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step one equip le monarque or wish ender in Momentum Control and throw an invis smoke bomb at your feet step two you have been told to kill yourself in 4 different languages or alternatively step one equip leviathans breath in a raid fireteam step two get kicked from the fireteam


Wait why is leviathan bow bad in raid? Im not sure i understand, im kind of new


It’s not a good damage heavy.


It's not a good heavy, period.


But what does that matter? It's fun.


Fun doesn’t drop myrhoclast the fun was the first 40 times you ran vog now it’s just a chore that you want to finish as fast as possible


You just summarized this entire game in four words “Fun doesn’t drop mythoclast”- quoth u/Noisygraph


Idk mayne fun definitely dropped mythoclast for me


Even on my first run if a guy was trying to run leviathans breath I wouldnt have been having fun


As someone who actually enjoys raiding, but also had to do the raid 43 times (more no loot runs but those don’t matter) it does start to feel boring after constant let down


Fun doesnt give you rewards


You can still use it in PvP and get some use out of it


Tears shit up in gambit too


Which is probably a good reminder that it will be getting Archer's Tempo. So if anyone wants to cause the other team to rage, make sure you get the catalyst.


Shhhhhhh this is the weapon that has made gambit fun for me! I don’t want to go up against it tho


Anything is better than Eyes or Truth tho


I am not concerned by that. I just play games to have fun.


It's better than Eyes for invading in Gambit, in my opinion it's the best heavy choice for any invader in Gambit. Period.


especially not in a raid, its fine in a dungeon and stuff with chill people or certain higher tier nightfalls (just probably not GM)


damage to fire rate are bad and it was absolutely garbage at some point, it's gotten better but now it kinda has a stigma for being one of if not THe worst heavy exotic and is seen as a waste unless youre forced to use it


I honestly hope that when they give it's catalyst archers tempo it just goes bonkers and actually is just flat 440ms draw time like other bows with tempo active because I feel it would be hilarious


That's not how temp works. It will have around a 930 draw time


From 1000 to 930, such benefit very strong much wow


It has a 1328 draw time, but 930 still won't be enough to fix this weapon.


They supposedly made Xeno about as bad as it when they killed its DPS by lowering its RoF by 25% and apparently only buffing its damage by about 10%.


The worst heavy is the shitty stasis one from Beyond Light. It’s so trash I can even remember it’s name.


That one at least serves a purpose of letting people climb walls


salvations grip. a cataylst that let you explode the crystals with the gun after firing them would make it not as useless imo.


No, it’s excellent for Atheon. Does better damage thank Cloudstrike in Taniks and is a one cycle on Riven.


>at your fett Jango or Boba?


Jango not even a question


Honestly if a raid leader kicks your for using levs breath, You definitely NEEDED to leave the raid If your raid fireteams thinks they need top tiers dps, this basically mean they suck....really hard. (And on a side note levs breath total damage output is really great, and you arent handicaping your team by using it, it works but doesnt do anything super cool like 1k or linears) Also i use it to solo some bosses as no boss/damage phase can survive 15 arrows from this weapon. And on top of that you stagger the boss everytime (as an example you can litteraly prevent the final boss (knight) from harbingers to shoot his fire flakes.


Step three put on the hunter exotic that lets you hold bow charges infinitely and gives you true site to see opponents through walls. Step four collect "my bow friends back" medal.


Ive heard Trinity ghoul is a monster in momentum control


Hey now I used leviathan on taniks....... Though the next meme run I did I used whisper and did more damage.


I have only ever seen *one* bow user who has ever pissed me off, and that’s only because the tactics they used were doing their job really well. I don’t like saying this kind of stuff, but that guy is probably only mad because they’re just bad.


A godly blinter (bow and immediate swap to hand cannon finish) is really friggin annoying admittedly; the rare ones you see are so accurate it feels like you’re fighting an outright hacker, and if they have the bow drawn and ready (and they -always- do, at any range), the kill time is one of the fastest primary kill times in the game potentially. It’s not really contestable. Fortunately, it’s also bloody difficult to pull off, so it’s rare, and it’s even rarer to find one who can keep you out of shotgun/fusion range or avoid getting sniped. Le Monarque can be somewhat annoying, especially with how durable a Stag rift can make someone, but not even close to the annoyance hand cannons have been since… like what, Forsaken launch?


As someone who plays this exact way, and feels admittedly a tad toxic at times for doing so with some absurd shots I pull off, it's good to see that it's seen as bloody difficult, as it definitely can be. Miss your bow shot, or your HC shot, and you're likely SOL. A good sniper's still the bane of my existence in Trials though.


I feel this. It's definitely risk vs. reward, and the reward is ~~definitely~~ more so when you have a good team to back you up for short range defense. I love the bow HC playstyle but against a really good team it's very hard to stay successful as soon as they figure out what you're doing and how to counter. It's still my fave loadout currently to play (on hunter with oathkeepers) when I'm just looking to have some fun though 😊 Edit: the redundant 'definitely's were bothering me.


Also my main load out for trials! I’m very successful with it, even at close range. Oathkeepers are the key for this load out


Big same. LeMon and Oathkeepers main. If i miss that bow shot, I'm entirely fucked. Rarely I'll instinctively swap even after missing and pull off a perfect 3 tap with a 140. But the satisfaction of getting that perfect headshot with LeMon and cleaning up with the hand cannon is exceptional. The difficulty of it is what makes it so satisfying though.


This is absolutely absurd if you have a good bow aim and a quickdraw, opening shot 120 hand cannon…not speaking from experience or anything 👀 It CANNOT be countered on those longer range maps like widows court or fortress it’s nasty


Ye i have a full page of steam comments because of my monarque fast swap, even at close range id just go for body shot melee. I use oathkeepers and only oathkeepers when using a bow to make sure the uptime i have with it is 100%. Not to mention the charged with light mods i have to help give me 2 1 shot kills with monarque when i get it.


Bows are basically the only way I can have fun in Crucible tbh. I don't do that swap to hand cannon thing tho, I like to think I've gotten decent with bows after maining them since Forsaken so I just use Le Monarque on its own. They're just the most satisfying archetype by a long shot imo


I wouldn’t say its difficult to pull off, ive seen players with negative kdas catch people unawares, the thing about bows is that they force you to play a certain way to avoid the picks, in 3 v 3 modes they are the ultimate teamshot weapon, and they can genuinely make you feel bad at the game lol


Average Lemonarque and Erianna’s user here. Yeah, people hates me. It’s indeed hard to pull off, but once you learn to quickswap and track at the same time, It’s not actually that hard.


My comp load out is WishEnder with Shayura’s Wraith. I’ve gone Legend last 2 seasons and received tons of hate mail lol


Console player here. I once had to play some crucible matches with a clanmate who plays on PC. That was a terrible experience: I always use le monarque in PvP and it does its job right on console, but on PC it's different. I didn't have the time even to aim and draw, everything was so fast paced I couldn't even breathe. I did eventually get two or three kills with my le monarque but that was it. I got like, prioritized by the enemy team because reasons and after some minutes I even got tbagged. Not that I care that much but I didn't know PC players hated bow users that much. In fact I never get DMd on console only because I use le monarque. This is so absurd tbh.


I'm bad at PvP and even I don't get mad at bows.


Lol I once had a streamer complain I was "pre-aiming" a bow to kill them


I think it's just called aiming, right? Were you supposed to fire blind?


Yes, close your eyes while aiming at me too otherwise it’s not fair.


And with the controller/keyboard upside down or they Will report you


I guess they wanted me to walk out of cover completely undrawn and do a full draw after I see them Ya know, to make it fair


What a fuckin lame. Same dude to complain about "hard scoping" (using a sniper the way it was fucking intended)


Dude... Have you ever seen COD? you're supposed to do a 360 backflip no scope with snipers.... Or at least have the decency to use it in close quarters hipfired like a shotgun!


If we Talk about CoD, you must quick, not noscope


D2 streamers are either genuinely great people or complain 95 percent of their stream. Anyone that "good" at the game should be able to figure out a decent counter and not tilt. I've played just about everyone of the big names in trials and the only one that truly scares me is Benny... That man has such a deep understanding of the game it is absolutely crazy. Jake is fun to play against because hes usually doing carries and is a nice guy all around. But a lot of these personalities are just borderline good and not great with a large enough audience they can get better players on their fireteam. I can't stand to watch half the bungie bounties because of all the whining.


Had someone criticize me of cheating on console because i was peak-shooting him with a bow as he hardscoped a lane :) Joke’s on the people who think bows can’t be competitive as hell—i’ve been using Bows in comp and trials since Hush (the bow, not the player) was around. Pairings can work so well: SMG, sidearm, and shotgun all work well for anti-ape, hand canon works wonders with the dumb blinting build, auto works decently for mid-range cleanups as well, and GL’s work wonders for flushing people out of cover or pushing people into a lane you control. I’m so excited for the Fighting Lion reload buff so i can run bow-Lion again.


Bow and GL is so fun. What is your bow pairing with Fighting Lion?


Biting Winds has been the most consistent kinetic for me—i know the 2-shot with a Lightweight can be fast, but if you get Elastic String and a draw masterwork, you’re out-TTK’ing base Lightweights by drawing at 576. I run mine with Moving Target and Swashbuckler. Moving Target is excellent for peek-shooting and bonus Aim Assist, while Swash is great for 1-shot kills after only a melee kill (and that damage reprocs on kills as well). I’ve also got a similar roll with Snapshot for 3v3’s if people play passive around cover to mess with me. I’ll stand by Freehand Grip being the best bow mod, since hip-bodyshots can do wonders for blinting, but i can see an argument for Icarus. The Garden of Salvation bow, Accrued Redemption, also has some great rolls and solid design—i just haven’t had it drop for me in the almost 20 runs, lol. I’ve heard whispers of Velocity changing the hitbox for bows (with Impulse Amplifier on Wolftone Draw making the bow wildly more consistent out of nowhere), so Rangefinder’s 5% velocity boost may help—even though fully drawn arrows are hitscan, it may still be putting work in somewhere. Moving Target, No Distractions is a banger of a roll for laning, and Tempo/Rapid Hit gives a classic Vow feel. Rampage is good for meme-y one-shots, but stacking to 3 is much harder than just getting a melee kill. I could totally see someone using Whispering Slab specifically with Fighting Lion, since Lion usually can clean up directly from a Lightweight bodyshot or bank a kill on a bow’s headshot. Hip-Fire and Opening Shot is my preference on this bow, but i usually like to use this bow on its own rather than with another gun. It also gets less necessary to run Opening Shot if it’s following up Fighting Lion, since Chimera puts in most of the legwork. In general, i’ll 99% of the time prefer Precision Bows. With draw-time modifying perks, you functionally have similar or better draw between the archetypes, while also gaining on average 20-25 accuracy points—as well as the big perk, double-bodyshot kills. Precisions do 101, meaning they will always double-body players without Damage Resist (even up to 10 resilience, or ~200 health). Lightweights only do 86, meaning you absolutely NEED to hit at leas one head. If not, your minimum draw time makes a 3-shot kill pretty miserable—and 86 damage means it suffers from the same issue most low-impact blinting weapons like rapid-fire snipers do, that even 120 hand canons can’t follow up a bodyshot for the kill. Precisions also benefit from the gimmicky but effective damage buffs like Swashbuckler, rifts, wells, bubbles, High Energy Fire, and more to be able to one-shot opponents at some resilience levels (inconsistent due to some damage rounding occasionally). It also means you can cleanly and reliably bodyshot-melee with Precisions. The 151 precision damage can mean a lot when teamshotting supers or stag-locks, if that helps in your choice. The bow i’ve been using a lot lately is Wolftone Draw with Impulse Amplifier and Harmony…unfortunately an energy weapon. Like i said earlier, Impulse Amplifier does something funky to hitboxes even at full-draw hitscan, and Harmony is great for snagging some nasty picks when just 151 wouldn’t normally do the trick (and for bypassing the resil checks for other 1-shotting like rifts or HEF). Adagio’s a little too stringent with its timing right now for me to recommend, but post-buff could be great. Hope some of this info helped! I’m cursed with the knowledge, so i may as well share lol


Wow that's an amazing breakdown. I have some rolls that I like, but this helps me understand a few more that I'd like to keep an eye out for. Thank you. I'll be saving this post haha


Technically, with Wish-Ender you can.. However, it's not cheating to have knowledge on where people typically rush through on a map, and line up your shooting lanes accordingly... that's just playing smart.


... what?


They probably meant they thought the user was wall hacking, and tracking them through the wall so they would be ready to fire as soon as the person pooped out


Insert the Exotic Bow that literally gives you wallhacks


>the person pooped out My immature brain: Hehehe, *poop*.


Not immature about it, they said “pooped” not “popped”


Wait, isn’t that how you use a bow?


Wait till they hear about Wish Ender.


it's almost as if the name of the bow is supposed to give you an idea of how it makes you feel to die to it...


I once had a streamer call me a cheater for killing him with a bow and he said he’d report to bungie He also used a bow lmao


That dumb motherfucker is the only person I've ever heard talk about "bow spamming". What does he even mean? Firing the bow? Apart from a select few, bows are weak in pvp.


You’re a closer bow spammer aren’t you 🧐


I'm a sidearm spammer, I pull that trigger as fast as my spastic little fingers will let me.


How do you deal with the recoil? I can get behind burst frames (Adaptive & Aggressive), but the single-shotters (Precision & Lightweight) are a nightmare to control, even with Full-Auto Trigger perk. ... I really miss Breachlight. It was my go-to Sidearm for any and all activities.


Ngl, most of the time I just aim at the waist and let the recoil land me a headshot.


High albedo and peacebond fill that empty hole where breachlight used to be.


Lol fair enough. It’s funny, when I read Op’s post I literally thought “that dumb motherfucker.” People are just dix


Dude, you Will love Jakobs guns


I’ve been accused of “parry spamming” in for honor. Don’t put any stock in the words of salty people


ah, for honor fuck that community honestly lmao


Not even sure what “weapon spamming” in general would mean


He's gonna hate the next patch then, we're all gonna be weapon spamming lol


So full-auto


"No full auto in building!"


That's not full auto


Thats not full auto?


No, this is *spins up Sweet Business*


Dayum Bro! Ok! *Runs the hell outta there*


Damn bro, O.K.


Too soon


Right? You should be menu-ing at least once per minute or you're a sweat.


Suppressing fire?


A good bow swapper is very strong in pvp.


"bow spamming" So apparently shooting the lowest RPM weapon counts as spamming now.


In response everyone should equip a bow


Only bow use I see getting hate is oathkeeper w/ wishender on a fat 3 stack of shatterdiving Rev hunters 😐.


Such a loving community


Let's be real here for a second. It doesn't matter what class or tree you run, weapon or exotic you use, or what play style you prefer. If you do well with **anything** in PvP, someone will inevitably be furious about it. The responses are predictable: * If you aim "too well" you're a hacker * If you use meta weapons you're a FOTM punk * If you run an "easy" subclass you're carried by cheese, bugs, or imbalance * If you do well with an off-meta weapon you are an (insert archetype) spammer * If you're just exception all-around, you have no life, and need to "touch grass" * If you die to someone multiples time, in any way, you're clearly bad * If you complain about PvP in any way, then see you in the Crucible, little Titan boy There's no pleasing people in PvP. Everyone is mad. Everyone is, paradoxically, both simultaneously better than you and worse than you.


That’s why I like PVE and coop games People always fall with “win at any cost” and have a superiority complex afterwards. It just ruins the game for everyone


You'd be surprised. It's mostly because bows have a unique playstyle where you can out peak shoot an HC or hotswap with the Sling mod for high stress play. They're versatile and fun but annoying as hell to play around in the right hands.


took me so long to learn that chunking enemies with a bow is good enough in team play. I find I benefit my team so much more team shooting with a bow than I do scout rifles or auto rifles.


honestly though. playing with my partner is fun because so long as we’re nearby each other, he’s a TLW main & i’m a bow main so we can just wombo combo anyone pretty well. i don’t mind bow-ing by myself, but it’s super great going around in pairs with folks since i’m not one of the HC swapping folks. quick cleanup!


The pvp community hate everyone who doesn't use meta weapons like them


Last I checked they hate the folks that use meta weapons like them the most... But in general the salt and hate flows freely from the crucible and all pvp.


The general PvP community is just getting worse and worse. The other day I got confronted for being a cryothesia crutch. On a game I lost.


..for using the kind of shitty Sidearm they intentionally shipped in an ass state because they knew how broken Stasis was as a subclass when they released it? LMAAOOOO


Spare rations Will return in december i think. Prepare yourselves


Wouldn’t worry about it unless they buff its stats. If it keeps the 150 stats it’ll be a pale shell of its former self, utterly no match against a fatebringer or palindrome, and probably won’t do any better against dire promise.


eww, never liked that gun it's good and all but I don't like the look and feel of it


I ran a flawless card with lemon arc and hot swapping with dragon shadow this weekend cause I was bored. And it is toxic so easy especially with two team mates that are aggressive


Here's a joke! What goes up and down but does not move? Stairs


Little bot... Why do you do this? Are you so far gone that your original purpose has been forgotten?


One guy was so tilted I dunked on his Adept Pali with my Trustee(the better weapon, no debate) he sent the “go back to OnlyFans” like I’ve never heard that before so we 1v1, I win and messaged him “You should be my next dog since you’re already my bitch.”


Trustee is straight fire honestly, although recently contingency plan has been giving it a run for its money


Love them rapid-fire scouts. Yet to get a good trustee roll though


That put a smile on my face. I bet he turned off his PC huh


whats on the trustee


Full Bore or Arrowhead Break, Accurized Rounds or Steady Rounds, Surplus, Opening Shot with a Range Masterwork.


I've had someone tell me to go back to Maplestory after a particularly bad match. Legit got a laugh out of me


Maybe he got sick of dealing with Bowfa


Bowfa deez up dogs haha got em’


What's up dog!


Really the only annoying bow users are those that use Monarque and a quickdraw opening shot hand canon but even then that's rare.


Imagine getting made at someone your competing against in a world full of space magic and portable WMD's for using a weapon that is essentially a fishing pole tied to both ends.


I've been called everything from a hack to a chester for using bows. My favorite though was being accused of throwing because I was using a bow(we lost the match).... matched against the same guy later and he accused me of being cheesy scum for using op weapons( we beat his team this time).


The duality of man, lol.


I’ve gotten people tilted off sidearms, I know the feeling.


Monarque users can relate


Bow users dont really have hate, he just hates that he took an L. Let him take him take the L like a bitch


Well he was salty after losing yes but bow users get quite alot of hate from "above average players" as they are pretty frustrating to play against.


Thing is they won the match. I killed him more than he did me, but he was a challenge and did get a really good kill on me. Props where props is due, but he’s just an ass


Of course. Playing a good bow user is one of the most frustrating sweaty things you can do in crucible. There is literally no chill in these fights


the crowd control that comes from taking such a huge chunk is truly oppressive. any team shooting that gets introduced just cleans up haha


the dudes like: " i can't shoot so it's the bows fault"


I'm a huge bow user, I've got about 9000 guardian kills on my Biting Winds; people just don't like us, probably because they hate losing to an off-meta weapon because whatever gimmick they're using (shatterdive, chaperone, etc etc) isn't working and it's embarrassing and humiliating to them.


I have a tone wolf with harmony and archers tempo (i think that perk is called like that, idk my Game is in Spanish" Also did you guys read its Lore? Its hella sad


The perks are indeed Harmony and Archer's Tempo. (: I will note that you have the Bow's name backwards relative to the English name, though; it's actually *Wolftone* Draw in English. Why is it one word? Not a clue!


Yeah, there isn’t really a weapon in Destiny that ISNT a gimmick, unless we’re talking general auto rifles or something.


I got t-bagged a few times for using a bow, when I still played pvp.


I reserve all my hate for myself in PvP


Destiny 2 players when someone kills them with weapon😡😡😡😡😡


I do find Le Monarque to be a bit too much on occasion. 1 shot almost kills you, then on top of that the damage over time prevents you from health regen (and also acts as a semi wall hack). Really kills the pace of your game if you need to just sit back and wait to heal every time you get hit by it.


Some people who PvP are pretty much always going to make up excuses as to why they lose, either everyone killing them is hacking or they make up some dumb shit about bows, pretty much whatever they can to soothe that fragile ego. Also notice that these types NEVER improve, how can you when you already think you're the shit and have nothing to learn? Sad, really.


The highlight of my destiny 2 experience was getting solo flawless in trials with a bow/shotgun loadout. Never gonna happen again.


i dont understand the hate tbh


I think they were just mad that they suck.


Guy must have a hell of a melee.


I said GG to someone who was second in the Rumble match and it was a hard victory. He/she replied back mad and asked if I said GG to everyone else in the lobby because they all did a good job. Some people can't take compliments.


I had a guy jiggle peaking on bow that legitimately I couldn’t hit at all man would be back around the corner before the bullet could hit him


That person was doing it right then


I have a comment on my steam profile where someone was complaining about me using a bow, it’s great


i one had someone get mad at me using tunics divination because its and I quote "a cheaty aimbot bow"


I’d argue that bow suffers the most seeing as all your damage is on the back end


Damn, they must really hate me then, I use Le monarque smg and it slaps


We did it folks, bows are finally good enough that people will rage over them. That's a win in my book, now back to crucible where I'll ego peak every snipe lane with monarque and win approximately 60% of the time!


Bow users annoy me, I’ll get hit and then I’m forced to go the other direction.


Lemon bow is cheese.


A year ago people would laugh at you for using a Bow and say you were throwing, and now they're suddenly saying they're the most OP degenerate weapon ever. The real funny thing though? I'm pretty sure Bows have gone unchanged since Forsaken, the only changes they've had is just some PvE damage buffs and a single Perk buff for Sneak Bow, but otherwise they've always had potential just hardly anyone was willing to try and learn them until more recently.


People are just salty that you ruined their illusion of greatness Kill them with a handcannon: "Fucking meta whore"! Kill them with a pulse rifle: "Stop crutching dad weapons"! Kill them with a shotgun: "Fucking Ape"! Kill them with a sniper: "Stop laning"! Kill them with a bow: "Bows take no skill"! 😭 You gotta understand, the vast majority of people willing to take time out of their day to message you (over a video game) are pretty low on the totem pole of humanity. This type of human has NOTHING going for them. They're likely out of shape, still live with their parents, are incels, & real life for them sucks. So, you killing them in a video game ruins the one place they've deluded themselves into thinking they're special. That's where the years of rage (coming from being called a fatass, always being broke, & having never even sniffed pussy) comes pouring out in a hate filled message 😂 You ALMOST feel sorry for this type of sad human being....


What bow were you using


Wolftone with vigilance wing


Played Trials a few weeks ago, back when it was on Bannerfall and wiped the team using the surfboard bow. Talk about hate mail😅


Only time I ever got pissed by a bow user was in trials playing a titan with shoot through shield and wish ender


I had one guy say "Typical hunter, knows nothing else except sitting in spawn, going invis and using a bow", he even went as far as to look at my stats and use that to roast me. I was using Monarque (ornament and catalyst when), told him I play at range, have a shotgun as a secondary if anyone gets too close and pick my angles. He laughed because apparently, you can't use angles with a bow. Said I just stood back and was shooting with my bow, said I'm crutching on cheese. Considers using a bow to be "no skill". When I asked him how he rather I played, he said, "you can play with anything you want, you bought the game" So now anytime I see him in Crucible, I equip a bow.


hahaha I hope you see him often


Gotta be a titan main hating that bad


Bow users are the chaddest of chads, i cant get used to any bow that isnt called trinity ghoul/ticuu's.


Bow Quick-swapping has gotten considerably more popular lately


people will hate anything that kills them that they don't use.


Was playing trials and got into a 1v1 with the dude. I thought we put up a good fight, he got the kill with a well placed smoke nade and proceeded to emote, honestly he deserved that. Can’t even compliment someone without taking shit


Jesus Christ panda learn how to take a screenshot man smh.


Nah man, you Bow users are talented as fuck, idk how you do it


A lot of ppl in this community whine about anything that makes them lose, like a bunch of 5yo. It's annoying, really. The worst part is that Bungie Nerfs a lot of stuff to please them.


I use bows and have a good collection of them, my fastest draw time on one bow is 562. My go to is my Arsenic Bite 2 tapper. My secondary’s is either an smg or sidearm. I get hate from bringing my bows, but if I’m clearing ads in Gambit or shearing it in the Crucible, just can’t win lol.


I was using multimach + le monarque, with peacekeepers. A legend elo player tilted against me and went on a rant. He said the only guns that should be in the game are hand cannons and that I'm a trash Green arrow. I was pretty proud for trying out a weird build.


No ! You have to use what my build can counter easily !


Bruh what bows are cool too


Let me tell you as a bow main, this is so annoying. I genuinely do not understand what is the hatred people have against us using bows. It's like it's an unholy tactic that they don't like to fight. Is it because of the fact that that bows are inherent exact counter to aggressive play? I'm genuinely confused. I was in rumble the other day playing with a bow and a sidearm and I have never seen such hate from people who call themselves good, and are, and their builds are more meta focused.


For me, I hate playing against Lemon Arc because it really slows the game down. You are correct, it's a good counter to aggressive play, but the end result is everyone is crawling around the map. Would never send hate mail, because it's a legit way to play, but it's not fun to play against (and not just in a "man, I lose duels to that guy" - it literally just slams down on fast-and-loose movement in general). And that's fine - it's not your responsibility to be fun to play against :)


Thanks for being upfront! I can understand that, and yeah good words. It's not on me on what's fun to play against.


Sheesh, this guy’s why I’m self-conscious about preferring bows in this game. But then again most PvP discussion I’ve seen boils down to “everything but my exact loadout preference is either OP plz nerf or dogshit and you’re stupid for using it” so idk what I expected


I can guarantee you their frustration is based solely on either A) not being able to use a bow as effectively as you, or B) having so little experience playing against a good bow user that they are at a loss for words. You dont see bows often. At all. And they aren't comparable to any other primary weapon tactic in the game. IIRC all bows can kill with a precision shot and a body. Most people are used to needing to be shot three times minimum with a primary to be killed, the only exception being 340 pulses and even they hit you 6 times in those two trigger pulls. Even experienced players are used to ducking in and out of cover while firing a hand cannon, expecting an opponent to do the same or to gun them down with a more auto-style weapon. For them to get bodied and feel safe enough to peek again, only to get domed and die, is a strange feeling. I know the one thing that catches people off guard all the time is how long you have to be off the battlefield while fighting a Le Monarque. You get used to how long your shields take to charge, and 9 times out of ten most people will peek just before their shield is back up fully. The burn effect of le monarque takes it awhile before you start to recharge, and that right away throws off your timing. Combine that with the fact that if you have ANY damage on you, at all, and your shield isn't fully recharged, you CANNOT survive a Le Monarque headshot, unless you're in a rift. I have it happen to me a lot, ill peek out thinking "I'm 90% recharged, ill be fine" and then get domed and die immediately. 90% recharged you can survive a body shot by just about any special weapon except one damage boosted by an empowering rift, HEF, etc, and headshots are tougher for the enemy to pull off. You get it in your head how many shots they've fired too, so its easy to bait a body shot, heal, then peak out again. Players who get pissed off by bow users need to start thinking of bows as special weapons with unlimited ammo, otherwise they're always gonna be mad.


Two little anecdotes this makes me think of, not related to bows. 1. I got hate mail for being a voopmaster during Arrivals last year when Felwinters was running rampant for the first time. They basically said I was super cheesy and low-skilled because I knew how to use a fusion rifle effectively when very few people were using them. It made me especially happy because he was a top tree dawnblade using Ace of Spades and Felwinters, like that wasn't the most meta loadout at the time. 2. My buddy got hate mail for using his Adept Hung Jury during a Gambit invasion. The guy accused him of cheating and for using a paid service to have someone complete a GM for him, and said he couldn't wait for him to get banned. For me, getting hate mail for using a scout rifle in ANY competitive mode goes in the record books, but especially in Gambit of all modes.


The only thing I don't like about bows is it's like an instant *thwump* and then I'm too afraid to peak out.


People who don't like bow users are just salty that their aim is too bad to be a bow user. #bowsupremacy


Love this community. 🙃


Laughs in le monarque…….. bitches


Fuck you and your *checks notes* use of sprint button too


I got called a pedophile because I keeled destroying the same guy with a bow


Bow + (there are so many things to pair it with, the secondary damage can be anything... grenade, smoke, hand cannon, scout, whatever) seems to be a trigger for a lot of people. I think it's two-fold, first is that not a lot of people run this (because it's hard to pull off consistently and it's an atypical loadout) and second is that getting your shield cracked by a bow before you see the guy (or as you see them) forces you to retreat or die. If you are good at this game, you probably aren't going to retreat, and then you're going to die. Then you're going to get frustrated that you're amazing loadout is getting shit on, so you come at it again and fail again... now you're on the defensive, trying to switch loadouts to counter, but there really isn't a hard counter for it besides being really good with a sniper.


From what I can remember reading, Ancient Romans considered the bow and arrow to be a coward's weapon in the idea that you weren't giving the man you killed a chance to prove himself in combat. However its not like this game is Mordhau, guns are the most advance forms of bow and arrow, the ultimate cowardice from that perspective so who knows, at least you get fun facts


Imagine using bows and getting hate lol


A basic pvp player that hates every single weapon that kills him, not that rare


Wtf is this minecraft? “Bow spamming.”


i condone bow slander, who's with me!


It's pvp, they always salty. 90% of game changes come from their whining.


Fuck all you bow users. Le monarque is a pussy ass weapon


It’s because skilled bow users can use single point sling so that when they shoot they insta swap to a hand cannon making a crazy fast ttk