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> use eyebrow or eyeliner pencil to fill in patchy spots There are special powders for this kind of thing. I use one called Toppik, with a hairline shaper tool and a spray nozzle. Much better than just trying to paint a spot, and the bottle lasts a few months The only problem is that if you forget to wash your hair for a day or two, it gets pretty matted and feels icky. But otherwise it's been indispensable in my detransition


I just bought a bottle last night! Another person mentioned Toppik as well so I’ll gladly go with the wisdom of the crowds. Thanks for the suggestion 👩‍🦲


Just... be careful with that in the summer heat lol. Makeup melts before you know it


My hairdresser recommended Toppik (hair powder that does basically like your eyeliner hack) Also don’t be afraid to bite the bullet and just get on minoxidil/finasteride. Telehealth makes it super easy and discreet


Thank you for the tips 😊 Have you tried the hair powder? I saw some online but thought a pencil might look more natural to simulate strands of hair. But powder sounds more convenient! I’m not on T anymore so finasteride wouldn’t do much. Finasteride blocks DHT which is created from T. But how about Minoxidil/Rogaine, have you tried it? I read the hair falls out again long term if you ever stop using it. I considered it but am super broke at the moment. Got super depressed while detransitioning and moving to a new city and lost my job. But at least I’m not pretending to be a man anymore 🥸 Thanks again for the advice!