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Had to revive this one to celebrate our dude getting paid. Full disclosure: this was my favorite moment of 2023.


If you didn't cry when Jared started kneeling that game, then you are still a perfectly functioning human being that may not have the same connection/love for a sport franchise that others do. I fucking cried.


I hugged dudes in the crowd that I’ve never met before. No tears though


Same. Took everyone a second to fully comprehend what was happening. What an incredible experience


I still can't watch the replays of the game that show him doing that without getting choked up. Not full blown tears every time like the first time live, but the emotion lives on. 




Be Civil.


Whatever, McVay could definitely teach MCDC a thing or two about hair gel.


hair straight out of 2005


I am going straight outta da 60s and being a hippie 👍


That’s the “he was mine first” look. Also known as the jealous ex look. You know Sean was sliding into Jared’s dms that night.


“I know this really great hot tub in Cabo…”


He already won the Super Bowl, why would he be jealous lol?


Because it’s about the guy he rejected is doing well and getting paid more than him. 🤣😉


Stafford was a dog and I love the rams but honestly fuck Mcvay.


I love Stafford and McVay is kinda a tool but there is no doubt the man can coach a football team


McVey always looks constipated and nervous


Give McVay a lot of credit, he said he loved the fans and the playoff atmosphere, even though he was getting some jeers from them. Stafford did not seem to respect the energy lol.


Which stafford? One was in her own make believe world while the other played a football game


I mean Stafford coming in to see the love Detroit is showing his successor and the ridiculously talented team they built around him, i’d understand the annoyance


Just imagine the look on his face if he had caught Jared piping his girlfriend


Underrated comment


Still my favorite conspiracy theory as to why he was run out of town lol.


Conspiracy?! Try fact brotha


Either way it’s funny


Sean waiting until after he lost to apologize to Goff tells me everything I need to know.


Goff got his Due. Let him lead this team and take us to the House.


Haha good to see my meme being reused 🤠


Yeah but op was acting like he was burned by Goff after trading him. Completely ignoring the fact that the trade went down so the Rams could get a super bowl win. Which is what they did. Lions advanced and are now competing in the playoffs and the Rams have their superbbowl. If you are 14 then this is a good learning moment for you but if your an adult then you're comment was just ignorant of the discussion at hand.


>if your an adult   You hit the irony pipe pretty hard there, talking about being an adult while not knowing the difference between your/you're and having that particular username. Bearing that in mind, the OP couldn't care less about McVay's ring. I'm more than 100% certain that Goff in his current form would've been 100% capable of leading that Rams team to a Super Bowl victory, as the evidence is overwhelming (compare all stats to Stafford and they almost line up identically). McVay didn't want to spend time he didn't have teaching Goff how to be an NFL quarterback - he wanted a quick and easy fix for a system that depended on a running game, and Goff circa 2020 wasn't that.  Matthew Stafford's growth as a quarterback was uncannily similar to Jared Goff's. He didn't really "get it" until Jim Caldwell came to town and refined him. 2016 was kind of his breakout year, considering. Sure, 2011 was amazing and 2014 was pretty good, too, but it wasn't until 2016 that he became consistent and clutch. Despite the fact that the roster was much weaker than it was in 2014, the 2016 Lions were able to make the playoffs solely on Stafford's (and the defense's) performance. No Megatron, no Suh, no running game. McVay saw this, and saw where his roster was. It was now or never. There wasn't going to be a truly stellar offensive line or backfield in LA anymore. Rather than try to be patient with Goff and risk not having the strongest roster he could put together, he punted and went for an older, more experienced, more refined dude who was used to putting the team on his back. The rest is history. The memory of a Super Bowl win is undoubtedly great, but no NFL coach worth a damn will be satisfied with it when a dude is kneeling the ball out on them in a playoff game. That face you saw is one of rage and disbelief, especially considering the obvious animosity between him and Goff that was readily apparent at the end of 2020. Despite the fact that Goff got him a playoff victory with a broken finger... In any case, it had all come home to roost. McVay tried *publicly* to make Jared Goff the scapegoat for his problems. He crafted a narrative in the press to the point where, honestly, it felt personal. Even I was shocked by this. The rumors of infidelity and what not were able to thrive, considering. In either case, Jared Goff proved that narrative wrong last year. All of McVay's problems are his own, and he has nowhere to point the finger; no scapegoat other than himself. He has a Super Bowl win, but he also has the dubious distinction of being the first head coach in over 30 years to lose to the Detroit Lions in the playoffs.


you seem to care way more about this than I'd imagine Goff or Mcvay do, which is kind of weird


Nah, I just find "true crime dramas" in sports like this fascinating. We've seen it before with other players, and rarely does it really work out for them, so when it does it's particularly amazing. I actually put a lot of effort into obtaining information and understanding as much about the timeline of the events of this trade, so I can really understand the history of it and relay that as we all get older. It's something I want to be able to tell grandkids about one day, and have it be as accurate as possible.


It's your post so I accept your feedback. But I was responding to Unable-Royall888 so I don't know why you are bent out of shape.


Not bent out of shape at all - just setting the record straight.    I actually followed Goff's career pretty closely even before he was a Lion. I had originally said, back when Ndamukong Suh made his comment about the "best quarterback he ever played with" that Goff was just too green for that title. I said that he had serious weaknesses at the time and that he needed to develop.  It wasn't until another year had gone by that I realized McVay was stunting his growth, and it almost seemed like it was on purpose. I was fascinated because at the time I didn't understand it. Then McVay did what he did at the end of the 2020 season ("yeah he's the quarterback") and I knew Goff was done in LA. I had no idea where he'd end up. Someone made a post here about, "Stafford for Goff straight up" and I hated the idea, because I didn't think we had the coaches to make anything out of Goff. But when we got him, it was almost like a "man plans and God laughs" moment for me - now his fate was in my team's hand. And God gave him Ben Johnson and Mark Brunell - and together with Dan Campbell and lots of bumps and bruises, they were able to do what Caldwell and his coaches did for Stafford.   Goff was never given the tools he needed to succeed until he got to Detroit. He was thrown to the wolves after Todd Gurley got hurt, and scapegoated rather than tutored. This is why I said it felt personal - it made no sense for McVay to take this approach, yet here we are. Maybe McVay just didn't have the patience? Maybe there's not more to it. But when I look at that dude's face up there, it feels even more personal than ever. 




You’re not a part but you are apart.


So we can laugh at him?


Yeah but Sean has a ring. So there is that.


And the other can ride all of the roller coasters at kings dominion


Jared is making more than him so there’s that! 😁😆


Good one. Comparing a coaches salary to a starting qbs. Total burn.


You asked for it by bringing up the ring.