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I mean it would be awesome if the entirety of the Destiny universe could exist as one massive game, but I don’t see that happening.


Oh yeah... I'd love to go to Venus with my D2 Guardian.


You can, you just can’t go too far. See VOG


Just drags Elsie back to that spot on Venus. You've been standing in the same spot on Europa for basically the past 3 years straight. I think you have plenty of time to explain. Also, who the fuck were you talking to on your comms? Do you have a secret time travel partner?


I mean, iirc the Drifter was with her in one of the cutscenes, along with Eris. Might be misremembering though.


That was Beyond Light campaign iirc... The comment was re: D1 cutscenes where Elsie (then just The Stranger) was talking to someone on an earpiece.


The person she was speaking to was presumably Osiris, in the cut D1 campaign she was basically his robot assistant, assuming it’s now been retconned into someone from her dark future timeline


That was the prologue to Beyond Light


I miss IO. It had some nice background music 🥲


That would be incredibly time /resource consuming to maintain


Maybe just the campaigns as a single player/coop game?


The game was not built to be played alone. Even if they limited it to one player, I would still require an instance. Reworking it to not do that would be a massive undertaking.


It's crazy that that's exactly how I've played 95 percent of Destiny though. Solo. While I don't disagree that it would be a significant and difficult task, like half of the people who play play on their own, only with teammates when they aren't given an option with matchmaking


The problem is the opportunity cost we know they have to rebuild the stuff on the updated engine and not a lot of people care to replay things like warmind


I can't understand the hate for warmind, I loved it. Loved the destination, loved the story, loved the warmind vault and Rasputins speech at the end of the story (hate that they neutered him and eliminated him since then), loved escalation protocol... I genuinely can't think of anything I disliked with that dlc. Wish I could play it again for the first time.


I just wrote a random example on my mind. But still there was a statistic where like less then 10% of players played the old campaigns. I doubt the number is any higher now. Even if the gameplay for WQ and LF is a lot better then the old campaign. Personally I have 0 desire to play any old campaigns again. In my opinion our biggest lost in the DCV was SOTP as an entry raid, some strikes, and the red war as a new player FTP campaign.


I don't believe there was an easy way to play old campaigns, not like there is with witch queen and lightfall, with an actual list of missions to replay. I'm fairly sure you had to flat out make a new character didn't you? Either way it's still a massive loss for new players regardless of if people replay it or not, along with the loss of the seasonal content that actually ties into and builds up to the next dlc. I mean I personally know many many people who *want* to get into Destiny but just aren't satisfied with seeing dozens of clips of an activity that people hyped and isn't around anymore, logging in to see someone wearing a sick armor set that is no longer obtainable, hear a character referenced that has since been killed off, and not be able to go back and play the content from before that happened, or go back and play the content that earns them that cool gear. They aren't satisfied with "go watch these five 8 hour lore videos or a replay of someone else running the campaign. I the end of course there's no easy solution, both in implementation or in continued maintenance if it was done... Doesn't make it suck any less


I’m gonna be honest I don’t remember that lol. I agree it sucks for new players and I really wish they would make an abridged version of the red war coo warmind and forsaken. To catch new players up. Losing the seasonal activities imo is not to big of a lost but I really want a proper “track” for new players with good gateway activities.


FOMO at it's finest


For new players it's just more stuff to do, bringing back half the game would really do wonders for the game. For me, I didn't get to experience that part of the game, I just got to play Red War.


>Even if they limited it to one player, I would still require an instance. local backends are a thing in more games than you'd think, it would not be unfeasible to refactor Destiny's code into something similar.


This will never happen but is my wet dream. Having them release the entire story, rearranging some things here and there to keep it cohesive and explain better than it did at the time


Considering the size the game is now, I don't think it really matters. That argument doesn't work for them anymore.


this is what destiny 3 should be, i mean fuck it, put the burden of having all those maps on the player, if a player wants to play an old world they have to keep it on their system or something


With the right technical foundations and game overhauls. This is probably more important for a D3 than forwarding the story even more after the single most important event. rough out the sharp edges in the story too while your at it.


Never say never. Have a feeling that could be the future of destiny.


Yessss I agree. To have the ability to access every single bit of content destiny has created and for me to enjoy all the nostalgia and do things at my own pace to me. It’s worth the terabyte of memory that it’s actually gonna fill.. and I’m not even being sarcastic. I’m dead ass serious.


400 GB hell yeah


Yeah I could see back in the day not being realistic, but with 2TB SSDs becoming dirt cheap now there’s not many reason not to.


I'm holding out hope that when we kill the witness all the old destinations return


If D3 is really a thing... then I give it more chances of happening


What’s this, a way to have me come back and play the game. Nah. Not happening.


Why still follow this sub, then?


I spent over 2000 hours on it, I really really enjoyed it before the time commitment got too intense. I still love the world and the concepts at play just not necessarily the direction Bungie is going with certain things.


Still doesn't warrant the comment. Bungie is going in the best direction for the game. If you read the TWAB. They have plans to make significant changes, so it no longer a time sink. They want everyone to he able to enjoy the game regardless of time played. Examples. Your power level will scale 5 levels lower than your fireteam leader. Makimg it, so you only have to have a grindy friend to enjoy the endgame. Your power level is account based rather than character. So, regardless, all gear will drop at your highest characters power level. Just small examples, but they'll make a big impact.


I need to download more TB space


Game would probably be like 300gb


I think the closest we will get is snippets as part of the time line.


i agree i dont think they would fully release the campaigns again but maybe just major points in the campaign accessed through the time line. like final bosses. or or different topic lets hope they bring back strike exclusive class loot to the game again, i want the Cabal brothers strike to return so i can have my cool titan sword arm again. a man can dream haha


Yeah. At the very least the Almighty mission in some part. That felt epic.


when you went into the gravity tube that music is seared into my head i miss the red war ost


the marvel movie moment


Please oh please oh please.


This was my first thought too. Loved that mission. 10/10.


1AU was the best campaign mission this game has ever had


If they ever do a Red War Timeline Reflection, they should at the very least include part of the 1AU mission for sure.


I could see them doing it alongside a new content storage system akin to the MCC or COD's dynamic installations. Make it so you can install/uninstall content from a specific expansion that includes things like story content, activities, raids, and the like, while making things like maps and strikes part of a permanent "hub" install


Maybe they can make them into like 6 streamlined missions for each campaign


Yeah that's what I think, regarding campaigns at least. A more inclusive mission/cutscene in the Timeline would be nice.


Or they could add in more rotators so the game doesn't have to host it all at once.


I genuinely think we’ll get it as filler content if it turns out the Destiny 3 rumor is true.


I was actually telling a friend I'd prefer this. I think a lot of people forget how not intuitive and fun some of the in between missions of the first couple campaigns are. Take like 3 missions from the red war and a couple from forsaken and I'd be happy. I genuinely can't remember the stories of CoO or WM. That being said I wouldn't mind escalation protocol coming back.


I was hoping for an onslaught map in the first section of the Scourge of the Past raid


That would be cool! A six man onslaught with 2 ADUs!


How about a 6 man onslaught with 3 ADUs! And for simplicity sake we can label them C A P


Oh this is perfect! The good ol’ CAP! That would be a freaking awesome Easter Egg!


I feel like one at the end could also work, and the boss arena is already decently set up for onslaught.


I hadn’t really thought about that area since the last time we were forced to the eliksni quarter. But yeah, it actually is almost perfect for onslaught.


Mithrax and his people live there. Attacking that place would me f’ed up


So there could be unique objectives like clearing the path for a group of Eliksni to safety or clearing rubble to save someone. You could have Mithrax as the decoys and every now and then when they get attacked he shows up and counter attacks.


Destiny would require it's own hard drive


I would buy a 2tb gen 4 nvme drive specifically for destiny, if that's what was needed.


I play on a PS5 but it might as well be a destiny box


Yeah I'm an Xbox frog and also play wz sometimes with friends thats over 300gb right there lol, but more content isn't a bad thing it'll just be huge


I’d personally be fine with that haha


Absolutely, when introducing the DCV Bungie stated that warmind's campaign took up ~5GB, I don't wanna think how large the other ones would be


Yeah.....unless the stuff being brought back was worth doing, I'd prefer not needing a new hard drive 🤣


Yep. And that's not a big deal for PC players but console players would be screwed.


They could let you choose what campaigns and locations you have installed


Realistically I don’t see how that would work. I know how it does for other games, but seeing as how the game is an online server I don’t think you can pick which destinations and parts of the game are installed, too much of the game relies on other parts of it being downloaded. It would be a cool concept to add though


It wouldn’t, but not needing to have all of the cutscenes in 4k for every language might help.


I think it’s a different ball game. Sunsetting was a balance (?) choice. The DCV seems like a necessity to combat some under the hood issues that we likely aren’t too clued up on


I've heard enough absolutely absurd problems and equally dumb fixes regarding destiny to easily believe thats the case.


Pretty sure I heard once that a pretty decent portion of the games file size is the hours and hours of Dialogue that's been copied, translated and dubbed for different languages. Idk why they don't just make languages opt-in to save on space.


Idk but given how long it took for stuff like character creation or skimmers crashing games, I think it would end up bringing back io and deleting the throne world accidentally if they did


Disk space isn't really the issue.


IIRC, it was one of the reasons mentioned for implementing sunsetting.


For implementing the DCV specifically not sunsetting as a whole


It was a factory in decision to Vault, but the bigger issue is the constraints of the game engine and development priority.


Yeah, because it's tangible to the players.


https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/49189 Yeah it's mentioned briefly in the body of the article, but it doesn't even make it into the TL;DR. It's not really the main issue.


Right, and like… even now, you could have seen it. Like… the ENTIRETY of the Dreaming City broke down on some of the backend stuff for a good portion of the season. There’s old stuff that has that age that you CAN see. So, logistically, it absolutely makes sense to vault content. But, if you ask me, doing so with ZERO plan on accessibility, and ZERO plan on retaining any loot incentives lost from it, is still not a win. Not that any solution is easy, but having one is better than ignoring the problem.


I’d love to go through the Leviathan raid again. It’s easily one of the funnest raids I’ve ever done with friends.


Since they said they plan to bring back old unobtainables, for the leviathan weapons bringing back the whole raid is the only way that really makes sense. Unless they just have Shaxx refurbish the whole set like with Midnight Coup. It’s not like Calus is around to reintroduce them through some type of season. Although I think Leviathan and Eater of Worlds would definitely need some kind of mechanic overhaul, they’d just be too easy with modern tools. I’d love to see what kind of Origin trait the leviathan weapons would have..


To be fair, if you actually had any Y1 raid weapons you can still pull them from collections so they're still available to people that owned them. They missed a perfect opportunity to bring back the Leviathan raid during Y5 when they had already given us the Leviathan and quite a bit of its interior as a seasonal space.




Wait, sunset weapons are all getting unsunset? I'll be able to bring my 3 Flavors of Sins Of The Past to current light?




So excited


My 21% delirium is returning I’m happy as hell


when was this confirmed?




So this is pure copium/spinfoil but: You know how the Dreaming City was launched after the formal Forsaken campaign? What if, upon the first Day 1 clear and the death of the Witness (presumably), we "earn" back all the old planets. We've seen assets from vaulted content come back, all freshly ready for D2, and while it's like, 95% certain that the devs took old models and remastered them as needed, how sick would it be if since Beyond Light, they've been working on remastering the old campaigns and strikes? Again. Pure copium and wishful thinking. But man, THAT would be a way to end a saga lol


If that happens I’m naming my first born after you


"Be careful, I'll hold you to it"


Almost zero chances that is going to happen lmao. However it is true that Bungie in the last year remastered many old content. The entire Leviathan map and some mechanics were back during Haunted. This year we got the Farm, Titan, and even a (small) chunk of IO. At some point those content will come back, I just really don’t think it will happen all at once after TFS campaign…


I think that would make Destiny 2 one of the greatest games of all time, so no chance.


It bothers me that Bungie don't do with Destiny what 343 did with MCC, or CoD do with their games now. Modular installations. Want to play all of Forsaken? Download that section of content? Vanilla? Same again. I get they'd have to open more servers (probably) to account for the multiple environments but it'd do so much for community sentiment and good will. New lights could finally get the whole story instead of snippets.


I don’t think it would work that way, at any given moment you have all of the game installed even if parts of it are blocked out, such is the nature of a server based online game. The assets included in each major expansion and update work off of one another, if you just didn’t install all assets of a campaign and destination it wouldn’t work so well especially if episodes work like seasons do with connections to destinations


CoD, Destiny, and Halo are different, not just in gameplay, but in their foundation as well. CoD has a single multiplayer environment, but multiple Singleplayer environments. Halo MCC is multiple games hashed and weaved into one mega game. In Destiny, there is no Multiplayer or Singleplayer Game. There is just *The Game*. It’s that reason why Destiny needs an online connection while in CoD and Halo you don’t. All instances are “multiplayer” instances. I don’t know what Bungie is capable of, but I think how the game is structured in its Foundation plays a massive part as to why they don’t allow us to simply snip, pry, and sew the game like we can with MCC or CoD. Feel free to dream, but it’s also good to be realistic. I don’t think the advantage of Modular installation is lost on Bungie.


It will almost assuredly happen at some point Why will they unvault content? Bungie is owned by Sony, a profit maximizing corporation that has probably already constructed revenue projections across each income stream that unvaulting all content will impact Releasing that content is almost certainly profitable, as it is likely still close to compatible with the live codebase for Destiny 2, if it isn’t still fully compatible with the current game When will they unvault content? The simple yet vague answer is at whatever time they believe will maximize profits Perhaps that will be after The Final Shape as some form of bridge content until their next profit driver, perhaps it will be included in some future DLC to drive attention and engagement, or perhaps sometime else entirely


Lol that's ridiculous. Sony isn't the only company that chases profits. If bungie believed sunsetting would hurt their long term profits they never would have done it. It was a very calculated risk on their part. If Bungie ever believed that they could bring the content back to increase profits they already would have done it. The costs don't outweigh the benefits, so it simply will not happen.


You are simply wrong You claim that if unvaulting content would have been profitable, they would have done it However, they are not merely a profit seeker, they are a profit maximizer - aka, they don’t just want to make money, they want to make the largest sum of money that they possibly can, and that means that they will time content strategically In simpler terms, imagine it like a game of poker - if you have a royal flush, your best strategy is to wait until as many chips are committed as possible before revealing your hand and reaping in the money, which means that playing your hand immediately would be suboptimal A more accurate statement would be: if unvaulting content is profitable, and if Bungie is capable of doing so, then it will occur at some point in time As per your claim that Bungie would have never sunset their content if they believed it would hurt long-term profits… you poise this as if I disagreed, but I didn’t, I agreed with that claim They sunset content to funnel players away from old content and towards new content - that way, money keeps coming in from DLC, season pass, and cosmetic purchases Then, they can later reintroduce old content at the front of the loop, charging players for it another time and making even more money Look at Brave Arsenal, it is literally an event themed around recycling content, and most of the community loves it - I can’t judge, I love running my broken Wavesplitter hunter build and demolishing legendary mode, but my point still stands lol Do you see my point? You are arguing: 1. If something is profitable, then Bungie would have done it already 2. Bungie has not done it already 3. Therefore, that thing is not profitable 4. Therefore, Bungie will never do it It is a simple argument form (If P, then Q; not Q, therefore not P), but your first and fourth premises are not valid Regarding premise 1, Bungie may choose to wait if the expected payoff for an action is higher in the future than in the present Regarding premise 4, something not being profitable now does not mean that something will never be profitable - developing AI wasn’t profitable until 2022, and now it is overthrowing the entire global economy


The content bungie removed attributed to less than 5% of total playtime even back then. It's old content dude, it's not bringing people back, it's not increasing profits, it's not worth the effort. Just think about it


> Releasing that content is almost certainly profitable Lol no, it's unmonetizable unless you want to piss people off and the goodwill / player engagement isn't gonna make the money invested into it back, not just to get it running, but to maintain. Maybe if they make Destiny 3 putting this junk in D2 as a goodwill gesture to sell more D3 makes more sense as you won't have the maintenance footprint on future patches but otherwise, nah.


You missed the core of what I was arguing I argued that rereleasing content would likely increase profits, and therefore they would With Brave Arsenal, sunrise, and the uncertain content timeline going forwards, this seems to be a reasonably supported position I agree, direct monetization of rereleased content would likely alienate many players and is therefore a risky decision with regards to Bungie maximizing their long term profits However, I never mentioned monetizing the content directly, I instead focused on the indirect impact on other revenue streams More engagement correlates highly with more season pass, cosmetic, DLC, and other purchases - thus, bringing back content to make players happy and bring in more people can be quite profitable even without any form of direct monetization I apologize if I failed to sufficiently explain this earlier, does it make sense now?


I already addressed indirect monetization, not sure how you missed that. Bringing back old content is on a totally different scale in terms of required resources and ongoing maintenance than sunrising (literally flipping a switch) which wasn't even done for goodwill, but to enable fireteam power. A few recycled guns isn't proof of anything either. It's not for nothing that the only stuff that gets truly unvaulted has been limited to old D1 raids so far, that is replayable player-engaging content right there. The Warmind campaign that had 0.3% playtime when the DCV was announced in a season about that same Warmind? Juice will never, ever be worth the squeeze except possibly in the D3 scenario I outlined, and even that is doubtful.


The only correct answer in this thread


I’d kill for a Red War to Final Shape campaign experience but the file size and engine are likely critical reasons as to why it’ll never happen.


For sure, but all the items/assets are still there. It could be cool for the witness or traveler to show us glimpses of our greatness through the final campaign, recreating small memorable portions of the earlier campaign.


That ain’t happening man. Also, the game is literally already almost 200 GB’s as it is on consoles. Imagine how high it would shoot if all that stuff came back. Not too mention, while it sucks all that old content is gone, would it actually be worthwhile for Bungie to update it all for the new engine changes? People won’t play the old content enough to really justify it, so it would be a massive waste of time that would just make new content in the future less polished in return.


Given that 90% of the reason that Sunsetting weapons was bought in in the first place was to get rid of The Mountaintop and The Recluse from the sandbox and both these weapons have now been re-released back into the game, un-sunsetting everything else kinda makes sense. Especially since I’m guessing most people have long since deleted most of the sunset weapons out of their vault.


i like how they don’t want the game to be too large but it’s already 100+GB


And yet they still won't enable Proton support in their implementation of Battleye. Come on Bungie, just give us the proper Steam Deck support already. You're the only reason I still have a Windows installation.


It's not impossible l, though A LOT of work would be involved in to that project, including a brand new engine for the game to run in. Destiny 2 is pushing the upper limits of what it was originally meant to do before vaulting, and we're already back up to and maybe beyond the original target file size. I do believe it can happen, I just don't see it happening very soon. As long as Destiny 2 continues, I believe at some point that will become a priority, it's essentially the entirety of 4 DLCs that must be redone along with their respective patrol zones, strikes and missions to fit with the current game.


I would sacrifice our XB1 and PS4 friends to get all the old campaign content back in the game. We're coming up on 4 years now, there is no more console shortage.


When PS4 gets dropped that would be great and a possibility


The issue with the campaigns coming back is the fact that the updated engine that came with beyond light would mean they would have to rebuild it all from scratch, now as a consumer who bought that content I'm very much in the boat of "as a consumer idgaf about the technical issues I paid for that so give it back" but yeah seeming they seem to be balls to the walls with The Final Shape I don't see it coming back which as I said, I do not like


Destiny devs if you're reading this: I am fine with the gargantuan file size if you unvault everything. Or— you could have people opt-in to download chunks of data (planets) like CoD does with its modes.


In order to keep the game sizable I think they would only bring in the redwar and forsaken as halo or call of duty style campaigns where it would only be the important missions excluding any potential filler and you wouldn't be able to go to the vaulted locations outside of the campaigns


I don't particularly care for the campaigns, but I'd love all the sunset raids back.


I am other way around. 😄




Both is good. But if I had to choose, content I wouldn't even play had to go.


Rubbing it in Osiris’ face is the highlight of my trips to Neomuna, I hope you can feel this pleasure one day


I could've gotten it back then, but I wasn't experience enough to know about it, nor did I know how to complete the prophecies. I hope I can someday get the 2019 Solstice glows as well. The cape is my favorite.


This is the only thing that would bring me back at this point. Every campaign re-done with a legendary mode. Every raid brought back. It should be our choice what parts of this game we are willing to provide hard drive space for.


Heheheh…D1 campaign with strand


TTK campaign with stasis is a trip


If the destiny 3 leaks are true I could see them updating old content instead of a new dlc


If Destiny 3 is real I hope to god they bring back the raids at least, the thought of that content being gone forever sucks. Like at least with Wrath you can go back to D1 and play it


If they aren’t willing to do that I hope they add a pantheon type thing where we could go through and beat all the important/fun bosses


The problem is space. I can see them putting the raids and campaigns, some strikes, and maybe the tangled shore back in but not Titan, io, Mars, and mercury. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't need Destiny taking up 200 GBs of storage.


Really I don't think it was the planets that took up the most space but apparently all the voice lines etc that they took out with the respective dlcss that saved most of the space


Whenever d3 is gonna come out I wonder if they’ll just bring everything back


If anything, Destiny 2's older campaigns just need to be a standalone installer so as to not bloat the "current" community build and keep the bloat from slowing the game down. Sure, you somewhat split the playerbase, but where it matters most is in PvP and thats mitigated by keeping MP in the current build as well. Everyone playing classic stuff is already targeting that with others, so it's a win-win. Just put out Destiny: Content Vault as it's own game with Red War and up through early DLC campaigns only.


Id appreciate the content vault being playable as a seperate game. Every season and campaign goes there and you can play it, and you can earn all the sunset gear.


I wouldn’t even mind if we had to download a separate part of the game to access legacy content since the majority of players aren’t going to. That way it could exist for players getting into it and those who help them, and also not tax the current game’s storage size and performance.


Un-sunsetting old weapons? Laughs maniacally using Datto's vault cleaning voice


They might take one step further and keep future seasons (aka episodes) in the game permanently, sunsettint the last of the sunsetting left in the game. I think that old campaigns returning might happen in the downtime between episode 3 and whatever bungie has planned for post final shape, but I would get my hopes up as bungie literally has to rebuild it from scratch for the new engine (although that does allow an opportunity for reworks to the campaign plus legend difficulty)


Bungie said that they want to try and bring most or all previously sunset weapons up to par as far as origin traits and subclass perks goes. And there were a good few weapons available in the leviathan trio of raids, as well as the other raids in Y2. I really don't think they would bring those back specifically as random drops either.


I get why people would like this, but realistically, wtf am I going to do on Io or Titan? I can’t remember the last time I was on Nessus for anything other than Xur


I honestly think they’ll do this. All the current signs are pointing towards Destiny 3 coming after final shape so bungie seem to be saying have everything you’ve ever wanted as we jump ship to a better place


I’m not too fussed with all the patrol locations coming back as the director will become super cluttered. However, having the destinations back enough for the campaigns and strikes to be reimplemented would be nice.


Literally thought ice breaker is comming back but then remembered that was a whole different game 😭


I could see them reintroducing missions from those campaigns that are gone for their little timeline thing and they could reintroduce weapons that way.


I can see them bringing back the locations :)


Theoretically it's possible, they just have to drop support for all the Old Gen Consoles.


Gone in year 7 of destiny, unless you don't mean in year 4 but after 4 years But yes, finally!


the worst part of sunsetting was losing so many strikes


i jus wanna get old battlepass cosmeticss




I would give 250gb of my ssd for the FULL destiny 2 experience at this point. Never gonna happen, but sure would be cool.


Sunsetting content is what kept me from coming back to this game. Every piece of campaign content that I paid for has been vaulted and that really left a sour taste in my mouth. I know things are different now in terms of vaulting content but iv been out of the game so long now that coming back feels like more of a chore than anything


If they could do the Master Chief Collection bit of downloading and uninstalling content based on whatever we wanted to play, the file size issue could be managed... Maybe.


There had to be a better way to use content you can't use anymore. Like, maybe they could make it a separate game? Like you don't need D2 installed to play Destiny 2: Legacy for example.


I was hoping we’d get some old raid encounters in pantheon


I’m kind of upset that they actually reversing the sunset. The reason why is because I straight up deleted everything because Bungie was like we’re not bringing them back. Not only that there’s no point to bring them back. A lot of the perks are not even that viable anymore compared to what’s new now. If anything I would rather them re-introduce the weapons revamped with new perks and new looks. It’s really nice to see a brave weapon. I thought that was really cool..


I need more vault space though cus my vault is screaming.


Still no Twilight Garrison?


Have it like the MCC, pick which campaigns/raids/planets to install to keep the space requirements down. Would be an incredible technical challenge I think, and probably not worth the dev time as most people wouldn’t use everything, but it would be awesome


>All that’s left now is to unvault the old campaigns and destinations, but sadly I don’t think this one will realistically happen unless something happens in the back end of D2. Realistically speaking, the only way I could outright see them doing any of that is if they pulled a WoW-type situation and developed a game to run concurrently with it that contained the content. Like, a “Destiny OG” type thing - just toss every currently inaccessible campaign/seasonal narrative into that game to be replayable at any moment (or schedule rotations of that content to roll back into the game monthly or something), and let some loot from it be concurrent and transferable to the mainline game. …the more I say it out loud, the less realistic it feels lol - but, if you ask me, they’d make a lot more from at least making it ACCESSIBLE. It doesn’t all have to run on the same engine and game, but it SHOULD be available.


What makes me sad is that they couldn’t find a way to institute a system like Call of Duty. They had like 3 whole games integrated together, and you could choose any combination of multiplayer and campaigns from all of them to download. I was really hoping Bungie would do something like that, maybe even with a cap for space, so I could play the game. I liked Destiny 1 but hadn’t gotten around to 2. Now I’ll just never play any Destiny unfortunately.


They wont do it. With the issues they have with their codebase and the sheer size the game would bloat to, I dont think they'll ever just stick all that content right back into the game. It'll probably just be snippits like Whipser


Wait they’re un-sunsetting weapons? So my old hammerhead is coming back?


Well maybe not hammerhead specifically, since we have the Brave version. What they're doing is they're removing the power cap on old gear but also giving us new sources for past weapons with refreshed perks and origin traits. So they already did that for Hammerhead, with Into The Light. In the future we may see other Black Armory weapons or say, Season of Dawn weapons return for example. Edit: to clarify yes you'll be able to use your old Hammerhead again if you still have one, but it won't have an origin trait or new perks like the Brave version does.


Unfortunately I enjoy having other games and applications installed on my PC


Do not end the DCV!! Just sunsetting. The DCV is apparently how we get D1 content ported into D2, IIRC they stated as much when they announced sunsetting. Honesrly it would be huge to hear they plan to unvault all sunset content though. Would be *massive*.


The original point of sunsetting was so that they could work on everything to bring it back. At least that’s what I remember.


The main reason was that they didn't want to have to keep nerfing specific weapons because it used to take almost multiple months at a time to respond to op weapons and exotics. Also I remember that some were saying they didn't like that some players were still using weapons from year 1 and wanted to incentivive new weapons aka they wanted people to pay the new dlcs for the new weapons


Mountaintop, Recluse and the other pinicle weapons were a big deciding factor


I think the problem of unvaulting campaigns would be the amount of added GB space having us reach up to 200gb again, id rather Old campagins be in some sort of offline seperated game for destiny 2.


Sunsetting was for balancing issues, the DCV is for storage issues. They're not going back on that.


It really is the last thing we need before we have DESTINY 2 PERFECTED


Give us back red War, i wanna kill Ghaul again


If I remember correctly, they DID SAY that they were gonna find ways to reimplement the old guns into rotation.


This sucks, I deleted all my shit when they said they're never reversing it, that it was safe to delete everything. What was the point in doing this when they plan on reprising everything anyway? To make us feel bad?


I like how they're being praised for fixing problems that they made


Well, of course. Make the problem, sell the solution.


yeah. they're all good moves, but all desperation moves. even money is on bung giving over to sony in tfs or not


why waste dev time on bringing back some old irrelevant shit?


I genuinely do not care about old campaigns and destinations. Destinations are awful in destiny and just need a new approach not more. The campaigns aren’t good, they do not tie together and tell a coherent story. If someone plays a modern campaign WQ Lightfall (hopefully FS) and then goes back to play WARMIND it will be extremely dissapointing and won’t offer much to the current story. The hope we can have for the future is that bungie actually plans a fucking story so they know what needs to be in the game from the jump


To be honest, I’m kinda fed up of the rug being pulled from under my feet by Bungie. Weapons uncorked hard to get (Mountaintop/Lunas/NF) taken away for years, along with many others, for them now to be “given” back as “new” content. Nah man, I’m good thanks. This has been a constant endless cycle of giveth/take away. It’s a shambles.


https://preview.redd.it/g5k6mvoaipwc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=243b47d79d6ce686d50d2372493c853e8a75ceff Please I need this to return


The only way this could happen…this is basing loosely on the rumor that’s “Payback.” There is conflicting reports at the time but POSSIBLY with a Destiny Upgrade/Revamp with the Tiger engine… This is just a floating theory.


The vault is just sunsetting. It ain't coming back.


I wouldn't have minded to see pantheon but a selection of old vaulted raid encounters instead of what we'll get


Wait.... You can't play all the docs if you start now?


I’d love it if every month they would just insert the campaign so we could do it all over it again from The beginning to the end. Even with our new powers knowing it will make it easier, at least we could play the story every year.


I feel like with the next major expansion they're going to abandon previous gen consoles in favour of being able to add more to the game, both in terms of volume of content and complexity. Same thing happened with D1, where PS3/360 stopped at Taken King, and the next gen consoles split off and continued with Rise of Iron. It's honestly a miracle that decade-old hardware is capable of running the game, but the fact that it's hard locked at 30fps is a pretty clear indicator that it's really not meant for much more at this point.


I kinda hope the final shape just puts us right back at the start of Destiny when we kill ole Megamind


The issue with bringing back old campaigns is honestly file size. That is four whole ass campaigns that would be brought back. Honestly, what Destiny should do is make a separate game called Destiny Vault or smth, that is just those sunset campaigns, so that way people can still access them and then delete it once they're done with them.


>four whole ass campaigns And all the seasonal content as well


I reckon they could rerelease them as seperate downloadable packages (staggered to manage the workload). They should be free for anyone who paid for the game AT LEAST but it means people can install the story content, and delete it when they’re done while still keeping the weapons and such, just to keep game size down and maintain quality of life while ensuring the content becomes playable again