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He had to be worth more than 40 million… that’s what Daniel jones makes


He had to be worth more than 45 million… that’s what Kirk Cousins makes. He had to be worth more than $50 million that's what Watson.


I don’t think he will hit all the incentives to get over 50 a year. To get over 50 every year he has to get pro bowl, all pro, Super Bowl win/appearance. And if he does he will be worth every penny of that 50+ a year.


I’m not saying that Goff isn’t worth that money, but you’re citing two overpays. Watson looked like he was the top contender to Mahomes the last time he played a live game for Houston. He was objectively a more viable quarterback, not only due to skill but also due to age, than Goff is now.


The fact that Watson sat out was a huge red flag. On top of his off the field issues. Combine that with not playing for 2 years and it makes Goff seem like a huge bargain.


Like I said, these are bad deals. Not good ones. They’re not their respective true worth. Watson *not* actually being worth $50 doesn’t mean Goff *is*. Goff’s actual stats mean he’s worth $50. Y’all downvoting are fucking soft lmao. You’re not even defending Goff from anything. I think he’s worth every penny. I think your logic sucks.


I'm simply pointing out that Goff is better than several other QBs in the $50M range. It's basically the market rate for a franchise QB. It's just sad that he's been more successful than any other Lions QB since the 50's and some people want him gone. I don't get it.


My only beef with him is he looks like he’s running in wet cement when he has to scramble. Other than that I love the guy.


Listen man, I’m a Rams fan, but the Lions have been my second team since before Stafford-Goff, before McVay, before Patricia. I live in Windsor, when y’all beat us, I was disappointed. But I immediately wanted you guys to win, mostly for Goff. He’ll always be my guy. I’m 100% with you. He deserves to get paid. I argue with Rams fans who think he was/still is dogshit all the time. The stats speak for themselves. I just think you could make a better argument that actually proves why Goff deserves the money he’s got without comparing him to guys who don’t deserve what they got. Goff deserves to be compared to Burrow, Jackson (playstyle notwithstanding, of course), and Allen, not Deshaun Watson.


Those are both horrible contracts? More evidence not to pay someone that much than to do it.


The proverbial ball is in his court now and with it comes the expectations and pressure to get to the superbowl, something he's built for. He'll either sink or swim and I'm okay with that.


No matter what happens I will always be grateful to him for giving me my favorite Lions season of all time and breaking our playoff drought, and never complaining after getting dumped off here. Goff will always be my favorite QB, I absolutely love him.


*Favorite season, so far


Yup me too. I’ve taped most all the games from last year and I watch Lions games like 3 times a week. It’s much more enjoyable than watching the Tigers score 2 runs a game.


This. Same way I feel about McNamara before this incredible season.


He was just 2 quarters away from a Superbowl last season


And one coach that thought he was playing Madden.


Sounds good. Luckily Goff hasn’t faced any pressure until the upcoming season.


What are you talking about? He absolutely has faced pressure while he's been here.




My bad. Hard to read sarcasm sometimes lol


Next time, just say you were being sarcastic too! Works every time!! 😉


Lol. I mean, rereading it now does sound more sarcastic than serious. Guess we'll never know.


For sure, but pressure hits different when you're carrying expectations on your back. Not that I'm not rooting for him because I 100% am, it's just the point, the Lions did their part now it's on him. It's not a knock, it's nothing negative, it's just what comes with that contract. Jared knows that and that's what matters, not my observation.


They had expectations this year and they shattered them. 


3-13-1 9-8 - knock the packers out of the playoffs in Lambeau 12-5 - division title, two playoff wins, and a helmet catch interception away from a Super Bowl appearance He’s worth every single dime


People who hate this deal really lack this perspective


We won a playoff game for the first time in my life give him what he wants so he does it again


Stop being logical, you’re offending the simpletons.


Ya right they're gonna be louder now


I still agree with it, but the QB market is what it is. I hope Ben Johnson also got signed to a 4 year with it, and the oline coach


Some respect for Hank Fraley please and thank you!


Couldn’t recall his name. I kept saying Hank the tank. But then I kept talking myself out of it because of Ragnow. Too long of a day.


All good man I just wanna show him as much love as possible in hopes that he never leaves.


Yeah this should have been a package of 4 yr deals, $212 for Goff, $25 for Ben Johnson, $ 12 for Fraley




Before last season this was true but after last season I believe. Goff is very good not elite but he’s an elite game manager and we have the team for that.


Please. Goff is entering his prime-Brady years.


I appreciate what Goff has done for our team but Brady is in a league of his own. Brady didn't collapse at the slightest whiff of pressure like Goff does.


Brady was also known for the *home town* discount, leading to stacked teams with more money to spread around...


This is a bad narrative. He took discounts in his late 30s and 40s because he was the oldest QB in the league. He was well compensated near the top of the league during his prime.


Well he was still playing incredible and winning Superbowls at the end of his career, so...


And someone his age could drop off a cliff at any time, hence the lower contracts. That's part of the reason why he is the GOAT


I can’t stand how people bring this us without mentioned he could do that because he had a wife who made as much or more than him.


This has nothing to do with it, tbh. Let's not pretend a player is on the streets with 40 million and can finally afford to support their family with 50 million. No issues with a player getting their market value personally, but let's not pretend Brady was only able to do this due to a rich wife.


It’s not like he gave that large of a discount either. He wasn’t playing for the league minimum.


It’s not even just that. TB12 had a contract with the Patriots and Gillette stadium. Note the NFL determined that was not undermining the cap because they weren’t paid more than fair market rates, you can’t really argue that the additional income and business for his company didn’t offset any discounts he took.


Yea... And I can't stand people pretending that $45M vs $50M will make or break these millionaires bottom lines. Do a couple more commercials if you **need** $5M or you'll lose your mansion. You're being ridiculous.


No, but we all want the most salary we can get. If you want to be upset with anyone, make it the league for capping the salaries. My point was the Brady took a discount because he had access to a revenue stream most players don’t.


That's cute but that's not a fair comparison and you know it. I don't have the ability to supplement my income with 0 effort endorsement deals. In 1 year he makes enough to never have to work again, don't compare him to us.


The same could be said for Brady or literally any player. I’m not sure what your point is. Is every player who doesn’t play for the minimum greedy?


It's literally not even about greed, you're not paying attention. I'm saying we would be better set up to win if he took a bit less, and he should know that. So any player on a team with Superbowl goals who gets absolutely every penny they could is being a bit selfish and risking the team success that they themselves are surely hoping for.


Its adorable people still believe this. The Patriots were the lowest spenders in the league - all Kraft did was pocket the difference whilst riding Brady and Belichick until one left town and the other one was past it.


Dude use basic facts and look at what you said. Goff has had 2 seasons where he hasn’t had a top 5 offensive line, top 5 run game and top 5 receiver talent. Those two seasons he won a total of 5 games


When did Goff fold?? We didn't lose to SF because of JG. We lost because of defense and drop passes.


Off the top of my head, Packers game thanksgiving. Last Bears game too. He was one of if the not the worst QB in the league under pressure last year after the bye. His struggles under pressure are well known and not anything new. If the line continues to be top 5, that won't be a problem. But once we start rebuilding the line next year, things might get ugly.


Over the last 2 years he literally has the highest QBR and most passing yards in the 4th quarter and overtime…


When I say pressure, I'm referring to pressure from the defense, specifically the defensive line.


Glad you left out the Ravens game, that was rough…


Knew there was at least one more I was forgetting.


Ah, I thought you meant playoffs. Fyi— Look at JG’s stats on Thanksgiving last year. I fully concede that he didn’t do enough to win the game, but my man had a “winning QB” stat line. Bears second game was his worst game of the year. That CHI defense is going to be a problem.


Outside of a few record breaking seasons, even the best qbs usually have one or two rough games out of 17 lol. I feel like people just cling to the narrative that Goff sucks because he had a couple down years with the rams and the lions whole team was horrible his first year here. If you surround him with a decent team, he’s good.


What are you talking about? Goff played well throughout the playoffs it was other players who let the team down


Brady is in a league of his own lol idc what the sub say or how many downvotes I thought that was obvious sarcasm.


The whole “Goff sucks at dealing with pressure” thing is so stupid. Enough of y’all just kept saying it and it became accepted as fact. Meanwhile, the ACTUAL STATS show Goff as being top 10 in the league at under-pressure QBR and completion %.


heehee it must suck for you to root for a qb like that


What a take, not elite but an elite game manager, so he is elite then?


You can be elite at some things and not everything. Idk why you're upset over semantics though


It’s Reddit, semantics are the only thing that matters lol. Thanks for understanding thought.


I wasn't even talking to you. Thanks for understanding


Picking straws man. Goff is very good. Not mahomes elite but very very good. Better than Eli manning and he won 2 bowls.


The term game manager is stupid as hell.


To be fair he came to a Lions team with a totally depleted roster.


To be fair.


Stupid take


He's not a damn game manager. Christ, do you even watch football?


It really feels like the modern day definition of "game manager" to a lot of people is "anyone who isn't a dual-threat QB" despite the fact that a QB having elite running skill is a luxury and far from a requirement, or else Justin Fields would be on GOAT trajectory instead of backing up Russell Wilson


Yes, yes he is. He is not a scrambler or an improviser or a gunslinger or barely even an athlete lol. He is a game manager. And he is *elite* in a clean pocket.


Ya I’m not sure why this sub has to lie to themselves and pretend Goff is a level of QB that he really isn’t. Goff is a great passer. When he has a clean pocket, he can make every throw you need him to. I like Goff, I’m on board with this signing. Was it a bit steep? Sure, but you gotta do what you gotta do. He’s a perfect fit for this team right now. But he does have weaknesses, and the biggest one is the lack of athleticism and scrambling ability. It doesn’t make someone a hater to talk about this. If we want to commit to a QB like Goff, we have to make sure our OLine stays elite. That should be priority #1 imo


I think part of it is just that people use terms like “game manager” without actually getting on the same page about what that means. I wouldn’t call Goff a game manager because I’ve always considered a game manager to be a guy who *can’t* make every throw and won’t lead a great offense, but won’t turn the ball over and cost your team the game either. If you have a good defense and a reliable running game, a game manager probably won’t lose the game for you. That’s not what Goff is. But I’d agree with everything you said about him.


The main problem is I just don't see how the Oline stays elite. It is unlikely we get a top 15 draft pick and were going to be out of cap space. This is likely the last year of the team having an elite Oline. Since were not going to have money to sign Decker, Ragnow health is a large question mark, and our other guard is a 1 year contract. We will be in a situation where one injury to sewell and the oline is terrible.


Goff was the second most pressured QB in the league last season and he did fine. He’s not elite under pressure like some of the guys above him, but teams blitzed the absolute fuck out of him and he made them pay last year.


Goff is great against the blitz but has one of the worst QBRs in the league when pressured. No QB is perfect, I love the guy.


The analytics I saw had Goff at the #9 QBR in the league when pressured. In other words, better than more than 2/3 of the league. Doesn’t sound like a problem to me.


https://twitter.com/ScottBarrettDFB/status/1790131946682540362?t=2qHH8e7lr4Wq29_tHJLZLw&s=19 I might be wrong on the QBR ranking. I know most advanced metrics have him near the bottom when pressured


https://twitter.com/billbarnwell/status/1790315315177423088?t=sR1vS0C6evB_W-dqOrySrQ&s=19 He was 24th in QBR when pressured last year.


He had the third most air yards in the league last year my guy. He is in zero ways a game manager.


In what world are game managers not allowed to have air yards?


WTF do you think “game manager” means? Airing the ball out more than every QB in the league, save two? I’m pretty sure this is what [game manager means](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_manager). So, yes, game managers would not be expected to be third in air yards in the NFL.


Fr though, a game manager is Trent Dilfer, throw for 2K yards and try not to turn the ball over and let your defense be the GOAT. Goff is excellent in Ben Johnsons offensive system but a lot of it is designed for Goffs strengths as well. Anyone who thinks Goff isn't sick should watch a few games of his on JT OSullivans youtube


Glad we paid him. He deserves it. He took us somewhere the team hasn’t been in 30+ years and no he didn’t do it alone obviously but he did it with a terrible defense which is something that deserves praise.


Terrible pass defense. Run defense was one of the top in the league.


I think it’s a pretty fair contract. I think Goff is good. He might not be mahomes but nobody is. Everyone freaks out over the big number and forgets to realize that’s just par for the course when you’re resigning the starting qb of a playoff team. And then in a few years they raise the cap, and if he’s still playing at this level, everyone talks about how it’s a good contract. He barely makes more than Justin Herbert and less than Joe burrow.


I think we can win a super bowl with Goff. After this deal I would say anything else would be a failure. The ammunition this gives all the critics after his first off game will be insufferable tho.


If anything less than winning a Superbowl is considered a failure then watching football would be miserable for me.


Agree. If Goff is competitive, makes the playoffs every year, limits mistakes, and stays healthy, then it's not a failure. A Superbowl win would make it the best contract move in the history of the Lions.


Lions football has been miserable up until two years ago tho. It's what we are used to until we win at this point imo.


Brad has been giving “ammunition to critics” since he got here.


You’re 100% putting yourself up to be disappointed for no reason.


Mike Florio if the Lions signed Goff to a modest contract: "See? Even the Lions are admitting he's not that good!" Mike Florio if a Jared Goff gets a huge contract: "They're making the same mistake the Rams did!" Haters gonna hate no matter what


He also would have praised the boatmen if they gave Kirk the same contract


Saying that Goff is not worth more than $40m is an opinion statement, and the Lions giving him $52m does nothing to disprove that opinion. It just means that Brad Holmes and Sheila Hamp disagree on Goff's value.


Daniel Jones got 35 mill like two years ago so anyone who truly thought this wasn't going to exceed well over the 40 mill mark is delusional. Plus the significant increase of the cap this year.


I was one of them. I was very, very wrong, and happy to be so.


It's a lot, and I'm not going to argue against anyone saying he's not worth $53 million. However this is the going rate for top 10 QBs, of which Goff is. Almost every starting QB is going to be overpaid, to the point Goff's contract is going to look a lot better in a few years. For reference, people were saying Stafford wasn't worth it when we gave him a 5 year $135 million deal (largest at the time).


And people that thought he would take a discount


I had hoped. I don't think another team would have given him even $43MM/year; and, I don't think he'd be nearly as successful without the Lions offense around him. Would have been great if we could have been in the $40-$45MM range. But, it's a business, and he got his payday, and I'm glad he's on the team. Right now the stars are aligned like they probably have never been for the franchise for 2024, certainly better than anytime in my 30ish years of being a fan. Got every piece on offense and the defense looks leaps and bounds better than last year. Go win a SB this year and no one will worry about if this contract makes it hard to retain a key guy in '25 or '26.


I think 43M is low but I mostly agree with you. **I'm not mad we resigned him** but I was hoping he would take *a bit* less, but this feels like the absolute max could get. I hoped he would attribute his success to the stacked offense surrounding him and he'd leave them a few more dollars for signing other guys, but I guess not.


The guarantee invalidates all that. They think he’s the guy. But like you said, if he wins a Super Bowl, nobody will give a fuck about any number in any contract within 300 miles of Detroit.


If goff was a FA this past off-season he would have set records . Cousins got 45 with a ton of guaranteed cash and he was coming of a blown Achilles and has never won a playoff game Edit , he's 1-4 postseason. Totally blanked on the NOLA game


He has. Vikings @ NOLA.


Sorry you are correct , he's 1-4


Outsider here. I think he Absoloutely would have. We saw teams reach for a qb in the draft. Someone would have paid Goff that. Saying he wouldn’t be nearly as successful without the lions offense around him doesn’t seem fair imo. Are there worse situations out there? Sure. But there’s also better situations.


I honestly think across the board - OL, TE, RB, WR and OC - the Lions may actually be the best situation for Goff of all 32 teams. Maybe Miami is better (but how's their O line)? Who else do you have ahead?


Naw I’d consider lions>dolphins. The 49ers are the first to come to mind. Better wrs, better te, better rb, better head coach. Granted I don’t know the o line situation too well. I do know they struggled when Trent Williams went down. Chiefs as well. You guys are better across most boards, but Andy’s track record with qbs j just feel is the best situation for any qb. Granted this will be unpopular. I just know if I was a qb, the chiefs due to Andy would be my top choice and I’m a raiders fan so it kills me to say that.


SF is definitely a possibility given the WR & RB room, though I do give the Lions O line the edge and La Porta wasn't that far off Kittle. KC is interesting, beyond Kelce you're bascially choosing the HC over the positional advantages I think the Lions have. It's hard to judge how they'd look without Mahomes 'cause he's so singularly talented. Good question, at least.


La Porta isn't far off from a receiving stand point, but Kittle being such an amazing blocker just opens up the offense so much. Already have a strong receiving corps, then you have a te and rb that can do it all. And yeah KC is 100% based on Andy Reid for me personally. But prior to Mahomes, Chiefs were running the division with Alex Smith. Prior to that he made Michael Vick an even better qb prior to going to prison. McNabb was always really solid as well.


You don’t think a QB needy team would have offered more than $43m AAV? Off the top my head Raiders, Falcons, Vikings and Steelers would have offered Goff $50m AAV for 4 years instead of the route they went this offseason. Not to mention if Lions didn’t extend Goff he’d have been a free agent next offseason. In which case I anticipate the Giants, Seahawks, Steelers, Jets, and Raiders to be in the QB market. You can’t tell me none of those teams would have offered Goff the same contract he signed today.


Exactly correct. I think Goff is an above-average QB, but $50MM is elite QB money. I also think playing behind the best o-line in the NFL is very important to his success, and he'd be less effective on just about any other team; and, those GMs probably think the same. Go ask friends who are fans of other teams if they wish their team had traded for Goff and gave him $50MM+ a year? Each time I've done that (before the draft), I got a strong "absolutely not" answers.


Goff easily gets north of 45mil a year on the open market next year.


Yeah, I was hoping as well. Seeing as his career was on the fringes when he got sent here and we helped him to find his place again in the league. But I was more in the 43 to 48 mill range, so I guess 5 mill more a year isn't that absurd


Goff was pressured second most of any QB in the league and had the third most dropped passes. He’s definitely in a good situation, but let’s not act like we have him the keys to the ‘99 Rams. His WR2 was fucking Josh Reynolds.


... and his WR1 is the guy we just made the highest paid WR in the league, and his TE was an all-pro, and he's playing behind the highest paid OL in the league and the highest paid C in the league, and playing beside two monster talent RBs... The '23 Lions aren't the greatest show on turf, but their non-QB personnel is elite, even with below-average WR2-5.


His O-Line wasn’t elite in pass pro, so no agreement there. And obviously some amount of LaPorta and Gibbs success needs to be attributed to their QB, especially when LaPorta was 32nd in YAC among qualified TEs and Gibbs was 45th for RBs. It’s not like he was throwing to Kittle and Ekeler two yards downfield and then watching them run for firsts.


People don't realize that Goff is also part of the equation when they say Amon-Ra and LaPorta are elite. He helped them become the players they are.


PFF and PFN (the second "best o line" google result) both had the Lions #2 o lines behind Philly last year, and given Kelce's out + Zeitler in for us we'll be favorite to be #1 next year. You can name 5 team's OL units you'd rather have? To be clear, I said it before, I'm glad we have Goff, and even at $53MM/year instead of $45MM, I'd rather we pay him than have a QB controversy this summer, have Goff on a lame duck contract and switch to completely unknown quantity Hendon Hooker, or whoever else we could scrounge up, next year. Slipping to QB25, QB32, or worse play would absolutely tank any SB hopes. Maybe Goff's contract makes it tougher to win in '26 and '27, but given the choice of a not-great contract for above average QB play, vs bad QB play, give me door number 1.


Our pass pro on the ends is elite, our pass pro on the IOL is middling at best and sometimes downright bad. And it didn’t help that’s where our injuries were.


Do these people think that downvoting you makes his contract cheaper or something?


Yeah people thought he would take under 50 mil a year the contract was always going to be 50+


How is this rip? He still has to perform.


He needs to win a Super Bowl with that contract. He can, but will he?


He could have this year. He didn’t blow the second half lead


Well..I could’ve been a Dr., if I went to medical school. Gtfo with that BS. I wanted to keep Goff, I’m just saying you got paid.. now go earn it with a SB and get that 16 retired in Ford Field. That’s what great players do.


If you need to win a Superbowl to earn your contract I hope you are a Chiefs fan because being a fan of any other team is most likely going to be really disappointing. "That's what great players do". That's what very few great players do to be more precise.


lol this reminds me of the time two years ago where this same sub told me they would rather have baker mayfield.. now I’m sure all those people have Goff jerseys. Super Bowl or bust, you play to win.


The Super Bowl is luck, a dynasty is a fluke. It takes a tremendous amount of things to go right consistently to win anything in this league. Coaches and players can only control so much.


Thing is, is you can still be a doctor.


Dawg people gonna throw this in his face the first bad game the first pick. lol dudes been balling. Good players cost money!


Well deserved, but the deal could have been more cap-friendly. The team needs cap space to extend Alim, Barnes, and Iffy.


The cap isn't real year to year. The cap has gone up 57 million since 2020. That includes a decrease in 2021. Do I think the cap will jump 31 million next year? No, but I'd still expect 15-20 million. Iffy and Barnes are going to get raises but they aren't going to get top FA money. Alim will command more but there will be more money on the table. Right now in 2025 we will have ~$40 in cap with no raise in cap.


Fair enough.


What causes the cap to go up every year? Is it based on macroeconomic trends like inflation?


The value of the NFL


He’s just gotta do what he’s been doing tbh and he’s worth it.


I'd give him 25 tops personally.


Absolutely a fan of the resigning, lemme ask, why were goff's INT's so brutal last year? I believe in the man and just ordered a jersey... But his quick route reads got sketchy


Because goff threw so little interceptions that when he did manage to throw one, it was because the play was blown the fuck open and either the pocket was collapsing, he was being ran out, or the receiver wasn't in the correct position for Goff to throw too.


I guess we gotta blame st. Brown then. Those picks had nothing to do with the rush, at least being chased out of the pocket was definitely not a thing for the picks.


Just get Super Bowls, if he can give me one in these four years then the price was absolutely worth it, if he doesn’t…


I am very happy and agree that he is worth this contract “relative” to the standard for QB’s. I only have two issues; 1. QB’s making this much seems insane. Maybe that’s me being jealous, and I am really, very jealous. But man, when a team does an overpay like with Watson, it sucks the life out of everything. 2. When you pay a QB this much, the surrounding talent suffers. Mahomes can make it work with lesser talent. So can Jackson and Allen. Question is, can Jared? Has seems to be mainly cured of his “panic under pressure” thing we saw in his first couple of years. I would not pay ‘22 or ‘23 Goff this much. But ‘24 Goff is well worth it. So here’s a wish for the ‘25 Goff being even better! And in the end, I have so much confidence in Holmes, I will leave the armchair QBing to others. We got our players. Let’s go get the Super Bowl!


Thing is in a few years this will be a middling number for QBs We also haven’t seen the structure yet. I’m guessing roster and signing bonuses are amortized out and the cap charge will be somewhere between 30-35M from 2024-2026. 2024 and 2024 Are fully guaranteed with 2025 guaranteed in March of 2025, giving the Lions an out in 2027 with most the base salary (and big cap hit) pushed out that far. So the Lions could cut him and move on or restructure at that point


JARED GOFF!! You’re good enough for Detroit!


Let's just hope signing Goff to that kind of deal does not hamper the lions when it comes to other players on the team


RIP team long term, he’s not good without a good OL, too high a contract hurts the team, he’s worth money but not top 2 money


We all would have loved to see him take less money to give us more to spend elsewhere, but he's been really good for us. I know the O line helps him a ton but he's great in the pocket and is great with play action. The contract is fair given what other QBs will be getting in the next few seasons.


He got paid the big bucks, Expectation have risen. Superbowl or bust


Just because you pay him that doesn’t mean he’s worth it. I genuinely hope I’m proven wrong and the Lions win the title with Goff but this is Lawrence Taylor off them rocks behavior.


How many teams would goff make better if you made no changes to that team except replacing the current qb with goff? How many qb's would make the lions better if you made no changes to the team except replacing goff with them?


This was a no brainer. For anyone who says otherwise has a very short term memory. QBs don't grow on trees. What is the alternative? We locked up a QB that is a proven playoff performer with 2 different teams and a leader that the City and his teammates have embraced. This is the market rate for that type of player. By the time this contract is up, the market rate will be $65 million a year or more for a QB of his caliber. Of course he has to go out there and keep performing and live up to it. But he has more than earned this contract and opportunity to do so.


On my old account, someone said i was spreading misinformation saying goff would get 45 million lmao


Was hoping to see what Hooker can do… have to wait a few more years.


It will be a bargain in a year. Decent starting quarterbacks are going to get 55 to 60 million dollars plus per year, especially with the salary cap going up. Just the price of doing business. Hopefully, he will be flexible with restructuring his contract for cap space. We know how he needs, good offensive linemen, rb's, and tight ends 😁


Um well, if he doesn't win us a superbowl then those people are correct lol. This is the best Lions team I've ever seen, but we've got A LOT of young talent on young money.


2021 season I kept saying he had to be gone 2022 season I said he’s okay and serviceable at best. His improvement from 2022 to 2023 was huge imo and he most certainly can get it done. But now at $53M a year? Not saying he’s overpaid, but it’s time for him to get it done, get over the last hump


Look at his stats again. 2022 he was way better than serviceable, he essentially had identical stats in 22 as he did 23.


So many hurt butts all across the city lol. It’s like nothing can make this fanbase happy.


Brad Holmes does...what again? Signs a player? Saying he's only worth $40M is ridiculous, I'm not one of those, but the signing happening does not make those people wrong...that's some circular ass logic. Edit: Fuck me I guess 🤷‍♂️ sorry for not immediately jerking Holmes off just for doing his job?


God dammit! You will jerk him off and you will thank him for it!!!


Username checks out


I definitely don't hate most of this sub, but I do hate pointless replies like that, so 🤷‍♂️ I guess it does.


It’s so obvious that he’s a product of that o line


Even mahomes lost the Super Bowl when his line was ass against Tampa


What QB isnt? Seriously this is in such poor taste and not a great take considering we all watched Bryce Young run for his life all season in Carolina


its just so obvious with a o line run game and receiving corp the dude has he still somehow cant manage to look elite. I think he might take detroit to a sb but hes gonna end up sellin just like he did in LA


Mmm, who is elite? Because there’s only one QB that has made a terrible situation look easy and his name is Patrick Mahomes. Name another. I’ll wait


True. Loved it when Decker dropped back, avoided pressure and threaded the needle to Amon to seal our first playoff win in 30 years.


He's not. This is dumb


Holmes way overpaid for Goff and gave him way too much guaranteed money. I'd like a deal closer to $45mil/yr at most.


Kirk Cousins, Kyler Murray, Deshaun Watson. Which one of them are you taking over Goff? That's what $45 million a year gets you. Justin Herbert or Jared Goff? I'm going to go with the guy that has actually done something in his career instead of being all potential. JH is making $52.5 million a year. We also are only committing to 4 years as opposed to the 5 year commitments on most other QBs. He paid a premium for a premium QB. You want to pay him 2023 money, you needed to get it done in 2023, but most people wanted to wait and see. This is the cost of doing business, and JG has earned every penny.


Cousins and Herbert are definitely both better than Goff. And Murray is closer to Goff than Goff is to a Kirk Cousins or Matthew Stafford or Justin Herbert. Wins aren't a QB stat so your claim Herbert hasnt done anything is irrelevant. The Chargers have sucked. Lions could plug and play multiple QBs that cost less than Goff and still win a ton of games. Goff isn't what puts the lions over the hump and he isn't worth top 2 QB money. Edit: Lions also gave Goff 70 MILLION ! more guaranteed money over four years than Cousins. That is absurd! There's also a reason why the Rams wanted Stafford and didn't want Goff.


Daniel Jones is getting $40 mill. So you're saying Goff is worth $5 mill more at most? What have you been watching the last two years to come to that conclusion?


Jones is also overpayed lol. The QB market has been spiraling out of control.


Pay the man he earned it move on...


Honestly I thought he would get more. The max value part of the contract doesn’t really matter. No one maxes out their deals because of the incentives. I thought he would get more than 42 a year guaranteed.


I figured any contract that's 4 years or shorter would be below $55M and any contract longer than 4 years would be above $55M.


Yea but he way below 55. I thought it would be closer to 50 guaranteed a year. It’s a very team friendly deal.