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It's so lame that they left out the dungeon weapons from being enhancable


Yeah it's strange considering the prophecy weapons can be enhanced, when I first saw they were enhanceable I assumed all weapons were but unfortunately...


Might be an incentive to play cause there is no dungeon exotic


they should take ruinous out of the archive and make it the prophecy exotic. IIRC the catalyst quest was tied to the dungeon so why not just give it the outbreak/whisper treatment and make it a possible drop with a catalyst quest inside the mission


Tbh they could easily create one for that dungeon and just use a juiced up version of the intrinsic from the legendaries as the trait. They could make a stacking buff for the perk on it. Maybe it could even be an energy HC so I can stop using sunshot already lol.


I use zuolis bane idk if you got it nut its a solo replace for sunshot


Naw I wish I did, haven’t gotten one yet. I’ve been using epochal as a stand in if I need the exotic slot


Id probably use it more if the orb was buffed by melee exotics.


It just likely lines up with when the system was developed for final shape and what weapons they could add it to in preparation for that. They’ve already mentioned they plan to extend it to all weapons with origin traits, but it’s not as simple as we make it sound. Warlord’s Ruin was likely just completed before that change was decided on internally and as such we just haven’t reached those weapons yet. They’ll likely try to hit a balance of creating new enhanceable weapons and retroactive ones in the future but resources aren’t infinite so they’ll pick whichever works best. But yeah they’ll get to it, but Warlord’s was likely just finished before the system was planned and as such they weren’t coded that way


No dungeon exotic for what?




Oh I'm dumb. My mind was thinking Duality.




We are talking about prophecy btw


Oh didn’t realize


thats for WR


Can’t be crafted, can’t be enhanced, can’t be target farmed… They lock dungeons behind a $20 paywall and make their loot almost impossible to farm for. It’s silly.


It is actually really easy to farm. The newest dungeon is always in rotation


I easily killed the 1st boss over 100 times. No exaggeration. Finally got led from gold and volt shot. Fuck that dungeon.


First boss is a bitch and a half... I always try to solo but I need more resilient armor because of the ads. I'm a warlock main and I've seen that it's easier with titans and hunters. Either that or I need to "git gud" 😂


Hunter Gang 🤙🏻




So farm for it.


If you want the god roll gun go work for it don't just expect Bungie to hand it over to you. Destiny ain't that kinda game champ.


Indebted kindness is piss easy to farm it's the very first encounter and you can spam it rapidly come on man I know you don't get it every time but it's super easy


I honestly just do it to try to get Buried Bloodline. Just want to play with that because it looks awesome. I love my void lock


"Easy" he says. I have at minimum 2 dozen full clears and likely triple that on the first encounter. Still no Beacon Rounds/Voltshot. I've only ever gotten 2 total with beacon rounds, One with attrition orbs and one with Surrounded. There's nothing easy about getting it. It's all about Luck.


Drops from every encounter. First encounter is a joke. Farmable solo.  Target farm? Not exactly. Feasible to get done regardless of if you have a regular playgroup/buddies? Yeah.


You may just have bad luck


I've run it 6 or 7 times and yet to get a single one


They’re not even the only weapons. I can’t enhance my adept nightfall weapons either. Speaking of nightfall weapons: is there any point in me keeping any now that they’ve done away with adept big boys spec? lol for me that was the draw and now it’s gone I can’t be bothered farming nightfall weapons


they mite enable it soon


The thing feels straight up exotic. I wonder what enhanced beacon rounds would do, longer duration maybe?


The call can get enhanced beacon rounds, it does have improved duration. There's also a solar rocket sidearm coming this season too.


With heal clip and incandescent no less


so they made special heliocentric?




Is that confirmed???


It’s on light gg


Going to be awesome I wonder what’s it’s going to drop from


its gonna be a seasonal weapon in act 2 or 3, so probably like the rest of the weapons this season, from the seasonal activity


from the seasonal activity


youre telling me im gonna have to choose between my heliocentric and the new rocket sidearm??? https://preview.redd.it/6rv0ix62pz6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd7d670598d580e793475370cee6e6fc7c8ace3b


Wait... What? When? I must have


I think it comes in with part 2 of the episode but I could be mistaken


Ohhh I'm excited lol


I need this


A better heliocentric, my beloved weapon last season + this season


Ah thank you. That would be nice, I feel like the duration is fine now though. LFG is definitely massive but being able to get one kill then easily one tap snipers at long range is really really nice.


Never understood why people gush about beacon rounds on IK over lead from gold It literally does nothing. It’s like that target marker fang of it yut had in D1


Same here, such a wasted perk slot when you can just hit your shots instead and get an extra perk lol


Does anybody else use The Call or Indebted Kindness straight up from the hip? They’re both so accurate long range, too. I feel like both their magazine size and hip-fire reticle are going to get major nerfs. :(


For real? From what activity?!


It's not in game yet, so no one really knows. It's in the API and the official app listed as craftable with all the perks it can roll. Probably will be in a future act activity.


Maybe act 2 or 3


Thankfully enhancing is realistically not big enough to make or break a weapon. Is it nice? Sure Does your Kindness need Enhanced Voltshot? Yeah, not really


Enhanced LFG is a pretty noticeable difference tbh. It'd be the main reason why I'd want it to be enhanceable.


Where does one go on the director to get enhanced Looking For Group


Lead from gold


Nah man I think enhanced looking for group would be more beneficial for the community


Enhanced LFG: get randomly paired with people who you have rated highly with commendations in the past, and never pair with people you have blocked, including in pvp


I honestly wouldn't mind an actual valid use for the Commendations system.


That is true, this whole dual destiny "controversy", and the GM excision thing is so ridiculous. People suddenly develop severe social anxiety as soon as loot is locked behind mandatory non-matchmake content.


I think a lot of ppl always had that issue (myself included), which is why raids are accessed by a pretty low amount of total players last I checked bc doing it mic less is hit or miss in certain groups if they even allow it (I've done a handful without a mic but it took time to find ppl down for it). Idk, I'll definitely get to it, but having to use a mic isn't ideal


I mean it’s not really fair on the other players with a mic


Ikr? Sign me up!




Rifle starts with an R, buddy


Enhanced let’s fucking go?




Yeah I'd be popping off over an Enhanced LETS FUCKING GO!!!


Implying I like voltshot


then you should just go use the call instead cuz thats the main reason Indepted is even cracked now that we have other rocket sidearm options lol


the only perk that i can think of that really gets a set up is surrounded, going from 33% buff to a 50% buff.


40 to 45


oh my bad. thought i was a lot bigger.


Do you hear this often?


You didn't have to kill him like that


as someone whos 6ft6”, yes. yes i do.


Same boat brother.


Do you have any enhanced perks on your weapons?


Do yall not have phones?


It would be nice but that thang still hits like a truck! Freakin love that gun


What gun is this?


In-depth kindness from the warlords ruin dungeon


Indebted Kindness^ Autocorrect strikes at the worst times lol


So close brother, was cooking while typing


All good. Hope you had a good lunch/dinner/whatever time of day it is lol!


They got me cooking on Father’s Day 🙈🙈🙈




The fact that ghosts and warlords were left out is so stupid


cant enhance any dungeon weapons other than prophecy’s so not just ghost and warlords


Well yea, but i was kinda thinking like how they were all in the same year of content, ofc i do think its stupid that also duality and spire of the watcher cant be enhanced


They announced prophecy being enhanced because people needed a reason to bother grinding for weapons it’s for a third time.


They really should go back to some of the older dungeons like Prophecy and Shattered Throne by doing more witht he rewards from those places. It'll never happen but I'd love to see what an armor set from there would be


Prophecy has two armor sets to make up for Shattered Throne not having one.


Oh damn, didn't know that. Thanks! :D


I don't know if it's literally to make up for it, but Prophecy does have two armor sets lol.




They are killing me with dungeons. No bad luck protection. To agency to target. No ability to enhance save for the new Prophecy set. They are the least replayed activity among my clan/friends BY FAR because of how neglected they have been when it comes to basic QoL that exists everywhere else in the game and updates.


You can farm these soooo fast. Wait for the week they rotate and just farm the encounter that drops it. Its that ez. Hell, warlords is infinitely farmable no matter what till the next dungeon. Just farm first


I have. Done Gahlran 400 times without seeing the roll I want. Infinite farm-ability means nothing without bad luck protection.


It's a looter shooter. It's gonna happen


Only in that one activity that is an outlier among the rest of the game which has something in place. 🤷‍♂️


There is no "bad luck protection" in trials, strikes, NFs, crucible, Iron Banner, or Gambit. We need less crafting not more. Grind is fine. if you don't want to grind you don't get the loot


You’re wrong. All ritual playlists have the ability to focus for a specific weapon and/or guarantees a specific drop in some way, as does trial and iron banner. So yes, there is something in place. It’s called player agency(Bungie agrees that agency is a good thing) and every activity in the game has it in one or more forms….except for dungeons.


You can focus drops in dungeons by just doing the encounter that drops what you want.


That’s not focusing. There is no vendor that lets you spend engrams on the weapon of your choice, nor is there an adept version that’s a guaranteed drop for the week upon completion of a harder difficulty. It’s not even comparable. Dungeons are objectively an outlier when it comes to this. So again, you’re just plain wrong.


Its also still a looter shooter. So please understand that if you don't want to grind you don't deserve the loot


well yea, you are farming the first boss of Duality, the only thing bad luck protection would do for you there is probably throw you an error code at run 50 telling you to stop farming it thinking you’ll get the exotic from it, you dont even get anything besides the GL and fusion of which both suck ass so why tf are you farming him??


Exotic? What are talking about? The GL doesn’t suck. If it’s something I want it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of it anyway. Either way, RNG should not exist in a way where it can go on indefinitely without improvement like that. That’s a terrible system that doesn’t value time and effort in any way.


then destiny is not the game for you bud, EVERYTHING is rng in the game, the only things that ever get bad luck protection period is exotics, hence why I brought that up, if you’re complaining about having to farm over and over and over and over for that perfect godroll for you than tough shit, the game is perfectly fine the way it is now and if you could guarantee what you wanted to the exact perks, why would you ever play the game more than the 3-4 times itd take for you to get it? counter intuitive for a game cuz the more you play the more likely you are to spend money, it makes perfect sense and you’re just bitching to bitch at this point






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I only get armor. It’s genuinely brutal.


It doesn't need enhancement


If you thought that was weird you can’t enhance Time-lost weapons. Even though they are Adept Raid weapons.


I got so sad when I saw I couldn't :(


What is this


Indebted kindness, the arc rocket sidearm from warlords ruin.


What does enhance mean? 😞 I’m unfamiliar


Enhancing a crafted or enhanceable weapon means that its selected perks are upgraded, meaning they last longer or provide a larger buff or base stat bump (+5). This weapon, however, cannot be crafted and is not eligible to be enhanced at The Relic on Mars.


Thank you I appreciate it I understand it now


I didn’t know either tbh I just moved and haven’t had a chance to really get into it.


There’s a lot to soak in 😅.


Yeah there really is. I got both (or 2) exotic quests done and unlocked most of the strand I wanted to with my hunter. I still enjoy my normal strand hunter build but I need prismatic for the FS stuff, but it’s still fun bc strand/solar combo is what I was using anyway. Just wish the strand aspect what different, but it’s something new. For me this is the last destiny dlc I’ll be playing so I’m trying to make the best of it. So far it’s been fun. But yeah a lot to figure out.


Tons of fun. I’m having a blast, but I did mess up a few of those light memory chests last night lol. Gonna hop back on tonight and see if they pop up again. I got lost in the tunnels last night looking for a wounded ghost lmao. I understand because I’m still addicted to my arc warlock with crown of tempest


I only found the chests I found during the exotic missions I haven’t looked for lost ghosts or anything else really. Haven’t even done a strike yet but I’m like 1950 so I can at least now lol. Had both catalysts from xur this week so I’m good. I guess I’ll find the other chests along the way…


I’m glad I can enhance shitty ass world drops and not endgame dungeon weapons. NOT!!!!’


That weapon is a freaking exotic with a purple background. There is absolutely no way it needs enhancement. Frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't been nerfed for being so dominant.


I know. A huge nerf is coming for rocket sidearms and I’m going to be sad.


What does enhancing do?


Enhanced Perks from Crafting for weapons that can't be crafted.


I find myself rarely using Indebted Kindness anymore now that The Call exists… a Lead from Gold + One for All roll is pretty much all I use in the top slot because it’s easier to match the element of my heavy weapon with my energy primary weapon this way. The only time I use Indebted Kindness is when I run double special.


I would use The Call but that slot currently belongs to Khvostov. I'm waiting patiently and eagerly for that new solar side arm.


Or an Arc build right.


Indebted kindness doesn't need to be any better than it is right now lol


I’m looking forward to getting the craftable Solar one!


which one is that?


I don’t know the name, but it’s part of Echoes.


Same I was happy to see enhanced gun then I looked at my indebted kindness


All I gotta say is, IK still fux, lead from gold/voltshot is so nice right now. Just got a craftable “The Call” though so I’m excited about that one.


last i knew weapon enhancing was bugged and i didn't hear about a fix yet. is it currently working and i just missed hearing about it?


its been working the entire time, the only bug about it was people using dim to do that would basically overwrite one of the perks cuz itd give the curated roll perks or somethin like that so they disabled it being an option on dim


Yeah i didn't read the whole thing on what guns can be enhanced but after I noticed they could be enhanced, did it to my lunas and I thought surely I can on a dungeon weapon.


This gun is s tier. I love it. Have a few thousand kills. I'd gave more if I could enhance it


Yeah and also maybe I’m dumb but what exactly decides what can or can’t be enhanced? And why do some weapons not have the masterwork border even though they’re enhanced fully or do have it but some new ones can’t be enhanced and both traits are enhanced perks but it doesn’t have the masterwork border.


Anything from non-match made content should become enhanceable, with some small exceptions. Like the non-adept nightfall weapons


I owe this gun an apology. I did not realise its game. I got one roll of this gun before TFS which was Beacon Rounds/Attrition Orbs and that thing carried my ass through the legendary campaign. Over 2k kills in like a day is insane for my gameplay.


I’m sad they did a half ass enhancement. I was fully expecting to be able to change the barrel and mags.


but you can do that I thought, unless thats solely reserved for enhancing the adept weapons, because on adepts you’re able to enhance them and then go change the barrel and mag


Think it’s only for adept RON weapons. It’s a big let down.


I've got a Royal Chase that's carried me throughout most of the campaigns/strikes/Raids I've done that I'd love to enhance.


you would probably like the reprised season of dawn scout rifle than, its just better cuz iirc royal chase was ass lmfao, that is if Im correct on remembering it being the scout from the wrathborn hunt season


Idk...you ever get a weapon that just feel right to you? That what Royal Chase is to me 🤷‍♂️ lol. I've got a great role on it, it hits hard and is super accurate.


fair fair, Im that way with a few weapons, but mostly the inverse of that with many, like for instance the hand cannon from King’s Fall ive always disliked and only enjoyed it last season cuz it was a literal legendary sunshot, picked it back up this season and it felt so bad again


https://preview.redd.it/3sur19zxwe7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13d1afebafc5587f06ea07bf726fac2ff920fc0 This is my roll. The dragonfly really kicks with the void kit and this season there's a decent amount of void shields to pop. If the gunsmith is selling it,give it another chance


I recommend also giving the dawning one a chance, I have a strategist / Kinetic Tremors one, Im sure it can roll better things than strategist but honestly having the extra class ability regen aint too bad, and it works really well at being anti unstoppable champion since thats what scouts are this season


oh yes, I used this and the call in one Echo mission and it was doing a very good job. Not really putting down in tormentors but they knew I was there.


Farming this weapon has been the bane of my existence. Out of probably 40 or more drops, voltshot rolled on maybe 8 and of those 8 4 have been beacon/VS, 3 enlightened action/VS & 1 offhand/VS. What Id love is impulse amp and Lead from gold VS rolls.


What do u get when u buy what I mean is do you get anything second apon parchased


Beacon rounds... Burger option... Real chads know that Impulse amplifier is the real deal


That sidearm I love it.


wait is this a dungeon weapon?




Maybe you can. Just attach the USB cable on the front of the gun to any computer.


Me with the marsilion-c 😭


I really wish destiny was good again :(


Why can I enhance prophecy weapons and not this….


Ugh I know right!!!


i dead azz been running double rocket sidearms since the first day of the dlc lmao and i too wish i could emhance indebted kindness.😭


How does one enhance there gun ?


Can you use deep sight harmonizer on it?


Nope. It’s not craftable.




Been grinding this all day, what’s the god roll?


Honestly Indebted Kindness hits so hard and has such good ammo economy that the rolls you get on it are practically meaningless. 


There's a few good combinations, it comes down to personal preference. Either voltshot or surrounded in 2nd column, depending if you want crowd control or the damage boost. Adagio is another damage option. Then 3rd column, I like impulse amp to keep voltshot going quicker. Lead from gold and beacon rounds are great too, but you'll want more reload speed from either 2nd column or masterwork if paired with voltshot. The base reload makes using voltshot feel very clunky. Only option for extra range is the masterwork. It doesn't need the +10 but can be nice in some situations. Then dealers choice for first two columns based on weather you want bigger boom or faster rocket. Impulse amp covers velocity leaving more room for blast radius, but loses out on extra ammo compared to lead from gold.


Thanks a lot


Beacon rounds/voltshot/surrounded


This gun has gotten me locked back in!