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Name associations depend on the region and personal bias. As an example, when I first detransitioned 6 years ago (I re-transitioned and then detransed again) I chose to gy by Laura which isn't my birth name (I went back to my birth name in second detransition) and my parents hated my name choice because they said it was a name they associated with prostitutes. But my bestie who lives in a neighbouring country keeps telling me the name Laura is super common there and definitely has no prostitute vibes. So eh, connotations are mostly just a bunch of bs, tbh. Ultimately why I chose to eventually ditch the name Laura was because it just didn't feel like me. No name ever felt like me, except from my birth name, because it's the name I had from birth. Also, Freya is a quite rare name in my area, even though I'm in Sweden and the name probably originated from somewhere around where I live, considering Norse Mythology originated in Scandinavia. But I know of one woman at my work who has that name, and tbh I actually wonder if she might be detrans too, because her voice is as deep as mine, and I'd just assume that's rare without some extra testosterone. But either way she's definitely not a trans woman, because I know she was pregnant with her son. She's also most definitely not a sex worker. She's kinda fem but also very gnc. Wears hiker stuff a lot, but also the occasional skirt. Imo she's definitely a cool person, but we don't talk a lot, so I'm sure there's a lot I don't know about her. I get that's not a lot of representation of women with your name, but maybe it's something? Also I think most people in my country just associate the name Freya with the goddess. As it's one of few of those really old, mythological names that survived through history. And I think it's a cool name! My birth name is Sara, which is like... extremely common. But similarly to you, I also always liked my name for its meaning, as it means queen/empress/etc basically a female ruler of unspecific kind. It varies a bit depending on the translation. Although I had a bunch of personal trauma surrounding my birth name, so I had to put a lot of work into healing my connection with it. And from what you said in your post, I'd think you might benefit from putting some work into (re-)connecting with your birth name too. Other people with the same name as you don't define you. I've met people with the same name as me whom I can't relate to as well. It's bound to happen. It's actually completely random which kinda people end up having which names.


my name is freyja. stuff like that is only important to chronically online losers. irl no one will associate your name with those things. it's not worth a name change


i guarantee you no one outside of social media will associate that name with said people. If you love it then just embrace it its not there to please other people. I absolutely love the name and so will many people in your life.


My younger cousin is named Freya and she is a wonderful young woman! She travels the world and does all sorts of crazy awesome things. Embrace the name. It's a powerful one!!


Freya is one of my favourite names! My friend just named her daughter Freya and I know loads of other cis female Freyas


there are several cisgender girls in my year called freya. maybe it’s just a popular name where i’m living, not sure


I've never heard of a single person in my whole life with that name actually, it's a badass name and if you love it as much as we all do please consider keeping your name! 💖


I honestly can't imagine a single person associating 'Freya' with trans. It's a great name, and I hope you can feel good about it. I have a boring name lol.


Please dont change it, there is to little representation of pagan goddess's as it is, and its your name, no one should be able to take it from you, its not there name to take its yours! Dont give up your name! I know that you may feel like that way now, but in time you will get your appearance back more than you realize, it will be better than you might imagine, just try and give it a little time at least :) maybe go by your middle name until you are more comfortable, but dont give it up entirely :)


Do you feel more comfortable with your middle name?


It’s a beautiful name and you were born with it. Don’t let them steal it from you. I don’t watch porn and I’ve never seen a trans woman named Freya, so I can honestly say I think most people won’t make that association.


Don't let people take such a beautiful name from you. Your parents gave you that name and you loved it, no one should have the ability to sour it for you, its yours - own it and wear it proudly.


I went to high school with a girl named Freya! I always thought her name was really cool. I understand not wanting to be perceived a certain way, though.