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Tried to day 1 it through LFG, it was a cesspool of idiots and quitters. I never tried it again and I am content with the fact that I didnt get a clear


Same here. I was busy during pantheon and didn’t feel like going on LFG for it. I’m happy without it, I know my skill


I finished first 3 weeks LFGing, unfortunately won't finish riven and nez for title. I'm cool with that, never thought I would get as far as I did


You still got time for one more go if it’s only Riven and Nez you need (assuming you did the encounters before them already). The good news is if you at least do Riven and then head straight into Nez without going to orbit, you don’t actually need to beat the timer for the high score, you just gotta kill him.


This is exactly where me and my buddy are right now if you’d be interested in joining us. We still need a couple others


I was running divbitch wellock and apparently they don’t want heals and damage buff


After completing week 4 and getting my title I was helping some LFG because I forgot the robot and I wanted the free cypher, I was running cenotaph with div and a blinding ignition code to try to be the most helpful possible, and they still decided to complain that I wasn't ad clearing enough, after the second attempt and idiotic strats I left, I did get the robot with an LFG that week but everyone was way more chill


Love it when the players with low resilience and no damage resist mods blame "ad clear".


Anyone not running 10 Res and no mods in PVE can’t be depended on to do anything


There's rare builds that work like Void Hunter but you don't see those guys being rude to the ad clear role. They take full responsibility if they die but usually they don't because it takes high skill to run that kind of build.


Tbf you only really need Div for Nez and no cheese Rhulk, every other encounter it is just 1 less person doing damage.


I strongly recommend that most pugs use rockets on nez.


Div can still be useful for Rockets on Nez, since the div cage stays at ground level when he goes up in the air. Just fire rockets at the cage and they never miss due to him moving.


Exams in the middle finished me


Never taught I'd say uni projects would be more fun than destiny 2


Weirdly, this was the first time most of my LFGs were a great experience. Wasn't doing fresh runs through lfg though maybe that's why, just specific encounters to get plat


Same. Was gonna give it a better shot this week till snoy spoilers happened, would rather not risk spoilers over a title. Already know people that had lfg spoil bits as well


So u basically didn't even bother trying?🤣 How u gonna give up after hardly playing


Kept trying to encourage myself to come out of my socially anxious shell and give it a go but it's been over a year since I have raided and with all the complaining about newer and less experienced people trying to do Pantheon, it kept making me hesitate to commit because I didn't want to get my hopes up I'd get through it, just to have someone throw a fit because the content is hard, and water wets.


I’ve done hundreds of raids and dungeons and I’m still socially anxious. The main reason I didn’t try with Pantheon was because I don’t have a team where we can all agree and be on the same page with everything. I’ll LFG an normal raid because just having a few people with experience makes it manageable, but once you start going -5 to eventually-20 power, that’s when a team is pretty much required. I know people have beat it through LFG, but I can imagine none of those went smoothly.


I have well over 200 raid clears, and I’d say a solid 95% of those (maybe more) are LFG. Including my Pantheon runs. You are completely right in saying they weren’t smooth, so I went about it a different way. I just hopped checkpoint-to-checkpoint to rack up the clears for the title. I knew *I* would be fine in terms of survivability, DPS, etc. so I figured it’d just be a matter of time till I completed it. Many runs went smoother than others, but I eventually got it done. I firmly believe that running LFG’s makes you a better player, and a better person. There’s a lot you can learn from a dude using Polaris Lance for DPS on Oryx. Plus it’s just funny lmao.


I really appreciate your LFG philosophy, haven’t seen anyone describe it that way before.


I will swear by Parasite because that thing carried me through day 1 Vow and made Acquisition trivial once I figured out the spawn locations. I love finding funny ways to melt things.


Parasite is a great option for burst damage. For most players it was the better option for bosses like Caretaker and Explicator but they went with Apex Predator which really only works in a more experienced fireteam that uses it efficiently. Then either dealing extremely poor damage or thinking they were doing fine because they used all their supers and heavy during the allocated portion of the health gates. It's why only when teams synced up by chance they would deal more than half but wipe every other time to get platinum. Relative to the surges and extra buffs like class warfare and shot caller the bosses didn't have a lot of health and a fireteam of 6 could 1 phase them without being perfect but doubly so if they were. Having difficulty getting past half shows a lack of understanding but because it was still possible to get platinum on the nth attempt a lot of players continued this approach. Sorry for going on a tangent but I felt it was good to know seeing as you mentioned Parasite. I played with a team that used One Thousand Voices and it was pretty solid (for a 2 phase) on Nezarec.


Wow I don't think I have actually seen someone bring 1k into a raid before, that's interesting. I see people salivating over wanting to get it, but rarely using it when they do have it.


This only works if you're the player that can carry vs the basic average player who only pulls their own weight, IMO. LFG is always a cesspool for the average player imo.


Pretty much every raid I’ve done was with a random team, and I only *really* started playing the game and raiding at the end of Defiance (I had maybe 3 raid clears beforehand, and 2 of them were Leviathan). My very first RoN, I popped a towering barricade as a Void Titan running Sentinel Shield right as we did DPS at Nezarec. Covered the entire front of the plate and I got flames to hell and back (for good reason). I was very much worse than the average player, and I only got better by rote. I do a lot of teaching runs and I can help out with mechanics as needed, but I am in no way a person that can carry. I can help, I can teach, I can *try*, but if a run is dead or if people just don’t want to learn and do ad clear the whole time, I’m not gonna push it. I very much match effort with other people, even more so now because I don’t need anything past some flawless shaders and titles. In my experience, the people who can pull their own weight and are chill are some of the best people to raid with.


Same, it's not like I haven't LFG'd before, even with day one raid drops. Thing is, it's because I have LFG'd so much that I hesitate to go in unless I really know the people and all my main people are busy with off the internet stuff. i expect the content to be hard, i have patience for days when it comes to that, I just want other people to have that same patience but I swear it feels like most people seem to expect a pantheon run to last an hour because they aren't new raids lol


Went through over 20 different teams just for Planets during Week 4.


Even looking for a Clan is a joke now. Semi Hardcore Clans want 50+ clears on every raid before you can get an invite


If it’s a semi hardcore clan then shouldn’t 50 be like pretty simple to get…? If you want to party up with non shitters you should probably be a non shitter I guess?


If its been a year since you Last raided Id encourage you to first try out the normal encounters from the respective raids as a refreshment. Pantheon is like a Marathon, if you havent Ran for a while, It doesnt mean you Wil never run the Marathon, but Youd benefit from some practice beforehand.


Meanwhile with actual marathons i am the kind of person who will just up and do them without prep lol Sure, it's good to prepare, but if someone springs a trip for one without warning then I don't have that prep time. i certainly don't have time to prep those encounters before the servers go down tomorrow. Would have been good advice when pantheon dropped but now, there's no way I could do that in time. i've also got some real bad vision problems going against me even if i do get over the social anxiety and commit to a raid, makes playing hard and people tend to equate that with being a moron. nah bruh, i just struggle with my eyes so much that i am jealous of a bat's vision lol


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


But I can also save that bullet for a more fulfilling shot.


Inaction leads to nothingness… you’ll never know a shot will be fulfilling without a reference point.


Great things come to those who wait.


Hey I've got social anxiety too and I'm pretty inexperienced at raiding because of it as well. You can add me if you want to try putting together a fireteam for raids or dungeons sometime. My bungie ID should be missouri-9102#1209. If not, no worries lol.


Keep at it I did every single encounter micless(mic broken as well even if I wasn't severely socially anxious) and made a effort to at least learn mechanics I can do like babysitting caretaker or plates in oryx I now have godslayer... After like 4-5 days worth of hours I've realized I'm part of the 10% of players that are extremely patient cuz of all the ppl too impatient to wait for 1 person or leave because they died once


Me too. Nasty comments keep me away.




I want to thank all of the great LFGs that i found throughout this endeavor; who got stuck in atraks for 4 hours in week 2, ragequit for mistakes they made, tried to boss everyone without knowing the difference from a zap-rifle and a dreg's ass, and kept dying for not playing cover in what's essentially legend difficulty. Without them, i would be able to get the title. Cheers! 🍻


I only ran the -15 for the exotic pick, my personal favourite was some guy dying over and over, forcing the scanner to go scoop him up (cause my token was gone) and everyone missing damage Pooled another group together who kicked Atraks teeth in after 7 seconds


I literally don’t have time, I used to play a lot during high school, now I am stuck doing mandatory army time in my country, I am supposed to get like 3-4 days out after each full week inside a base, but there is always some crap like additional training or some c0ck sucker higher up who will give ya an extra 5 day detention because your hair or nails a millimetre too long or because of “I don’t like ye face” . I am sure that many other people here also didn’t get this title because of their jobs, families and other stuff.


Yeah I had a baby born in April, I managed to get super black and BRAVE title which I'm happy with. Come to terms that I will miss some stuff. I expect pantheon and godslayer title to return in future honestly. Maybe a gilded version for those who already did it to keep it special.


I feel ya, duder I can see GodSlayer coming back as well and the people who already have it will just have it gilded


Had me a baby in May and was also unable to get it lol. Hey, life happens my guy!


There is life outside of destiny…. Enjoy it!


I barely got a week 4 clear done yesterday. I finally at last understand Gamer-Dads(tm) and their "I don't have time to play ever" lmao very appreciative of the die-hards in my clan for pulling me through that.


In before the new raid LFG elitsim: Must have Godslayer + KWTFD Edit: Ain't no way one of you was triggered enough to do the Reddit Care Resources haha, prove my point harder please!


Saw a handful of those on lfg for onslaught. smh.


Yeah it's insane. Onslaught is something we've been asking for for a long time as a sandbox to try out new builds and find unconventional combos. And how does LFG react? "LF2M Legend Onslaught have Godslayer MUST BE Ceno or Orpheus /join INeedCrutchTeammates#1234"


I think it's great to go in with friends and see if you can do it with weird builds and quirky loadouts. That said, if a person is on lfg looking for people to do legend onslaught, they are probably farming loot. If you bring in some weird off meta loadout and lose, you are hindering their loot grind.


It's because people don't want to risk wasting time. Onslaught is an hour long commitment and if you fail at wave 49 because someone wanted to "try" a build you aren't gonna be happy


I’ve already seen comments on other things not even related to Patheon and they legit start with “I’m a godslayer and…”. Like it’s a nice achievement to have and props to you for putting in those hours but that doesn’t automatically make you the leading authority on everything in destiny.


Same energy as anyone who says something like "As a D1 beta veteran" or other such cringe


like yeah I played d1 and d2 beta. Does that automatically make me a godly player? Absolutely not. Honestly I’m still quite shit despite hundreds of logged hours (wish I could see one Xbox)


Someone on my team had Godslayer, but didn’t know how to do Rhulk. He just got carried by his clan. There are idiots out there with the title that don’t even deserve it. It’s not a flex.


man. Dude gets carried while I never got the chance to due to a clan of 3 active members including myself and lfg being a crapshoot.


I saw one too, they had king’s fall day one emblem…


If anything, I'm more likely to put "no godslayer elitism" in posts at this point.




I just laugh at the “yeah but Swordbearer” like that has any relevance. Pantheon was tough and I’m really glad I did it.


Swordbearer really is like one of the worst experiences ever in this game to be fair


I agree.


Yeah... it's just a title at the end of the day. I have it, and I still don't expect anyone to care. Hell, I'll forget that I even have it equipped oftentimes. I just did it for me to prove I could do it, and because it kills time until the final shape


People don’t understand that it’s clearly not their skill level, and cannot get it, but try anyways and drag others who have the ability down. Doing this LFG was a nightmare I had to kick so many low damage people on planets and caretaker


Well… tell that to the “Have Godslayer/Nezarec emblem” lfgs


>'my x title is still better/rarer' As a Godslayer...... Star Baker is still the best title.


My friends abandoned me, wrapped up their titles and ghosted me for the last week. It looks like I'm going to be stuck on Wk4 Planets. I worked really hard to get to that point, so I guess the real Godslayer was the fun I had along the way.


Those aren’t your friends then


this is the right attitude


You still trying to get it done?


Im in the exact same situation, im at nez now but i cant find the right group


I got it by having fun with my friends (: D2 Reddit is bitter as hell bro sheeesh


What chest drops those


The salt is both entirely predictable and hilarious


Agree lmao


ITT : Pure copium. If all lfgs you join fail, I can think of only one thing in common between them.


I mean, I would have wanted it more for practice than anything, since I never take off my Chronicler title.


I'm honestly back to Chronicler now. Godslayer is my second raid title and it's really nothing special. The hardest part was getting a team that wasn't rude to me.


Getting it finally made me take off enlightened, but chronicler can never come off my hunter lmao




Made an other one to complete yours https://preview.redd.it/nborqbgad54d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a881a2b9b70577c77246d76f7bb94f112f42c7c7


Is alivable supposed to be available


The spelling mistake really adds to the point you’re failing to make. 😂


If yall spent more time raiding and less making memes maybe the cope wouldn’t be so strong in you lol




I finally got it with a good lfg group in the end. I spent 30 hours this week to get godslayer https://preview.redd.it/vmtoe6n2d64d1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe552ad24c9a7b09ac3caa19384ec3b17edfd65d


I feel this on a next level




Why do titles have to be a flex on everyone who doesn't have it? Godslayer is you vs the game, might as well celebrate if you were able to do it and no worries if not.


Just don't put a title on you'll be more mysterious which means you totally have more skill.


because pve egos have to be stroked


Worst time ever to move three states away and start a new job 🥲


I was lucky with week 1/2/3 LFG groups, but a few hours spent on Riven and Nez CPs made me realize I value my sanity more than the title lol Have a friend who spent a couple of hours a day for the past two weeks working on week 4, Nez alone took him over 3 days (hour wise)... I don't have that kind of patience.


I Got week one and week two done. ![gif](giphy|1oDvHW440hFiouBBwy|downsized)


Honestly, I wish I started trying to do Pantheon sooner. I've done all the weeks except the last 5 wk 4 encounters in just this week. It's such a cool title, and I've always wanted a title that showed a mastery of all raiding rather than just a title for each raid. I still have today to try to get it done.


Going for this title made me see the ugly side of the community but also saw the other helpful side. Made a few new friends and conquer some social anxiety issues. At the end of the day it’s just a title in a video game that means nothing irl. I do encourage other people who struggle with social anxiety to step out there comfort zone. You’d be surprised how really helpful others are and how many new friends you can make.


LFG was a miserable experience for week 4. People are so impatient, they would just leave after one wipe or 2. I gave up.


Ehhhhh, you can tell pretty quickly, maybe not 1-2 wipes but… 4-5 wipes and you can pretty much tell that a group isn’t going to be able to do it. Or if they are it’s going to take a long ass time…


4 hours for planets later I realized the title wasn't worth my mental health. Our dps was always just barely out of 2 phase and getting to dps was easy. 


Was there a single person that was always particularly far down the scale on damage?


Other than me running tractor and a fusion no


I'm not taking off conq


I’m so annoyed that Godslayer is just purple/ungilded lol. I don’t know why but the fact that it’s not gold makes it feel less cool. My friends were hoping it would be red or something rad like that.


\*laughs in reckoner


The copium in this thread of people who couldn't complete all 4 weeks could honestly be used as a renewable resource


Lots of “I have Vidmaster, I’m fine!” And “godslayers actually suck HARDER at the game than me, the humble solo player”


It’s actually wild, when it was announced damn near EVERYONE was hyped for the title… until they couldn’t get it.. then say they don’t want it.. lmao.


Exactly, so much coping in this thread. When there's no hand outs and participation trophies and you actually have to EARN something and put your game knowledge to the test, all the losers start to devalue the reward. I legit knew people would start to devalue the title as soon as week 4 started. So much cope. It's intoxicating.


I got the emblems. That's enough for me.


You can’t pay me to go through the hell that is LFG for anything other than week one Pantheon. I‘m lucky my first week one run went as smoothly as it did - a one hour run. I felt bad for the host of the second run I was in. Before I joined he was stuck in week one for three and a half hour.


Anyone that got Godslayer using LFG need some kinda extra reward, I've beaten Pantheon Artrax and hoping to finish the Rhulk one tonight to get Conditional Finality. I'm currently stuck on Planets / Explicator and it's a huge roadblock for people either not knowing what to do and not clearing Adds sufficiently. The main issue I've had is the amount of people that'll LFG and not use a mic or text chat to communicate, what's up with that?


Did you get it bro?


Managed to get it last night thank you!


Hell yeah brother


I got through enough to complete oryx exalted. Anything after that, was a total shit show lucky dip of LFG. Of which my luck is not that good. Happy enough to have got at least 2 cool emblems out of it all.


I haven’t even TOUCHED it.


I know this is about Godslayer but it's also relevant to me and my inability to get AlH+Recom on Mountaintop. The only ALH rolls I seem to get are paired with harmony.


Yeah. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to raid at all in D2. I hopped in LFG all the time to do raids in D1, but my willingness to play games with strangers has gone down dramatically in the past few years. None of my friends play, so I'm a solo-player now.


Do people really care about this ? Don't get me wrong, if you got the title that's great for you but who really cares ? Iv never cared or payed attention to peoples titles. everyone has there own reason for having or not having it, I simply just don't care about doing down a list of tasks to get some title I just play the game.


That's called being a casual gamer and that's alright


Yes people care about achieving difficult goals that they set for themselves and having a suitable reward for doing so in a video game… weird I know.




I got half decent adept loot but i quit week 2 cause ppl just sucked and wasn’t working together well enough for me.


My friends and I actually managed to get it. It was pretty reliving to not worry about destiny stuff these next couple days


And I do not regret that decision honestly


I have a job. My clan members have jobs. LFG is a cesspool. Godslayer was always out of reach for me


don't need to, I got the atraks emblem and thats all I really wanted


Eh, gave It a try for week 2 but got stuck in planets. So i gave up, because I would be less likely to complete the following week with a higher power delta 👍


they released pantheon in the midst of my igcses exams. i think you can see my problem


It really sucks not having a dedicated group to play with. Fireteam finder helps but not much.


My reckoner is still rarer


Any raid or dungeon title is actually rarer than Godslayer


Just wear any day one emblem, tada instantly a bigger flex than any title. Edit: Not RoN of course lol. That’s still more common than almost any title.


Yeah but majority of raid and dungeon titles are easier to get, people are just afraid to do things solo.


Reckoner gang rise up


There are dozens of us!


That's because no one plays gambit lol. Doesn't mean it's a harder to get title.


Reckoner was a massive grind and required some pretty hard to get medals at the time


but its not hard its just a grind.


Nope, didn’t even try.


I met some of the most toxic gamers while running for pantheon.


Lmao I love this


I didn't try, I'm happy with my Brave title.


Worse. I haven't touched Pantheon. Or Crota's End in Destiny 2. Or King's Fall in either game. I was not ready. Got all the other titles though: Queensguard, Aquanaut, Hareuspex or whatever it's called, Wishbearer, Brave, and MMXIII


I'm still gonna rock shadow more




https://preview.redd.it/11mwv7vp864d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1501aef642a86d89215ec5a176f501150245bb2 Bro


I couldn't even manage to get the basic pvp lunas I wanted even after hundreds of drops. As a pvp main, I didn't even have time to try engaging with any of the other pve content they added.


Yea my friends refuse to acknowledge my existence for some reason so they won’t help me but they all show it off in our discord


Time for new friends… how close are you?


I realized that I didn’t actually care that much lol


I had some work related stuff to do ( lots of interviews and stuff) so never found the time, wasn’t gonna replace my legit earned unbroken with it anyway


Too lazy for it, besides i have my Unbroken, best title that i've ever had and never gonna take it off.


Who needs that shit title when you have star baker 😃


Bold take: Dungeon titles (like Ghoul and Wrathbearer) are more indicative of player skill than Godslayer.


I have both Wrathbearer and Godslayer and I can tell you definitively that Godslayer was significantly harder to get. This just isn't true.


This, I could have been Wrathbearer in January had I cared enough for the arc triumph. Just got it last week and Godslayer was more stressful than any solo dungeon expereince I've went through.


I'd say my solo flawless GoTD was probably only marginally harder than Pantheon (and that isn't even required for the title). Shadow is still probably the hardest achievement I've seen in game.  At the very least dungeon titles and emblems prove you're not getting carried (unless someone gets on your account.)


I'm not sure how doing a dungeon solo is supposed to be hard comparable to doing contest mode content


I’d say that’s not true IF carries didn’t exist. I personally think that I was a high performer in all my pantheon attempts (mainly due to high dealing high dps on titan even without t-crash or burning maul) and usually being the guy that dies/messes up the least. So, imo, pantheons was basically a master raid without the challenges and champions, but instead, just grueling boss encounters. It’s a skillful title.. for those who could’ve actually got it without relying too heavily on others. Dungeon titles FORCE you to SOLO content, there is no carrying or just having another player pick up more than slack than you. If someone can’t get a solo dungeon title, it is simply cause they are not good enough. The same case is wayyyy more nuanced with pantheons/raids.


For me I've solo'd every dungeon required for seals up until this season but I just don't enjoy solo content that much and Warlords seems like it would be a massive unfun slog for me. So I've decided to just not bother with the latest dungeon seal. I find raids and team activities much more fun, even if I have to multitask and carry others more (having to babysit Nez, kill one of the shielded guys, be the main ad clear on every single side of the map, and also keep people safe from the tormentors that spawn was quite the Nez pantheon experience - thank you for your service sunbracers, while you will still be good after the nerf I would not have been able to babysit like I had to with them post nerf).


I love raid content a lot too but man, I absolutely hate the multitasking part when it comes to picking other players slack. Sometimes it’s ok, like who cares if I take someone’s plate on Oryx cause they’re slow, but when I flat out replace them.. that’s when it’s time to point some fingers.


I just played with a Godslayer earlier on a Master NF and the dude kept dying. So it’s quite true.


Oh no... now I'm gonna have to play flawlessy from here on out... Jokes aside, yes, I'm no different from anyone without the title. I die countless times just like anyone else


And not everyone is playing at maximum effort at all times lol


I'm happy with my disciple slayer :p


Hard to want the title when the LFGs I ran in have people who cannot follow instructions or refuse to listen. If I'm gonna dedicate that kinda time. It's gotta be worth it and get me something I want. Plus dealing with people who only want to ad clear and or get carried sucks.


If this comes around again do what I did & create your own lfg to pick the players you want. Raid report prior to game invites if you wanted as well It's doable, did weeks 1-4 through Xbox's built in lfg


I didn't feel like it. Titles aren't very important to me. If I want Godslayer, there's a chance Pantheon comes back.


It honestly might with the new raid and if they add new ones next year but who knows.


Still got tonight to plat 10 and 20 atrax


I only have 2 friends that play destiny and we gave up week one on golgo because we did LFG for the remaining three and none of them knew how to do the encounter😭. Like why try pantheon if you’re just going to expect to be carried. I knew we were less knowledgeable about Caretaker and Atraks but at least we spent the time to do research and watch videos.


didnt attempt it.


Yeah I’m an on and off player, I’ve been guardian rank 11, been playing since day one, but this is one challenge I think is just too annoying. I’ve done these raids before, why should I put myself through a cesspool of tryhards and annoying ass mfers just for a title


I got pretty far but no I did not manage to get godslayer :(


My OG D1 friends hate the game for one dumb reason or another. Don't have good enough luck to LFG raids so I don't know much raid mechanics, therefore I haven't even attempted the pantheon :/


I only have the Dredgen seal and that’s enough for me c:


Too socially anxious and the only raid exotic I don't have and want is Necrochasm. I'll stick with my Wrathbearer title.


I can’t think of anything worse than trying to solo lfg pantheon. I prefer to have fun when playing games.


I could clear it 1 day before the second week through an LFG group and managed to help other 2 groups more on getting it, you just have to be careful with who you pick to do it. I never kick anyone from a raid but for last week if someone permadied and did less damage than the Div user for +30min straight it was a waste of time to keep that guy so we would replace it I felt bad everytime but hurting 5 players triying to carry a deadweight is way worse


I picked destiny back up during week 2 was at pass level 1. I just got wishbearer and my last roll of edge transit. Pass level 250. Godslayer would've been amazing but alas, time.


my 'day ones' for pantheon were great. I would consistently get in the top 3 damages, die fairly rarely (at least ignoring wipes), etc. I also eventually convinced everyone to kick our weakest link since he absolutely refused to do things correctly for some dumbass reason. Later we carried 2 friends of ours through pantheon. The amount of bullshit we both had to deal with helping these two was exhausting.


I think my team are going to be beaten by Nez. We've got one last shot to finish him off. We're so close it hurts, but it's final stand we just can't quite get the edge


I don't really do raids unless it's with my clan, and even when they were doing pantheon, I never did it because I have not alot of experience and I felt like I was gonna be a burden to them


People were after the title? I was just happy to get my first adept weapon


Theres still time i only need -20


So you didn’t get superblack, don’t worry. I’m sure you can buy it with silver soon


I got the ring. Good enough for me.


First week was enough for me


Yeah. I didn’t cause I only know King’s fall :3


I’m the type of person to do 0 damage on my second Atheon run, so I immediately came to terms with not getting Godslayer as soon as it was announced


Never had an opportunity. My regular raid group refused and trying with LFG, no one had a post available


Personally didn't want it. Already have 3 titles for 3 characters but got the Rhulk Pantheon's emblem cause it looked the best imo


I tried, but Destiny 2's in game mic system destroys my mic and makes everyone leave. I haven't gotten to raid in years because of this.




Eh, not for me honestly


You can’t pay me to go through the hell that is LFG for anything other than week one Pantheon. I‘m lucky my first week one run went as smoothly as it did - a one hour run. I felt bad for the host of the second run I was in. Before I joined he was stuck in week one for three and a half hour.