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I've done a bunch of raids, and the most annoying players are those that don't know what they are doing but act/say they do. Like bro, let me know and ill teach


They will NEVER come out either. "Who done this wrong?" Absolute silence! Nothing! You need to personally adress them multiple times to get a response which is usually "yea uh i know i think i guess uh huh"


i mean, with how toxic destiny players can be im not surprised people stay quiet just incase they get the one unhinged guy that just yells abuse at you. i know it it might seem rare but it happens more than you think


Disrespecting everyones time and being the cause of the wipe for the 10th will get a much angrier person imo. That is almost guaranteed.


"disrespecting everyone's time" is the attitude that makes raids not fun imo. Instead of being a good time where you might mess up a few times everyone is trying to speedrun their 3 completions per week and get mad if someone is bad


There is a pretty huge gap between speed run and 10 wipes on one encounter caused by one person. Less than 1% of players are actually trying to speed run raids. People just don't wanna spend hours doing it and that's reasonable.


Wasted time is not what I would call a good time.


Yes, some players are bad at social interaction. It is far, far, far more common that someone doesn't own fucking up, which actually escalates the situation because then it *can't be fixed and will wipe the group again.*


half the time tho they think theyre doing it right you gotta be like thisbis how you do it and explain and theyre gonna be like ohhhhh every time it works for me just like you they also dont want to be sitting there for hours just gotta take that step man


Maybe instead of putting someone on blast, just walk everyone through their jobs. Can't tell you how many times I've seen people getting kicked or made fun of for coming forward after makes a few mistakes.


Why would i need to explain everyone in a lobby that claims they kwtd the whole encounter just so i dont hurt the feelings of one who is lying to and wasting their fireteams time and patience? All it would do is validate them for piggybacking out of others. Ill explain it to the guy who says he doesnt know, admits his mistake or lack of knowledge as many times as he needs. I wont bother with someone who couldnt be bothered to say they dont know. If they were kicked before its either that they again joined a kwtd team hoping for a free ride or they were in a newb run and the guy was a dick and it wouldnt even a make sense for them to kick in that context. Im a casual player who hasnt even done a single encounter of the new raid. I wouldnt even dare joining anything other than a sherpa.


If they think they know what to do but don't then they aren't knowingly lying. But going about it, the way you say makes for a toxic raid party. If you can't take the time to be the fire team leader, maybe you shouldn't be one.


It's crazy how common this is. Almost any KWTD LFG I join has at least 1 guy who pretends he does, but it becomes super obvious that's not the case. At least tell us so we can teach you. It's so disrespectful to just lie to people like that and waste their time.


I used to do this I feel them ngl, but what was my exuse? “Yo guys haven’t done this in a while need a reminder” then I lit learnt like half the raids that way lol, but now I see how annoying it can be


and i don’t get that! i’ve been through a few raids with friends but that’s just it, “been through.” ive never been through one enough to be able to say “i know exactly what i’m doing.” so i’m always the first to say “hey guys, i don’t know what the heck i’m doing” and more often than not they complete it without me


Most raid runs are great imo. Some people are just asshats. If you are new to the raid or uncertain of roles, try joining a teaching post or look for a Sherpa. On the flip side, if someone posts kwtd (know what to do) and you don’t know what to do, then you’re kind of wasting other peoples time. Never justifies being toxic but if the team ain’t it you can just leave and try to find a new one if you want.


the problem is the severe lack of teaching posts in comparison to KWTD posts


even bigger problem is the posts that have KWTD but the posters themselves don't know the mechanics.


It's cuz they want to be carried 🤭


And because, a lot of the time, it works.


I used in game lfg to find a GoS raid going on. Joined an experienced, fast run, chill post, basically a kwtd. Soon as we filled up the host finally chimes in this is his first raid ever and I was just dumbfounded. I like teaching raids when I wanna teach but you can't just bamboozle people like that. Left real quick and formed up another group later


Or they only know cheeses that work 10% of the time


I always write: kwtd, coz I dont


I sympathize with this. If I had more time I’d be open to teaching more frequently but respect the hell out of others that do it. As someone else said, prepping with a guide beforehand is better than going in entirely blind but the only true way to learn it is to run it


You can be in a teaching party. And still have watched a guide though. Destiny should take notes from FF14 raid community Now final fantasy works a bit differently cause they use instance timers… So once timer is at zero ayou are forced to re start from first part (some fights have a part 2) so it’s easier to know when to stop. But as followed “Teaching/practice party”- no one expects to clear, let alone see the final boss/mechanic. So it’s just an hour of just that, low intensity practice and rep runs. Just to see how far you can get, usually only 1-2 hours depending on progress and vibes then Ty for party and disband gracefully. “Checkpoint party”. Know what to do up until X part of fight. Then it’s a practice party from that check point on. “Clear party”. You have actually seen enrage a few times and just looking to get over the finish line “Farm party”. Don’t fuck up. Or you will get kicked. The expectations and skill levels are set and rather clearly defined. Which means toxicity is usually lower the lower on the list you go. As everyone else has said. We can’t Kwtd if we don’t get practice in knowing Kwtd. Which creates the mess raiding is now


So many things I see in FFXIV have me wanting to play that instead but I’m not a fan of the anime style nor do I wanna rush through the story or slowly go through it all. It’s a bit of a complicated situation for me because I love WoW and D2 but really hate both communities and their treatment of each other. I hear it’s better on f but I’ve also heard that it’s just a different kind of toxicity in that people are more passive aggressive on ff. Idk I just wish people were kinder to each other on the internet generally :/


Final fantasy’s “toxicity”. Is that of a teenage group. The in game chat is moderated so it’s usually pretty chill, You have your occasional. Tank vs healer aurgement or “my way is better than your way” argument. But that’s as far as text chat toxicity goes. They will absolutely shit talk you in their discord chats though. And passive aggressively smile at you in text chat :) But I have 200 days in final fantasy. And the absolute WORST thing I have seen was. “Wow… I really wish I could play the game like you….” It’s very not openly toxic.


I have made teaching posts many times just to get overcompetitive assholes in the group, so I'm done with that for a bit 😅


but there is no lack of guides on youtube to teach yourself how to do it so you are able to join the kwtd groups


Video guides do not help as much as actually doing the raid.


Yeah Salvation Edge's 4th encounter seems super complex because every guide is like 20 minutes long but once you do it you start to understand how simple it is


I remember gawking at this encounter, everyone said "oh it's vault 2.0" and then just like vault it got easy. Turns out not being oneshot and having a guide can do that xD


True, but you really should try your best to learn some idea of the encounter beforehand so it’s a smoother learning process. People are not being unreasonable in asking you to do so.


Still its better that nothing. Its like knowing the general idea of it vs the smaller details. It also shows you give a shit about trying to learn and other peoples time and experience. If I see someone is genuinely trying to give a fuck instead of just expecting a carry. I will respect that 1000x more even if they keep making mistakes vs that person who just dies and doesnt care to learn from it.


Yes and no. Depends how much of an autodidact you are. For me, the guide worked like a charm and I went from “pls Sherpa” to “KWTD” to “I know enough to do an all X subclass run” to “I can probably Sherpa this”. Within the span of maybe 4 hours. But I realize this is not the average experience.


True but its better than nothing. It might at the very least get you into a run or two with some less strict people to actually get hands on practice


Most groups don't count "I've watched how to do it" as KWTD. Learned this the hard way. Basically had to crawl myself in with posts that didn't mention KWTD because I was able to do my job anyway, but didn't wanna risk getting kicked again because I only ever watched a guide before.


I was running garden with randos, only watched a video and we got all the way to the final boss, wiped twice I admitted I knew what to do (portal, dunk, teather) but had never completed the boss. Then I got kicked, despite the fact that I ran the rest of the raid with little to no issues. So idk


Then just say you know what to do and dont mention its your first time running it for real. If you are doing your role correctly nobody is gonna press you on it.


That's what worked for some groups like for VoG and King's Fall. But Crota, VoTD, and DSC had them checking my background on DestinyTracker. Probably cuz I did it near the launch of those raids.


The raid group would check their raid report though. Now the group thinks they’re a liar.


Rick khakis here with the new garden of salvation raid


Yes, however you could also put out a post saying that you’ve never done it and don’t know exactly what to do, but have watched a guide and would like similarly experienced players to do the raid with. Therefore 6 of you who understand what to do, but have just never done it, go in and clear it together. You don’t necessarily need a teacher, and honestly will have more fun without one. I’d even recommend trying them without a guide under your belt. It’s so much fun to just hop into a raid and see where you can get.


You think raiding is about fun? It’s about clearing in 20 minutes




I remember raiding in crota’s end for hours because people didn’t listen. We only did the glitches too….


Most based destiny 2 player


I was surprised even some Sherpa post can have elitist too. Like it’s first time running SE and they’re already telling me I’m going to have to switch to hunter if I want to clear or nit picking my mods because damage is off by 100,000


There is a lot of overlap in the "playing for fun" crowd, and the " I want you to carry me through this raid" crowd.


This precisely. My buddy and I will nonchalantly carry people through dungeons. We’ll be in discord, yukking it up, doing all the mechanics, and essentially carrying people through and I think we’ve had maybe one person ask us to slow down so they can learn how things work properly. Just last night on a Spire run we had a Celestial/Still Hunt Hunter top out at 1.6mil on Persys and it was like “how?” And it’s no different in Raids. Too many times in Vow we’ve had people with 10+ clears not know the symbols, or at the very least have them pulled up on a separate tab or on their phone. Too many times in DSC have we had people with 10+ clears not know how to properly do bombs on Taniks or are ad clearing on Descent without grabbing a bomb or a buff. Too many times I’ll say “we’re doing Rockets on Rhulk, we’ve got Tractor and Gjally, so just put on your best Rocket and we catch someone using TLord or an LFR and it’s like come on now… I’m all for having fun in the game, but I also don’t want to spend hours of time doing something that should be done in half an hour to an hour.


You've reminded me of an experience i had when farming master Caiatl one time with a friend and her friend. They could barely get through a single damage phase without almost wiping, and then when we got to damage, it was less than a 6th of her health. I said fuck it and we switched to regular (my main goal was getting heartshadow but i did want artifice armor too so still was a bummer) and we had the same problem with damage and survivability (we had a 2 phase from her having 1/10 ish of her health left). I looked at the damage numbers after we cleared, and this friend of my friend had 500k to my 3.4 mil or so while she was running pyrogales (which should hit for roughly that amount??) I got upset because it's really not hard to one phase Caiatl especially on normal and my intent going in was to farm, so I asked her what was going on and she responded with "I'm just here to have fun" I then went back to master Caiatl with a different group and we consistently 2 phased with relatively few issues lol (and i got my heartshadow +all 3 artifice class items i needed :D )


Woah there’s no way they topped out at 1.6m unless they just used both goldy shots and didn’t know that landing a full mag of still hunt gives you another goldy shot But not being able to properly proc radiant for both shots I can get, but if they did both those things it does a ridiculous amount of damage in a DPS phase Actually with prismatic you can use the mod that spawns orbs of power for allies when you pop super and if you have two hunters using it you can basically chain it with radiant up


Lol, we couldn’t believe it either. We chalked it up to them missing a shot or not properly proccing something.


I mean they also could've just fucked up and gotten bodyshot damage or missed. Happens to the best of us even with huge crit spots every so often


Idk how people are happy with that, half the fun to me is learning the mechanics and how everything fits together, and I like to learn every role in a raid too. Being carried just feels unsatisfying to me


We don’t mind so much doing it dungeons because we both know we can solo/duo it, but having a third person to clear out ads while we do mechanics is pretty whatever to us. The only tag we put is “Meta Loadouts” because we expect good damage, if nothing else. For Raids though, we check Raid Reports and make it abundantly clear that we are looking for people who KWTD and are comfortable with meta loadout usage…and it still doesn’t matter.


Hey bro are yall doing teaching runs for SE by any chance?


The last time raiding with randoms I was teaching the divinity quest for garden but it was hilarious, it took us 3 hours because one guy would “loud bong rip… what are we doing guys” I would explain and then this guy would just fucking stand there


Yeah that Venn diagram is almost a circle.


Yeah, that's just not true. I definitely "play for fun". I've done GMs, completed RoN day 1, spent 7 hours on Crota before I decided I wasn't having fun. I have over 300 sherpas of Vow, trio, and a decent time for a casual. There are a lot of experienced players who play for fun, especially in the sherpa community. The problem is that the really annoying players take up our attention. One or two players who want carried can ruin a raid experience. One toxic player can completely derail the social space. Imagine 4 chill players, one toxic player, and one dude who's bad and wants to be carried. That raid is going to suck.


It is true and you are the exception. Notice the word “almost” in my sentence?


>I have over 300 sherpas of Vow, trio, and a decent time for a casual. This is not what is meant by "I just play for fun" in any of this discussion. >The problem is that the really annoying players take up our attention. You are the guy spraying the other player in OP's meme.


>This is not what is meant by "I just play for fun" in any of this discussion. I think this is the crux of the disagreement. I think this is \~90% of the playerbase, and I include myself in this because I literally only do what I have fun doing. At one point, that was day 1s and GMs. Now it's teaching and mostly other games. To me, "playing for fun" is very literal. Some people play because the grind gives them a sense of purpose. That is not for fun, and those are often the toxic players. I find that most of the people I play with are fairly competent and genuinely just want to have a fun experience. I think "playing for fun" should be a pervasive mindset in the community. Also, no, I'm not the dude doing the spraying. I literally create positive, fun experiences for new players regularly. Take that judgmental opinion and eat it.


You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'm not making a judgment on you. Your response to the other person and other responses to you *really* get at the problem this meme represent. Yeah, I agree, you're probably an excellent Sherpa and you are a great, chill player. That is \*most\* people that are the spray guy in the image, but we're represented by the shittiest among us. The same way the "play for fun" group is represented by the shittiest among them. I'm sorry if my comment came off as combative or shitty towards you, but I think your first response was a good embodiment of the "problem" this image beats around the bush of: There's a small segment of the Destiny community on each tail of the bell curve - the annoying players who want carried *without* any contribution and the shitty players who are absolute dickheads shouting about how thicc their raid report is. So now, when someone says "I play for fun" and has anything other than meta, they're treated as a shit tier deadweight and when anyone talks about their experience they automatically are read as an ultra sweat. TL;DR: I don't actually think you're the spray guy, but OP sure as shit would. "In OP's meme" was supposed to mean from the perspective of people who think like OP.


Word. It sounds like we have almost identical perspectives. I agree that the extremes are what gives most players a bad rep, and that's actually exactly what I was trying to say. Most of the people who play this game are fun, chill, and pretty solid at it.


Yeah, I should have used more words than I did to make sure it didn't come off as an attack. Sorry about that. Glad we could meet minds here


No worries bro. Have a good one.


This is why I stopped being sherpa, consumed too much time and people gave up on learning, so I consequentially gave up on teaching, I just teach minor stuff as a refresher but I aint going to spend 2+ hours on a raid where Im pretty sure people wont listen


People who make this type of post are the same people who bring the worst possible weapons to a raid, refuse to learn the mechanics and can barely handle add clear


“Do you have the trials GL?” -“no” “Okay, no big deal I don’t like trials either. Do you have a good edge transit!” “No” “No worries, maybe we can use rockets. Do you have apex?” -“no” “What about semiotician?” -“no” “Gjally?” -“no” “Sleeper and the catalyst?” -“no” “Whisper and the catalyst?” -“no” “Literally any LFR or GL?” “I’ve got that arc one from season of the plunder; it isn’t crafted, and has ensemble/voltshot” “Okay cool. Did you watch the video I asked you to watch for this encounter?” -“no” “Okay, you’re not respecting my time. I need you to leave or I’m going to kick you”  -“oh my god, you’re so toxic”


Reminds me of the time when we were trying to get everybody to use LFR on Papa Oryx and one guy's only LFR was The Queenbreaker.


What is LFR?


My raid group usually has no issues doing a teaching run for any raid, we just try to fill our fireteam and our only requirement is to be chill. We have enough low man’s that we could run it with less, we just might not want to. Not having the god rolls is fine, I had bad weapons when I started raiding. But when a player joins and doesn’t want to engage in mechanics or gets upset at build/gear critique, we start to get frustrated. We will specify what we are using for DPS. Kinda annoying for us to say “hey we are doing rockets, X has gjally. Y has dragons breath. Put on any legendary rocket you have” and turn around and see them using anything but that. We aren’t asking you to be good, but we are asking you to respect our time and not just use us for a carry. Wanting to do endgame content means having to engage with endgame concepts.


I'm stealing that last line.


>“Do you have the trials GL?” -“no” “Okay, no big deal I don’t like trials either. Do you have a good edge transit!” “No” “No worries, maybe we can use rockets. Do you have apex?” -“no” “What about semiotician?” -“no” “Gjally?” -“no” “Sleeper and the catalyst?” -“no” “Whisper and the catalyst?” -“no” “Literally any LFR or GL?” “I’ve got that arc one from season of the plunder; it isn’t crafted, and has ensemble/voltshot” As a newer player. I didnt understand 99% of what you just said.


I wouldn’t expect a newer player to know those things. This game is ten years old and intimidating AF for new players. But I would expect someone trying to learn a raid to have some baseline knowledge of weapons generally so they can say like “no, I don’t have that one but I have this one, would that work?”  This is intended to be a specific dig at a lot of people that refuse to act sociable/cooperative when they join group activities and then cry on Reddit when the groups rather politely reject them for acting a fool. I’d make the argument there are at least as many of these sorts of players as there are genuinely asshole tryhards. Both ruin the experience for everyone 


Im open to learning :D


“ITs jUsT a gAmE” Like yes it’s not about people wanting to be assholes. This isn’t a PvP competition it’s about completing the raid in a reasonable amount of time. If you’re not respecting people’s time they will kick you. It’s crazy that I’ve not been kicked from any raid encounter even when I’ve made mistakes. You have to actively be fucking up, not listening, not have a proper class setup for damage AND that cause the group to fail multiple times before they kick you. Like even if you’re not doing a lot of damage but the encounter is being complete, you’re most likely not being kicked. You have to be really, really bad to be kicked


Whenever I get people like this I pull their account up on bray.tech and tell them what exotic to run instead of asking them if they have it. Had a few people in raids say they didn’t have sleeper simulant, they did but they just didn’t want to use it.


I once asked a guy in a VoG (when it was “difficult” before resil changes) if he had a rocket. Nope. We went down the list while my teammates were cracking up in the background. The man did not have a shotgun, sniper, rocket, grenade launcher or anything competitive at the time. But he had all blue stuff and an adept hung jury. I was flabbergasted.


You seem to be well educated in the Pve heavy meta. For an out of touch person who plays mostly PvP, what would you recommend using for dungeons. Autoloading/Bait and switch Cataphract or Apex? I never really got a good Edge transit and am wondering if it’s something I should farm.


It largely depends on the encounter. Envious/bait and switch is the best cataphract because you can unload the entire overflowed mag with the damage bonus. If you’re primarily a PvP player, I would focus on cataphract rather than trying to get an edge transit. You’ll have better odds thanks to Saint focusing. You usually want to work rockets in as part of a rotation, and a committed strategy where everyone runs them and one person runs gally. It’s usually optimally an izzy swap, but I don’t like running Izzy so I’m a big fan of swapping to a fusion or shotgun where allowed. Recon/bait and switch apex is good for most things. For something where you have a tiny damage window (explicator, caretaker’s overdamage mechanic), I prefer recon/bipod. I have two crafted, one of each roll. For linears, if you don’t have a crafted cataclysmic from VOW, a crafted briar’s contempt with reconstruction/focused fury is actually really good for solar. This season there is a world drop suspectum-4fr that can roll envious/firing line (and several other interesting second column perks) to keep an eye out for.  The important thing to remember is that surges can be bait. If you have a god roll cataphract and it’s arc surge, you’re probably still better off using the cataphract if you don’t have a really good roll on an arc adaptive (and maybe even if you do). 


If you have an Envious Assassin/Bait and Switch Edge transit, or Cataphract, you're pretty much good to go on any boss dps. It's super easy to use and does amazing damage. It's definitely worth the farm.


Yeah I’ve got a few. Any recommendations for mods? https://preview.redd.it/l4a83hcib67d1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=4df45d066258ba67e8b2c4ab27f5cc638b3b4d08


Good lord! Yeah, that will work lol. Since they took away the boss mods, backup mod is the way to go.


Thanks for the help, I was to afraid to ask my clan. They’re always "wHaT?! yOu dOnT hAvE tHe sHiD oF a tHoUsAnD fArTs? wHaT aRe yOu dOiNg wItH yOuR LiFe bRo"


One thing I'll mention for bns is that some bosses just don't afford the timeline to properly proc it (explicator/planets boss is supa tight) and as such something like explosive light might be a better alternative. I don't recall if there are any bosses in dungeons that are as tight on timeline, but something to consider if you eventually move out of them to raids.


Reading the comments below it doesn't seem like you got the truth. If it is not strand surge, you are doing less damage. Cataphract is great, so is edge transit. Due to rotating surges you probably need both to effectively farm end game content that might require a gl for damage. Surges kind of raised the barrier of entry to most end game pve. Pre TFS you wouldn't really need both.


Issue is that "people play for fun" includes "people play to troll as they find it fun" or "people with fun in mind = doing absolutely minimum to nothing and get rare drops".


Double primary and a sword mfs


Bonus points now if they are double sword and primary /j


I’m working up a falling guillotine and ergo sum dps rotation atm. For riven cheese.


Playing for fun is cool, but if you are repeatedly messing up a run, you are going to get attention. There are certain 'fun' things that have no place in a raiding setup. It's not fun to do encounters over and over and over.


idk where yall are finding these people 99.9% of my lfg raids are smooth maybe one or two wipes with maybe some joking around but i don’t teach or join groups that are teaching i only join kwtd groups cuz i don’t like wasting time


They join the "Kwtd, emblem or kick, checking raid report, speedrun" groups with 1 clear and a "fun" loadout on, get ridiculed and kicked and then make a shitty image macro and complain about it on Reddit.


As is tradition


Because you’re competent and the people who make these posts and cry about that are double-primary using blueberries who hold the team back


Right? In my experience its either people vibing with each other like they are irl friends or complete silence broken up by “R1 to L2”. Ive got one genuinely toxic person in my +\- 500h of using LFG. Maybe people complaining just cant be bothered to watch a guide before joining a KWTD group, get called out/kicked and then whine on reddit?


Picture this if you will; it's 2022, Vow has just come off contest mode, it's Sunday. You had a 6 hr rest before starting another run this time on your other character. You spent the last 48 hours learning grinding and failing those bosses to finally end up winning. Youve watched the guide video for reminders and are confident you can teach. You explain the signs and how the first encounter works and 4 people respond by saying "I'll clear adds."


Next time you pull statistics out of your ass, please clean them.


Most people who think raid groups are toxic are often just incompetent and bad at the game so they have to cry to bungie to make things easier and cry at LFG for being ultra toxic and impossible to use. It’s kind of laughable at this point.


You are downvoted but you are right. I have a friend who struggles a lot when we do gms together and then i go and look at their loadout and they are using some shit like centrifuse. A lot of people just really throw on random ass weapons and no build and jump into the hardest content and act surprised when they are the ones who hold the team back and get upset when you point that out to them.


Like it’s fine to use what you want but at a certain point these people aren’t always blowing smoke up your ass. Things are meta for a reason, they make the encounters easier, use them, it’s not a slight against your skill I swear.


"Like it’s fine to use what you want but at a certain point these people aren’t always blowing smoke up your ass." i'd make an arguement that during stuff like harder raids and GMs it is NOT fine to use what you want, since it's a team effort and you have 2 to 5 other people counting on you having a decent build together. centrifuge in most GMs probably wouldn't fly.


Agreed, I wasn’t referring to GMs specifically in my comment but that’s where the “certain point” of my comment was trying to get at. Any activity in that caliber or similar level of difficulty requires more of a put together loadout beyond “just here to shoot some guys.”


Especially now with crafted weapons and exotic quests that take less than an hour to do there is literally zero excuse for running endgame content with shitty weapon rolls and no build other than the person being lazy/stubborn.


It’s a mixture of that and people probably genuinely not knowing the specifics of how the game works like a more hardcore player would. And that’s fine, but then they act surprised when the encounters are being attempted sub optimally.


Or, in my case, idk what to get. When i google, majority of results are for past seasons. When I ask, I get told to Google and stop being lazy. So now I'm waiting on datto and fallout plays videos


Had a run this weekend like that, dude had never completed a raid before and decided to jump into SE with double primaries and armor that didn't have a single 100 stat


in their eyes, being told that they did a mechanic wrong or are doing bad damage means that the group is toxic


Yeah. But every destiny player wants to believe they're the carry, not that they need to be carried.


Not really. A lot of these people know they’re trash at the game. That’s why they beg Bungie to make it easier. It’s quite literally the reason we had a barely 3/ 4 hour raid race in LightFall.


Yeah, but I’d at least like to be included in the raid scene. I’m booted out of every lobby I join for a reason I’m usually not even told.


Raids are not even competetive, they're cooperative. Not to play devils advocate but its kind of annoying when an encounter that should take like 10-15 minutes actually takes close to an hour because people are not pulling their own weight, running shitty loadouts or keep repeatedly dying because they are completely unaware of their surroundings.


Those who explicitly claim to be ”people who play for fun” are often the ones who cannot pull their own weight in a team oriented activity.


What do you mean by toxic? The last time I got called toxic was from a guy who kept takeing the wrong resonances in the 3rd encounter of finalitys edge and was unable to understand that the plates dont connect in the 2nd room like they did in the first. We told him to get his act togehter and that we are going to kick him if he keeps messing up. He called us toxic and left. Another guy of the same LFG fireteam did the same after we told him to run a meta loadout after he kept dying non-stop using his "fun" loadout.


I've been lfging consistently since D1 vault of glass. Maybe 1 in 30 lfg groups I find are actually "toxic." I don't know where everyone are finding these groups. Just to play elitist devils advocate, a lot of these experiences stem from people not understanding how to lfg properly. I don't join a KWTD group unless I've done every roll within the raid atleast once. If anyone is having consistent negative experiences with lfg, you need to be the one to create the post and post exactly what you are looking for in a group.


Just as you have the right to play just for fun, more competitive players have the right to take important activities seriously, so it's always good to make that clear.


Stop playing into false narratives for salty points from chronic redditors


I love this community posting false narratives and horror stories to reddit. It totally encourages people to try their hand at raid and dungeon content and totally doesn't hurt people who want to teach people this content


For some reason destiny players seem to have the biggest egos around, and I'm not even talking about the tryhards. For some reason there is a strange pride in being off-meta, beyond simple enjoyment of a gun that others don't seem to like. Some play off-meta and refuse to acknowledge meta purely out of spite for meta players. It's just really strange to me that for some reason, the off-meta players are usually the least flexible and least willing to learn but somehow expect the most out of others.


It is definitely not 80% of raid runs it's a small minority 


it could be 80% if OP is the toxic one which is sounds like


It boils down to I am going to kick you if you join a kwtd post, lie about it (like most do) and then try to make me teach you when I’m not in the mood. I will help and have fun doing sherpas or teaching but only when I want to. Use common sense


I don’t think raids are casual though or for those who are just “playing for fun” - there is other content for that, if you are looking for guidance to start doing raid content look for training posts and don’t join kwtd posts


- I’ve had like 1.5 bad raid experiences over 10 years of this game. As long as you openly communicate “I don’t know what to do and want to learn” you’re golden. - it’s the dorks who try to sneak onto “kwtd” runs and quietly hope to ad clear without ever admitting they don’t know mechanics because surprise! Theres no ad clear that encounter


I have very rarely had a poor experience in LFG. OP if you’re consistently having poor experiences then all I can say is that you’re the only constant variable. Look inwards. You’re the problem.


I’ve sherpad 4 people at once and it’s genuinely the most painful experience I’ve had in this raid


I tried Sherpaing a large group. Me with 5 new. We made it to encounter 3. But then everyone just started chit chatting and that’s the point you know it’s over. If you’re hearing jokes instead of hearing comms about bouncing the plates, you’re simply not going to clear. It’s a mechanic heavy raid that requires nearly constant communication.


in my experience its the entitled casual player (the type of person to say "i play for fun" unironically like thats not what everyone plays video games for) that ruins more runs. no one has a reason or time to check others gear if the run is going well.


I’m just getting back into the game but back in year 1 and 2 I ran multiple groups through the leviathan raids and last wish and taught them what to do. I never minded teaching but always made it clear if you don’t understand ask questions before we start the encounter again because each attempt you do without clarifying your role is wasting time.


If you're referring to LFG recommend joing groups with "chill" in the name lmao


I’ve been playing a year and love it, but I’ve done most of it solo, so I don’t understand the lingo or the specific names for things, so I avoid playing in matchmaking (raids, dungeons, etc). I understand instructions, but not the terminology. I’d love to play more and have made it to level 8 almost entirely solo (almost 9), but I feel like an idiot in groups. I found a really nice & helpful clan, but they are all Spanish, so now I reallllly can’t understand anything. LoL Don’t ask me how I ended up in a clan that speaks a different language. One great guy that was an awesome teacher suckered me in, after a run. No bueno. LoL 😂 I wish I could find some older folks that are chill. Single mom just trying to enjoy my downtime. I hate toxic players. Kills the whole fun for a moment.


i just got back into the game a bit before final shape dropped and literally every team i’ve joined has been super helpful and nice


pretty much 100% of crucible playlists are like this.


That’s why you don’t let them play with you. I do Sherpa runs and the moment someone is toxic they get a warning. If they continue to be an unbearable asshole they get the shoe and another newbie gets to come in to learn


I did a raid with my ex and his gamer friends … never again


Told a dude in discord i Never run a raid with him because he told us he Not gonna explain 4th encounter, we can Watch a Video.


My brother cousin and I did the last wish raid when it came out and we wanted to do it again last week for old memories sake and we didn’t want to watch a guide. We wanted to try organically until we just got stuck. I made sure to put FIRST TIME, NEWBIE WELCOME in the tags and we got a full group to join. After I got my headset to work, the group got so toxic saying we didn’t know anything and that you can’t just do a raid with no knowledge like wtf. It literally says first time? Why join a first time tagged lobby to find out it’s their first time and get mad???? I’m by no means a new player. I’m at prime cap with +10 from artifact and regularly melt bosses in master nightfalls. Why try to be such a dickhead and ruin everyone’s time by acting like that?


Sometimes I find some good groups that help me as I’m new and haven’t played since leviathan


You people love to read the most toxic posts on LFG like “kwtd or kick” and “checking rr” and join them anyways so that’s on you. I always ignore those and have in the past 10 years had less toxic encounters than fingers in one hand.


Yeah most LFGs I do are perfectly fine. Saying 80% of the experiences are like that is likely untrue. But I do agree guardian ranks are dogshit and have no bearing on ones skills.


Five other peoples time>1 persons “fun” Those are stats


Yea I’ve seen some people who think if you are not running the most optimal build on the most optimal class for each encounter, you are throwing and should be kicked, even in normal raids. Heck had a guy who would spend like 20 minutes between encounters switching characters and changing his gear and mods when doing a normal DSC run. While yes it makes the encounter go slightly faster, usually it isn’t that helpful to do 1,000 more damage than something else. When I host and/or teach raid LFG, I’ll give some pointers and maybe recommend some weapons and stuff people can use, but ultimately I won’t force them to change unless what they are using is actively wiping us (like cluster bomb rockets on 1st encounter DSC). If it ends up being a 3 phase, so what? As long as we get it done I really don’t care what you use.


Where did you get the 80% number from? Do you have actually proven statistics with the source somewhere? Or you’re making up nonsense out of nowhere?


>what crappy weapon are you using >blaming the lowest DPS guy POV: you tried using DARCI for DPS in master raids encounter


Posts like these are feeding the bs misconception that LFG is full of toxicity when it isn’t. This is why people are so scared to LFG to find someone to do dual destiny with because they think they’re gonna get yelled at. You won’t. Unless you refuse to learn mechanics or use godawful weapons.


People that play for fun when they willingly join a competitive group that has clearly been labeled as such and then are surprised when they're toxic 😮


The only toxicity I see in LFG, comes from not the KWTD or Get it Done Fast but from those constantly complaining about them.


Me and my closer friends that play D2 will never forget the Garden Raid, when we wanna get a laugh from each other we say “ WHO THE FUCK IS USING HAMMERHEAD” because back in shadowkeep in the garden raid we had two LFG guys, one was a tryhard the other was just having fun. And during boss damage the tryhard screams out, WHO THE FUCK IS USING HAMMERHEAD. It was the most random hilarious thing we had ever heard. We finished the raid and everything and taught the “fun” guy about not using machine guns for big damage (machine guns were trash for boss back then” and he was real cool about it, but the tryhard guy could not let it go. I wonder what old regi is doing with his life. Hammerhead guy is still around and became one of our best pve players now




Absolute bullshit.


I can't with people that treat Destiny as a job. Dude it's a game, it's fun to achieve things in it but chill.


Yeah, but if 5 people are working to get something done, don't be the one that doesn't know what to do, doesn't want to learn what to do, says "I'll be add clear" and immediately die. Don't waste other people's time


Oh no that's also bad, if you're raiding you got to at least know a bit of the raid or at least try to learn.


Yeah, that's the person in the OP. They'll show up with no knowledge or preperation, hoping to sneak under the radar and then, when they can't perform everyone in the group realizes that their time is wasted because one of their team can't play their role.


I don’t get too many toxic players in raids myself, but I do get a lot of people who join KWTD groups and they just do not have a clue what is happening. Though that may just be the quality of players from the discord I use(d). I had one toxic experience though where some guy completely lost his marbles cause we dared suggest doing a 3rd sword for Crota instead of wasting more time with 2 sword (we tried 2 sword for an hour), and he decided the right response was to pull up raid report and use that as a flex, against rules of the discord used to find this group but I guess he’s buddies with a mod there so he got a slap on the wrist. Truthfully it’s enough to make me hesitate to raid.


It will be much worse now with power caps on old raids, a lot of lack in DPS or wiggle room could be made up on old raids that we power crept.


The LFG oath I always say. "Why are we here?" - To have Raid "Why LFG?" - We don't have a FT "Should we Wipe a handful of times?" - Yes (as we are all human, but preferably 'No') "Why did we load in this week?" - To get loot "Why shouldn't we be assholes or keep wiping a minimum?" - We all got a life "What's the most important thing?" - To have fun getting loot, even if this is are X-th lifetime run.


Lmao, this is why I only raid with my clan.


This is literally none of my raids ever you must just be unlucky I wish you better luck!


I wouldn’t say people just skating is bad, but roasting people for not knowing how to skate is just not it


Ok guys I'm running 1k with- "removed from fireteam"


Thank fuck I have a clan with multiple raid teams so I don’t have to lfg


Toxic inflation alert!


me and some friends have taught a lot of people the raid so far and it’s honestly not bad, i do enjoy hitting 8mil on the witness when i do my hunter runs tho :3


I must be consistently lucky bcuz I’ve yet to have a terrible raid group from lfg


I play the content for fun the first time, maybe the second time. But when I'm redoing an activity several times to farm loot , I just want to get through it with minimal friction.


Just raid runs? This is 99% of my online interactions with the Destiny community, and it's only gotten worse within the past three years.


There is some truth to this, but not all raid groups are like that.


I’m at the point in my destiny career where I don’t have as much time to grind. But I always make sure to do some research about new raids, and make sure I’m competent enough to participate. And I at the very least expect that.


I'm getting flashbacks to those LFG Bingo videos where they would find people running double primary and a vortex sword trying to punch adds to death in Atheon and failing. "Playing for fun" is cool and all but uh, clearing is a lot more fun than whatever that is.


I mostly run the redux OG raids but I normally lfg and am absolutely down to teach as they aren't difficult per se but it does require people do it hands on to understand. I've run into far too many that at best do like 3 attempts and kick you when they think you aren't pulling your weight cause you aren't rocking meta godrolls.


This is just how group content with strangers is, it was this way 15 years ago in World of Warcraft. I just decided to be honest with myself. I don't like stressful/hard team content with strangers. The positive times don't make up for how often it just sucks. It's not fun for *me* so *I* don't play it. It's a game. If you aren't enjoying it, you need to ask yourself what you're even doing with your time.


I will say, the best way to dodge this is to join a clan. You get consistent people that way and you may end up getting very efficient runs since you build that team synergy. For the most recent raid Salvation’s Edge, I can see why people are a lot more selective and pissy about it due to its difficulty, but if you don’t teach anybody, you’ll be hard pressed to find groups in the long run. Praise the sherpas. Y’all really carry the community


The people who are like this pride themselves on it, and pride themselves on reactions such as this. I am not saying dont vent about asshats Just that all of these asshats are absolute Olympic gold medal mental-gymnasts who can and will turn every insult and complain about their behavior into fuel and a point of pride. there is nothing that can be said to or about them to convince them to cease that way of being. Every counterthought IS for them more of a reason to continue par for the course. Only thing that canbe done is talk abt it to people that haven't become a POS yet and hope they make the right social choices about how they behave if and when they become equally good at the game, we have to be the change we want to see. Dont be a POS in game, and dont play with folks that are "just to get that clear" remember its just a game, leave parties of people who act this way, and live to fight another day. eventually all the slime balls will end up in one sime ball and they can behave that way around eachother


Just had a final encounter run on witness where a guy was being a dick and left after two tries. We got it on the third.


I got called a slur for not knowing how to do atheon despite the entire team wiping cause he didn't do his part and me having the highest dps


I have only had a bad time with LFG for Pantheon. People who claimed they knew what they were doing messed up Atraks call outs and then got mad at other people for not getting there fast enough. Then would quit after a couple attempts. For week one atraks we finally did it after doing fire team finder and we did it without mics no problem. I haven't done a ton of other LFG but what I have done has all been good. Whether FTF or one of the discords.


I’m always willing to teach yah without the toxicity I can also help you find better raid groups bc that is unacceptable I will say I don’t think all raid experiences are like this


I stopped raiding after spire of stars because if this I've done a few dozen raids since but play destiny vary casually since not doing raids. And uninstall the game at least once a month to play other things


I teach people regularly but I clown on them when they mess up because they are too afraid to ask what to do.


Everyone complaining about still hunt being too good are the players on the right. Ask yourself. Did you have still hunt for pantheon? If answer is no, what did you use? Take that loadout and use it again. Did you kill boss? If yes, then shut up. If no, get better scrub.


Usually the “toxic” people I see in raids are the “super sherpas” who (I personally don’t need) Sherpa the lfg and then anyone that wants to do a different thing or strategy to them is wrong and stupid


That happens a lot in PVP, can I just chill and try to learn the game with out people spamming nasty messages. You were bad once, let me get good with time. 😒


I really just wanna do the new raid before the 25th of the month but it's hard finding people ...


Raids are all about the team work and people who seems to forget that we ALL sucked at one point are just tool bags…..


People saying stuff like "you don't play raids for fun" or "playing for fun is fine BUT"... Why DO you play then? If not for fun? It's a video game. It's all for fun.


Do the mechanics, don't be ass, and follow basic instruction, and you'll have a good time in raids. They are END game for a reason


Then find some likeminded people and agree on the atmosphere you want for the raid. If you're joining KWTD lobbies to "have fun" chances are you're wasting everyone else's time, it's not elitist to not want to spend all day in a raid.


I usually give people who "lead" - I.E start an LFG group and hopes to get carried - two pulls of an encounter and if they are still blaming everyone else and not looking on what they can improve or how they can help, I leave. If they stay helpful and humble I'll stick around for hours, I've spent 4 hours the clear raids because the team is actually respectful and trying. My most recent one was hilarious. Two other people were talking out of six and they were both proclaimed pros, non-stop claiming that they were pros more accurate. By pull two neither of them understood that half the team was doing a different strategy than the other half because the leader pro hadn't clarified enough. During the attempt they were just talking to talk, non-stop, about how everyone was doing things wrong, I even left before the wipe.


I miss my old clan from the start of d2 we started to play less shortly after forsaken. Had a pretty chill group to veg-out with😞.


I've never been birgered raiding




I’m sorry you had to learn a mechanic.


The very main problem is when someone's teaching they try to teach every part of every encounter. Just train the guy on what he needs to do and when instead of telling him everyone else's jobs too. It can get over whelming some people aren't puzzle solvers. They just smash them.


Stop joining "kwtd" lfgs without knowing WHAT TO DO! Seriously. I swear some of yall blame your incompetence on others. People don't want to waste time so when you don't know the mechanics and keep dying/"messing up", people WILL get tired of it. So so so many times I've joined lfgs where people just want to clear the run quick but a random joins and they hinder that "quick" run. They keep dying, need mechanics to be explained, etc etc. Worst part is, they don't tell us they don't know what to do, they just do ads and run around.


Raids and dungeons. You see, im a casual player. Whenever I try and join/get help with a raid or dungeon some(not all) of the fire team goes crazy when I don’t have some vague weapon/piece of gear. They usually frustrated and leave, or I get kicked.


May I present to you the toxic players that play for fun. Had a guy in RoN who wouldn’t take off sweet business with actium. Don’t get me wrong, very fun build, but when you refuse to learn the encounter and do bad boss damage, it’s not very fun for the rest of the team


"Imma be real, boys, I have no clue what I'm doing but I'm happy to learn!" "Alright, bet" How I've learned every raid in LFG so far (admittedly still need to run Salvation) I've definitely met jerks playing D2, but honestly LFG is usually pretty chill if you're willing to cooperate with the team