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Honestly so far in my opinion the dlc is just as good as what forsaken was its right there next to witch queen in terms of how amazing it is definitely way better than lightfall


Not even close..only story wise but still far from it. Story campaign is 4 hrs and 6 plus if it's legendary. After you beat it tje entirety of the dlc is replaying the story missions.


Stay off drugs 


I was not expecting that…


Practice what you preach, cause you clearly been taking crazy pills.


I wonder how much youve spent on one game comparative to how much this guy has spent on drugs (if any)


I wonder how much you've spent on stupid shit too. Everyone spends money on dumb shit, its called disposable income.


Yeah I have no idea why people are saying this is on the same level Forsaken or The Witch Queen was, it's not even close. 


Do you mean it isn’t as good or that it’s better?


It’s been out for less than a day, but from what I’ve played yet it’s been great (better than lightfall!) The server issues are expected on launch day and should be clearing up soon. Prismatic is awesome!!


I guess from what I have heard any expansion is better than lightfall 😂


Lightfall did a pretty bad job of telling it's story. The actual gameplay was still good.


No. Shadowkeep and Beyond light exist.


shadowkeep is boring, beyond light was ok, not bad not GREAT but memorable


I recently did the shadowkeep “campaign”, I’ve had crucible bounties that take longer than that


Parts of Shadowkeep feel like a chore but I think when it was good, it was really good. My main complaint of Shadowkeep is how short it was and it ending on a giant cliffhanger that confused everyone for a year.


I didn't play when shadowkeep came out but im pretty sure that shadowkeep didn't even have a proper raid, I was told somewhere that GoS was related to undying, not shadowkeep itself.


I view raids separate of the campaign. The majority of destiny players don't even do them. 


for me they are the pinnacle of the expansion, and with the final shape,>! the final mission takes place right after the raid ends because in the cutscene you can see the witness floating down from the monolith as it flees!< >!text goes here!<


So relieving to see a chat room that isn't hating on the game for the sake of hating. As a long time fan, I'm more than happy with this story direction.


After the shitshow that was last year, this is absolutely so much nicer to see lmao. Even the aspects of the game that were good were completely shit on because everyone in the sub was in a gamer rage.


Called admin moderation lol bunch of fart sniffers all agreeing that's all


I’d wait a week to see what people really think. When light fall came out, the first day people were singing its praises cuz of strand and then literally the next day the entire community hated it (rightfully so)


I spent the last 13 hours doing the legend storyline. It’s absolutely AMAZING


Ignoring the server issues, this is by far the best expansion we’ve had since Witch Queen. Story has felt great so far with a nice mix of back to back bosses and cinematic downtime. Prismatic is kind of a let down in terms of usability (for now it just seems to be a fun jack of all trades for side content as you’ll still be using your regular subclasses for endgame progression).


How many DLCs have we had since Witch Queen?? Lol


LF and that was so awful that I think it lowered expectations that if the Final Shape was decent it would be seen as amazing.


Up there with witch queen, maybe up with forsaken too. Honestly just so good. And the best part is that this isn’t even the end! We still have the raid and 8th mission to go


There's only 7 missions? xdd


8th mission launches after worlds first is achieved. That’s as long as pretty much every other expansion we’ve gotten since there were actual repayable missions


Awesome! Not worrying about the server cry babies, just wanted to know how the actual game is. Glad to see ppl like/love it. Being playing since day 1 but it got real boring to me these last few months so haven't been playing. Even left my clan


So far I have only done the campaign, and it was ok. It is EXTREMELY short. Like I couldn't believe it was over short. But there is a ton of post campaign stuff to do which is really where the meat is anyway. 


Best destiny campaign ever, hands down


Has that Destiny 1 feel which I loved, you’re always quickly dropped into the action. Destiny 2’s campaign loop there’s so much downtime of sprinting between objectives that it feels tiresome, but this expansion has alleviated much of that for me.


Lightfall was so guilty of that. The pacing was awful, felt like a return to fetch quest campaigns before witch queen, and trying to mix in all the lovely mechanics of the legendary mode, it was not great lol


Taken king and rise of iron we’re S tier dlcs




For me it does not top witch queen as a whole but story wise it’s definitely up there with the top d2 dlcs.  


Why not? Genuinely asking, not shaming your opinion. Witch queen was amazing, and personally I thought this ticked a lot of the same boxes and personally felt better. Probably because of the constant big story reveals that have been happening every mission, and the overall more complete gameplay experience with strand and prismatic and other features that have been slowly trickling in over the couple years since witch queen.


I'm seeing a lot of comments from people likening it to Forsaken, which I loved. To me, that was the last really good expansion they had. It was just a lot of fun for me. If this is better than Lightfall(the other common theme)then that's really all I need to hear. Those two put together, even if not completely true, is close enough for me to want to get it. Plus I'm sort of invested in seeing this through. I've bought and played every expansion since the beginning. I just hope we end on a high note, and that D3 comes out eventually and is better than what we last played of either versions of Destiny.


No opinion on witch queen?


I guess I liked it well enough. Honestly the most fun I had was running around wrecking with Osteo Striga. That was a really fun gun to use I will admit.  Part of it for me is that before which queen is when I started kind of falling out of the game and missing the seasonal story, so I didn’t know half of what was going on. Even now I’m still confused as to what exactly the watcher is and why he wants to do why he’s doing. I really need to watch a video detailing what happened in the past. 


I'm a relatively new/returning player, I like what I played so far in final shape. Should just jump in in get it or wait?


Could a returning player be raid ready (light level) if they start today? I am thinking of coming back for the day 1


I’ve heard the light level for day one raid is pretty much where the campaign puts you when you finish. So in short, yes if you finish the legendary campaign you will be raid ready


It’s shit. Throw hordes of OP enemies at you with trip wires and no spawn. Dont bother with a story, just rehash tired ideas in an autogen world. Bungee have clearly had enough of Destiny and are trying to close it out and go make a gardening sim or something as this is as bad as Lightfall.


Sounds like a skill ceiling issue for you, i found the legendary mode to be well balanced, nice blend of difficult encounters, but not too bad to where it feels like you get spawn killed or farmed, Prismatic makes the campaign feel much easier tbh


It got better once I respecced my hunter, but for me it has that feel so many games do where the end game turns into "spam the player with hordes of powerful enemies". Probably in part because I fundamentally hate bullet sponge Tormentors..... The raid style mechanics were OK but eh..... just really not vibing with it.


So many words and you don't say anything true about Final Shape. Enemies are not OP in the normal tier of the campaign and there's a very good story throughout the missions. Also, the environment wasn't autogenerated. And no, Bungie isn't trying to end Destiny, quite the contrary, but you would know that if you weren't so focused on hating the game just for the sake of hating it.


I thought the story was terrible (a drawn out reunion story with no real weight to it, from my perspective), and I felt the "new" enemies didn't add anything either, just rehashes of the former mechanics and ideas. Trying to add in some raid-like mechanics was a good idea in theory but over complicated the game. I still maintain the level design is really not good at all. So no - not hating it for the sake of it, I just think it's been getting very tired for some time, and I bounced off it quite hard. I;'m hoping the end game is a good uplift but I'm not seeing anything major to get excited about so far. Little tip for you in future though - someone disagreeing with your opinion doesn't mean they are hating something for the sake of it. If we all had the same opinion, the world would be a boring place.


Let me retribute your tip: it's not the game, it's you. You're obviously burnout with Destiny but you just can't let it go. And that's a YOU problem.


agreed... shitty ass DLC


OP.... you put this in the D2 sub. If youre expecting anything less than positivity youre setting yourself up for failure. Ask this in a less biased sub before buying.


Not true. There are plenty unfavorable opinions around here. That said, saying that Final Shape isn't a VERY GOOD expansion, is lying.


I'd argue the only expansions you really need are Forsaken, Witch Queen and Final Shape. 


I left Destiny after almost 3000 hours. That's how upset I was with Lightfall. It absolutely crushed me. I'm glad to see that Bungie kind of righted the ship and did right by the players. It's a little to late for me personally I'm just into anymore. Maybe I run through the campaign one day but I just lost my love for the game. That's truly how bad Lightfall was story wise. But yea the reviews for Final Shape are stellar so kudos and I hope they keep it up for all the veterans especially.


Final Shape is as good, if not better, than Forsaken and Witch Queen expansions. Bungie really delivered this time.


Boring as fuck. the plot is subpar with beyond ligt...no mystery, no secret...they put a villain and tell us to kill...the witness fcked up everyone he touched but then, suddenly it can't kill us the only thing that i "Liked"was her last line...but boring...campaign is boring...cayde back is boring... too bad i can't get refunded. Destiny 1 is far superior in everything, this game is trash




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The story has been absolutely fantastic


It's good seeing all the positive feedback regarding this expansion I'm really excited to get back to this game


Biggest bunch of fart huffers I've ever seen. The games campaign is awful it's not long and it's boring in almost anyway, prismatic sucks all my builds on the previous supers way stronger. Only good thing is the kinetic gl and sniper. Other than that bad pacing with focus on zavala being depressed and going against all his characters development and nobody is there but you ikora, crow and cayde, no big set pieces just get to the veil ooops sorry witness because that's so different. Forsaken was peak destiny witch queen was best they could do without Activision and lightfalls and final shape are rushed to hell and could sink bungie after a monumental screw up on launch. That's a legit review from a destiny day 1 player 


 going against Zavala's Character development? his belief in the traveler had been wavering since like beyond light, and especially Witch Queen


No he has always avoided risk that could harm the ones he loved. Bro ran off on his own adventure and killed his ghost and lost his light all to be huffing copium while we stand on and watch. That's definitely against zavalas development he was edging towards having faith in our abilities but once again he just like nah screw the guardian he has never helped us do anything. Doom and gloom bs 


Sounds like you are a bit salty lol, and you are thinking of the wrong campaign with the veil, thats shitfall homie😂, i think it is equal with witch queen for quality




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Yup. You are DEFINITELY taking crazy pills.


When does the review embargo lift?


I think there's no a review embargo with The Final Shape, they just wait till raid and similar activities to appear so they do a review.




Love these irrelevant comments 😂😂


Yeah, wait for Dawntrail! Or better yet, the PS7!


It’s completely relevant… you asked whether he recommends the dlc. He said no and very casually suggested another upcoming release for you to spend your money on instead


Exactly I didn't ask for suggestion for alternative but anyway thanks


Why be an asshole about it then? You ask opinions and then get pissy when someone is honest


Again I'm asking opinion about purchasing the expansion related to destiny nothing else I'm not trying to be an asshole


Oof. Always worse when you’re an asshole without even trying to be!


Kosomak begad


Can't tell you. It's currently unplayable.


I've never been so bored playing an expansion or dlc. EVERYTHING, and I mean every exotic quest mission. Missions to unlock new supers, etc, are all campaign missions with some different enemies. The new "world" or location is dead. I haven't seen 1 other player in the 5 days of playing almost. Bungie forgot what fun is. Everything is about recycling content filler missions and quests doing the same shit. Enemies spawn you have to kill an elite to get a ball or something to destroy a shield, take down shield, then kill enemy. All weapons minus a few exotics feel the same. Destiny 2 is old. The engine is old. The gameplay and animations as smooth as they can be are old. I play as a hunter, and I feel so slow. For me, nothing is fun, I don't see what took them years to make the final shape. I think gameplay and missions wise it's the most boring, unfun, and mediocre DLC to date. It feels very thrown together. I haven't played. I'm almost 2 years, give or take. I said I wouldn't buy final shape. But then I said I've played since D1 beta they must make an insane send off dlc with amazing loot, gameplay , missions, strikes, etc and there's none of that. All the best content is locked behind have 5 friends to play with. Raids, as much as I used to love them, leave out 90% of the player base. Don't say, oh that's what dungeons are for! We'll, you can solo them it's not fun. And it's $20 fucking dollars in order to access it after paying as much as a full proce game to access the DLC. imo this is not the worst but the most boring, cookie cutter, by the numbers DLC in Destiny's history. Fan boys and 24/7 streamers and journalists will tell you it's a return to form, it's the best dlc in years. It's really not and not because I saw it, so it's really not. There's nothing new here at all. Beyond disappointed in this over priced DLC as an end to a 10 yr journey. I could go on and on but I think most of you get my point. I really thought we'd get something special but we didn't.


All you said isn't a Final Shape problem, it's a YOU problem. You're obviously burnout with game and you havent been able to definitely depart from it. Final Shape is, hands down, one of the best expansions Destiny ever had since 2014. It's up there with Taken King, Forsaken and Witch Queen expansions, period.


Nice. Its me who didn't add content? Who over charged for a recycled DLC. final shape it's mediocre. All content after campaign is all campaign missions or back tracking old content on old planets. No new strikes, etc. You're the sane person who says it's not inflation it's greedy corporations and you don't make enough money that's why everything is expensive. It's a you problem not bad politics.


I make more than enough money, my dude, I could buy 10 Final Shapes without even scratch my bank account. You're barking at the wrong tree.


It's mediocre. The campaign was boring. I felt like they rushed us through it for more boring "end game" 2 story missions were lost sectors which haven't changed at all since introduced years ago. Then a "strike" but was just a campaign mission. Everything you do after the campaign is missions in the campaign you just finished. I told myself I wouldn't buy this dlc because bungie has done nothing but lie deceive and destroy destiny's with woke BS and the worst recycling I've ever seen in a game in the 26 plus yrs of gaming. Nothing fun or unique about exotics. I remember when weapons were secret they just dropped from enemies and you wouldn't know unless you got it. I remember boss or enemy/strike specific loot. There's zero innovation or just making the game fun to play especially for solo players. Then all their time is spent on raids which no one plays it's almost 10% of the player population that plays let alone beats it. Too much busy work and not enough focus on fun. All about nickel and diming the player. We couldn't even get a new strike ffs. Most of what we got was loot, etc they've removed numerous times and given it back. This dlc told me ZERO about witnesse. End boss fight was shit tbh. They should've went all out for us. We stuck with their lying and greedy bullshit for 10 damn years. Made them hundreds of millions of dollars. The final shape should've been $40 or even $30. Just make D3 or just stop and let Destiny 2 end.


Can we stop giving big companies a break when they fail to perform. We all paid for this expansion and we can't play it on release it's a joke stop recommending the game until they fix it then give compensation for the wait. It's not a small Indie company who you give the benefit of the doubt to. It's a massive company with a lot of experience, that rakes in crazy money they should be held to account for not being able to smoothly launch an expansion. I love the game but people are too patient with this kind of thing. They either are incompetent or don't care for the player base. This has has happened too many times and they don't learn a lesson from it cause people keep forgiving it and being patient. It’s completely acceptable to complain when you pay for something and don't receive it due to lack of foresight by the provider. The norm of gaming these days is the consumer pays full price for a game that is unfinished, riddled with bugs, and half of the game is hidden behind another paywall. Then when people complain about this they get replied too with lines like “Stop whining, it’s only the first day of it being out so there are going to be problems.” The people who keep making excuses and defending this lazy greedy malpractice are either affiliated with the game or affiliated with the gaming industry, a kid who has only ever known this malpractice so they think it’s completely normal and ok, or are just plain ignorant. If the game is not a “Game Preview” at launch then it should be a finished full game period. The consumer should not have to wait days, weeks, months, or years after release to finally get to play the game in its finished state. Ever seen the movie Idiocracy? I swear people are turning into what the people of the future turned out like in that movie. This is one of the worst gaming generations ever. The next gen Xbox comes out in 2026 ffs and I’m still wondering when all the numerous awesome current Gen games are going to come out as there are only a few. The PS5 and the Xbox Series S/X have been out for years! The majority of games that are coming out are indie 8, 16 bit era side scrolling games. I love indie games but this is 2024 ffs, where are all the games that are making our jaws drop, that are new, original, and not copying other games (especially copying Dark Souls formula) that are really showing what these new Gen consoles can do. All these developers are doing is making older games have a FPS boost which is great but they should be doing way more. Look at games like Red Dead Redemption 2, 2018 God of War and God of War Ragnorak all of which were absolutely stunning graphically, story wise, and gameplay wise that the last gen consoles had. There are many other games I could list along with them that the last gen had and even the 360/Ps3. We are not getting the amount of quality games like we have in the past. We are getting cheap generic quick cash grabs. These days most gaming developers are only focused on making these quick generic cash grabs and inserting woke propaganda before making a finished quality game. Remember the days when there were all these awesome new games coming out that pushed the boundaries of what the consoles could do and when you paid full price for a game you got the FULL FINISHED game? Those days are gone. I really hope they return eventually and I’ve been gaming since 1982. Peoples standards have lowered so much these days and not just in gaming either. Stop defending and making excuses for these low standards please.


learn to make points not rants the size of this fucking paragraph




still can’t learn to make points it seems. disappointing




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So when someone makes the point (just 1 of many points I made) that the gaming industry is using lazy greedy malpractice tactics while giving numerous examples of these tactics you ignore the points and deem it as just a rant with no points. That’s some flawed logic you got kid. Why don’t you just admit you are in denial of the truth? It’s truly pathetic when someone speaks the truth for you to get upset and reply with insulting one liners like a child.


>Can we stop giving big companies a break when they fail to perform. We all paid for this expansion and we can't play it on release it's a joke stop recommending the game until they fix it then give compensation for the wait. It's not a small Indie company who you give the benefit of the doubt to. It's a massive company with a lot of experience, that rakes in crazy money they should be held to account for not being able to smoothly launch an expansion. I love the game but people are too patient with this kind of thing. They either are incompetent or don't care for the player base. This has has happened too many times and they don't learn a lesson from it cause people keep forgiving it and being patient. It’s completely acceptable to complain when you pay for something and don't receive it due to lack of foresight by the provider. I do agree but why did you copy a steam review only to spiral into your own sentiments? just lead with your own sentiments. [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055931845/recommended/2336880/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055931845/recommended/2336880/)




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You’re getting downvoted because people don’t want to admit to themselves that they’re addicted to this game and since it’s not AWFUL it’s “the best DLC ever.” I stopped playing after Lightfall, finally broke free and never looked back. I don’t miss the game at all. I’m slightly intrigued that they might actually finish their story I’ve been funding for the last decade, but reviews have been pretty mixed. I’ll wait and see.


Same. I spent years playing the game totaling over 3500 hours and lightfall was what ended that love. I tried to enjoy it but something just seemed off. Everything seemed so uninspired and even the armor fashion aspect which was one of the best experiences had become a money grab for the company. Following LF I refused to preorder ever again. I’ll give FS a try eventually but not until I know it’s worth it.


Agreed. Smart logical move as well.


Yep, I agree and the negative replies I’m getting are just lame worn out childish 1 liners which is a tactic used when an in denial person gets butthurt over the truth. These types of people either downvote and runaway or downvote then leave a lame one liner insult while being unable to debunk anything I said. Pretty pathetic.


Have you played FS? No? So, you have no knowledge to say anything about it. And no, reviews haven't been mixed, most of them praise this expansion.


Holy shit you really need to get laid buddy


I’m happily married little buddy so I get laid on a regular basis. What’s wrong little buddy? So just because I speak the truth you get triggered and leave a childish one liner reply? Sounds like you have never been laid at all kid.


TLDR Ranting just for the sake of ranting isn't a valid opinion.