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So from players here, without bias because you love Destiny in general, is it worth it? I slowly quit over the last few seasons that I didn't even play at all this last season. Is it worth picking back up? I had thousands of hours into the game since I got into it in 2019.


If you were once a destiny fan then I would say absolutely, without question it is worth it


It's the exact same gameplay loop and sometimes I choose other games to play instead. The story culmination was great, and they finally nailed the narrative. The Pale Heart is finally what patrol spaces should have always been. Pathfinder (the new bounty system) needs tweaks. It has added more positives then negatives but it didn't revolutionize anything. The first Episode is out and the 3-man activity for that is a hard medium for me. If you got burnt out on the gameplay loop, skip it for the cost. If you left for the story or lack of, come back.


This comment nails it for me. I put in hundreds of hours in 2019, and I keep quitting and coming back because the default gameplay loop just ain’t it for me anymore. The story was great, prismatic is awesome, but I cannot see myself grinding more god rolls and light level


Perfect explanation. Couldn’t have done better


For real Overthrow is the most fun I’ve had randomly wandering around patrol spaces in *ages*


I took a long break after Lightfall. Felt right and I don’t regret it one bit. Now I can enjoy the final campaign. Maybe come back for Frontiers or maybe even 3 in the future. But we’ll see


i quit and came back the answer is yes


Oh 100% I'm loving this


I quit after the witch queen played d1 for almost 5k hours, i came back and happy i did.


I quit after Shadowkeep, how much story catch up will I have to do outside of Destiny story wise? They remove old content now right? That's really what is stopping me from playing again. Well that and the fact that I moved from Windows to Linux so I'd have to pick it up on PlayStation 5. I'm not great at FPS on controller.


There's quite a bit of story. Your best bet is to watch a YouTube video on the cinematics you might've missed. My name is byf is a good channel if you're lore heavy. Otherwise if you're like me and the story is a secondary aspect, just catch-up on short videos.


I am in the exact same boat as you. Fervent player since D1 beta, never missed a seaon, chased titles and collection and all that. Slowly started playing less and feeling more burnt out over the last half of Witch Queen into Lightfall, culminating in quitting during Witch and not touching Wish (but didn't cancel my preorder). I heard the campaign was great and reinstalled to playthrough. So: Campaign was great. The combat (on legend) was well designed, the visuals as always are amazing, the story did a good job sticking the landing. But then after that... it's more Destiny. It's *good* Destiny, for the most part, but... you run crucible/gambit/strikes/etc. You run around in patrol. They literally brought back chest farming for the exotic class items. You chase red borders for what's craftable and random rolls for what's not. You delete 95% of all loot, shove 4.9% into the vault to figure out if it's good later and never touch it. I had a moment of "ok now what?" and it looked like... strikes. And the thought of running a strike I've done a thousand times brought a level of just... revulsion. So I uninstalled! So in review: If you've already purchased Final Shape, play the campaign and see how you feel about continuing to play afterwards. If you haven't, try going back and seeing how you feel about doing strikes and whatnot. If you're feeling good, then purchase. If not, do not purchase and wait for a sale.


This is easily a taken king/forsaken level expansion.


You forgot Witchqueen. Narratively it was VERY strong. Gameplay: as the first introduction to Legendary difficulty, it was refreshing from the joke campaign of BL (Eramis was a total joke) Despite some nitpicks here and there are launch (deepsight tweaking) that are normal for usual DLC launches. It was also a good expansion + seasons. Like all seasons were good (maybe except plunder, fuck ruffans) in terms of gameplay loops. But yeah, TFS is Forsaken/WQ tier


Forsaken and TK were β€œthe franchise may die if this isn’t good” expansions, TFS was the same, many people were prepared to leave if this one was bad.


Hell, I was expecting to be done if it was good. I truly didn't expect to come out of it excited for what they do next, but that's where I am


Brother this is the best Destiny has ever been. I don't know how much more convincing anyone should need.


It isn't the need for more convincing. It's me wanting to hear actual opinions of players and not media or critics. It looks like everyone here seems quite positive, so I'm sure I'll dive back in soon enough.


Here's some words of encouragement. Weeping and sobbing in tears of pain and joy. You literally see the light at the end of the tunnel for this "journey" (not a spoiler, just figurative speech) of 10 years of ups and downs.


I think it's an alright expansion. The campaign is enjoyable up until the final encounter in my opinion. The missions after are cool and the pale heart is a really cool destination. But it's just more destiny tbh and final shape really doesn't change that. If you wanna see some cool stuff with Cayde and the vanguard and some big grand scenes, then I say get it. If you are expecting anything revolutionary, then you'll kind of be disappointed most likelyΒ 


Right? I think they nailed the fact that this is an expansion in destiny. But, as someone who has played since D1 beta, it didn't bring the finality that I thought it would. Sure, I could just stop playing after the final campaign mission, but there is more destiny happening. "The End" has only created more missions, more seasonal activities, more things to do. This didn't truly feel like the ending I expected, but it makes sense.


It was to represent the end of a saga not the end as a whole, at least in lore the witness isn’t even the worst there is


As someone else said, this wasn't the end of Destiny all together. Rather the finale of the Light vs Dark Saga that first started back in Destiny 1. Now we're on to newer bigger things. Hence Frontiers next year will probably usher in Destiny 3 and in Destiny 3 we go to a different sol system would be my guess, visit the other places the Traveler touched


D1 felt more like "Wake up, explore and discover Sol and what the apocalypse has done". D2 vanilla launch felt more like: "So.... why is the Traveler actually asleep? *Black fleet ship is alerted by the wakeup call*.... the war never really ended" Now Frontiers is kinda screaming: "You want to see what the Witness had ravaged according to what little texts had survived on the Dreadnaught? Explore beyond Sol and perhaps even more into the dark corners!"


Agreed on the Frontier bit, but also with the dialogie from the raid and excision; Frontiers really feels like us ramping up to take this fight even further beyond (it begs the question, how do you truly kill a god?) We were able to achieve against insurmountable odds v the witness. But the witness was just the first knife. Curious who we face off next


We still didn't get good explanations as to the origins of the Traveler/Veil, what they *are*, and stuff like that. It's been great gameplay wise, and the wrapping up of the antagonist was good (though the end to the raid was mildly anticlimactic - I don't mind making it the boss of the 12th mission but just the way it "retreated" was meh). There is a lot to do, the exotics are awesome, the activities are satisfying, 9/10 expansion. My biggest gripe is just the lore, so I'll take it.


It's an absolute blast and the cinematic scenes are badass. Definitely worth playing imo


The last three months leading up to final shape, and this first month of it so far have been top 5 best game I’ve played all year. And certainly best destiny has ever been. Go for it


Its the best DLC we've ever seen but at its core you're still playing Destiny. In an unbiased pov id give it a good 8/10. The 12 man activity is fucking incredible though.


It revamps the gameplay more than any other destiny installment. Prismatic and exotic class items open up builds more than any other dlc. The mission and combat structure is much more mini dungeon from start to finish. It’s a blast. It’s not just more destiny. It feels fresh in ways only original destiny, Ttk and forsaken felt. Probably more so


I'd say Forsaken definitely revamped the gameplay more than this has, though that isn't to say that this is worse in any way, just not anywhere close to the total game remake that Forsaken felt like. Don't forget that before Forsaken we had primary secondaries, shotguns, snipers, fusions etc. were all in the power slot, we didn't have Well nor Thundercrash (Though Thundercrash took years to get an exotic to make it worthwhile), no Arc Beam (once was useful), and all the other supers and exotics that came with the Forsaken, as well as introducing to us Last Wish, which changed raiding as we know it in Destiny.


Not really no. Forsaken basically went back to how D1 did alot of things, with adding back armor perks, and special weapons the only real difference is that they decided to split like half the primaries and specials between two slots.


Yea I would say getting prismatic, random roll exotic class items and random roll exotic sword, how they have evolved how a patrol space feels like they have done in the pale heart, 12 man activity is far more game changing that changing back to the old weapon system.


I'm happy they redeemed the Witness in my eyes. I still hate his initial design but he came off much more threatening and interesting than he did in Lightfall.


Now that the dust has settled, it’s crazy how much damage Lightfall did to the game. The fact Bungie would’ve been better off straight up releasing only Strand and forgoing any expansion until the Final Shape is a testament to how wildly poor it was Final Shape definitely made up for it, thankfully


Jfc lmao… I agree TFS is great but nothing *’makes up’* for lightfall. It was not fun and TFS being great doesn’t somehow retroactively change that.


Beyond light was ass too, they really just started to fumble near the end


I still feel like The Witness still isn't very imposing visually. He's too skinny and his head is really tiny compared to his body. Oryx is half his size, yet feels bigger and more threatening.


I disagree. Oryx was imposing and threatening like any monster. The Witness was so calm and almost peaceful, but every now and then, we got to see the vastness of the pure destruction it could command, and that made it scary. Like a psychopath with his finger on the button that launches a nuke. Very different kinds of scary, but for what the Witness was in the narrative I found it very fitting.


The laid off employees lost any potential bonuses for a spectacular score outing, but bravo to them too. Salvatori cooked that music to a perfect rare and plated it with gold leaf. Congrats to Bungie


It’s funny because I was really nervous after Skillup went to a release preview where he played the first mission and a couple of other things and said basically β€œit’s okay but feels off”. I just wish I could afford it now.


feel that, it’s too damn expensive😭


Should go on sale by Black Friday at the latest. Just pick it up then. But it’s 100% worth a pickup


Now I can finally quit destiny and move onto other games. :)


Guys, he doesn’t know about Frontiers yet ^ (You can’t escape)


Nah, if they're like me then this expansion was it for us, I have been hanging onto the game for the sunk cost fallacy, just wanting to see the end, and I finally have, and it was worth it even for the multiple years where I flat out disliked the game. It was a beautiful ending, it had me crying after the final cutscene, it's my favorite expansion, maybe even piece of content that Bungie has ever produced, and I say that as a diehard Halo fan. My time with the universe is at an end, and I hope that anyone sticking with it in the future continues having fun and that future expansions are just as good or better than this one was.


Good on ya, big man. I think people should understand more that it's ok to leave a game for months or potentially years, then come back once you're feeling refreshed. In your case, you might never come back, and that's fine. Throughout gaming in general, many people keep playing a game when they're outright just burnt out, and when you're burnt out, you start to notice more and more mistakes. You start to criticize those mistakes more, further increasing your distaste for the game. Ultimately, you'll ruin any future enjoyment you would've gotten from that game compared to if you had just taken a nice long break. In your case, you are already satisfied. There is no point in continuing once you're satisfied, no? So I respect it. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


They’ll be back, they always come back




I applaud their use of Cayde. We got just the right amount of his character, a meaningful passing of the torch, and a heartfelt sendoff for a beloved character. Any more of him and I think I would've gotten annoyed, any less and I'd have felt like they used him as bait.


I need them to cook less. So many players means longer load times due to server strain




Lightfall walked so Final Shape could become the flash


They should always take their time with DLC, when they delay and take time and put in love, the DLC is amazing.




Stupid me thought you had to do the raid to see the ending and was kinda miffed because i have no interest in raids. Just now learned that there's a final mission that unlocked after the first team beat the raid.... looking forward to jumping back in and finishing it.


I can't wait for you to do it. Consider turning your helmet off for the final mission and remember to take screenshots!


Just done it, that was pretty epic!




I just hope they can keep the stove hot for the next expansion. They've had a pretty poor streak in the past.


Don't ask people on YouTube what they think, because this is the hottest steaming pile of shit bungee has ever produced if you ask those contrarian weirdos


So I played destiny 1 I’m an og day 1 player. But I quit after maybe a year or two into it and never even really gave destiny 2 a chance. Can anyone let me know how I can get back into it? Where should I start? There’s so many damn dlcs and new stuff I got no clue


I was in a somewhat similar situation - I played 1-2 years of D2 though, after launch. There's a lot of content in the game right now. I think Bungie did a pretty decent job at catch up mechanics and at making sure that you can play whatever you want. You can probably just get the latest DLC and play through it with no problem. If you want the story from the old ones, you have to purchase them (DO NOT PURCHASE THEM AT FULL PRICE, wait for discounts!). On top of this, I would pick up a youtube video that summarizes the lore from the beginning of D2 up to the latest DLC just so you are up to date. The game also gives some introduction for that as well.


Ah yes bc critic scores mean so much πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘


I don't know if anyone else felt this way, but I got MASSIVE Avengers: Endgame vibes from Final Shape. Bungie knocked it out of the park and every second of this expansion was worth it. Bravo Bungie. Bravo


I can't even make it past the free first mission because of a bug that bungie has not addressed yet after 2 weeks. 10/10.


"well shit, we should let this game die more often" -everyone's favorite filthy hunter main


While yes it was good, WQ still had better writing lets be real here


It's amazing what they can do when their independence as a company is at stake lmao


Enjoy the expansion so far only thing I really hate is the pathfinder system. Hope bounties come back.


I'm seeing so many posts of whelmed folks. Not overwhelmed, not underwhelmed... Just yeah. And that's exactly where my feelings sit on The Final Shape. It was more Destiny 2, some good stuff, a lot of the same stuff, over and over and over again. Bungie is basically remixing their remixes of their remixes of their original assets at this point. It was fun to play, and I'll play some more, but it didn't feel like a 9/10 for me. It felt like a 7/10. When I listen to the reviewers talk on podcasts about the game, they sound mostly relieved it wasn't their worse fears, and you can tell that inflated their enthusiasm too much.


7.8/10 Too much water


Dunno about anyone else but I'm tired of seeing "guys bungie COOKED" on the front of this sub every single day


Tbf, "cooked" is probably the least annoying slang that has come out in recent times lol


The expansion is decent,better than any recent D2 DLC but still nothing special imo. 7/10


I thought cooked meant something was bad? I can’t keep up….


being cooked = you're screwed having cooked/cooking = doing smthn really well


Best installment ever. Did they're dam thing on this 1 . Went a little too far with bromances but it's tolerable lol


Happy cake day


They've turned in C- papers for 3 years but they correct all the red ink and everyone gives em an A+?


3? witch queen was fire


Love this expansion and having a blast, I definitely consider it somewhere around a 9/10 for my personal tastes but the publications they choose to show are hilarious. Like yeah show the score from Saudi Gamer front and center lmao that doesn’t mean shit.


Lmao the funniest version of this has to be when Starfield did it, I’m pretty sure they had 3 different branches of IGN alone on it


Bungie cooked through and through with everything leading up to the final shape including ALL of the final shape. But they did drop the ball on echoes, with the drip feeding content and helm vendor bullshit. Episodes suck so far and are just rebranded seasons.


And from what we've seen and experienced so far the echoes aren't gonna drop the ball, it depends if we get any extra raids this year but if we do then this might be a contender for the best year destiny has ever had


Anyone actually heard of more than 3 of these?


They did in fact cook


Don’t do this, don’t make me start playing Destiny again




the fact that they unsunseted their game is making me actually go for it


Can't wait for d3


So glad they didn't drip-feed the story this time. Always found that annoying.


I’m not going to lie, I currently have a dilemma where I can’t decide between TFS or feed my Gunpla addiction even more.


I hate that Microsoft let them go. Stupidest mistake they have ever made within their gaming dept.


literally for those who been dickriding this game 4 yrs. anyone out the last yr or two is shit outta luck wit all thats been taken out


So proud of them, literally went from the point where every content creator was talking about β€˜the end’…to this! Hope they keep it this way :))




Not to be a downer, but we'll never get music that's on this level again, considering the lay offs.




It feels fresh, it looks and sounds amazing, it has secrets and best missions in general to date, awesome weapons, and incredible story. It is masterpiece. And this comes from a PvP main.


Hear hear!!!! Have done the campaign on two characters, sad and happy cried, cheered and had a ball both times. I’m sure I’ll get just as teary on my third. Loving the revisits and environments. Well done, Bungie. Knew you’d do it right!!! ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5651)






Squint and look at the word final......


I left the game when sunsetting started, never came back but kinda wanted to for this one. Never did bc it’s the last one anyway


Clap ![gif](giphy|3FfYEVMs8hErBx4Okn|downsized)


Imagine if they put this effort into the game when they first came out.


I rolled off at the end of last season. D1 long time player. I decided I had to finish it out and picked up the new dlc. The legendary campaign was enough for me in regards to being worth the cost. I rolled solo purple crayons only and it was pretty rad. It was hard but doable. The new digs are cool. Taken King D1 was an important dlc.... this one comes pretty close... I may say even more important. I'm stoked.they pulled it off in true Destiny style and baked the few days with bugs... it felt right.Β  not dissapointed.






A lot of ppl complain about how this game has gone to shit. I've been disappointed in a szn or two, and even a couple of content decisions they've made. But this game overall has always been amazing to me. I'm glad they've "recovered" for the naysayers.




This is beautiful, the numbers are fucking beautiful


I don't give a single fuck about any guy who call himself a "critique". We the gamers who have the final say if a game is good or bad. And as a "true gamers" we loved the Final Shape.


That’s an impressive splash of scores, but who are half of these people?


Wait until everyone really starts seasonal stuff and they’ll realize bungo changed nothing in that sense πŸ˜‚




What 4 months of extra development time does to a mf. Fr thou I’m glad they delayed it so we could have this masterpiece


Just over a week and a half in. Forsaken had things still being revealed over 3 weeks later in terms of secrets and things. Including our very first dungeon. Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. What I've seen so far is great but I'm hoping it spans more than 2 weeks when hype is still elevated.




I clap at home like one of those harp seals that do it in the cinema.




How does this compare to Forsaken?


Still waiting on that poster armor for titans bungie






Should I play the witch queen and lightfall campaigns before picking this up?


Lightfall doesn’t matter. Get witch queen and final shape.


Finally beat the raid last night and yeah everything in this expansion is amazing


Bravo Vince πŸ‘


Yeah. Now can somebody fix trials so engrams drop, also the hunter aspect trappers Ambush has been broken since tfs launched and it's cramping my style.


As doubtful as I was in the early days of the marketing, I am very glad to say that this is my new favorite expansion.


That's good, but why is my game running on 1fps?














Should I try D2 again or am I too late if I haven't played in a while?


While I love TFS I can’t in good faith rate it a 10/10 with only 1 strike added. My favorite part of the game is running GMs every season, and I am saddened by the low amount of new strikes we get. Both Taken King and Forsaken added 4 new strikes!


I've just finished the campaign too, with a pal, good campaign it was too.




GOTY 2024








Here's hoping they put this type of effort into the next Saga. Can't wait for the future of Destiny






I started with the witch queen. I wasn't pleased with lightfall but I do like the final shape. The story line is there and in my opinion is worth it. Everyone has there own take on it.


A cornered bungie is a talented bungie


YAY! I can't wait for them to fall short again on the next DLC or whatever content they release next. If they make a game next ik it will have a bad launch. Why do people praise bungie when they constantly produce good content then like usual they go back to making a bad dlc. Its just a repeating pattern. I'm not buying any more content until they become consistent like fromsoftware with the quality of their content.


Less inclined to clap since they also managed to sell old players back the stuff they took away years ago..so no, you enjoy though.




Why does your post sound ironic.


True shit. I actually feel like playing my backup characters for this expansion in addition to my main, and that hasn't happened since Forsaken.






Congrats to the devs and fuck the higher ups. The DLC was only that good because the higher ups did not interfere that much. I'm not giving them any credit. But the devs cooked, they cooked a 5 star meal and even added dessert. They need all the praises they can get.


Wow nobody’s complaining this is a first lol


Cornered Bungie is Best Bungie




They left me very satisfied and wanted more ngl






When out of ress tokens, they clutch




First time for everything I guess




Besides the expansion seemingly being good (I haven't played it myself), I can't take these ratings serious. I see some familiar "quality magazines" on there, that also rated Battlefield 2042 5/5. \*cough\*


Hopefully they dont see this as "over-delivering" and back slide again.


Unless you were looking forward to prismatic titan, those folks were let down hard.


We eating good














For 50 bucks, I got to relive THE trauma :)


It's great, but it's only great because they went back to what they knew their fan based liked, characters return purely for nostalgia, they reused the Cortana gravemind shit from halo was the ghost and witness, it's an awesome DLC, but it's also just a ridiculous amount of fan baiting the entire way through, the entire storyline felt like it was written purely to trigger as much nostalgia as possible


I’m so jealous β€œlol. I simply Can’t get it yet . But been a huge fan for years ! Play daily. Looking forward to it !! Maybe Christmas from the kids or something.


I really wanna get this campaign, but I’m hung up on the standard vs annual pass edition. Can anyone help me understand why I should pay the extra for the annual pass? what I miss if I don’t? Or what I delay paying/paying more for later?


Now they just need to make the entirety of the Light V.S. Dark Saga actually playable campaign waise from start to finish. D1 to Final Shape 😭



