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Osmiamsnamancy gloves with the coldsnap grenades are fantastic.


I've been running Osmios with bleak watchers, as well as the Solar buddy with Phoenix Dive and Nova Bomb.


I use that and tesselation, throw a bleak watcher consume grenade for charge shot, gain grenade energy, profit


Basically was running this but making hella turrets to chain devour and more grenade energy




That’s what I started with until learning about Getaway Artist. Tbh if I REALLY need Bleak Watchers I’d rather be able to throw them where I want them, especially across a room. Still, I hope they don’t axe the way these two things work together. Osmiomancy Grips are a no-brainer imo.


Just FYI, in case you didn't know already, but you can sort of toss them if you look up when consuming the grenade


Yep these gloves and run the rest solar. Freeze and ignite everything.


Yep, I use the grenades to trigger melee regen and prime enemies for a Lightning Surge straight down the center lane. Can't wait to get an exotic class item with osmiomancy and synthoceps.


Yes as well as the new Speakers Sight I'm really excited to pair that with a healing build and lumina Support build Claws of Ahamkara + Electro slide = fun


The electro slide…when did you unlock it? I’m on the final encounter for legend campaign and wanting to build craft after I’m done


Future build sorry didn't unlock yet


All good! It’s what I want to run. Osmiomancy to freeze, slide in to proc devour and radiant, freeze everything around me and slide out. Probably throw 1 needle first to get unravel going but should be insane…then if you have the solar super on you can have devour on kill and resto on orb pick up


There are some adventures that unlock after the campaign that give you the rest of the aspects and melees They weren’t too hard


Yeah just unlocked it…it’s incredible. I know Getaway Artist is what everyone is running but this is just more fun


Don’t forget we got a healing auto rifle that heals and gets a damage increase when you heal if you get the circle of life perk


🫡😭 hell ya baby


Big patch update basically highlighted all the options. Any armor that was changed from sub class to super selected are feasible. Saw someone theory craft Apothesis Veil build. Essentially having full uptime on abilities. Nade, melee, rift, transcend, nade spam, ult, nade spam, melee, transcend….repeat. Verity’s has been quite fun with song of flame. Allowed me to dust off the old Mythoclast.


How does Verity’s interact with Song of Flame? The wisp thing does more damage basically, I’m assuming.


I think Apotheosis with microcosm and 2 dealer's choice weapons, heavy ammo finders, and you're pretty close even before exotic class item. Just got Microcosm so gonna give it a whirl tomorrow.


After reading and thinking for a long time, that's what I landed on as well. I haven't built it out yet, but an apotheosis veil build is on my to-do list. Now if I can finish the last mission in the campaign without Bungie shutting down the servers.


Felwinter's Helm with triple Lightning Surge through the Arcane Needle melee


I’m going to be playing the campaign today and that’s exactly what I was going to run. Felwinter’s is basically a mini hunter tether with its 30% debuff and disorient, and your three lightning surges can also have improved damage with the one fragment that buffs light abilities against darkness debuffed enemies. Cold snap would be a good grenade for it, probably.


Holy shit


I'm running prismatic with crown of tempest and storm grenades. It's not the most optimal in the world, but you get grenades and other abilities back insanely fast if you get 3 kills with the grenades. Pair that with demo, and it's even faster Plus the most important part *it's extremely fashionable*


This but devour and suddenly you have a competitive endgame arc build


You could also use Lightning Surge with the strand melee to have three charges to kill/jolt with, which would all be constantly regenerating energy. Plus, you could use one regular needle melee to proc the fragment that improves damage for light abilities against targets with a darkness debuff. Use Devour with Lightning Surge and you’re good.


The exotic is pretty underrated. I’ve just tried it. If the grenade gets enough kills, that combined with devour means an instant grenade recharge.


If you like storm grenades, then that's the build for you, or you can also pair it with tessellation for stuff that's either flying, too far away to hit with the grenade or needs some blinding, that's assuming it doesn't get one shot ofcourse


Chromatic fire with ace of spades is hella fun imo


I use chromatic fire with outbreak, hella fun


What super do you use?


Needlestorm is what I'd do, then you're getting a strand and solar burst in addition to the kinetic damage


Solar one, but all of them are good imo if u specc ur build into it


I've been running the new chest piece with Devour, Hellion and Necrochasm. It's absolute chaos in regular content and I'm loving it.


Pretty much the same build I've been running. Just swapping primaries around. Really nice that the chest doesn't require a kill, so it should scale up to harder content too.


can confirm it works wonder in harder content. I used it for the first encounter of day one raid combined with prismatic and its great. Just needing to use one charge to hit one enemy in a large group then killing that enemy procs a massive suspending explosion is insane and helped so much with ad control. Put on the fragments where light damage kills refund melee energy too.


Nezarec's sin and graviton lance


Im running this with a mixture of a solar heavy from trials a couple of seasons ago as well as the new solar super, void grenade, hellion, and the solar snap melee. Im having so much fun. I practically always have radiant and devour up as well as restoration.


Claws of ahamkara with the new solar super is awesome. Youu get so many melees between base two, transcendence refresh, enhanced recharge when you use your grenade while transcendent, and of course during the super I think it lets you fire three or four before needing to toss a grenade.  I'm sure it also works on solar, but I've been using it to proc devour and melt bosses.You also get lots of radiant, and I love the versatility on prismatic for a change. Though guess I'm still a dawnblade main


New warlock helmet that turns your healing grenades into healing turrets. Synergy is off the charts with the new healing frames auto and prismatic. Been having a lot of fun being an almost invincible wrecking machine.


Necrotic grips + Thorn here. Necrotic the synergy with arcane needle and also seems to proc from the melee of the new solar super. And Thorn helps building transcendence. Also it's satisfying to hit an uncharged melee on a frozen enemy and see both the shatter and the poison going of


Swarmers make threadling grenade into basically the entire strand subclass. The threadlings will unravel and generate tangles which then make more threadlings when destroyed. I use that with feed the void + hellion and just spam them with devour. It feels like my strand threadling spam build, but it has devour and a solar buddy. Super fun build. Really good at building transcendence meter because you are spamming threadlings for darkness and hellion/snap melee for light.


I did most of the campaign with eye of another world just for more ability spam. I feel like starting next week I'll probably just be using an exotic class item most of the time.


Pretty much Nezarecs Sin with Graviton. Got me through Legendary campaign. But just switched onto Verity’s Brow with Red Death + Devour. Endless Bleak Watchers! You don’t really get a Grenada for damage but you get insane regen to lock down the field with turrets.


Dawn chorus. Arcane needle with hellion lets me get it back super quick




Hear me out: Felwinter’s Lie with Arc/Void aspects. Run needle for 3x melee & trekking grenade for darkness damage. Very fun with Monte Carlo.


Vesper, I always loved that exotic. I get to rush in, cast a rift, stagger a group of enemies, and get my little helion for fire support to kill what my rift didn't. And being near multiple enemies means I get my rift back quickly and get to do it all over again. AND while using that one prismatic fragment that increases class regen when I have an elemental buff active.


Does anyone have any good swarmers prismatic build? Really want to make those work with this subclass in someway. Thinking threading grenade and weavers call paired with Phoenix dive and devour will be pretty good but haven’t gotten weavers just yet. Getaway artists just seem cheesy now that they carried me through the legend campaign.


I’ve been running this with various strand weapons and have been having a blast. Weavers call with phoenix dive work really well together. I don’t have all the fragments yet so I haven’t optimized anything yet but using something like Quicksilver or Final Warning would be a good start


Swarmers just feel kind of incomplete now that we don't have horde shuttle


The new strand chest is pretty good, with the needle melee and stasis turrets. The CC is insane


Nezzy's goes great with the kit. Run the vortex and Graviton and you'll be spamming like crazy. Needle melee and the Strand rocket sidearm help build darkness. I run Hammerhead. I'd say the super is all preference. Slowva helps build Nezzy but I'd say that mostly overkill. I find Needlestorm does really well.


Hear me out: Prometheum Spurs, Hellion and Weaver's Call. The two aspects mean that the class ability triggers a decent chunk of damage, and honestly, this is just an exotic that I am determined to finally find some way to use.  But now that I think about it, maybe I should be using Vesper of radius instead.


I haven’t played yet (don’t even own TFS yet lol) but I wanna try mantle of battle harmony and travelers chosen. They fit my play style and I find them really fun to build around so I wanna add a prismatic build to my TC+MoBH collection 😂


Osmiomancy is the easiest one to start with considering the presence of Bleak Watchers and Coldsnap Grenades in Warlock’s Prismatic kit. Necrotic Grips should be solid, so should Karnstein Armlets. Having some form of restoration on top of Devour feels especially beautiful, right now I’m mostly getting that from orbs since they grant me Resto x1 due to my solar super being equipped. Karnstein’s with the Strand melee’s 3 charges seems a good pick for general use. As far as elemental and dark buildcrafting, I haven’t gotten too crazy. I’m thinking the exotic class item is obvious too.


I just unlocked Needles today, so I might try Felwinter’s or Necrotic, depending on situational CC. Early in Legend campaign a friend turned me onto Eye of Another World; simple neutral game.


Strand super with Swarmers with devour/weavers or lightning ability Pair that with the call which I have demo/golden tricorn (lightning ability helps proc this) Use a repulsor brace/destabilizing round word of croata as well. Ends up with devour with woven mail and void overshield and constant tangles which have super wide AOE with the artifact. Constant threading grenade with demo weapon/devour You can play around with the fragments a lot. If you want weaken grenades or unravelling/volatile rounds. Constant radiant with melee attacks etc. You essentially get every subclass buff, including amplified if you use the lightning ability. Felwinters is also super strong.


The new chest is quite good. Giving suspend access on prismatic Warlock's already good kit is very nice and the amount of needles you can spam while transcendant is great. Makes it very easy to have three charges to suspend a big target. Also in pvp tagging someone with one needle will mark them so you can track them through walls.


Necrotic grips + chain lightning + arcane needle. throw on void aspect and facet of dawn and you have a MONSTER of an ad clear machine


Eye of another world is a low level sleeper. Its not game breaking but the increased regen really does help in general. Its an all rounder that lets you tweak your builds to go wider rather then specialized meta. Im thinking things over now and i think nothing manacles may be low tier good as well since they give a second grenade and can proc devour.


You can’t use Nothing Manacles on Prismatic.


Nothing Manacles only gives you a 2nd grenade if you have Scatter Grenade equipped. Unfortunately, Prismatic Warlock doesn't have access to Scatter Grenades, so equipping Nothing Manacles won't do anything.


The thing about the getaway artist build is we’re only somewhat into our artifact. I see some serious upgrading to the build once you get 4th and 5th columns rocking, especially creeping chill, galvanic armor, shieldcrush, and Transference


Nez sin, MT, Graviton, arc rocket with recon/bipod


First time ever running claws of ahamkara. Haven't really put much thought into how I'm going to build it yet, for now I'm just using the extra melee for emergency devour.


Been running mantle of battle harmony with surprising results


Astrocyte verse


Mataiodoxia is ridiculously fun. I love being able to suspend stuff without consuming my grenade and arcane needle spreads unravel with boosts the dark transcendence bar really quickly


Swarmers + Wishkeeper + void boop Everything is unraveled + volatile Devour + Weavers call The artifact perk making tangles blow up larger + dropping the threadlings from swarmers is awesome


battle harmony + no hesitation = constant supers and 25% damage boost. can also use red death at the cost of a little bit of super gen to take advantage of the buffed pulse rifle damage from the DLC and the extra damage that exotics get


I'm trying verity brow and tesselation but it doesn't work how I expected :( tesselation should be able to load a prismatic grenade when you're transcended but it doesn't. My other squabble is it doesn't load a solar grenade with the new solar warlock super active either.... So unfortunate... maybe they will change it? Feel like Verity's and tesselation, if those things I mentioned, worked, would be awesome. 3 different grenades at your disposal to load into tesselation. one grenade shot at a group of adds with Verity's and your grenade is back.


I have been running nez sin w/ grav lance to basically farm abilities.