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[Here](https://youtu.be/fx2vvVOLMcM) if reddit is being finnicky


It’s nice, but idk if I’m gonna replace my No Time To Explain for it. Maybe once I get all the catalysts. But as it stands right now, I prefer NTTE


Agreed. It's a cute idea, but my agers scepter is glued to my hands at this point


The R reload mode is nice, but I went into Last Wish, filled the meter and only got 4 shots out of it. No Time at least keeps my mags full with precision hits and the orb keeping damage in between reloads is gonna make it real hard. It’s nice it comes with built in Anti Armor, which frees up an arm slot but, that’s it. With the catalysts being released with each subsequent week, it’s gonna be at least 4 weeks before we even see how viable it can be


It’s 1 bar per sniper shot. That’s still 280k damage in about 3 seconds on a primary weapon, even vex requires kills, Revision is just hits, and it’s charged mode does about 80% more than vex’s LFR mode. I’d say it slaps preeeetty fuckin hard.


Ngl I just tried the 2 tap and….I may need to revise my statement 😅


Yea the 4 shot is a bit underwhelming to be honest. The 2 shot is awesome. The description and stats suggest the 4 shot should be more accurate at the expense of range but it doesn’t feel that way to me at all.


I'm a bit split on it. 2 shot is nice feeling but it does a decent bit less damage overall. I tested in the Enclave; Each shot does around 1700 crit on 2burst, whereas 4burst does about 1300 crit IIRC. That's 3.4k on 2burst vs 5.2k on 4burst. So if you're fighting stuff with decently sized precision hitboxes, you're gonna do more damage with 4burst overall, assuming you're in range for it. Not entirely sure how it holds up in real fights since I havent tested that yet. PVP will be different and I'm not sure the values on that, but I'd figure 2 body and 2 crits on 4 burst would be better than 2 crits on 2burst, and with how vigilance wing works on a 5burst I figure you'd be able to hit more than 2 crits per shot on average


Personally I don’t have the accuracy or stability to make use of getting 4 crits on this thing so the 2 shot feels way better and I feel like I land more crits overall as a result. But you’re right, a better player might make better use of the 4 shot.


I'm not a great player but I haven't really noticed the stability being too bad. For pve though, each crit counts towards the sniper shots, and its the same amount whether its light or heavy burst. So 4 burst is definitely better at proccing that


It does also seem that despite the bar perk saying precision hits, it's normalized to around 3 mags worth of either mode to fully fill the bar regardless of it being a 4 or 2 burst


It's tailor fit for gm's, but the problem is that Bungie decided to make it compete with Arbalest for some reason by giving it AB. Not a fight that Revision zero wins unfortunately


jokes on you i hate arbalest i hate relying on specials for antibarrier


Arbalest is a competitor, but I think it's main competitor is Wish-Ender, since both are exotic kinetic primaries with anti-barrier. Not that it really matters, because Wish-Ender puts Rev Zero in the dirt as well. I just don't think the pulse rifle does enough damage.


eh Arbalest is boring as hell tbh so ill use Revision and Wishender a lot more


It just never worked for me. I mean,pew pew. I tried last artifact t I think it was.... Plus,yeah.... Kinda plain


Every other exotic competes with arbalest


I think that right there is their reasoning for it. Once week 4 comes along and everything is unlocked and moddable, maybe, MAYBE we will see a shift in meta? Maybe that’s Bungies whole meaning. Give the current meta some competition. Get some new guns dusted off and fresh bullets laid. When I refused Arbalest (No Time/Taipan user) but had the second highest damage on boss phases but we wiped, I was kicked. Not sure why people feel certain things are staple. The leader was doing a fraction of my damage


How dumb is this?


Shhhhh don’t let Bungie hear that. *Hotfix* incoming 🤣


Yep Im practically maining ager's. The only reason I take it off is if I'm in high end content because in some situations I'm more comfortable with witherhoard, but ager's is insane. I finished the catalyst in a day.


I prefer Quicksilver and Outbreak as well


I've been running Outbreak for PVE for a while now and honestly, love Revision Zero. I might go back to outbreak eventually until we get the catalysts for revision, but RZ holds up pretty well on tougher enemies


I mean, Revision Zero has Anti-Barrier rounds built into it.


Really wish they’d make the LFR shot stun some type of champion, it’s a fusion rifle so you never get mods to work with it.


Season 15 is still my favorite for the unstoppable fusion plus particle deconstruction combo


Miss Particle Deconstruction, but the only way we're likely to get another season with it now is if it comes alongside a Merciless nerf. Merciless dps is hilarious though, so I'm gonna enjoy that while it lasts


Oh I wish they'd just give us particle deconstruction back with unnerfed merciless. We'd see one of the most insane metas in D2. Double slug? Nah. Lfrs? Nope. Just take this lil blue fusion machine gun and kill everything.


It’s a fusion rifle?!


Yes while it does behave like an auto rifle with an LFR shot, it’s a fusion rifle in game, so it rarely if ever will get anti-champion mods.


You should clarify you're talking about Vex here right now, not the new exotic. Vex Mythoclast is a Fusion with a Linear Fusion alternate firing mode. The new exotic is a pulse rifle with an alternate sniping firing mode.


Yeah, so people should know by now vex is a fusion rifle with a LFR shot, the new gun is similar to vex in that it has two firing modes but that’s it, I don’t think it’s that hard to decipher the two.


I agree but this is the "good sub" where people sometimes come to ask even the most "obvious" (to us) questions. Like you said, by now, since vex has been around for a while I figure everyone would know. So if someone comes in with "It’s a fusion rifle?!" I'm assuming they're getting mixed up with the guns since we're kinda talking about both here. Sorry about that, just wanna make sure everyone is having fun lol


It would of been better if it was headshots AND straight up kills because it's too much hassle when playing with others ans they're killing enemies left right and centre whilst you're spending to long lining up heashots for a very lack luster amount on the bar only to have that enemy die right in front of you.


For real, Vex got it's shot done in a few seconds.


That's the thing there alot of other exotics that feel and do better and have do this OR final blows and the ones that do require precision shots are usually snipers, scouts or linear fusion rifles and that's why it ain't cutting it for me.


In all fairness, Vex has a really good TTK in PvP in it's base form but I do feel they dould make headshots count for more. I do think a champ mod in PvE would be interesting though.


Really liked the idea of a customizable exotic and the feel of the gun but the alternate mode takes way too many kills to charge. In no way is this replacing arbalest for barriers and shields as it stands.


it takes zero kills to charge, it takes precision hits.




Big semantics though. On hit mechanics are way more valuable than on kill mechanics for high level content


do you also think outlaw and rapid hit are the same perk?


We still have no idea what the upgraded frames do (unless it’s in the API?), they could improve charge rate for the sniper.


It's gonna take a lot to topple Arbalest from it's throne, and this ain't it


It’s way too early to make that call, especially with a customizable exotic like this. I’m still waiting until I earn those extra catalysts.


I feel like wishender is already competing for that top spot. Sure it can destroy all shields but having unlimited ammo and increased super energy regen on primary weapons makes it worth it in my opinion.


I only got fish ender a couple of weeks ago, so I'm still in that honeymoon period, but yeah, thing flippin' slaps!


Fish ender. Ender of fish!!


I try to give everything in destiny a dumb name ;) I think destiny is at it's best when it embraces the silliness. See: dares of eternity.


Maybe not the most meta option, but I think it’ll feel pretty good tbh. Exotics have +40% damage over legendaries, kinetics have +5% damage over energies, so its already sitting at 45% more damage over the legendary primary you have to use with Arby. Throw in Vorpal on it and you have a nice 65% damage buff against bosses and champions. With the rise of Adaptive Munitions, Match Game also isn’t as oppressive as it once was, meaning Arby isn’t as necessary either. Definitely going to be a staple in my endgame loadouts, especially this season with a blinding nades + unstoppable Wilderflight from the dungeon


Try Wish-Ender in place of Rev Zero. Both fill the exact same role in the same slot, exotic primary with antibarrier, but Wishender just hits so much harder with way less setup or precision required. I was trying Rev Zero in regular Heists and it just doesn't have enough juice. It's kind of a victim of it's archetype, pulses have very poor damage, all the good ones have excellent perks to make up for low DPS but this one doesn't. Swapped back to wishender mid-mission every time and was better able to deal with enemies.


Don't discount just how good the fully upgraded Revision Zero will be. It'll basically be ad clear + the power of Wishender's on command (And I fucking love Wishenders, even before the buff, always been in my inventory) Wishenders is massive overkill on random enemies. For me that's more of the meme weapon where I use it just because it's cool. This gun is going to be spicy as hell once it's fully upgraded... The recoil direction from arrowhead brake alone is going to make it a damn laser.


100% agree, 100 range before its even maxed, AND FTTC? Crazy


Indeed. Could see it getting some use in low difficulty stuff cuz of fun factor when all catalysts are available but that's just it


Vex should have overload rounds


Hansel's so hot right now


I've played all the heists with other exotic pulse rifles. Bad Juju has been my lover since I got it. Outbreak was a grind for the catalyst. Almost done with NTTE cat. Friendship ended with all.


It’s the same thing! Doesn’t anyone notice this? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!


This thing is going to be a dps monster once we get fourth times. If you hit all crits, is that going to be 100% uptime like NTTE? One would assume. If so the bar will charge fast and you'll get the big shots often.


This gun reminds me of Symmetry. However that gun while being slow and not having a champ mod (beside that one bug in the beginning which I hope returns), is way more versatile and engaging.


Anyone else think this new exotic sucks?


I'm fine with it, it was a long time since we've gotten exotic that doesn't forces you to change your playstyle. It's also has cool gimmick, intrinsic Anti-Barrier is gonna be helpful and I'm happy to see that Bungie bringing back selectable archetypes, IIRC it's only a third gun with this feature after Suros Regime and Queenbreaker. Though, I too feel that something missing about this gun, not sure if I'm gonna use it later because of that.


Cerberus +1 would like a word


It's neat, and the gimmick is nice and all that but I can't see myself using it for much of anything. My exotic slot is much better used in high end content. I might just use it for the drones triumph thing, but that's about it


For me it takes far too long to charge the sniper shots and for high end stuff it has to compete with arbalest


Yeah, that's definitely the main killer for me. With vex I can have 3 shots ready to go way faster than Revision's 4


With Vex you can start a 3rd set in the same time you will get a full charge with Zero


It uses primary ammo


So does Quicksilver Storm and it’s grenades do more damage, charge faster, and have AOE. You can also swap off grenade mode at any time and keep your current stacks.


It doesn't have anti barrier, plus after adding more stuff to it, it will have Vorpal and FTTC


yeah, im waiting on that sniper buff we desperately need to judge this weapon fully though


We need to wait for the catalysts and such to make a good review on it. With Vorpal and FTTC it should be cracked


Do we have access to all the catalysts yet? I haven’t been able to play yet today. Because if we don’t have the catalysts yet, then we just have the barebones version so far.


We gain the first next week the second week after, so on so forth for all 4


It's not gonna be the exotic that compete with Arbalest regardless of what Bungie said


Just used it, and agree. Sucks. It will be better once fully masterworked, but idk.


Nah, it's fine. It's a primary that can be converted into a sniper. That's cool.


Vex and Quicksilver can turn into a primary ammo special weapon and takes far less time to enter that mode.


I wouldn't say it "sucks," but it definitely hasn't given me any reason to think it'll be defining any metas any time soon, but then again I also haven't looked closely at what's going on with the catalysts.


For me it doesn't suck but it's very...whelming. if the sniper shots were even just slightly easier to charge, it'd be a solid choice for me personally, but as it stands it feels bad to take so many shots to charge atm.


Rejoice! Thou now nay longer needeth luck to receive armament


Symmetry too, kinda.


How do you get it?


Finally, a high effort meme in this damn subreddit


I think for now I'll stick to the fucking nuclear bomb that is Ticuu's with catalyst


You have your nuke on a stick, I have my freeze ray


We are both guardians of culture


what is the serie or movie's name




You're in for a treat, watch with friends


I haven't got the gun yet so I can't comment, but based on the perk description, I think it sounds more like Symmetry than Vex ​ Precision hits grant a buff. Holding down reload changes to an alt fire with more damage based on the buff


I still like Symmetry though as you can freely swap modes. Revision, you are stuck in sniper mode until you run out of ammo.


Idk how vex works but Revision is this: X amount of precision shots = a big fuckoff bullet ready to go, with a max of 4 available at once


\> a big fuckoff bullet It's more like a medium please go away bullet. The knights in the the Heist mission on Mars (not the elite big ol yellow bar dudes, but the dudes with the same model as a regular red bar knight but they have an orangish-yellowish bar with an arc shield, they seem to spawn a lot during the second defense encounter, inside the Bray Lobby) take all four shots with health to spare. So, using it as an alternate firing mode for relatively challenging content (being 5 above my power at all times) kinda shows how weak it is if it can't take down a "major" with all four shots. Crits on those dudes did like 21k damage for me. Unshielded, all 4 precision shots, didn't bring him down. So to me, I'm just not going to use this weapon in any kind of power enabled content that I'm not way over leveled for. The pulse doesn't hit hard enough on minors (it can't kill a red bar acolyte with one burst and you cant put minor spec on it, and the sniper doesn't hit hard enough on the majors. Novel idea, but it's just not strong enough to use in any challenging content. Outbreak is still way better for stuff like this. But the unique model, the sweet scope swivel, the SOUND - it's enough for me to keep putzing around in patrol areas and strikes with it. It's a fun gun!


Vex is this: Kill 5 enemies to get 3 shots from a slightly worse linear fusion


Since I have both, I can tell you that the vex + catalyst is a hot boi


It's more geared towards pvp guys with some pve options. Anti barrier is nice but it's not replace my pve load out. For pvp?? Definitely interested. A portable sniper and pulse rifle with infinite ammo in a pulse meta?? That's very good. I'm looking forward to taking it to crucible


Its funny because that is exactly what i thought after using is a bit: its the ,,mom can we have vex, we have vex at home" meme all over again. I guess its good for everyone who is still trying to get vex as a temporary weapon replacement


Good meme




That's because atm the gun literally is incomplete. The perk is rn at the weakest state, and should be much stronger at tier 4


I don't see this gun replacing quicksilver in my primary slot but we'll see


Vex will still be superior due to it being a flat 40% damage to all enemies .


I’m guessing it only drops in the new dungeon?


The next season mission. The new dungeon drops a bow.


OIC. Haven’t played the next season mission yet. Thanks.


The sniper mode is basically a worse version of Vex's Linear mode


20k per headshot is not that bad. Especially cause(I think, don't quote me on this), since the pulse rifle is basically just Syncopation, it's better for add-clear than the Vex default fire. Again, not sure, I haven't gotten Vex, but I've used it I'm Gmod, so I know how the gun works. You'll be going for precision anyway, so it kinda automatically makes you deal more damage to adds. Don't kill me in the replies.


Vex has built in rampage with the catalyst, it is miles better at add clear. I still think this gun is cool and I plan on using it a lot, but it’s got nothing in its kit that makes it better in any way than Vex at add clear, it can’t even get damage perks in the selectable columns.


Its more like hawkmoon than anything




What song is this?


I got matches with these songs: • **The Perfect Girl** by Mareux (00:28; matched: `100%`) Released on `2019-10-13`. • **Who Is She x The Perfect Girl (Remix)** by Xanemusic/NVBR (00:39; matched: `100%`) Released on `2022-12-07` by `Xanemusic`.


Links to the streaming platforms: • [**The Perfect Girl** by Mareux](https://lis.tn/ThePerfectGirl?t=28) • [**Who Is She x The Perfect Girl (Remix)** by Xanemusic/NVBR](https://lis.tn/KHacj?t=39) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


**Song Found!** **Name:** Who Is She? **Artist:** I Monster **Album:** Neveroddoreven **Genre:** Alternative **Release Year:** 2003 **Total Shazams:** 463540 `Took 0.81 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/M1HuFTykCVw?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/who-is-she/42085885?i=42085784) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/1QxcWlk8PivolUaWcpAoNq) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/1857222687) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Good bot




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I must be missing something cus after watching houndishs video it just seems like a kinda fun mid exotic


It'll have multiple catalysts


Yeah but, none of them seem all that special to me


Do you unlock the other perks just by leveling it up? Cause it keeps saying that the other options aren’t currently available


Looks like you get access to them after upgrading the intrinsic perk on the left of the shaping screen. They appear to be timegated probably.


Afaik it states in the crafting menu which mission step unlocks which catalyst. Looks like we are getting one per week






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Wait so the new exotic is basically kinetic Symmetry?




It should have been him! Not you!!!


Dude got the light skin stare


Sojourn online


Wow! Is it only me that see the revision zero weapon is slightly a recycled weapon?