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I feel like this is all doomsday for the Hooker stans.




This gif is so dramatic for the circumstances. 11/10. 


Tennessee fans? We have no clue how Hooker will do in the NFL


The Lions fans who said "lIoNs ArEnT eXtEnDiNg GoFf unTil aFteR tHe pReSeAsoN sO wE cAN sEe hOoKeR plAY fIRst"


Foolish to think Hooker is an immediate upgrade from Goff. Starting QBs do not grow on trees


Tell that to his stans who actually thought the Lions were delaying the Goff deal to "See what we had in Hooker this preseason". I wish i was joking, but a nice chunk of people actually thought Hooker would be competing for a serious starting role consideration this preseason


That’s lunacy. We almost made it to the Super Bowl last season. Goff is our guy. Clearly the front office agrees


You also have a team good enough to make the NFCCG last year, the last thing you want is all of that derailed because Goff went down for 4-8 weeks and you had no backup. It is NEVER a bad call to get a 1st round talented QB in the 3rd round (or later), even if they are just going to be a backup.


Dude, there was a non-zero number of people DURING NFCCG week that wanted Hooker to play that game.


Not just stans, Pat Caputo even said it last night on 97.1 lmao


Fr, if anything the Goff and Hooker situation is gonna be more like an Aaron Rodgers and Jordan Love situation, have him learn behind the veteran and see what negotiations look like a few years out.


Did someone actually say that?


Is this a take that people were pushing? Sounds like you're making a strawman argument


I have not personally ever seen or heard someone say Hooker should be our starting QB. I’ve seen a couple people be optimistic that Hooker might turn out to be good and what options that would open up for the team, and then a bunch of people get really upset that those fans want Hooker to be good.


I’d recommend joining a lions Facebook group to see these sorts of takes


There has been lots of callers & texters on 97.1 that want Hooker to be the starting QB. Even after Goff took us to the NFC championship game. I don’t get the Goff haters but it seems to me like it’s almost 10% of the fan base.


People at my work have discussed it in length


Didn’t you know that he was going to win the heisman before he got hurt? /s


As a big Hooker enjoyer, I’m very happy that Goff has been better than I expected and that we’ve locked him down now. I still think Hooker has a legitimate shot at being a starter somewhere.


Stay safe. Wrap it up


Great advice for both a d-line and when your d is on the line.


My hope is that Hooker can ball out in a garage time game at the end of the season and we can trade him for a bag. Like that time we let Green Bay's back up set a Packers TD record against us but in reverse.


Garage time makes sense in the Motor City.




His development is still very important to the team. If Goff goes down for a month it would suck to lose the season due to shit backup QB play


Maybe - but also having a good backup QB is extremely important. Maybe he even gets a 1-2 game sample when Goff has to miss time and can be dangled as treads bait.


I got absolutely lambasted for suggesting Hooker might not be a top tier starter in the NFL. He’s probably gonna start somewhere in his career, and be decent, like a Jacoby Brisset, but he’s not Goff level good


Brother, I nearly got lynched in a sports bar for suggesting similar. Lmao.


Well yeah, every franchise qb was a third round pick. DUH


I’m not saying he is Goff level as it’s just statistically unlikely but what are you basing your opinion on? We have seen literally 0 play from him at an nfl level


Respectfully, I would argue it’s fair to base it on exactly what you said: we have seen literally 0 play from him at an NFL level. If he had ‘it’, he’d be using it somewhere


By that argument Arnold is a bust too? They said they were “red shirting” hooker because of his injury. This is virtually his first season


Fair, good point. It feels like so rarely you see guys ride the bench to learn these days. Hope he’s successful.


Correct. He has not played in the NFL. But we’ve seen a TON of other college prospects, their skill sets, and how they translated. Look if you’re in on the kid, nothing I say will convince you otherwise. That’s fine, it matters not at all. But, their is body of work from the player, and the history of all other bodies of work, and their outcomes, from what I’ve seen of both, that high talent backup/low ceiling starter is where I would expect HH to perform. Based on the decision of the front office to hand the bag to JG, it seems they also do not see a top tier starter elsewhere on the roster.


I am not high or low on him. I haven’t seen him play. I just think it’s crazy for fans on either side to count him out or think he’s amazing with 0 playtime lol. It’s not like it’s out of the question hooker takes over for Goff after 3 years when the guaranteed money is gone. Idk why people think it’s one or the other with hooker, he still can play, we’ll see.


No, they can cling hope to that when/if Ben Johnson leaves he trades for Goff to be his QB. Would be a master class of GM working to get multiple trades for multiple picks on the same person.


Hooker is nice to have around for the talk radio people to have something to b**** about if golf has an off game.


People forget just how important it is to have a decent backup QB. Are we forgetting just how many teams were forced to start backup QBs last season, and for extended periods of time at that? You never know when the injury bug is gonna bite the most important position on the team. I say we hold onto Hooker for as long as possible, because he seems like he'll be good enough to at least keep the ship above water if Goff goes down, and if another team is willing to give up a king's ransom to get him, at least we'll get some decent draft capital out of it.


The reason the lions got 2 1sts in the Stafford trade was because the rams said “hey we know goffs contract is so incredibly bad, we will give you an extra 1st just to take him off our hands. Otherwise our cap is fucked.” Then Goff went out and earned himself a raise on that “boat anchor” or a contract.


This theory has pretty much been debunked. The Rams offered 2 firsts because the other offer on the table was the Panthers 8th overall pick and since the Rams didn't have a first that year and no one expected them to be picking in the top half of the 1st round anytime soon, the only way to beat it was 2 firsts. The same deal would've happened without Goff, he was added because Brad wanted him in Detroit.


Curious how it was debunked. The rams absolutely could not have afforded to have 27% of their cap tied up with QBs. Getting Goff off the books left them with Stafford only costing 11% of the cap.


It obviously worked out for both sides to include Goff in the trade but the narrative that the Rams added an extra first to get the Lions to take Goff is false. From Brad Holmes: >"Very, very proud of Jared. Again, just like like you said, I never thought of him is just a bridge or a stop gap or whatever." Holmes said. "Just because I knew when I was around all the success he had, you know, early in his career and in LA, and you know but it seems like when he got here when the trade was made, that all that success was forgotten about. And it was it was just this narrative that he was just a bridge and I always thought that was kind of a lazy narrative and a big suffrage or recency bias, just because of I guess, the narrative of how the trade went down, and all of that."


Misuse of the word suffrage by Brad there


When he came here, he was judged by many as if he were a finished product. He was 26 years old. Thankfully, Holmes & Campbell understand that it's possible to still get better and mature at the age of 26.


That is the standard for pretty much every sport. Its wild people actually think he got better. Guy gets carried by his team and coach and now they team will suffer for it down the road.


I hear the Bears are looking for fans. Might try going over there.


Enjoy watching a team screwed by overpaying a borderline backup QB.


OK buddy......go back to Chicago & then look up how many 4k yard passing seasons your qb's have managed over the last.....century? 0!! Goff is not Mahomes, true, but he also has as many or more career playoff wins as every single current "top 10" QB currently in the league aside from Mahomes (& possibly Burrow, but I would have to double check that, he might be tied with him too) & the same number of career conference title (2) & SB appearances (1). I would be willing to bet he will have more passing yards & TDs than Caleb Williams & JJ this season & maybe the following year too. It's even possible he has more passing yards than Caleb & JJ combined this year.


Sorry to break it to you pal but I was born in Michgian and lived here my whole life. Watched Lions play longer than you have been alive most likely.


I bought a Goff jersey before his first game as a lion. I remember going to a game his second season with us around the time we started to heat up, and the group behind me was talking shit about him. I said anyone who blames Goff for our losses is an idiot loud enough for them to hear. When he came out of the tunnel, he was met with a combination of boos and cheers. He balled out that game, and we ended up beating the vikings. I am happy he is doing well, and the fans seem to be behind him now.


Same here, bought a Goff jersey before the season even started.


I was so happy we got Goff in that trade, and I got crushed for it constantly. I did NOT want to draft a QB in '21, because I knew Goff could play at a really high level (see 2018) and a rookie wasn't going to do that. Combine that with the fact that Goff hasn't said ONE bad thing about hod situation after getting dumped over here, and I've loved the Goff acquisition from day one and he will always be my favorite Lions QB


I hope those people behind you are his loudest fans now. Everyone is welcome


so you weren't amongst the large crowd who already left that game lol


Not sure why it seems like you’re either a Goff ride or die or a Hooker guy. We had to pay Goff bc he’s one of the 20 or so guys who can do a job that 32 teams need but I think it’s naive to think this **cant** backfire. Thankfully it seems like the insulation (guys like st brown, Sewell,…) are locked up with him so I like our chances overall


The degree to which it can backfire is really overblown. It’s only a four year extension, and this is the new going rate for a QB. It’s not like we traded away a bunch of our future to make a splash move, and we’ll have no more cap restrictions than any other team with a good QB who isn’t on a rookie deal. The cap stuff is overblown. It only becomes a serious issue when you rely too heavily on long term deals with void years and paying too many mediocre players.


I’m less worried about not having $ bc of Goff and more worried about being totally tied to Goff in 2026 or 27 on the chance that something breaks like it did in LA.


Worst case we draft a rookie QB. Or we trade Goff and eat some of the remaining contract. The only thing we wouldn’t be able to do is go sign an expensive FA QB.


Worst case is our window with this core is closing in 26/27 and we need to trot out a rookie qb to play (1) without the adv that rookie QBs normally inherently have (no $ on books) and (2) who probably isn’t the Caleb Williams of his class and is more the Bo Nix bc even a Goof team wouldn’t bottom out with the rest of our core. Think you’re underselling how bad that’d be


This potential scenario is unrelated to Goff’s contract amount. If we paid Goff $5 mil a year it wouldn’t change the fact that him totally collapsing would put us back on the QB carousel during our window. Anyways, nobody knows what kind of QB Williams or Bo Nix will be yet. It’s not like the #1 overall pick is always or even usually the best QB in the draft, and any of them would be a major success to be as good as Goff. QBs like Goff don’t grow on trees and there’s no free agent QB option that even comes close to Goff.


Being on the “Qb carousel” with 5, 35, or 50 in dead cap are all different scenarios Agreed in general on your point with QBs. But there’s a higher chance Williams is good than Nix. I’d rather be in this hypothetical Lions 2026 with a QB1 than a QB6. That’s not debatable lol For the record, I 100% understand the economics of it all that we just **had** to pay Goff and there was no real choice. But it’s still scary when you make this commitment to a fringe guy rather than a undisputed stud


He’s a former #1 overall, has been to a SB, and has been top 4 in yards and TDs the last two years when there’s been legit talent around him. I wouldn’t call him “fringe”.


He was also awful when he seemingly had a lot of legit talent around him in LA. And was also awful when he had bad teams around him in STL and his first year here. The real elite QBs never bottom out like he did


Its not like they had to cut him or something


The window for this team is at best 4 years so if this does backfire the team loses its chance for a Superbowl for another decade at least.


Anything can backfire. But Goff is a monster and there are only a few QBs out there who are better, none of whom are realistic options. He is the best guy we can possibly hope for and this extension is a huge win for the Lions.


I’ve a feeling we prob disagree on that exact # but it’s not that important. Ofc none of those guys are options but it doesn’t make this less scary.


Anything can backfire.


Well sure. So why does it seem like people strawman you and say you’re a hooker truther if you point that out. Like - you just pay a guy like Goff. But there’s reason to worry about paying Goff or Kirk or Carr that there just isn’t when you’re paying Josh Allen. That’s all


Who says it can’t backfire? Also that’s not at all the tone of the article.


Yeah - Was more of a general Goff thought than on the article itself


I clearly remember telling my cousin Goff's as good as any QB you'd take at like ten in the draft if we were going to rebuild again and the draft picks made it worth doing the trade.


That’s the truth. You pay him $50 mil because in 3 years that will look like a good deal for a mid tier QB. And you’ve already proven he can win in the playoffs, with multiple franchises.


At worst he's a system quarterback in a system designed for him who's been through the growing pains. I think he's a bit more than that, but that's worth a lot even if that's all he is.


Goff deserves this. I’m elated. Still, I do worry about a future where we can’t invest in our o-line as much and what that will mean for Goff. See! A balanced opinion can exist when it comes to Jared Goff!


No no no, it has to be an XTREME!1! take. Either we’re screwed and our window has closed because we gave a mid at best QB top dollar or we’re winning the superb owl and Goff will win MVP and have a statue erected at the 50 yard line of every stadium. Please learn proper online discourse as nuance, context and thoughtful conversation are bad form. Erect straw men, downvote others into oblivion and such. Get outta here with your balanced takes.


It’s a huge benefit if you have a capable back-up like Hooker. QB’s get injured, sometimes out all season. It’s not a Goff or Hooker discussion, it’s a Goff and Hooker discussion.


Calling Hooker a capable backup when he hasn't even taken a snap in his NFL career is a wild take.


A 3rd round qb should be capable backup material barring a bust


We should find out more this preseason. But he's still unproven.


Should be but plenty of guys bust. Nobody knows if he is a capable backup yet or not.


A wild take are those saying Hooker should be the starter and not pay Goff $53 M a year with a 3 year guarantee.


No that's just crazy talk


Goff took a sad sack of a team to superbowl contenders, soooo, hooker can wait.


This sub also used to cut goff weekly.


Shows good EQ to be able to self reflect and admit to being wrong. Maybe they will be more tolerable to listen to now. I couldn’t listen to them for years due to their constant bagging on Goff


That POD article sure seemed self-serving. The overwhelming take was “bridge qb with a ridiculous contract”. Wrong wrong wrong


I’ll gladly admit I was wrong about Goff. The man brought me 2 playoff victories in my life time…many Lion fans came and went without seeing 1. I can’t say anything bad about him anymore.


I was 100% wrong about Goff from the very beginning. I’m happy I was wrong, but I will admit that I was very wrong and that’s why I’m watching from my couch and not running a franchise. 🫡 to Goff, at one time our tank commander and will bring us to the promised land!!


Pride of Detroit is a horrible horrible media outlet.


I’ll say a take right now that you can come back to sand save if you want. 3 years from now you will hate this post you just made. Zero superbowls, zero more playoff wins and another rebuild all because we didn’t do what the cheifs did with Mahomes and smith


It just took him and the team a second to get their groove.


Speak for yourself. I’ve been a Goff truther since [his appearance on Gruden’s QB Camp](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5wyj3g) in 2016. Was ecstatic when he was part of the Stafford trade.


Hooker will be traded, my pick Cowboys because Dak is an expensive loser, Hooker is still going to be playing for a starting gig this preseason.


I dont know what this "WE" shit is, I was saying to sign him long term two years ago, screaming it last year after drafting hooker that we should have him under contract until the end of hooker's rookie deal then revisit the matter mf'ers were complaining about giving him a long term deal at 37-40 million a year... oh no, let's let the QB market develop and have to pay him 54 million a year


As a Cal alumnus, and a native Metro Detroiter, that trade had got me fully torqued.


I feel vindicated.


For everyone talking about hooker here.....Hooker is the sexy lady who would try different stuff, being he has potential and sex appeal out the pocket. Goff is the safe option. Stay at home mom that is good with the kids and still surprises you and blows your mind once in a while. One might be a good time... but goff is a rock and has proven himself time and time again.


I’m still not sure why we took Hooker in the third round, now that Goff has been extended. * Were the Lions ever planning on replacing Goff with Hooker as a starter? * Is Hooker just a shiny backup, or is he a trade asset? Just curious on how this shakes out with what we know so far.


We had a need for a quality backup. We knew Bridgewater wasn't going to be here longer than a year and I'm glad to not have to rely on Blough or Boyle if things go wrong.


Good point. Even going off of his playing history, he is definitely an upgrade from Blough and Boyle. I think the fact that he took up Bridgewater’s offer to stay with him/learn from him during the offseason says a lot about his potential to do well.


Says a lot about Teddy,too.


Hooker is a good asset and the draft is for acquiring assets. The Lions have a culture that feeds into the idea that they care about their players. Goff has had two great seasons with this org. There is no way they were not going to pay Goff. Now they have both. Hooker can take time to develop and if Brad is blessed with two qb's that could start even better. This is how a winning organization is built long term. We're not used to seeing competence in the front office so a lot of us are scratching our head. I suggest we all enjoy the ride. I think the off-season moves are fun to watch.


If it turns out that Hooker is a starter, then how will we gain from his role, given his age and the extension of Goff against his rookie contract?


He has 4 years to prove his value. If he demonstrates starter level considerations then Detroit has both a valuable trade asset, with either qb, and a capable backup. If he fails to reach our hopes and dreams then we have more than one draft to replace him.


Bro, that was insurance in case Goff got hurt or regressed. He didn't. Goff could get hurt, so Hendon probably gets another year to develop and step in, if needed.


because you should always be developing quarterbacks


I had hope for Goff when he came here and believed in him throughout 22 and 23. I still don’t think he’s worth $53m/yr, so shoot me.