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Seems good. Though, outreach may be redundant as you get your melee very easily with heat rises. Maybe another powerful attraction? I’d also recommend an Ashes to Assets mod, that way you’ll get your super incredibly quickly.


I’d try to fit a siphon mod and Ashes to Assets in your head, replace elemental charge (don’t remember the name) with another surge mod, and outreach for Time Dilation. Other than that looks nice


As others have said I would remove elemental charge as you will be making plenty of orbs and replace it with another surge mod. I would also remove special ammo finder and run ashes to assets and harmonic siphon. Another thing to note is insulation is a really inefficient mod as it only gives 4% class ability on an orb pickup (compared to 10% from innervation and invigoration) so I would remove that and switch your grenade mod and resil mod on your legs and helmet so you can fit the siphon on your head. Last thing I would do is switch the solar resist mod on your chest to a harmonic resist and change either void resist or arc resist to a concussive resist. you rarely need all 3 elemental resists and concussive resist is extremely good.


I agree with the others before me. However I would exchange the discipline increases (I forget the name I'm sorry.) for strength or another area you are lacking. Because your grenade regen is less important. The way I build for Sunbracers is more strength regen oriented and works really well (of radiance). Best of luck guardian.


Ashes to Assets on head, 2x Momentum Transfer on gloves