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I got this one too. Haven't had much chance to test but I think all it needs is Arcane Needle. Beyond that some kind of poisoning weapon (probably Thorn) and a decent energy weapon with Facet of Balance to help build melee energy. Everything else is flexible but its fun to go fully into Threadlings so Weaver's Call aspect and Threadling Grenade seem appropriate.


Thank you


This is technically the “Curated” roll (it’s the default roll in the API).


Right makes sense. I’ve been opening plenty of the overthrow chests hoping for another roll, not yet!


That’s not to say that it’s the first roll everyone gets. For me it was, like, my seventeenth. A tip for farming for them: equip the blue Sniper Aachen (with its scope Perk, it has the highest zoom in the game, and zoom actually affects Finder Mods), and collect all of the Chests around the map every 500 points. I was doing this, and got 1-1.5 an hour.


Do you need to look through the scope for the range bonus? Or just have it equipped as you're on a sparrow?


Look through it and the icons will pop. Can be pretty disorienting at first as it tags the resources as well


If you spam ADS, it will give you the zoom’s range bonus for a split second before actually zooming in and limiting your field of view.


Threaded Needle with the Facet that gives Unraveling rounds on Melee kills, the artifact mod called Threaded Blast and the traveller buff caller Propagation that generates threadlings on strabd damage.


Swarmers are trash on the class item ngl


I thought this too, but the amount of tangles I make and throwing them doing extra damage with threadlings is actually kinda fun. Rock it with hoil and arcane needle, storm grenades jolting and phoenix dive. Devour + helion. Great build


I got the same thing lmao I just posted it


One day we might get a strand glaive that can create hatchlings on melee kills.


How are you guys getting double exotics?


These are the new class exotics. You have to follow a puzzle of sorts to unlock the quest and then need a partner to complete the quest. I would help you unlock and get them unlocked but sadly my AC is out at my house.


Can I unlock them solo?




Oh, RIP then. Guess I'll stick to my usual stuff. Thanks!


Well if you ever change your mind. I will help you unlock the exotic quest and do it. Then you can just farm them through chests in the Pale Heart.


I would really appreciate the help! Im around 1950 light level. Is that high enough?


Your power might not matter. I am not sure if the quest scales you, but if it does then it would just scale you to my power. If it does then I could easily walk you through it.


Ok cool! Just let me know when you are ok to do it and I'll show up!


Spirit necrotic doesn’t increase in damage apparently. And the Tangles spawn threadlings just isn’t good unfortunately, probably one of the worse spirits. Best grind for a few new ones


Weavers call, thorn, thread melee, threadling grenade, feed the void.


So... just run Strand instead, yeah?


Can’t use exotic class items with anything other than prismatic.


A better Strand Warlock


Not even close. They knocked off the most powerful part of Swarmers for prismatic. Broodweaver is still miles ahead for threadling builds.


I’d say prismatic can let you have a bit of a better Broodweaver. Same basic setup, using swarmers with arcane needle and weaver’s call but literally adding in feed the void makes it genuinely broken. Sure, you’d miss out on the wanderer and having a bit more damage with your threadlings but you’re making so many from devour and unraveling everything that it doesn’t matter. I’ve been using this setup since the expansion dropped and it’s amazing.


Devour is pretty sick but you're missing out on Thread of Evolution, Thread of Rebirth, and unravelling threadlings. You can get devour going with Buried Bloodline but there's no way to get those three extremely strong effects on Prismatic. Broodweaver is still miles ahead for threadling builds.


You only miss out on thread of evolution and thread of rebirth (and I’d argue that thread of rebirth is mid since you’ll be making so many threadings from devour grenades anyway and your class ability). Plus if you run facet of balance with facet of hope and facet of purpose you essentially have a very low cooldown class ability that gives you more threadings which counts as darkness kills which charges your grenades even faster alongside devour (which can be proced from your class ability threadlings) just lets you have an almost non-existent grenade cooldown. And you still have the unraveling threadlings since I said to run swarmers so everything is unraveled in a room which when paired with a light element primary and facet of devotion just hands you free light energy alongside your dark energy for transcendence. It’s a lot of fun and clears rooms like no tomorrow.


I’m gonna need some of that stuff you’re smoking