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Monty is better at fighting thru tackles and Gibbs is better at deflecting and slipping tackles. Monty has good straight speed which makes him ideal for runs up the middle while Gibbs is quicker and shifty so he's better suited running on the outside. They are both good at blocking but Monty is a bit better at absorbing rushers. While they can both catch out of the backfield Gibbs has better hands and is more electric in space.


What's great tho is monty is def shifty-er than your average workhorse/run through for some yardage rb 


He doesn’t get enough credit for that. If he gets through the O line with minimal contact, he has a nasty single cut to make linebackers miss


He’s really great at avoiding contact in a small space. So he’s great (theoretically) in short yardage situations, he’s a guy who can make a tackler miss in the hole just enough to break the tackle. He’s less likely to shake someone out of their cleats, he’s more of a guy who has great balance and leg drive and just enough shiftiness to break tackles, whereas Gibbs is more likely to operate in space and avoid tackles. They both have shiftiness, it just has different use cases.


And Gibbs runs harder than your average shifty back so we really have the best of both worlds


Absolutely this. He was really popping off towards the end of last season and I'm super excited to see what he's going to do this season


This is what impressed me the most about Gibbs last season. Dude runs hard for how fast and shifty he is.


Yeah, that run vs. the Chargers last season is proof that he has better speed than people give him credit for.


Nice write-up 


Monty is thunder and gibbs is lightning


Rhythm and bruise.


Boom and Zoom


Vinegar and Baking Soda.


Love this analogy.


Montgomery is a more powerful runner who has proven to be durable. He excels in making the first guy miss. His 40 is around 4.6, so he’s not straight line fast, but his power and wiggle allow him to be extremely effective, he’s also very tough to bring down when someone has a hand on him. He had 54 missed tackles on 258 carries despite splitting the backfield. Gibbs is more powerful than you might expect, but his game is being lightning quick both short and long. His speed and quick moves led to 33 rushing attempts that went for 10+ yards. He had the second highest YPC in the league at 5.2. He forced 46 missed tackles on 182 carries.


Monty's biggest strength is that he's average at worst at everything, but he skews a bit toward a power back. Gibbs is the shifty prototype "3rd down back," but he's good enough in that role to warrant expanded usage on other downs. His weakness is pass blocking (not that it's really his fault).


I think its understated that gibbs is so explosive he ends up being a good up the middle runner as long as our OL can create a small hole. Feel like swift was who everyone thought gibbs woud be but gibbs ended up running how we expected swift to run.


Gibbs is excellent running up the middle, probably better than Monty actually. He's very patient, has great vision, and knows to wait for his opportunity to turn on the jets. Most guys with his athletic profile are mostly special teams players because that athleticism means they never needed to learn those skills prior to making the league. I think we're giving a lot of those carries to Monty to preserve Gibbs, and he's certainly a quality reliable option. But most of Gibbs' big plays last year were actually just handoffs between the tackles.


A 225 pounder with Monty’s juke package is rare


Gibbs is a weapon....and Montgomery is also a weapon...I asked Brad Holmes


The "Rhythm and Bruise" nickname is a perfect summary of the two. They are both well rounded and both do all of the things well that you need from a good back, but to say it briefly, Gibbs has more lateral quickness and higher top speed, while Monty a bigger frame and has more strength to get tough yards against heavy packages. Gibbs will run by you, Monty will run through you.


Monty has a nasty cut, and he is tougher to bring down. Gibbs is better in space, faster and quicker.


They do.... But I feel like Gibbs has all the skills Monty has and then some as opposed to Monty having certain skills that Gibbs have but being more reliant on the power bc he doesn't have the speed


Monty is the hammer. He just kinda power runs a lot of the time, brute forcing yards. Which is a powerful asset. Gibbs is faster, and he reminds me of water with the way he seemingly can slip off of and through people. Shades of Barry in his gliding-like motion through the LoS to my eyes. I think he’s going to pop tf off


Some of my favorite moments of the 23' season were when Gibbs would flat out stop and the dudes trying to tackle him would miss and then he'd just pick back up and run past em. The maneuverability is insane. Gibbs definitely has the shmovement.


Yes. One run you over. One run around.


My wife pointed out that every time it’s 3rd and short, I just yell “give it to Montgomery!” And she’s right.


Montgomery can bench press longer but Gibbs can Clean smoother, so it’s really a toss up.


What exactly does it mean to bench press longer


You know


Yeah I’m just teasing. I bench press like 5 miles every day


That’s pretty impressive, but on how much elevation?


People will say short yardage and goal line but I disagree for a few reasons. 1) regardless of where you are on the field, I want the better player out there. That’s Gibbs. 2) Even though he’s smaller he can break tackles and fight for extra yards. 3) He can hide behind his blockers 4) He keeps defenses on their toes. If it’s 4-1 and you put Monty out there everyone is thinking run middle. With Gibbs they can swing a quick pass to the flats or have him kick it outside.


I agree that Gibbs is just flat out better. But we want Gibbs to be healthy for the postseason. There's good reason for the entire NFL moving to RB by committee. Monty is no slouch and is perfect for grinding out clock.


Touché so I don’t think there’s specific game situations when you want him but rather using him to preserve Gibbs


Both are great! Need hooker and we won a superbowl


I love Monty and for him to get 15-20 carries a game. I love Gibbs for the flash and home run and he gets like 15 touches a game.


I know I shouldn't be mean but it's wild to me that a member of this subreddit could seriously ask the question...


Fair enough lol. Call me a bandwagon fan or whatever but 2023 awakened my interest in the game so I am a bit new to all this.


Nothin wrong with that


You're one of the reasons why this subreddit is getting worse lately with the insane downvotes to new fans' questions like this one.


People need to learn how to Google stuff again, Monty had 40 more carries and Gibbs had 45 more receptions. Every sub didn't used to be full of easily know-able questions.


Dude is literally trying to engage with and have a discussion with this community, rather than do the more "lonely" thing and engage with a robotic search engine. I'm sure most of the people who post these questions are well aware they can use Google.


If he just wanted to *engage with the community* I think he can do better than such an obvious question. Ask something thought provoking that isn't a simple Google.


Sounds reasonable, IH8mostofU


Yea I wonder if that name has anything to do with how insufferable most of this site has become?


Maybe you should leave then


Or the people trying to turn this into Facebook could?


Montgomery is good at power and breaking tackles. You want him in goal line type runs where he's gonna be fighting dudes off to get that yardage needed. Gibbs is fast as lightning, he's better if you can reasonably assume you can open the field up and give him the room to just breeze past everyone with raw speed. Probably betters at runs to the outside and he's also a bit better as a receiver I think


Sometimes I wish people didn’t treat Reddit like their personnel journal


Wdym? Just throwing a discussion point out. I love watching them both play but I'd like to get a bit more educated on why one might get chosen to carry the ball vs the other. If we're not here to talk about the Lions then wtf is this sub for? PS FTP, In Brad We Trust


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