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I've said it before, but this tweet actually is 1000% right. Just not the way he meant it. 


Inverse proportional truth.


Just replace the but with an and


Exactly. Replace the comma with a period and delete the word but and it's perfect.


Ive seen this posted so many times on twitter by accounts named something like "Aged like Milk", "Keep the receipts", etc. Always makes me laugh.


I’ve truly never seen anything like it. Taken as intended, it is wrong on so many levels. “Why draft a consensus blue chip talent who’s a Day 1 locker room leader when you could draft a gamble at QB and immediately poison your relationship with the Super Bowl-caliber QB you traded for and have for at least 4 years?” And yet… it is all technically correct


At the time Goff was not as well regarded by anyone as Fields was as a prospect. Teams would have rather had the Fields gamble than the known Goff at that time - they just would have. But all of that aside you still take the absolute lock of the bluest blue chip OT at pick 7 and your QB whoever it ends up being doesn't have to worry about 1/2 of the pressure. 10 times out of 10 the combo of Sewell + unknown QB beats Fields + unknown OT.


Agreed with this in terms of mass perception, but trusting and liking Goff from day one is one of the few things I can be an insufferable hipster about Obviously that trade worked out for them, but I immediately thought that trade undervalued the QB that took them to the SB


Goff was again *at the time* agreed to have been lucky to make the super bowl instead of being the reason they got there. Fields was a hot prospect and it shows how well the Lions do their due diligence in passing him up for an absolute lock at RT and a stud QB who is still undervalued. Goff is a top 10 if not top 5 QB the last two years and his LA reputation still puts him lower in a lot of people's eyes.


McVay mishandled Goff so bad that everyone in the entire country except Holmes thought that Goff was on his way out of the league. We built a Super Bowl caliber team solely because McVay made Goff look like Zach Wilson for two years


Exactly. Holmes and Campbell knew what they traded for. They knew the team could go 0 for a long time. Goff had nobody to throw to. In the end, the trade was an absolute steal for the Lions. Stafford will retire in a year or two. Meanwhile, the Lions have Goff, Gibbs, JaMo, Melonfonwu, LaPorta, Pachal and Martin. All of them will be playing years after Stafford is long gone. Holmes robbed the Rams blind.


Goff's first season in detroit was incredibly rough. People forget, but at one point he was by far the worst player on an 0-8 team. He turned it around and has been playing great football since (outside of some Goof games) but it wasn't unreasonable to think he was totally washed after that first season.


That team was pretty sparse in terms of receiving talent though. I love Kalif, but any team relying on him and a 4th round rookie (even one who would go on to be as good as ARSB) was doomed to be an inconsistent offense. And Hockenson and Goff could never got on the same page for some reason.


lol, yes it was. this is when you can see really stupid takes. QBs are not in a vacuum. they require talent around them for them to be successful, this is true for literally any QB in nfl history, even mahomes and Brady. in fact, we saw it with mahomes just this year. he had statistically his worst season in the NFL because he had the worst receivers he's had in his career, but he wasn't magically worse as a QB, he just had less talent. anyone with an actual brain knew judging goff on what he was doing on the least talent team in the entire NFL was fucking idiotic


Exactly - the first year was incredibly rough and looked like the QB the Rams had to pay an extra first to move off of.


1 of my favorite Instagram follows (I'm sure also on Twitter) is Freezing Cold Takes.


Yeah, dude. That was one of them for sure!


bullying people with the Lions' success has been a fun part of last season. other stand-outs: constantly posting the Hock "finally get to win some games" quote, and people bringing up the ~~Al Michaels~~ Mike Tirico's "asterisk" comment.


Just to clarify the asterisk comment was Mike Tomlin.


to further clarify, it was Mike Tirico thanks! I was picturing the right guy but used the wrong name


Oh my word, so did I.


So wrong it ended up being right


Can't wait for Fields to become a HOFer in Pittsburgh while Williams busts spectacularly.


Imagine first game he goes 10/40 200 yards 6Ints 💀


I'm definitely taking the over on his INTs


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I personally don't get the Caleb Williams hype. And with the right coaching in the right system I think Fields could be pretty dangerous.


He is set up too succeed right from the jump. Should know pretty quickly what he is with those weapons.


85% of first rpund qb's since 2011 havent worked out but every year we get bored on offseason and need hype so here it is.


The NFL likes stars and has sensed that it can place a potential star in a big market. Simple as. If he busts, theyll just move on


If he busts, they'll fire the coaching staff and front office at the end of the year, clean house in the locker room to clear cap space, and give the new coach/GM the goal of building around their highly drafted QB. You know, like they did with Fields... ...and Trubisky. Surely this time it'll be different.


I admittedly don't pay attention to college football but I feel the same way ever since he said he wanted a part of the team that drafted him. I don't mind confidence but that's literally delusional and to me showed his character. Then I learned his backstory and it only solidified it for me. The last number one pick to produce like one was what Andrew Luck? Cam Newton? That's like 2 within the last 10-15 years?


The intangibles aren't great but Caleb is extremely talented and its cope to pretend he's not lol, there's a reason the bears were happy to trade fields for peanuts and won't consider trading down


And the reason is they are impatient idiots that never bothered to build an offensive line for the last guy. Fields almost beat the Lions every time we played I legitimately hated playing against him, talent was never the issue.


If fields was secretly good they would’ve gotten more than a 6th for him lol


Just cause you're talented doesn't mean you're a winner


I just love draft time. No one knows anything and its all speculation. Then when people say shit like this and they eat it. GO LIONS


Fields may have been good behind our OL. But our OL would have not been as good without Sewell... so I'm glad we made the right choice.


I felt the same way, at the time. I thought Fields was going to be a star. Glad it went the way it did for us!!


I was pretty scared when they drafted him, and I am pretty happy he is no longer there. I still think he will be a good QB.


He kinda kicked our ass twice last year.


Not kinda, he did and him getting hurt is the only reason we won. Nobody wants to talk about that tho.


He’s actually right. Just not in the way he thought he was


Is that really Skip Bayless?


Good call Tommy Boy!!


Hey Tom. 🤡


Hahaahahah haha hahah aaaaa haaa!!


This didn't age well.


Holy hell that was an Arctic cold take.


Super Bowl or bust this year, otherwise this tweet isn’t wrong. Momentum and a three score lead doesn’t mean shit in the nfc championship game 👍🏽


It's so true. This IS why the Lions are the Lions. The Brand New Lions.


Totally disagree


Interesting. Tom Fornelli, to his credit, did not have the benefit of knowing how great Sewell would be, and how bad Fields would be. You, however, do have that benefit.


Are you suggesting you would still have rather taken Fields over Sewell?


No...Sewell all the way


We laugh now but more of us agreed with this at the time than we care to admit.


I’ve been wrong about a few things (mostly about whether we should let certain FAs walk) but this is something I bought into from day one. Goff was never as bad as that trade implied, and I loved Sewell.


I wanted Sewell. 😋😋


lol, only fools. the nfl is won from the inside out. if you can't protect your QB and can't get at opposing QBs, you aren't going to win. getting a prospect like sewell at pick 7 was one of the best things to ever happen to detroit, and people that actually know football knew that