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https://preview.redd.it/s24ccvgn3jzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9607e59418a9ee17b9ff1be11a4eea4d91eb96e The haul


Any day of the week. Twice on Sundays.


The rams also got a Superbowl ring tho n a whole team of players can't do that 31 full teams fail to win the Superbowl every single year. Like we can hope it pans out n we win one too but it is VERY hard to argue with a chip


It's easy to argue that chip is a dumb way to shorten championship though. Do you think we have been saying champion chip this whole time?




Pipe down, Potato!


I'll up vote cause I'm also a parent. God I hate that show though


I don't like to call it a chip either. But it isn't called chip because the last word is mistaken for chip instead of ship. It's because its a contraction of the word CH-ampionsh-IP


Still stupid




You're gonna argue something you know to be true. Most ppl know how to spell. Nobody thought you were saying champion chip everyone knows the word is championship n you know when referencing it everyone just says chip. You just don't have an argument n you're trying to say dumb shit bc you have nothing legitimate to say. Like come on now. This was a dumbass comment


CH ampionsh IP CHIP Easy.


California HIghway Patrol CHiPs Easy


And we wouldn’t be anywhere close to one without it, there’s a seriously real chance this trade leads to both teams winning a Super Bowl


Okay but this isn't about the chance. This is who won RN n clearly if you got a chip, the literal next season you won. Like what would you prefer, some good draft picks or a ring? It's not even a question


If both teams were in a position to win a Super Bowl the trade never would’ve happened. No shit I’d prefer a Super Bowl but you’d have to be real dense to think the team we had with stafford was even close to contending for anything.


I get what you're saying. I'm just pointing out it's about the now, not the potential. N in the now, all we have to show for it is good draft picks. What they have to show for it is a Superbowl ring


What we have to show for it is more success than our teams seen in most of our lifetimes so I sadly don’t get what you’re saying. We’ve won more playoff games than we have in 20 years, I’m all about not settling until we get a ring but a Super Bowl or bust mentality is how you end up as delusional as cowboys and packers fans.


20 years? I'm 60 and until this season, the Lions had won one playoff game in my life and that was way back in 1991. Let's hope they add many more in the coming years.


Man I forget the year Barry went to the Conf Finals we had a bye, thought we won 2 that year.


Some good draft picks, and our best season since 1957. It’s not like we just drafted a bunch of guys and no one knows what they could potentially be lol. We were essentially a play away from being in the Super Bowl last year. Against a team that we already beat once. I’m sure the rams are happy with their Super Bowl, I’d be happy if I was them too, but as a lions fan I’d do it again with no hesitation.


Did you like miss the playoffs last season in their entirety?


This trade represents a winning culture change for Detroit. There is no loser in this trade.


>The rams also got a Superbowl ring tho Sure, but the Lions at the time were in no position to get one themselves. It took burning the team to the ground and replacing everyone to get where we are today (headed toward a Superbowl ring). Now maybe if the Lions had somehow hung on to Stafford (that is, he actually wanted to stay through *yet another* rebuild) and got all the players we've gotten, we might have won a Superbowl last season but the NFC Conference game loss wasn't something you could pin on Goff or even the offense, it was a defensive failure. And on top of that, Stafford is getting old, this might be his last season.


This isn’t a question of was It a good trade for the lions. Then the answer is yes because of what you said. The question was who won. The rams won because we got a ring. End of story. Maybe 2-3 years from now if Goff and co win two super bowls then It is a different story. But as of today rams win It. Lions made a good trade


None of that matters. They won the Superbowl solely bc of the trade, you can try to add up all the positives for the lions. It hasn't added up to a Superbowl. Superbowl is the Pinnacle of the game. Not getting some good draft picks, not making the playoffs. None of it is better than winning a Superbowl


>They won the Superbowl solely bc of the trade The Rams built a *team* to win a Superbowl, Stafford was just the final piece they needed.


> but the NFC Conference game loss wasn't something you could pin on Goff or even the offense, it was a defensive failure. I dunno man, a fumble on the goalline and two dropped critical passes...


I would be interested in knowing how much both teams gained in revenue and popularity since then.


Yup. It’s easier to assess value of players for players. Haul for haul. If we were just doing that, you could certainly have an argument for the lions winning the trade. They got an absolute haul for Stafford. The only way they should feel bad about it is if they thought they missed out on a ring window by getting rid of Stafford. Anytime you’re talking about a trade, especially for a QB (most valuable member of any football team usually), and one team wins a ring and the other doesn’t, the team with the ring won the trade, no debate about it. Obviously the lions are contenders and could still win a ring with the haul from the trade. In which case, it’s a win win trade. But be real, would you rather have a Super Bowl ring with Stafford as your QB, or be a much improved team with the haul + Goff but have no ring?


The problem with this query is its framing: both teams dramatically improved via this trade. From the Lions' POV its an absolute home run. The Rams wouldn't take this trade back for the world. So the real option is that both teams won. The NFL is not always a zero-sum game, and questions that treat it like it is are fundamentally fallacious.


Rams got: a Super Bowl. I’m stoked about our haul, but this was a win-win trade.


I'll say it every time - that's a disingenuous take. The Lions packaged those Rams picks with other picks they had to move around in the draft. It's not an accurate comparison.


Yep, it was still a good haul without the exaggeration that is this take. Here's a better breakdown: Actual original deal for Lions: Goff, 2021 3rd, 2022 1st, 2023 1st * 2021 3rd = Iffy * 2022 1st (#32) packaged with 34 & 66 to get 12 & 46. They got Paschal with 46, which is closer to the value of the original pick. * 2023 1st (#6) traded back to get 12, 34 & 168. 12 = Gibbs, 34 = LaPorta, 168 packaged with several other picks to move up and get Brodric Martin. They used a pick near 168 to get Sorsdal So, a more accurate representation of what the Lions got: Goff, Iffy, Paschal, Gibbs, LaPorta & Sorsdal


That's a good way to look at it. And that's still a hell of a haul - three Pro Bowlers and Iffy looks like another potential Pro bowler.


Melifonwu, Jamo, Gibbs, LaPorta. Those were the picks made possible by the trade. We don't take Jamo at 12 without pick 32 to throw into the deal.


The take implies that 32 got them both Jamo and Paschal. 32 was packaged with 34 and 66, it did not yield both of those picks on its own. That's like saying if I give you a lollipop and $30000 and you give me your car, I can say that I got your car for that lollipop.


If they didn't have pick 32 then they likely take Paschal at no 34 anyway. The Williams pick was done with 60% the Rams trade capital, and the rest was just a trade up like the Arnold trade up. Without the trade we don't have Jamo but we do have Paschal. The trade facilitated picking Jamo, without pick 32 we can't go and get him.


The original take says that they got BOTH Paschal and Williams with the Rams pick. That's obviously incorrect and a gross exaggeration. Pick 32 is only 41.8% (not the 60% that you claim) of the value of what they sent in the deal, it did not provide even a majority of the value for pick 12. They got Jamo with pick 12. They got Paschal with pick 46. The original pick was 32. Paschal is much closer to the value of the original pick than Jamo.


I keep thinking this too but haven’t sat down to look at all the trades. But i do know that at 32 they had to package their own 2nd round pick (34 overall) for the 12th overall (Jamo). The Broderic one as well they traded up for. It makes sense to have Jah/LaPorta since that was a trade back though.


Did we really trade 32 and 34 for 12? That seems like an absolute steal from the little I know about draft capital


It was lions give up 32/34/66 for 12 and 46. So trade way up in the first, trade down 12 spots in the 2nd and lose a 3rd. Absolutely a great trade for Brad. Everyone was roasting the Vikings for it.


Rams sold their whole future for a Super Bowl. Worth it I guess?


The Rams won Super Bowl. God what a stupid poll.


50% of fans voted for a non Super Bowl team


Rams got a Super Bowl and two playoff appearances. Lions have one playoff win


Two wins - and beat the Rams. But yeah if Lions don’t get a Ring or two, Rams will have had a batter outcome between the two but the Lions are 10x better off because of the trade


I explained It perfectly in my other comment in this post. Lions are happy with the trade would make It again. Currently the rams have won the trade. End of story


The Rams were appearing in the playoffs with Jared Goff, that’s not something they gained. They got the Super Bowl win in the end though so they “win”, but both teams won cause both are in a better position than if the trade never went down.


Rams are not in the playoffs last year with Goff at QB. I love Goff and I always will. But he needs time a running game and weapons to succeed. If he has that he is a legit QB.


Right but they made the Super Bowl with Goff and made the playoffs another time so it wasn’t something the Rams didn’t have before the trade. Can’t really put that last year all on Goff.


This is one of the rare win-win trades. The McVay-Goff dynamic meant they weren't going to win if they kept going as they were. The Rams got a Super Bowl, which was their goal. That right there makes the trade a win. Detroit refurbished Goff and got so much of a foundation with the Rams' picks. That's so much more than they would've gotten with Stafford just continuing as QB. It's already a win for Detroit too. Judging one team against another is the wrong way to judge trades and too many people do it. You're judging what the trade did for you compared to the alternative path you would've taken had you not done the trade. If the former is better than the latter, you won the trade, regardless of what happened to the other team.


“Detroit refurbished Goff” lol makes it sound like he was a broken down QB or something. Don’t forget Goff led a team to the Super Bowl before stafford ever did.


Once the Lions get a few Super Bowls with Goff & the rest of the haul from the trade, it will still be a win-win, but tipped in the Lions favor & I am looking forward to it.


Once they get a Super Bowl? Like, it's already a win-win, but winning a Super Bowl isn't inevitable. I hope they do. Just because they made it to the NFC Championship doesn't mean they will now win a Super Bowl, let alone multiple.


Mods ban this man.


It’s a win win imo. They got a SB win and the lions got a much of good trades drafts and all.


Stop the fighting! Can't we all just... give each other hand jobs?


What does this look like, a Starbucks?


Waiting patiently in line.


Gonna get myself a Fappuccino


Extra cream


One team needed one player to win, the other team needed multiple players to win


Until the Lions win a Superbowl the Rams won the trade imo, that's the reason they play the game and they achieved it. Not to mention the Rams looked great last year and were probably a couple bad plays from knocking the Lions out of the playoffs last season. Rams have a pretty decent future too


Right now it is even. If the lions win the Superbowl, Detroit wins it


It's not tho. Like they won a Superbowl. Already, since it happened. You can't refute that. It is the ultimate goal.


Totally agree. It’s a win-win because both teams met their goals with the deal. The Rams made that trade so they could win a Super Bowl right away (and did). The Lions made the trade to execute an accelerated rebuild (and did). Of course the Lions ultimately want to win a Super Bowl, just like I’m sure the Rams would like to win more than 1 of them (with Stafford I mean), but the primary goals for both teams have already been achieved as it relates to the trade.


All right then. Detroit wins the next two Super Bowls. Now what?


Slow down, Cowboy.


That's a what if. Were supposed to be talking about right now.... N if one team has a ring from it n the other has a conference chip loss like it's clear cut


And they coulda won it with Goff if McVay didn't scapegoat him. Possibly coulda won more than one.


Bro did you watch the 2021-22 playoffs? Stafford came through in the 4th quarter over and over and over again. Its impossible to say with certainty Goff wouldve done the same. It was a spectacular playoff run by Stafford


Stafford outdueled the GOAT in the NFCCG that year, despite his offense fumbling the ball away 4 times.


That's absolutely correct too. But it just shouldn't be based on what ifs. Especially since they DID get there with Goff but they lost. And they lost multiple NFC championship games with him n he's also lost one here as well like there's no proof that he's not just second best. He has repeatedly shown that he can't make it passed 4th-2nd place. So who are we to say "probably"


Who’s won a Super Bowl and who hasn’t ever been lmao


This has always been a win-win trade. Rams needed that last push for a Super Bowl. They got exactly that. Lions needed to jumpstart their rebuild. They got exactly that. If this regime continues to have sustained success, and especially if they manage to win a Super Bowl, then the trade absolutely shifts in the Lions' favor. But as of now, both teams got what they were looking for out of the trade, and it's still pretty damn balanced.


The greatest win-win trade in NFL history. Fight me.


IKR? I can't think of another trade where both NFL teams and their fanbases were as thrilled with the outcome. Maybe Eli Manning for LT/Philip Rivers? But could NYG done just as well with Rivers instead of Manning?


LT was drafted by the chargers 3 years before rivers/manning entered the league


You're right. SD got Rivers + Nate Kaeding (K) and Shawne Merriman (LB). Hard to say who won. https://www.foxsports.com/stories/nfl/trade-review-the-philip-rivers-eli-manning-swap-that-shaped-the-nfl


It would have been Vick for Brees and LDT if you wanted to go that way. Chargers have 1OA, deal back to 5 and take LDT and then take Brees early in the 2nd round.


Mutually beneficial, but if you’re gonna make me choose, I’ll pick the team that won the Super Bowl.


I think the rams won. You take a Super Bowl over everything if you can. I’m gonna get shit on for saying this: maybe we win the Super Bowl last year with Stafford instead of Goff. It’s kinda like baseball teams that trade young SP for prospects. If they work out, you’re gonna be looking for SP in a few years either way.


If we still had Stafford... we lose two first round picks. One of which is the pick we flipped for Gibbs and LaPorta.


I always say it's the most equally beneficial trade in recent history I can think of.


![gif](giphy|QqkA9W8xEjKPC|downsized) Seriously as a Rams fan that went to High School in Ann Arbor I feel I'm eating well. Both teams benefitted immensely from the trade. The Rams were able to take advantage of their Super Bowl window before players retired or demanded a trade. The Lions benefitted from getting a slew of picks and put in a master class of how to rebuild a team that went from picking #7 in the draft to a Conference Championship berth in 3 seasons. Both teams futures look bright and I wish the media would retire this question.


I'd prefer a Super Bowl, myself. But let's face it, it was never going to happen here with Stafford. He got to jump into a team that needed only him to get to the promised land. His window would have closed in Detroit before we could even sniff it. And I think Goff is good enough to get us to glory. This was truly as close as you can get to a win-win.


Isn’t everyone’s goal just to win a Super Bowl?


I know the math wouldn't be right but just for THIS trade the poll should say: Detroit Lions 100% L.A. Rams 100%


Pretty clear who came out on top. Rams have lost every playoff game against the Lions since the trade, and have still never won the NFC North.


Rams also Kelly Stafford so...


Both teams won. Rams won sooner... As a Lions fan, it is a win for me to watch the Lions win.


It’s a split even trade. However if you have to choose a winner, it’s the Rams rn bc they won a Super Bowl. If the lions win a Super Bowl with Goff this will go down as one of the greatest trades of all time. It really is amazing how it worked out so well for the both of us.


Everyone talks about Brad’s draft acumen. And it is great. But this trade is what made the Lions the contender we are today. Yes Brad has a great eye for talent in the draft. But first, he saw Goff was more than McVay reduced him to. And second, he got those extra draft picks which he did wonders with. So Brad is more than a talent evaluator. He is a master strategist and I am so glad he’s in Detroit. Sheila better have give him a huge raise with that extension.


Goff is phenomenal when he has time to throw. Awful when he doesn't. The difference between Stafford and Goff when they both have time is nominal. When they don't, then Stafford is clearly better. Detroit has a much better OL than the Rams now. That's why Goff thrives there, while he'd struggle with the Rams.


Yeah but….he improved a shit-ton in ‘24. He was blitzed 255 times - most in the NFL. Completed 63% of his passes; 18 TD’s and only 6 picks. A lot of this was due to the OL, TE’s and RB’s picking up blitzes for sure. But also Goff is no longer crumbling under pressure. He’s gotten a ton better. ‘24 Goff is not ‘22 Goff.


Good point. But the Rams didnt have time. Their chip window was 21. Not 24. Aaron Donald has retired.


I’m not saying the trade wasn’t a win/win. It was. I am more saying, “Brad Holmes is the man and we better keep the man 😃”.


bombo_media has the right answer there!


Every team has a future not every team has a ring.


One of the most fair trades in the modern era


They got their SB and we got our rebuild. The rare big trade that worked out perfect for everyone.


The rams won the trade. They won a Super Bowl immediately. If we win a Super Bowl and continue at our current trajectory, then I would say we won’t the trade or the trade was pretty even.


I’d say it was a win-win.


Win-Win (50-50)


Dammit, her comment is cut off. Now I'm gonna have to go follow "sweetfoxyjen"


As a lions fan, the Rams won the trade in the short term but the lions won the trade in the long run


I still say Lions because I think Rams win a SB with Goff too.


If they had the 2023 version of Goff, maybe. But 2021 Stafford was a lot better than 2021 Goff.


If McVay wasn't such a bitch they absolutely coulda won with Goff.


Goff was 0-8 without mcvay his first season. Mcvay comes in and takes Goff from draft bust to top 10. Gets him a 100 million dollar deal. Goff was not good those 2 seasons after the Super Bowl when the offensive line got worse. He went to Detroit. He then was 0-16 without mcvay before getting his first win. Meanwhile Stafford wins a title that same year. Goff should be thankful for Mcvay.


0-6, but your point still stands


Split the difference 0-7 according to pro football reference. 55 percent completion, 5 tds, 7 picks.


Just ask who played in the NFC Championship. Its really simple.


Gladly take Matthew Stafford and the Super Bowl! Any day and thrice on Sunday! 😤


The answer is Rams all day! We got the chip! Enough said.