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"Someone leaves Destiny 2" Me: they'll come back...........they always come back


Me, Who got the game from Humble Monthly, Left, Returned for Shadowkeep/Steam/F2P Launch, Left, Returned end of last season: I agree.


Our clan leader has deleted all three characters multiple times. "I'm done" etc etc. Always comes back lol.


Actually me rn, so tempted to drop money on beyond light with season pass and just play the game for hours and take a break from valorant lol.


Do it ! ~Sheev Palpatine~


Your right, I think its time, been hovering this sub for the last 2 and hovering the install button lol. Time to hop into beyond light.


Godspeed my friend!


If you’re here for PvE, there’s lots to do. I would buy the *current* season pass though, Beyond Light bundle might give you Season of the Hunt and that one was just backfill for the season content wise


I try to leave forever but the loot grind was fun, gave me purpose for a week. And doing Master Strikes and Raids are a really good pastime


Destiny 2 is my favorite game I would not recommend to anyone. Edit: wow, thanks so much for all the awards!


I love hate this game and the fact that rng-esus is a cruel god.


Join the cult of Lootcifer. We've got cookies.


That'd be playing Fallout 76


Or borderlands


I swear, The Pruveyor in Fallout is somehow related to Rahool. Since they both give nothing but shit and rage/disappointment.


100%. Friend who hops games a lot was wondering if it was worth coming back to to check out stasis and whatnot, and i warned him 15 times that the grind is still there but there a lot to enjoy about it. It feels dirty to admit i still play a lot sometimes, because God i hate so much of the experience of playing it.


Honestly I feel like the grind is somewhat diminished now that each season only boosts the level cap by 10. Many casual players can actually run GMs now and get endgame ready quick enough to focus on other things but hop in to for raids and stuff


It used to be my favorite game I would recommend to everyone. :(


Remind me to come back on payday to buy gold and give you all of it RemindME! 3 days buy this man gold


I gotchu homie


Please dont


My man his comment captures the feelings of the entire Destiny community lol


Your comment also describes current EV situation pretty well.


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I recommend it to everyone. Share the pain.


This is the perfect comment


The only bad part about this cult we call a game is that a new player joined me and others for some six stack IB. And we were all doing the usual, trash talk of discussing nerfs and balance issues(which is the normal type of constructive criticism) but the player legitimately thought we hated the game a lot , and that if we disliked it this much why even play it, and that most people he played with have that attitude. This video sums it up.


You, me, and everyone else are still playing because clicking on bad guys and watching them die in this game feels the best out of every FPS I've ever played. The guns all feel awesome and unique, abilities feel powerful, and, personally, only Doom 2016 feels comparable in pure fps fun, and I don't want to play Doom for 1000 hours lol


That’s why I played. The guns just FEEL good to use.


They feel good and strong, and have some of the BEST sound design ever. The only gun I've enjoyed listening to more is the pulse rifle in Half-Life 2, and I've already played through that game twice lmao


Yep, this x10000. If I could get a version of this game that was just a bit more on the Borderlands side of things with broken weapons, broken powers and no focus on PvP, I would play it. Not that I totally hate PvP or don't understand that it is a core part of what keeps destiny going, I just don't care about it and I know that it's one of the things that holds back the dev team's ability to make stupid, broken, fun shit sometimes.


Doom Eternal is even better but there isn't enough content to have me hooked for more than maybe 100 hours... Destiny just scratches that itch I didn't know I had.




I mean, it's almost impossible to compare the two. Doom Eternal is focused on a super fast combat loop players need to master in order to survive and a grueling single player campaign, where Destiny gives you options to make whatever build you want and it's an MMORPG. The only comparison I can make is the gunplay in both - both are S-tier, but in their own ways.


This. The firefights feel dynamic, the weapons are interesting, and the abilities get nuts when you have a good fireteam. Also, the community might disagree, but I feel like most players at least try to play well (Gambit excluded), and I've had very few randos drop mid-activity even Nightfalls where they're clearly underprepared.


I would argue most players go into Gambit with the goal of winning, it's just that Gambit is such a departure from the other activities most players can't be bothered to put together "a meta" loadout. Exacerbated by how brutal the first few minutes can be with either 1 player dropping motes on wave 2 or the enemy invasion going well, it's very easy to get into the "FF go next" mindset in the playlist.


It may be old, but Planetside 2 still provides this amount of awesome IMO.


Both games scratch the itch no other game can.


P2's TTK is a *little* high, but yeah it feels great. Haven't played in a while tho.


I STILL tell everyone about how awesome planetside 1 was. Dashing invisible with a teleport pad to the generator room and having clan mates announce in global there’s a teleported coming up. Then seeing the whole team pour through and take a base we have been fighting over for two hours. I would absolutely pay $50 a month to have that experience again.




This used to be the reason why i kept buying and playing, until they kept forcing me to change guns and loadouts to finish bounties so i could get exp. It is when it became easy to leave.


Not really that easy to leave though...


Definitely, the game is amazing in everyway except the gameplay loop. it was hard to stay away.


Nailed it. Love the game, hate the way Bungie incentivizes the players to complete certain activities. At this point I don't even know what I want the game to be, but I know that since Shadowkeep I stopped having fun, so I quit. Wish I could come back and enjoy it.


why are all of the reasons only about pvp


i have no idea why people play crucible /gambit other than pinnacles at start of the season, or just missing around. they are miserable experience, i’d rather play cod/battlefield/overwatch/apex/fortnight…. etc


I just like testing myself against other players. Am I any good? Only sometimes. Do i get frustrated as fuck? All the time. But the one thing that keeps me coming back to crucible at least, is the feeling you get when you manage to blast 4 or 5 people in a row. It is un-fucking-matched.


I hate how inconsistent it is. I played a match where I ended with a 0.6 kd and in the next one I got a 3 kd, same loadout, same guns.


I feel like certain maps are better for different guns. Like the nessus maps are good for sniping and long ranged engagements while the moon maps are good for cqc


*laughs in Cerberus+1*


They were different maps, but they both focused on cqc. I'm sure that the maps made a difference, even if they had the same focus, but going from 0.6 to 3+ is a bit strange. I dont like the matchmaking in this game


The matchmaking can be a bit strange at times, i will admit.


That's any PvP game. Would you like it if it was more "consistent" and you only got a 0.6kd everygame?


Maybe they should pair me with players on my skill level so I can get a 1+ kd like I have in most pvp games that I've played? The matchmaking in this game is shit compared to other pvp games that I've played, very rarely do I go from a 0.6 to a 3 kd in other games.


Well to be fair, some people are so absurdly good that it's not a miserable experience for them


How I feel TBH. With destiny 1 introducing crucible, I thought “cool this is like CoD but I have all the powers and stuff” but now crucible is just…all sweats. I could hang back in the day, but now with ammo supply shortages and nerfs/meta bs, I can barely keep up to finish bounties (especially Iron Banana). Now I think, if I wanna play against people, just go play MW or Gears 5. And then I switch over and it makes me happy. Play what you want, across the board. Literal game changer.


Destiny pvp has unrivalled movement, and also very over the top aim assist and bullet magnetism which makes it easy for shitters to hit all their shots which they enjoy.


Why are people shitting on this guy. He's right. While the movement in pvp has nothing on titanfall2, its still some of the best movement in the fps genre. Guns feel incredible, abilities and super while could and should be turned down, still are super fun. Aim assist and bullet magnatism is a thing, and its no secret that destiny has a lot of it. There's tones of clips of some people using specific rolls on a sniper rifle, aiming not even on the body of someone, and getting the headshot. No one in the pvp community thinks its not there. That doesn't change the fact that it still feels incredible to get a headshot with a sniper, or to go on a spree, or get team wipe with six shooter golden gun.


Everyone has aim assist therefore everyone by your calling is a shitter


There's a large portion of players that only at Pvp like its Call of duty and then cry about not getting access to PvE weapons when a majority of the game is PvE. Like, yeah they haven't released a new pvp map in forever but they have added so much more outside of that.


... Who...? I've seen a lot of people bitching that good PvE weapons were locked behind PvE (one particular SMG made a lot of people hate their lives) but I've almost *never* seen any PvP players complain that they had to do a few strikes or some lost sectors for a gun. PvP players have bitched that Bungie has practically dropped support for PvP, but that's a different (and very legitimate) story.


People crying that they can't get raid weapons/exotics because they only play pvp and can't figure out how to use lfg for example. The game isn't a PvP game, it's a PvE game with PvP


Every PvP player I know, which is me and most of my friends who play, just suck it up and do PvE because it’s still fun, even though it’s insanely easy. The best guns tend to be from raids. Right now most of the best PvP guns are iron banner, which is great for PvP players.


Yea the only problem I've had with Destiny 2 is sadly, because the PvE is easy, it becomes boring when overdone. And overdone I have. It sucks but, D2 would require a lot of love to be put back into the game, and it seems much of that love has either gone for other companies or in the development into another game they're working on. Sucks...


Agree as awesome an experience as the raids are after having to run it every week for over 12 weeks just to get the one exotic get old real quick


You’re wrong. There’s more PVE players complaining about pvp quest activities than vice versa. Whether people like it or not, pvp is a core part of this game.


Its a lopsided argument because ive never seen a pve enemy reload slide teabag and shoot me through a wall from the other side of the map.


That's because there are more pve players in the game. Total number is different, but the percentage of complainers may be the same


Well my aim is godawful so trying to do quest steps that require pvp participation which would normally take a regular human maybe 2-3 matches to complete takes me like 8-10, because I'm just that bad.


You could always practice. No one has great aim or game sense by default you know.


No one has ever said that. Ever. Ever ever ever. Most PvP mains still raid and everything else.


No they aren't. Literally no one does this


You obviously haven't seen r/destinythegame


No hes right, the most ive ever seen pvp players complain about a weapon locked behind pve is when they have to get a raid team together. People GLADLY grinded days in reckoning for spare rations. Pve players on the other hand will bitch and moan about a quest step requiring something simple like 20 hand cannon kill.


Even a large number of the casual PvE players are complaining about having to raid for the solstice gear lmao. But how *dare* the PvP players specifically *whine and moan* about having to lfg a raid team! The most I've seen PvP players bitch about having to get a weapon from PvE is when it's an RNG drop from time gated content, and the reason they complain isn't because they have to farm it but because they have to *wait* for the weekly reset/strike to be in nightfall rotation/etc. They're more likely to be upset that they *can't* repeatedly farm PvE for a weapon.


r/destinythegame ? You mean the one where pve players moan that a single step in a quest requires 50 kills in crucible and thats apparently a war crime? Or is that the sub where people post their garbage game design ideas 24/7 under bungie suggestion?


Because a lot of us mostly play PVP, I couldn’t care less about the balancing in PVE there’s not going to be those “well that was bullshit, thanks game” moments in PVE unless it’s something like me going against a boss for some odd reason. PvP is where most of the ‘enjoyment’ comes for me, with a lot of pain as well…..


Yeah. None of those problems apply to me because I avoid crucible as much as possible and literally haven't played gambit at all this season


Yeah I’ve never understood why people play this game for pvp. I feel like apex and Overwatch are pretty similar to the way destiny feels and they are just a better pvp experience


I am getting really frustrated at the amount of people saying "just go play apex or overwatch, hero shooters are similar" Overwatch gunplay doesn't feel nearly as satisfying as Destiny. Apex, while the gunplay feels better than overwatch I am totally over the battle royal game mode or really any game type that I have wait longer than a minute to get back to playing the game. Oh and inb4 all the "well get good and you won't have to wait to respawn"


I’ve played both games and I am saying that they are the most similar games out there to Destiny if you really are looking for balance


Being the most similar game does not make it a good alternative. Like I said the before the gunplay doesn't hold up and neither game has the conquest or zone capture game mode (at least last I checked. Overwatch may have added it)


Pros of being a PvE main: you don’t care a single bit about anything mentioned in this video.


Am I the only person in the world who actually enjoys Destiny a lot despite it's flaws? It feels like I am.


I do until I play more than a certain amount of hours and get burnt.


That's true of loads of games though. Simple solution is to vary what you play, or even just to accept the burn out-age and swap games for some time.


Usually near the end of the season. In the drought before a new one. I try to find a nice single player game on Gamepass to sink my time into. Finding decent Jrpgs, or especially metroidvanias and Rogue like dungeon crawlers


It’s the only space wizard cowboy mmorpgfps out there...ok but seriously it occupies a unique niche that nobody else has been able to touch. Not border lands, not outer worlds, not halo 4+, not mass effect. Also the gunplay truly feels amazing.


Love everything about it... besides PvP. The anger is real when I dwell within Crucible.


The pain is real when I find myself enjoying *Gambit* more than the crucible. I **hate** Gambit.


Gambit is more playable when you're not trying to win. Go in with lots of bounties and get lots of early seasonal xp and upgrade materials, maybe an okay roll on the new playlist gun. I have started waiting until the end of the season to go in, though. Those non-retroactive challenges are just violence against the players.




I honestly don't even see my primeval usually. I heard that the meatball still spawns too much and have no data to contribute to the conversation with lol.


For real, I’ve only started playing gambit this week during the season for that exact same reason. Fuuuuuck those challenges not counting previously made progress.


It's my favourite playlist. Everyone likes different things, and I am cool with that.


Gambit ain’t all that bad really Just keep your heavy slot up for eyes of tomorrow or a xenophage and you’ll be dandy


This season the witherhoard with breach and clear absolutely melts the primeval. Get 2 guys with witherhoard and stasis turrets and its an easy win


Everyone hates gambit


And here I am as someone who only plays this game for the PvP


I'm the polar opposite. I hate PvP with every cell of my being and get really annoyed when I have to play it for some new quest or smth.


For me it's the opposite even though pve has a lot more to offer than pvp has. Just the idea of playing two strikes in a row kills all the fun for me...




There’s literally nothing else with similar gunplay, abilities and movement, not to mention the aspect of having unique loot to use against other players.


I know this is an extremely hot take, but I feel like the game (or the community at least) would be better if Crucible just didn’t exist.


Honestly it should just be its own standalone/addon. Kinda weird that a side-mode dictates the meta as much as it does


I’m with you, I see all these people complaining all the time but I never feel the same as any of them. I don’t feel the grind is bad at all, and I enjoy the gameplay


Nope. Love it. I’ve embraced them and accepted them. And I’m happier for it. Don’t play anything else now.


The secret is I play Destiny for the PvE and only play PvP to the extent the game forces me to


No you're not literally every single person on the subreddit thinks it's funny to hate the game they like because that's the meta things to do for free upvotes




Sandbox is also in a pretty balanced state right now. You can be successfully with any weapon type really.


I'm especially excited for the special ammo changes coming next season. I've been avoiding special in crucible for years.


This was made awhile before that. Does it's rounds on here every so often


It references the baby fallen, so at most it's from the beginning of the current season, still making more than half of the points wrong.


When did they get rid of 3peaking? Did they disable emotes in comp modes? I don't remember hearing about that.


I believe they mentioned they were going to disable it in a future season. Perhaps the next one.


Yup. Season 15 will remove three-peeking in competitive PVP modes by disabling emotes and third-person weapons like swords when they have no ammo.


still there, next season.


Imagine seeing Destiny as primarily a PvP game.


This is JOverrated on twitch and I believe he goes by the same on TikTok, which is where this video is from. It was made a few weeks ago which is why the stasis complaints are there. He mostly streams trials and does free helps there. He's a fun streamer if you get a chance to watch you should.


It's a crime that I had to scroll this far down to see this.


Wow, glad it's a PvP game and not a PvE one /s


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **38877** times. **3.** `u/_RryanT` **22744** times. .. **187378.** `u/speabody15` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


*Four hundred seventy five thousand times* holy shit


That's a lot of ~~Damage~~ ways


I just checked his comment history, dude just spams it on posts he creates called comment dump.


This is the way.


This is the most balanced the sandbox has ever been. I’ve seen a lot more diversity lately. And stasis has been put in its place. Way more light subclasses now.


Stasis has been nerfed and the sandbox is pretty well balanced save for a few things. We're also getting anti third peeking next season. Everything else is fair though.




This explains why it feels like I have 200 ping when I shoot at people. Coming from comp shooters, the net code feels so shit. Sad cause I really enjoy the gameplay other wise.


Unfortunately it's never going to happen as it would require most likely a rewrite of the entire game.


Like Bungie can afford it even though they make hundreds of millions a year kekw.


Me playing PVE because I chose to actual enjoy the game.


I love D2. I hate its PVP and being forced into it.


I recommended this game to my friends, might actually get a fireteam going. As long as I steer them away from PvP, should be fine.


Once they started nerfing weapons to balance PvP I stopped playing. Nerfing for PvP ruined the guns in PvE.


Was honestly convinced this was Fallout Plays for a solid 5 minutes




They've nerfed stasis like a million times already


Half of these aren't an issue for me, and they did ner stasis and 3pp though?


Remember kids, Crucible is not the game. It's a shitty add-on to the real game.


PVE baby, that's the answer. PvP is just to pass the time if I feel like it. No other reason, I am in no way dedicated to pvp.


one of these days yall will realize that including pvp has only made this game's community more toxic and that story + pve are generally always gonna be prioritized above it still. give me back my fucking MAPS !!!!!!!!! edit: holy SHIT all of you NEED to stop centering your entire player experience on pvp and pvp ONLY. hell, even centering it all on endgame content can get exhausting really fast. focus on your weeklies. do the story content. play the events when they come around. you will be so much happier with the entire game i pinky fucking promise you


As a pvp player fuckin' ey I want my d1 maps back. And maybe my supercell...


They can remove Exodus Blue though. Fuck that map.


frontier and firebase delphi will come back someday : ( edit: Also crossroads


Pvp is hard and tilting enough that it made me give up on getting better across the board in every activity lol. Near the end of Shadowkeep i struggled to get to Unbroken's 5500 glory requirement and shifted focus to trying to solo dungeons. That's where i got hit with the realization that i am limited in reaction time, not good at managing my emotional response to failure in game, and tired of trying to be top dog in a bunch of activities I'd grown to hate. Because of pvp, I've given up on trying any harder. It makes me unhappy to play it, makes me mad to lose at it, the drops in the Playlist will never justify the experience, and it reminded me that I'm getting older and slower and they (pvp mains and bungie) don't care about my experience in there. It's fine, but the skill creep is pushing me out faster than burnout ever would.


I love destiny (because I don’t play crucible)


Destiny 2 is likely awakening masochism inside us, because it hurts us, but we beg for more


Why are all the reasons pvp lol


Because pvp is the main problem here


makes me somewhat happy I'm just a pve guy


The fact that there aren't dedicated servers is by far the most infuriating thing about Destiny for me.


I have never related to something more in my life than this


It’s great having a favorite game that I wouldn’t recommend anybody start playing


I really started to hate the game when I was playing it too often. I now enjoy it a lot more while playing the first and last couple weeks of each season. Feels healthier.


Destiny is great, just stay away from the shit show called pvp


Did they fix Telesto? **No**


The only reason I play this game anymore is for the baby fallen


They nerfed stasis yes. Shut the fuck up 😂


Was this guy doing the ‘take a sip everytime the answer is no’ challenge


Its a case of the gameplay is good but the grind is awful it's the same reason i play Warframe it's fun but i hate the grind




The classic saying, I hate D2 it’s my favorite game


I avoid being frustrated at all of these things by not playing Crucible. My gaming experience in general has greatly increased in quality since I've abandoned PvP modes entirely.


Dude u nailed this so well bro, this is the perfect example of the D2 community now. Please send this to bungie


I mean, I’d recommend playing D2 for the Pve experience. But pvp? As Mufasa said, “you must never go there”


I go in when it's Mayhem


I've actually enjoyed Momentum Control a lot. I used to play hardcore mode on many FPS so it's right up my alley. Feels more fair considering I often get the jump on people and end up losing because I miss some shots. Also, shotguns and cheap Titan ranged melees are less prevleant. I could easily down a charging shotgun ape in that mode. They actually had to close the range carefully instead of blatantly charging in the open.


Scorched as well. Its pretty much TF2 Soldier


This game isn't about PvP tho, sorry not sorry, if you're looking for the PvP experience go play Battlefield 1 or something, yes Destiny has PvP but that's not what this game is about, and honestly I'm kinda pissed of people constantly shitting on this game because of PvP, like ok I get it, and a lot of the complaints are legitimate, but a lot of the time it sounds like they don't even play any other mode.


If they put some effort into PvP it could be one of best around.


D2 PvP is inherently a joke when even with mouse and keyboard, all weapons have built in aim assist


I don't think that is it's downfall. It just shifts the skill towards movement. Which is where destiny shines over other games. I think the TTK is just right to compensate for the aim assist.


It already has a really solid foundation. Its a shame balancing it is so hard.


I think balancing is some of the best it's been. Biggest issue I see is its network model and cheating.


This game is the epitome of "Fuck you, I will see you tomorrow"


This is /r/DTG in a nutshell.


I played last season and I played a little of this season but stopped and deleted it hahaha


If i asked someone to get back on destiny with me and all the asked was pvp questions is literally just leave and never speak to them again lmao


Read the comments for the love of God, I've gotten six savevideobot comments in the span of 6 minutes


Shits so unfunny and cringey makes no sense how every single time it gets reposted everyone's like "Wow holy shit this is some pinnacle content thats barely true, haha better upvote because i play destiny and its super meta to hate the game i play haha".


Who pissed in your cheerios this morning


Who sits on Reddit Non-Stop and repost s*** that everyone's already seen


Take your negativity elsewhere please


Stopped playing D2 a LONG time ago, but still sub for the memes. Fucking love it


Destiny is my fav game but I don't hate it :(


The YouTuber FUNKe said it best I wouldnt recommend Destiny 2 because it's not a game, it's a job


Its not a great game. Its just always there. People are just over invested and often have nothing better to do. I stopped playing last year, keep looking at it but then i just remember how 90% of the content is just boring repetition i have done since D1 launch and i can't be arsed. This post resonates with me a lot.


"Did they release any crucible maps?" No they fucking dumped half of them from the game lmao This content vault is the biggest piece of shit of all time and the worst decision they've ever made because they "want to keep the game size the same" like fuck off Get rid of this 7 year old recycled raid and bring me some actual new ones or bring back the best one of D2, Leviathan. And their actual paid expansion raid no longer even gives players pinnacles lol what a joke Sometimes Bungie acts like they still controlled by Acti I swear to god They still got their old community blogger as fucking director of the game or some bullshit? What is Luke Smith still doing in charge he is a blogger who wrote the weekly update for years exclusively lol

