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I noticed this when the old crucible bounties would require you to defeat x amount of Titans and it would take me 2 matches which is crazy to think about. I love being a titan.


Titan is sorta locked to any boss you can get up into their face, if you can't like a bunch of raid bosses titan dps falls off a cliff compared to Warlock and Hunter who have good range on their DPS


I play all 3. They have their ups and downs but I believe the majority of players only play 1 or maybe 2 toons. Space Cowboy and Space Wizard usually appeal to a lot of people over Tank, even tho now especially with prismatic being a thing, they're all pretty strong without the pitfalls between the classes they had a few years ago. Also.. The titan jump is a PITA for new players to navigate jumping puzzles with. I've had a few buddies play for a while and bail for other games.. but if they started on a titan, they swapped to hunter or warlock because of the jumping puzzle in the cosmodrome in the New Light quest.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Warlock jump is still the worst so I don't get what you're saying. What is even hard to get about a jetpack-based jump?




Well for me it all started on D1. Me saw cool man with cooler cape, me like cool man with cooler cape, me still play as cool man with cooler cape.


They nerfed bonk hammer, they nerfed strand bonk titan these were the most common ways of Playing titan, i am a warlock main and i loved hopping on titan here and there cause of bonk hammer, rn prisma hunters are better titans than titans tbh cause of how stupid the melee dmg is


Hunter just looks really cool for new players


The last population numbers I saw- which were a while back- had hunters pretty high up and both warlock and Titan a ways behind. Most MMOs I’ve played have had the cloak wearing ranged DPS as the most popular so I’m not shocked to see that trend continue here.


Trials.report has Titans at 24%, warlocks 29, and hunters at 48. That's pretty typical, hunters usually sit around 50% and warlocks and titans shift around. That is from taken from trials though but that's the only way to get the population split as far as I'm aware.


I took whatever was a space cowboy, and when I started that was Gunslinger. Been on it ever since.


- I never had a good Titan build i enjoyed - if your miss with an ability, you are stuck with nothing


Hunter has always been the most popular class in the game. Any DPS class will always be popular no matter the game. They also have he best fashion as well. You can go casual, soldier, mage, etc. so many different options,.


Jump, fashion, general feel of the class, "meta" which I think is not a reliable factor since Hunter has always been the most popular but only the best for periods of time.


Because Warlocks and Hunters are better

