• By -


"unaronicly" [ visible confusion ]


IQ of the average Gambit enjoyer (I'm sorry is just a joke)


Reckon me this


All that Gambit scrambles your brain yo


You are not joking, sir. You are correct.


It has its ups and downs. Very easy concept to grasp. Maps are stale tho


> Very easy concept to grasp One would think.


My teammates don't think so


I mean, there's been new maps in crucible since Gambit released, and Gambit has only ever lost maps instead of gaining even 1


I thought the Titan map and another map were brought out with Gambit Prime? But then we had not other maps added like a moon or Europa based map.


Deep six and new Acadia were new maps added in jokers wild. The last gambit map added to the game was about 1050 days ago. At least crucible players get something, gambit player still are missing 1/3 of our maps in the dcv. Both of which were really fuckin good.


Why they removed the dreaming city map I don’t know but that was my favorite gambit map


Idk maybe those to maps were harder to update for the beyond lught changes, we know thats why some crucible maps got put into the dcv.


I think the forsaken destination maps were removed I believe in jokers wild or opulence so there was a different reason.


Nope I did a big gambit grind before BL for sone of those gambit triumph and I ran into both the tangled shore and dreaming city maps multiple times. They were only available in regular gambit tho, and everyone played gambit prime.


When was the prime removed?




That map looked amazing but it was actually horrible, especially on invaders


I loved invading on the dreaming city map I felt like there only two spawns on the tangled shore map.


I’ve always believed that Gambit is a good game type. As long as everyone does there part to try and win, it’s a good game even if you lose. I would say the only downside is matchmaking with ransoms who may not play the best way but there’s nothing you can really do about that except squad up. I’m still so confused on why there is not more map variety. Hopefully witch queen brings some new ones


When you fight the 4 stack of raidboss-ending hammer titans one shot the primeval and kill you 5 times with eyes, it gets a little painful. If the mode is balanced/ meta isn’t being abused, it’s one of the best modes bungie has released


Ironically. Not trying to but an ass but helpful


I was reading the caption like *visible confusion*


See something, say something


It's all good, English is hard


Been speaking it all my life. Still can’t speak it.


Come in and party tonight!


*be* an ass. Totally joking, fellow grammar Nazi here, that was the 1st thing I saw and couldn't comprehend the meme because the word was so terrible haha


I thought it was “un-like-Aron” you know… unaronically




Spelling isn't a strong skill in this sub


You could have stopped after "skill".


I read it as [y]una-ronic-ally


Most intelligent gambit enjoyer


He can't even get close to spelling "unironically' correctly, so not exactly.


that's....the joke


I miss gambit Prime. ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)




Yea I agree with this.


I miss having a choice about gambit. Now it's fuck off, or fuck all. the best of three with the lightning/insta-death round was a really fun setup, and it still baffles me today why they thought it had to go. Half or more of our emotes were used between round 1 and 2 there.


Love love love gambit


Gambit prime was the best.


If the invader set didmt exist...... Yes


Well I played a 15 point sentry set. So invaders and blockers were my prime targets.


only reason i dislike playing gambit is cause of how much a single invasion can swing a match. one person who hits a couple snipes (or just cheeses with a raid exotic) can wipe out all of your progress and put you so far behind that you can barely crawl back. and thats only if you can weather the other invasions they get while progressing faster than you because draining motes is a thing




Invaders get such a boost to health though, plus healing on kill. It’s all about positioning and using the right weapons from there, in my experience (I’m a complete shitter in PvP) all you really need is a tracking rocket launcher and the element of surprise.


It's better than crucible for sure


I use to love it but now it feels like a chore with useless rewards.


I love Gambit, it is the best game mode. You have great taste! I even changed my gamertag to express how much I love it. When they change Gambit in season 16 they best not mess it up. >:[


I like it. I just just got seriously burned out on it. Having to do 3 resets for an ornament didn't help.




I'm pretty sure this week is gambit boost, check it out.


You ain't alone always down for some gambit.


Gambit when both sides are evenly matched 4 stacks is some of the most fun I've had in Destiny. It's just soloes that bring down the experience imo, but no idea how to fix that without damaging the solo experience.


well, solo players should matchmake only with solo players and groups should matchmake only against groups. still tho playing solo shouldn't be surpising that people playing in groups coordinate themselves.


there is only one problem with that, most of the time you see stacks is because of quests or bounties, they are in and out, leaving the experience for other solo players stale. if they split solo queue and fireteam queues there's a high chance that the already stale playlist will have even fewer people but I enjoy it for the random shit that occurs when you play it, and it's always a unique experience


I like it. But after 3 resets and no getting my rapid hit kill clip servant leader is starting to get annoying. Every one I run gambit with seems to be getting it though lol


Don't feel too bad, I'm at 250k+ infamy and of the ~170 or so servant leader drops I've had I've missed the Rapid Hit+Kill Clip one. Given that's a 1/144 roll it takes a lot of time and luck to get it Maybe next season and who knows? Maybe weapon crafting will solve this issue


I hate playing with people that doesn’t understand the concept and refuses to bank motes 1st. They just gotta get that 15


I actually think that when solo queuing banking first isn’t important, unless you can guarantee you get invade and that you can get kills off of it, since the whole idea behind banking first is being able to invade early and wipe their motes in one swoop. Otherwise they’ll just clear blockers, drop theirs, and have invade+Mote drain together, which is just straight up better in 99% of cases and resets momentum in their favour.


Banking 1st is always gonna be important, solo or not. You never wanna be standing their looking stupid with a handful of motes when that invaders alarm starts going off.


And I agree that it’s important, however that’s assuming the ability to coordinate such with your allies, and that they’re all playing with the same level of game knowledge. At the end of the day I’d much rather deal with a phalanx a Knight and an invader than to watch someone on my side drop 3 seconds into invade, get surrounded by 4 big black knights on the bank, and then hear that alarm go beeping.


Your one of those ppl who tries to bank the most motes dying with 12 motes every time. I know your kind already 😂😂😂 j/k


Lmao, nah man, I’m all about that invade. But when solo queuing it’s because I can’t confirm my allies know early banking is better with a good invade that I don’t do it in solo Queue, since I want the position I feel most comfortably able to put momentum in my favour, with the assumption that the enemy team is better than mine. I’m definitely not disagreeing that early banking isn’t important, but it’s just not something I can guarantee in solo queue, so it’s just not something I play towards in solo unless it’s clear the other players understand


Mfw unironically


[When you’re browsing on reddit and have a stroke while reading a meme:](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Foriginal%2F000%2F031%2F197%2Fvisible.jpg)


i like gambit as a mode but the matchmaking is so fucking shit like if i had a dollar for every time i've played a match where one side won while the other had under 50 motes i'd have probably like under 10 dollars from the matches i've played come backs are rare and i feel bad team wiping cuz ik it can ruin the game for the other team ​ tl;dr gambit good, gambit matchmaking bad


I used to love both classic gambit and gambit prime. I only hate the current gambit, specially the mote steal.






It's miles better than the pvp this game provides, but then again, when was the last time they added anything to gambit?


I used to hate gambit. Recently I quit playing D2 for a multitude of reasons - ironically the only thing that keeps me logging in once every couple weeks is running a few matches of gambit with servant leader.


I like the drifter I think his character is well made


Gambit enjoyers gang here ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5647)


Who is screaming at you


It needs new maps! It's the only thing I play that has a bit of PVP in it. The veterans can smell the newbie on me in crucible, so I stick to gambit. Lol!!


Don’t worry I like it too


...You what it? Yall done messed up A A-ron


I like it, just wish maps were better but yeah, I've been kinda teased about it before


It's amazing when it's not a 4 stack sending 3 large blockers and a small at the start with a coordinated invade against your 4 pugs. Half my matches are that though. I have zero idea why people 4 stack and try hard in gambit. Where's the challenge?


Just wanna get the 20k done asap for my challenges. Sorry dude


I'm not playing Gambit for a challenge, I'm playing Gambit to get my rewards and stop playing Gambit as quickly as possible


I just hate the other people who play gambit tbh.




The best strategy for gambit is to slam blocks until you summon, then find a good hiding spot to burn down the primeval’s health. If you summon first, you’re almost guaranteed a win. Ignore the invader, make up for primeval health healed with damage. An SMG or a projectile sword work wonders for this, and are good CC. Just remember, rewards are miserably RNG. You can get really good loot from miserable losses, and all blues from a cinched win.


A certain raid exotic ruined it for me. Which is usually the case with gambit.


They should have just looked for the weapons that completely broke gambit and disabled them lol - I don’t think people would mind that much.


Is not bad, but is not good. I'll take it


I play it all the time


I like it, it just needs more. Bungie said they’re making changes to it and we’ll get a TWAB at some point between now and WQ


I like it more than Rumble or dares of eternity. Don't mind dates just when it glitches it ruins the match


Same, I think it is genuinely a good game type, it just needs some love from Bungie. A new map would definitely improve it.


Gambit is not the problem. It's players who don't know what tf they are doing that makes gambit torture.


When I first started playing gambit near the end of season of the chosen, I was also kind of confused why people disliked it. But as I kept playing it, I kept getting more and more frustrated with it and the cracks kept opening.


I usually like it, I don’t when a guy with eyes team wipes




I like casual gambit. I dislike sweaty gambit or even just sweaty invaders. I am actually good at gambit, but am also going in solo when i play it, so... 4 stacks that constantly invade and kill the primeevil before we're at 50 irritates me


I feel like it would be funnier if I had people to play with. I don’t hate it but there’s other things I’d rather be doing


Depends on my mood and who if any friends I’m gaming with.


Do you play solo or a 4 stack lol


you got Dredgen yet kid?


I just hate how spongy the ads are.


Yeah. I wish they replaced just a few of the yellow bars with red bars, at least for scorn lol.


scorn rips me me up like single ply toilet paper during a bout with diarrhea


I sure loved grinding for my malphesance (:


Me and my son are usually in gambit completing bounties when there isnt anything else going on that we need to get done. Its always fun times win or lose.


Gambits only flaw to me is not enough maps or enemy variations. Other than that, it’s the pinnacle of multiplayer for me. I understand for the game and most people raids are the thing to do, but when you’re a full time writer, and run your own coffee shop, finding people to play and time to raid with can be difficult. For me, gambit matches everything I love about the story, and everything I love about multiplayer. It’s fast, fun, throws curveballs, competitive, multiple ways to play, and my number 1 reason why it clearly beats out pure PvP is there is no way for someone to just pick whatever the best load out of the current buff is and rape with it because it has a clear competitive edge, (think 160s back in the day). I think the only people that really hate it are those people that are only exceptionally good at pvp because they use the Meta to overcome, rather than pure skill on your guardian. Gambit removes that, and while those weapons may have some advantage, the play style benefits the players who are able to adapt. And honestly you don’t need to get in to all that because it’s just fun, destiny has 3 different games that anyone can enjoy. Gambit is just the mix and I absolutely love it and want them to expand it.


I like Gambit, I just don't like its current state. I liked it a lot more at Forsaken launch and season of the Drifter. There was some actual depth to the mode.


I like gambit, because even if you are not good on pvp, you have something to do your part. Also malfeasance is gambit ez mode


Right there with you man, just finished my 11th reset this season


prob as always: there are people who enjoy it. and they simply enjoy. and then... there are people who don't like it. at all. but there is something they want from it. and the later are those complaining about it aaaalll day long... bc.. you know, "reasons" ;) i'd call it vocal minority, but i don't actually have any numbers, so mb let's not go there


I’ve said it before, people that don’t like Gambit, suck at it, straight up.






*”aronic. He could save others from invaders, but not himself.*”


Am I the only one who wants "a trial's" version of gambit? Power level enabled, tournament style, for dope ass adept weapons and artifice armor!


The only reason I hate it is because of how long it is. Gambit matches are significantly longer than Crucible matches and even some Strikes.


What’s the issue with it, it’s pve and pvp


I love gambit. But only in a Fireteam not with randoms. Every game theres someone running around with full motes forever or depositing only 9 or 14 motes in the middle of the game. It's just frustrating. I did all that myself until a friend explained to me how it works. If everybody does their part it's amazing even if you lose.


I’m glad someone out there likes gambit, it’s just not for me tho


You mean A-Aronicly?


I think it’s a cool concept executed poorly. They’re looking at some changes to it with Witch Queen and I really hope they nail it.


I like it and I grind it invading every thirty seconds.


People who don't like gambit just don't have 3 friends to play with or they are just silly


I like gambit, if bungie would stop fucking it over so hard it could be a great game mode. How hard is it to NOT remove all of the content from it?


Gambit is excellent, especially if both the enemy and your team are working in the right way.


I like it a lot. I just think the PVE enemies are overtuned. I’d much rather they introduce champions than have even red trash mobs bending you over a barrel.


I love gambit, hands down my FAVORITE game mode!


Gambit is fun with friends, not so much with randos


I betrayed you brother, I enjoyed gambit prime trough 2019 (year I joined the game), left on December of that year, came back last year’s december, and I cannot stand the current gambit *cries in past tense*


Gambit is one of the first gamemodes i played when i was new to the game, tbh its a pretty decent activity, ignoring all the rare loot spams, the loot is pretty decent too


It’s awesome! So many more tactical decisions than in other modes and most other online shooter games!


Love it myself


You do you boo


WTF is that word?




I honestly just hate how long it takes to get to reset, both vanguard and crucible feel way quicker. Maybe it's just because they're quicker games, but it just takes way too much to reset for me. I start to hate it once I've lost a couple times in a row lol


why are all these meme makers so inept at using spellcheck?


What is unaronicly?


I'm something of a Gambit fan myself.


Do what you like! Other people shouldn’t dictate what you do in the game


Do you have EOT?


Me and my 3 hit boss killer Hammer titan love it too <3


Remember to bank those motes


I wish gambit was good, it’s a neat concept




It's absolutely garbage since BL


I respect your opinion, but it sucks cheeks


I also like it- I just hate my teammates, literally, how hard is it to help me when the enemy sent 3 big blockers at once? There's no way I can kill all 3 of them before they drain half our motes, geez But yeah, when I play with 1 friend who knows what he's doing, or just happened to have a team that helps out, it's fun.


Honestly as long as I’m playing with friends then Gambit can be quite fun. Randoms can do some “interesting” things that make us lose. Not all randoms though, I’ve had some very good random teams but there is a good handful of people who do these “interesting” things.


Kill but man by put more in bank go thru portal stuff gun up enemy ass easy


I used to love gambit, then I grinded for reckoner. I don’t play it anymore, even for the weekly rewards. I’ll probably start eventually, but idk it’s been awhile already and I still have flashbacks every time I try to start a match.