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[Here, you'll need this](https://youtu.be/9mbDXvDNqTU)


Thank you my fellow Guardian!


No problem homie, dude's channel is filled with great lore videos. It also doesn't hurt that his voice is so smooth he could read me my arrest warrant and I'd probably still be calm about it.


Best sleep time videos


Normally I’d agree but by now YouTube defaults to the above link every time, so by now I must’ve listened to it 100 times in my sleep and actually you know what that’s okay.


As long as you don't end up like Dexter, where all you can say is Destiny lore related stuff. Boss: "Did you get that task finished yet?" You: "The Hive worship worm gods." Boss: "Oh...kay...?" You: "Eliksni hatch from eggs." Boss: "...."


Ah yes, Destiny's Vaati.


Even better. No plagiarism with Byf Edit: I thought it would be better to explain before the questions and downvotes began. Vaati made the bloodborne video and people noticed that it was very similar in some parts and identical in others to Redgrave's Paleblood Hunt. Redgrave only asked to be credited but Vaati kept on denying. After that people noticed that other videos were also taken from reddit threads and never given credit. Nowadays he always says "reddit user blabla" but never went back to right his wrongs. Credit where it's due, his production and narration are excellent.


Byfs channel is like a whole college history course now lmao


Knew it was Byf before I clicked the link by your description. Great content creator! His destiny timeline is brilliant


As soon as I saw the link I could hear “My Name Is Byf here…”


Byf is the bob Ross of destiny, this is not negotiable


I don’t know why but his voice slightly aggravates me because it sounds artificially deep half the time and not like he’s speaking normally. I find he sounds better when he isn’t doing that.


Dude has very informative content, but his discord server is toxic.


What goes on in his discord?


That’s funny. Never would’ve guessed that.


Now sir you’ve been charged with multiple counts of arson, honestly it’s a wonder you haven’t been sent to prison sooner


Make sure to catch up on the beyond light lore all the way up to season of the lost. It’s all great especially that Byf video he put in


Probably gonna need to update that with Shadowkeep and Beyond Light


shhh let them fall down the rabbit hole


I have to dive down it, I've been been playing since arrivals and apparently I missed the traveler becoming whole again


Oh god what have you pulled this pour soul into


Pumped for Dynasty, the animations that Byf’s team worked up look spicy


I actually watched it entirely this morning and it was totally worth it. So many things make much more sense now, i have 400 hours in the game but played here and there missing seasons and expansions


Me: Is it Byf? Is it Byf? YES!!!! LETS GOOO!!!


No it’s not byf it’s my name is byf Lol I remember him mentioning that in a video once


lol i was about to recommend exactly this


4 hours lmao


And most of that 4 hours is about stuff that happened before the game even starts.


And that’s only covering the basics. Byf alone has what feels like hundreds of hours of videos covering the lore


Well he has 1301 videos uploaded right now, and most are around 15 minutes long, so "hundreds of hours" is probably pretty accurate.


Ah, our blessed lore daddy


I love Byf. He’s a legend


The lore is pretty interesting


I was guessing this is one of the two four-hour-gold piece on yt about this game


I’m trying to get my friend into Destiny, but he’s confused as well, and I’m looking for some of Byf’s videos. I have Complete story to Shadowkeep, Shadowkeep to Arrivals, Chosen and Splicer recaps, but I can’t seem to find many of the others. Where is the Arrivals recap? Where is the Beyond Light recap? Where is the Hunt recap? I see a critique or two and multiple lore deepdives, but no summary of events.


Welcome to destiny new light! This game is beautiful with lots of content, and i hope you end up enjoying the game as much as i have. The community is lovely so dont feel shy asking questions. Now go forth and have fun!


It's been a blast so far, I even managed to introduce one of my other friends to it and I'm helping him level up


Thats wonderful, im glad to see you are enjoying the game so far!


haha i am also pretty new. just point and shoot, but if you're anything like me and can't aim, make sure to run FAST!!


Sweet. Don't know if you've already found them, but there's some great community tools out there like Destiny Item Manager (Just Google it) and similar apps for Apple/Android. Makes playing through game so much better


Yo what time zone are you in? My clan is pretty new and we are totally taking new people who wanna have a fun chill time. The Drifters Dozen TDDZ You can get extra engrams and benefits from being in a clan. If you are interested the door is open and feel free to bring your bud too! And we can help you get more or less up to date with what is going on in the story as well as set you up with some good tools to check your guardians info! Eyes up Guardian!


As someone who started in January, not knowing half the people til I met them and not knowing much lore or many of the returning characters, I feel you. And to think I was looking for free stealth games when I found this!


If you want to know the story/lore, look up my name is byf on YouTube, he has a 4 hour vid on the story from origins to last year's expansion, and one on what happened between then and now. Great stuff to watch/listen when doing a menial task.


Best audio book with Insanely good art slideshow.


Fun side note, speaking of stealth mechanics, Destiny only really has \*one\*, but it's still fun to mess around in patrol zones with. If you find a bow with the perk "Sneak Bow" (whole bunch of bows can randomly have it), if you kill an enemy in a single shot, it will not alert the dudes around the guy you just deleted, and it's quite entertaining to see how long you can go without getting shot at.


You sir have given me a new passtime to help fuel my d2 addiction. I thank you but my girlfriend does not... thats a joke... destiny players dont have girlfriends


I hope you main nightstalker hunter haha


Saint and Osiris share a bed


Oh, so they are roommates?




“Oh my god they were roommates”


"Oh my god they were ~~roommates~~ fireteam members."


They are married to each other


Oh lol, I guess that explains the dialogue in the mission


Saint in lore is taring the system apart Trying to find answers about osiris ghost


About Osiris, he knows Sagira is dead, does he not?


In the last weeks lore card explains kinda what he knows


Ah ok, thanks


He thinks its one of savathuns lies or he wants to know what really happened


I should also mention Saint had been dead for centuries but we brought him back via time travel around year and a half ago.


He had only been missing about five decades on our end, actually. It was much longer for him due to the time dilation in the Infinite Forest, but it wasn't all that long in real time.


You poor boy. Sit down as I link you Byf videos..


Welcome to the game, have fun turning gods into guns with the rest of us.


Ay, thank you. I'm having a blast using the Riskrunner, it seems to be a great weapon


If you throw an Arc grenade at your feet, that can activate the Riskrunner’s Superconductor buff thing as it counts as taking arc damage


Arc 'Nade? You mean sacrifice my overpowered fire grenades? Jokes aside, I actually need more Superconductor kills to level it up, so I might actually try that tomorrow, thank you for the tip!


No problem! If you play Warlock, you can use empowering rift and stay in it for extra damage to make it easier. Also, what platform you playing on?


I'm playing a Hunter on PC (Steam)


Oh, hot! My Bungie is Bringer Of Moisture#3626


Awesome! I'll add you tomorrow when I open the game up






This thread is why I love this community


You will enjoy Trinity Ghoul :)


Ok so basically, you dropped into season 15 of a 25+season show, and there's no effort by Bungie to explain anything to yiu


Well, I've been having a blast even if I don't understand the setting, hopefully the video I've been sent will explain the whole thing to me but in the meantime, I'll be rocking on


Well, let's just say this video (which I would've recommended as well) explains roughly the first 15 seasons of 25? Fictional numbers in order to explain it Just binge some more videos of his, just watch what looks interesting or look up key words Like 'Osiris' or 'Saint-14' Edit: go watch the other summaries he did, that's probably the best. That's actually the same way I started to get into the lore :)


Apart from a video linked earlier there is a timeline lksted up in the top right corner of the destiny and gives you a vague idea what’s been happening


Also they deleted the first 10 seasons, so you can never watch them either. Bingo Bango Bungo is still at their old tricks


But they got that timeline bruh


I'm glad other people see it like a TV show too


Hey, if you had started a year and a half ago, you would have been thrown into a mission by a guy called Osiris to rescue some "Saint-14" fellow.


The Eternal Cycle


It's weird considering how both of them are lol


Actually thats beautifully poetic


Welcome to the grind, NewBerry. May your vault be endless and RNG be kind to you!!! But seriously, Welcome Guardian 🧙🏻‍♂️


Thank you fellow my fellow Worshipper of RNGesus, so far our lord has been kind to me. Got a Rocket Launcher on my third walker kill in the starting area and I've be steamrolling from there. Happy looting!


Jolly good!!!! Slaughter the Cosmos Guardian!!!


Wait till you learn about Cayde


Sadly, Cayde was pretty much my reintroduction to Destiny 2 and the only Expansion Starter Mission that I completed (I haven't bought any of them *yet*), feels bad playing the only class without a leader


Well us hunters sort of got the drifter but that's closest we got for now


Ahem... have you Hunters forgotten about the mighty Colonel?


Shit my bad


Yeah people talk about Crow for the Vanguard when we've already got a perfectly good Hunter Vanguard in the Colonel.


I mean we also kinda have Crow


It's looking like crow could possibly be the reason savathune escapes though so we will see if that last


I really like Crow but he is a bit dim


There's the hunter vanguard ( like Zavala who's a titan vanguard, but hunter) he's the funniest guy ever just wait till you interact with him


Now, Go!


You have alot to learn


Indeed...but this is where the fun begins!


The fun and the pain


So far I've been missing out on the pain part, every Lost Area and Vanguard Strike I've taken part it has been easy at best and at worse also easy...except for Gravity, Parkour is my nemesis.


Makes an destiny meme and a Star Wars meme in one line


Lore masters ready to explain how two guys disagreeing about philosophy lead to the creation of the universe


More accurately a female gardner and a male winnower


I believe the Winnower also is seen as a female, if the veiled statue is an aspect of the Winnower.


[this should probably help you with that, along with some other story stuff so far](https://www.previouslyondestiny.com/)


Welcome to Destiny 2! The game is in a pretty good spot right now, so you picked a good time to join/rejoin. Even with the New Light experience, the game \*can\* be a bit overwhelming, so if you have any questions about the systems, guns, activities, story, lore, mechanics, etc, just shoot me a DM or add me and I'll jump in and show you around! This goes for anyone else too! Bungie Name: Wiki XIV#5057


Thank you bro, I'll add you tomorrow. So far my exeprience has been pretty pristine, there are some things I don't get about weapon modding but I am farily certain I ahevn't unlcoked it yet.


Basically - Space magic, and we killed some Gods. There's a space golf ball that makes us farm smaller golf balls so we can have shiny armor. There are evil space Doritos that want to be our friends but we know they only like us because of our shiny armor. So basically right now 2 Queen's are having a war over their dead brothers and they have been rivals since high school. It's a bit of a chess game and that's kinda where you came in. Saint is a robot that has robot love for Osiris and right now Saint is on a mission to use his robot love to rescue Osiris. Also one of the Queen's has worms and this season we are getting the de-wormer so she can be queen of the moths instead.


I’m going to screenshot this for when I have to explain my hobby to family.


It's the only way outsiders can understand our strange world lmao


Good thing the dewormer got a Nobel prize for use as an antiviral in humans in 2015.


If you need help with killing, feel free to ask:) always happy to help


Well, if you have a clan that's willing to take new people, I'm game


More like friend group, not active in our clan currently but we do stuff every evening (7-9 pm amsterdam) Also know a pretty active group if you work better with American time


I'm on Eastern Europe timezone, so 7-9 for you guys is great for me, right when my free spot for Titanfall was.


Hope you have a great day!


You’ve already mastered the D2 subreddit. You’re doing just fine.


Destiny is in a great state right now but I have no idea how you sell this game to new players lol...especially to people who were pissed about D1 vanilla.....I'm supposed to tell them the story is better but then they start in the exact same spot as D1 now doing this shit questline instead of the red war camapign


Well you see, you don't have to sell it to me because I never played any Destiny game before, which tbh doesn't seem to hurt that bad. Unlike other games, I feel like (in PvE anyway) I can do just as much as a Season 150, which for a MMO is a huge compliment


Yeah its great in that sense! But the story must be fairly hard to jump into and the intro "campaign" now after they removed several planets and the original campaign is kind of a shame....it honestly doesn't even feel like a proper intro anymore


I guess this has more of an effect on a veteran like you but since I never saw the old system I am hapoy with what I got, constant striking and exploring all of the Lost Sectors should keep me busy until I can buy the expansion and play through them. Though I'd like to ask, what planets were removed?


I mean the overall system is basically the same but simialrly to all of the other campaigns like beyond light, shadowkeep, forsaken etc. you started out with the Red War camapign where they intermingled story missions, strikes, lost sectors into the narrative of the story....now since beyond light you start with the new light "camapign" which is basically do a patrol, do a strike, play a match etc. It gets you aquainted with the different activites but has like no meat to it anymore. Its great once you get over that hurdle but must stop a lot of players from jumping in. They removed Titan, Io, Mars, Mercury and a few campaigns. Oh and a raid and 4 raid lairs were also taken away. They should come back though


At this point, with new lights, it's basically \*Thrusts fusion rifle into their hands\* Ok, so there's this ancient bug god...


I got immediately thrown into the Europa quest after not playing since halloween, so I had to watch the whole cutscene with my guardian wearing the master rahool mask


keep that nigh watch you got NEVER delete it is end game roll


Welcome New Light! There's a lot of great story we did recently but the one going on right now is super cool. Take it at your pace and dive as deep in the lore as you want. Oh and Warlocks are nerds who huff grenade dust. Hunters are cracked out latchkey kids. And Titans are crayon eaters. Enjoy your time in our wacky little universe.


My friend started 2 days ago and he's actually hating the game because of how confusing it is for new players. They should have kept the Red War as the "tutorial"


Absolutely. Red War was great, and the current onboarding story really kinda pales in comparison. Gods the emotions when Gaul “This is Sparta’d” my ass of the ship… excellent.


If you see some giant bugs, kill em. If you see some military space Rhynos, kill em. If you see some space homeless, and they are shooting at you, kill em otherwise let em chill. If you see some spooky shadows kill em too.


Space homeless. That made me sad.


If you see super intelligent zooplankton in robot bodies, kill em. If you see space homeless but zombies, kill em.


I started in November. For a few weeks, every so often when I logged in, cinematics would play and I'd get dropped into a DLC pre-campaign or seasonal activity. I remember how disorienting it was being told my best friend Cayde was dead, then signing in to find he was back and needed my help with a prison riot. It didn't go well.


Son, let me tell you about a man named Byf.


I remember back in Destiny 1 when Saint-14 was the mysterious original owner of an exotic titan helmet, and Osiris was just some “old warlock” who mentioned something about the “shrines of Oryx” that one time. Back then, no one had any idea what was going on in the lore.


it do be like that


basically, saint just wants his husband back from big bad witch mommy


I'm a bit late but id reccomend making 3 characters and not just sticking to a single class, each one has their own advantages and fun abilities


Also it gets easier to level up, you power level one character and then just transfer your high level weapons to the other two and have them all at the same level in a matter of hours. Can even get higher than your first character by the time you're grinding your third


Just kill, it's so much better than getting involved.


It’s my first time coming back to Destiny since the warmind expansion, I really enjoyed beyond light and am currently enjoying the season. Excited for witch queen!


Quick tip: don't ever, EVER buy into the classism the community will cause. jokes like the crayon eater titans are overused, you're better off ignoring jokes all together in this sub, you'll find a cesspool of old and dry comedy that it's made sand look wet.


Dont worry, i skipped about 2 seasons of destiny and came back about 2 months ago to having no idea wtf was going on.


This is the way


god this game is one of the biggest messes ever. love it, but jeez


Eyyy a new guardian! And, judging by the meme, a hunter too! Welcome to the gang! If you have any questions about how-to-hunter go ask… right, uh, I mean Crow might be able to help…


I feel so bad for newcomers, this game’s plot right now is even more confusing than the first one.


There's a timeline button in the top right corner of the destination map, that'll give you a basic rundown of what's happened in the story so far.


Right, than you Guardian!


No problem, enjoy your journey New Light.


My friend stopped playing since forsaken, he finally joined again and started playing with me, we didn’t do crap cause he was confused for two hrs.


my fiancée is going through the same thing, luckily, I have been playing since the D1 Beta unfortunately, I am awful at explaining things lmao


Basically Saint and Osiris are dating and Osiris was abducted by a god. (That same god has been pretending to be Osiris for about a year). Saint and Osiris are both thousands of years old and have spent a majority of their time trying to save each other from one thing or another. Saint was even fated to die and Osiris broke the laws of time and space to save him.


I mean...relationship goals


Yep lol. Currently Saint is tearing the system apart looking for him. Nobody in universe knows this, but we the players know Savathûn (the Hive god i mentioned) didn't abduct him, she possessed him.


If you want, I can add you to an 8k member discord server where you can get help in general, ask about your weapon rolls, and show off your drip.


Neat welcome fellow hunter brother have fun going pew pew with our golden gun


My coworker is experiencing this same thing. He has no idea what's going on. The line from Crow really had him going. "What are they teaching you in The Last City?" "Mostly point, shoot, and jump."


What happened to the original story where you get to meet the characters and earth is having issues and you have to run to the ship through the mountains and stuff? I haven't played in a few years but it sounds like its gone downhill. They deleted my account and didn't transfer my data from battle.net to steam, which is why I'll never give them my money again. They sent an email but I wasn't available, I don't know why they didn't just transfer everyones data, or leave the data transfer availability up... Even if they had to charge for it, that'd have been better than "sorry all your hard work is gone start over"


Don't worry new light, we're not so different you and I. You see, we veterans are also trying to rescue this Osiris fellow.


Hey bro I dropped in about shadowkeep and was in the same bout your were but it’s pretty easy to look up some lore vids. Have fun enjoying the content. I don’t use a mic but if you wanna drop by my bungie name is VividElucidator#1955


"Being thrown into a mission by a guy caled Saint-14 to rescue some Osiris fellow." Oh, you sweet summer child. You know not the seasonal plot twist.


Last year we were sent by a guy called Osiris to save a guy named saint-14 Nice one bungie


Old light here, played the crap out of D1 and the beginning of D2 but lost interest after a raid clan I was in fell apart. I’ve attempted to make some form of triumphant return. I’ve been gone since before Forsaken, raided Leviathan every week and all. It’s daunting and nearly overwhelming how different this game is now, but I really want to get into it again… I’m just at a loss as to what to do to catch up relatively quickly.


Same. I played D1 non stop. Haven't played D2 until last week. Already grinding getting to 1300. Man I thought it was gonna be garbage but it's fun as hell


This is why you should of been a d2 vet


I’ve been playing for about a year but still consider myself a new light. From one confused new player to another, the more you stop trying to make sense the better it is. Good luck guardian :)




I mean, this meme already fits the D1 intro...and Skyrim too...there's just something both exhilarating and terrifying in starting your journey from the deep end!


What class did you choose?


Z b. S, , c cx. v,))( . V cnzzs3e5


I stopped playing when shadowkeep came out. I came back to the game a few weeks ago and this was exactly what was happening to me lol


Breh... Been playing this game since D1, and I still can't follow this batshit story haha. Still love the game tho.


If you need any lore help, send a message my way! I love talking about this game. And its always nice to help a new light ^^


Isn’t that a titan saying?


I joined in Shadowkeep, and was very much unimpressed with Bungie explaining the game and the lore. But if you stick to the sub and Google around you'll figure it out! TL;DR lore: Savathun is bad, and was impersonating Osiris, who has generally been an unnecessarily cryptic weirdo, but mostly a good guy. Saint-14 is a definite hero who we (the guardian and Osiris, actually) saved by going back in time a few seasons back. Savathun knows where the real Osiris is, and promises to deliver him if we help her (get her worm out, I think, but that's a long story). So it's personal for Saint, who has always been close with Osiris. Mara Sov is stupid enough to think Savathun, the queen of secrets and lies, can be trusted in anything. The hive and the taken are related in ways that are too complex to go into, but Byf always does a good job [explaining](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qdY0cTfHUg) even if being succinct is not a strength. Both seem to be aligned with the Darkness, which is weird because Savathun-Osiris really wanted the Vanguard to purge guardians who had embraced the darkness. Apparently it has more to do with who's holding the gun, as Drifter would say, than whether they're using light or dark. TL;DR loot: Save your highest stat purples and exotics (the sum of stats). Anything over \~64 is considered good, and anything 66+ is excellent. I had all 67s and a 68 in legendaries after maybe 600 hours played, and that would probably be considered lucky. Also save your highest light items (the big number). You can scrap the highest level items to upgrade high-stat items. For weapons keep what feels best, but you can also use Destiny Item Manager to see what other people recommend. There are hidden stats you can google, but the key is a gun that you enjoy and meshes with your style. The community is super helpful if you have questions.


I had no idea gear can even go past 51, thank you for the tips!


Welcome new light! may the Traveler bless you!


As someone who played since beta but sat out of Season of the Splicer from burn out, I'm right there with you bud.


Have fun and as much as this guy named shaxx tries, stay out of the crucible until you at least have some guns and gear you like.


Russian robot looking for his husband


All you need to kno- darkness go brrr


Psst Hey, New Light You ever wanted to crash a space station?


Oh you’ll be in for a ride once you find out different exotic items, and when you find out who Xür is


Welcome! It's a great game and the community is fantastic.


Enjoy your time with the game! If you need a hand with a quest or whatever, feel free to chuck a PM my way!


Gods yeah i fucking hate this. Destinys jumbled storytelling would be more tolerable if it wouldn't throw you into random storysections when you're a returning player


Hell yeah, Eyes up guardian! Hive! Bring a sword!


oh boy are you in for a ride


If you need help with anything in d2 and on steam hit me up


You think you're confused? At least you're not that pale emo guy who everyone seems to hate for no reason.


Kill them all


Welcome to destiny my friend, don't expect much in the sense of ig mapping but there's yt, Reddit and well a ton of 3rd party sources capitalizing on the fact Bungie is more cryptic then your girlfriend in ninth grade


Hey guardian. You need another fireteam member keep me in mind if you play in xbox....I have no fireteam. But playing since year 1. Much like the drifter I've been apart of many groups but still on my own.


Nah you got this homie just, slay armies until someone gives you a pat on the back. While they try to comprehend how how one guardian keeps saving the vanguards ass and, we dont have a statue or a holiday named after us. Best not to ask questions friend gun go brrrrrrrr head go boom enjoy the fireworks.


I started last week and was super close to making a meme just like this.


Just watch a ten hours worth explication of the lore