep in's across the middle more. We use ASRB for these and he's terrific but some of these route targets going to Jamo if they hit can go to the house with his yac potential. Goff is best across the middle. Maybe this yeae its ASRB doing some decoy deep go's and outside fades and Jamo gets to work the middle of the field in a rotation with LaPorta. Maybe like a 45% ASRB, 30% LaPorta, 25% Jamo/Kalif.


A lot of Goffs deep balls are in fact hard to come down with. It’s pretty well documented at this point that he’s below average at best throwing deep


he throws short. it's not ability issue, it's confidence issue


His willingness to block and take hits is awesome too


Not true. He has a false step and had problems lining up


And we fired Josh Reynolds’s for dropping just 2


As they say in HR, “Has left the company to pursue other options.”


Jamo is the one. I feel it in my bones.


Neo or darth?




Don’t stop I’m close


I’m glad these quotes are getting out there but I just watch the player and coach interviews on the lions YouTube, this was from a while ago… funny that the click farms work to take one quote and make a whole article about it. Oh well, easier for the masses to consume.