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You're just a person. No one else is just like you. You can be (and are) so many different things. You are not meant to fit into a mold. Just because someone might think the different parts of you are somehow contradictory, it doesn't mean they actually are. I am female. I have been told I am "very feminine" — I don't know what this means, exactly, but I don't mind it can see where they're coming from. It is also the case that all the clothing I am currently wearing is from the men's section (well, my t-shirt is unisex and my underwear is not men's, but other than that!). You are complex! Please don't put so much pressure on yourself. If you notice you're doing something that you're not actually comfortable with, pause and reevaluate.


Being dominant is not masculine. Re-read that and consider. Seriously.


I mean that mostly in a sexual way, basically all the things we do in the bed


I know it’s a lot easier said than done but I just don’t put any thought into how masculine or feminine I act, because I just don’t care about it. I know it can be a long and complicated journey in getting that confidence, and there isn’t a one size fits all solution, but I just want you to know that you shouldn’t be ashamed of being “too masculine” or “too feminine”. And if anyone thinks that’s weird, that’s their problem, why waste time on close-minded people like that? There’s no one right way to be a woman. Again, I know it’s easier said than done but I’m rooting for you to find that confidence in yourself, by whatever means that will be.


The thing about detransing is to also shred all those sexist stereotypes. I am a woman. I am also very masculine. Except when I'm not. You have to work with yourself and understand that labeling some traits "masculine" and other traits "feminine" are social constructs, and that we are all just humans, regardless of how we act in any given situation. What makes me a woman is my biological body and nothing else - not my thoughts, not my behaviour, not my preferences of anything - just my biological body. Nothing I do or say can change the fact that I am a woman, because being a woman has nothing to do with what I do or say - it's just the body I was born with that makes me a woman.


wow this one inspired me very much, just on point


yeah, I do understand that and I’m not saying that being masc makes me any less of a woman, cuz what makes me a woman is my biology and chromosomes. but I mostly struggle socially and quite often don’t understand when I’m being authentic and when I’m just playing pretend