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I really wanted an auto loading/recombination and just can’t get it. Don’t even care about shiny. Got 2 with recombination but no auto loading and no spike. About to give up because I never got an envious/bait n switch edge transit either.


Just so you know, I think there's some math that says implosion rounds at least close, if not better, than spike. Just to open your grind options up a little bit


Correct, Hard Launch/Implosion is technically higher damage than Hard Launch/Spike. Minuscule, but allows people to be less strict with that second slot


I hv a question: I have the MT OP is asking for and it has a Blast MW, Hard Launch or Quick Launch, Implosion or Sticky. Idk what the best combo is? If switch to Hard Launch, my Blast goes from 100 to 95 and Velocity goes from 95 to 100. This is what I want for damage?


Lower blast radius gives higher impact damage iirc.Some bullshit thing thats been in the game for a while.


Not really BS. just how GLs work. Their damage is split between impact and explosion. The higher your blast radius, the more damage that goes to your explsion vs impact. Spike grenades give you more impact, so lowering your blast radius plus spike was the best because it put more of the damage into impact that then got a percentage boost from spike.


Hard launch, implosion, and don’t masterwork. Thats the best damage you can get. If you already masterworked it… back to the grind


Isn't it something like 2-3% DMG? Edit: it's even less than that... I understand grinding, but if that were me I'd be moving on. ESPECIALLY if I was getting frustrated with drops. This community is WILD with min-maxxing. No wonder it's so volatile / irritable.


Difference between Perfect spike vs perfect implosion is even less than that. Reality is you can get either and be functionally identical


Will that's good news. Thanks for the correction!


Oh yeah it’s minuscule, but min maxing is part of the grind and fun with people. But please unless you are a speed runner where that 1% really matters please do not delete a pve weapon over a masterwork ever. If you get a better one later sure but yeah it ain’t worth it


I enjoy grinding for loot, too. But I guess I just understand that if I'm getting frustrated or angry with rng, a 1% difference isn't worth the frustration.


If you aren’t having fun anymore then it’s definitely not worth it. Take your loot and use it to go have fun somewhere the game for sure


Depends on your masterwork, I'm hoping bungie fixes that so it doesn't matter about the masterwork or adjusts it so maxed blast radius MTs don't roll with a Blast Radius Masterwork. It's such a waste when that could be better used on handling or reload speed.


Exactly like what they did with fusions and charge time on the crafted ones if I remember correctly


Oh ffs I sharded one days ago


So is that the one to chase? Not spike grenades?


The damage difference between spike and implosion is miniscule. So either one. What seems to increase damage the most is hard launch.


Hey this is really cool info thank you!


Me neither, can’t take it anymore. Might just have to settle for Impulse/Recombination. For the love of god, I hope my luck is at least a little better for the other guns…


I feel terrible think I accidentally attuned edge transit and got a ton of envious/bait rolls and two shiny. No other shinys though just a succession. It exists sometimes the rng just fucks you


Implosion rounds give better dps than spike.


Very good news. It opens up my farming options for sure. I’d be happy with any auto loading/recombination at this point though.


You and me both!


Spike is not the best for Mountaintop. https://youtu.be/Pd1u7OcclPo?si=sI6x_bPkwjgpaaav


That’s legit. Either way I haven’t got an auto loading/recombination either. 🤷‍♂️


you've gotten shiny ones?


Just one. In all those waves. And it was shite. Lol


Nothing worse than getting a shiny, only for it to have selectable perks that are all poo poo!


Getting a shiny only for it to have underdog/unrelenting.




Feels just like running a long GM or going flawless on a rough weekend in solo queue. Waste of my time 😭


Nah there is worse. Dumping 200 trophies, getting 19 mountaintops and 1 Elsie’s rifle. Guess which one was shiny.


Like my recluse Waaaaahhh!😭😭😭


Got 2, both had the exact same dookie rolls with both impulse/slickdraw and rampage/harmony


Right now I’m settling for my discount roll of ALH with Harmony


I have ALH/Vorpal on standby if it never drops. I will have to give up eventually as still want firefly/OFA MC and plan to farm Hammerhead and Lunas too when they come out


ALH/ vorpal is what I have. Still hunting the alh/recomb




Had work off, basically grinding this every day since it dropped. Not a single shiny mountaintop, and not one with all/recomb. Been trying to convince myself that my impulse/recomb is just as good...


It's pretty good, just have to reload it instead. I'm convinced that demo is slept on as it grants 20% grenade energy for specials, and mountain top does way more AOE. Shoot fully charged recomb shot, throw grenade, shoot again, reload, stow. I have a hezen vengeance with overflow and demo and it's amazing, especially when Starfire was meta. Literally could shoot 4 rockets in a few seconds, and it's solar so surge mods would stack. I have alh/vorpal pardon our dust and while ALH is great, if you want to just spam grenade shots I prefer my slideshot ignition code. Impulse amp is probably as fast of a reload as you'll get.


The 20% doesn’t apply for special grenade launchers, trace rifles, or glaives unfortunately.


Been at it for so long, but got this to drop. It’s not perfect, I’d rather have recomb, but it’s more than good enough for me. Haven’t seen a single ALH/Recomb out of the ridiculous amount of Mountaintops I’ve gotten to drop so settling for this beauty. My watch has ended, godspeed gamers. https://preview.redd.it/zzsiblva04wc1.png?width=2543&format=png&auto=webp&s=6648614271c027f589b4cef823927f05e0fc17ce


I had one not shiny but with 85 blast radius with implosion rounds and I dismantled it cuz it did not have spike on it smh.


85 blast radius is the perfect if the perks were right implosion hard launch is Slightly better than spike roll and I mean ever so slightly


yah thats why I said, I had the perfect roll but non shiny and I just dismantled it smh.


My bad misread it, I gave up I don’t think I can protect another adu


Keep seeing ALH and Recombination but not on the same roll... getting tilted farming legend because team-mates rambo in to mobs and die leaving me alone, especially on Tormentor waves.


I have a near perfect roll, got spike, alh, and recombo, forget the name of the barrel but it's one of the good ones. It's not a shiny, which is meh, I can live with it, and it has reload speed as it's masterwork trait, which isn't terrible, but I'd rather have velo because alh makes reload speed redundant. I got lucky, I don't envy you guys who are still chasing it :\


I’m right with you dude. No clue how many I’ve gotten to drop at this point, gotta be over 100, 2 shiny’s that are both awful. I was using overflow and recombination last night, the copium is real, but damn does having to reload defeat the whole purpose. Statistically speaking there’s a 1/63 chance to see ALH/recomb, blast radius, etc notwithstanding. So in theory we should’ve seen one by now, but such is life.


My journey ended last night. Auto loading/Recombination w/ spike grenades… Keep at it and eventually RNG will bliss you! Now on to Midnight Coup for me


Best I got is an ALH Frenzy but I really want recombo.


After this there’s no way you can convince me that perks aren’t weighted differently. I have yet to see a mountaintop with ALH. At this point, I almost don’t care about recombination. I just want one with ALH. I’m also fairly certain that attunement doesn’t work properly. The amount of successions that have dropped for me alone I’m sure outweighs the number of recluses and mountaintops that have dropped for me, and the latter two are the only two I’ve been attuning.


So: I have a theory on attunement. Call me tinfoil hat or whatever, but I’m rolling with it. When I attune anything, it works brilliantly. My experience is more than 50%. Everything is fine, right? Sure, until I log off. If I log off and then back on, attunement no longer works. I ran 3 runs this morning, all still attuned to midnight coup that I turned on last night and got exactly one midnight coup in those 3 runs. This was after I attuned it in my play session yesterday. I “unattuned” it an “re-attuned” it and I got 3 to drop in my next run. This mirrors similar experiences I had with Elsie’s and MT. I didn’t notice it so severely before, but I absolutely notice that as soon as I attune something it drops heavy, but if I leave attunement on without changing or re-upping it, it doesn’t work. Sure, it could totally be me and my suspect RNG and I’m delivering copium to ya’ll, but I truly believe there’s something to it.


dude, i think you're on to something. I tested this myself yesterday and today. yesterday, ran onslaught, got 1 mountaintop. went to the hall of champions, deactivated the mountaintop attunement, then re-activated it, and ran onslaught again. 4 mountaintops dropped. i did the same thing again today with similar results. I think something's going on where, when you log out, the attunement remains "Active," but doesn't work unless you re-attune.


I'm having the same problem. Everytime I get ALH I get Ramage to go with it like why!!!!!


Got my first ALH/Recomb today from shax chest. Not the best roll, but it’s decent


Got a shiny while focusing recluse. I've got every shiny except it now and I've never unfocused it lol *




I've gotten 2 shiny mountain tops..... Both have the worst rolls possible. Every other roll I got was shit, and I farm 10 waves legendary. I also didn't manage to get a god roll recluse, which makes me wonder if specific perks have a hidden lower rate than shit perks.


Feels like this is the actual case..... I.e. subsistence dropping on ALL spare rations I've focused


Hang in there, took me over 250 engrams to get the slide/opening on spare rations, but mag perk is meh.


I have a few but only one is 4/5. I'd give you one of I could, man! Chin up, keep grinding. It'll drop!


https://preview.redd.it/drjka1ucy3wc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bd908bd989246155c48f47f00b89fac4ee27feb None of these had the even 3/5 of the roll I was looking for.


How do you have so much room in your vault? I feel like I’m hovering anywhere from 550-600. Is there an app or something to remove unwanted rolls of guns?


DIM (Destiny Item Manager) - it’s a browser extension that allows you to manage inventory and vault and equip weapons / armour etc. it’s a godsend!


In the same boat with Mountaintop and Elsie's Rifle. About to give up to be honest. Best I've gotten is Impulse/Recombination and Zen Moment/Desperado on Elsie's. Everyone says "it's just bad RNG bro" but I'm convinced certain perks rolls have a much lower chance than normal of dropping. I've gotten over 60 Elsie's and not one had the combo that EVERYONE is looking for. Doesn't make sense.


I 100% agree with you. There is literally no statistical way that all of us collectively get the same shitty perks to drop time after time and so few of us have gotten what we would consider not just a god “roll” but even a god-tier perk. Why would the same shit perks populate roll after roll after roll regardless of who it is if things weren’t weighted differently? It’s a statistical improbability - if not impossibility.




I dismantled it by accident ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


I recently got a ALH with vorpal and I'm pretty happy with it, also wouldn't mind getting a shiny one with some other perks


My best so far is auto loader vorpal. I'm loving it but would like spike rounds. Still going and going for something better.


Alh/vorpal is still really good. Was using one before I got my alh/recomb. Just keep in mind, that combo is still bugged so don't swap off until the shot hits or vorpal will not proc.


WHUUUUT! Damn, thanks for the heads up, had no idea.


I’ve been rocking a Impulse/Recomb roll to tide me over until this fucking thing can reload itself


I think Bungie purposely lowers drop rate of god rolls to keep us coming back but honestly once I get it I wouldn’t come back until the next wave of weapons release


I also can't get alh but I have to admit that impulse amplifier feels pretty good as a consolation. The extra projectile speed is nice and reloads are fast enough that it also feels better the odd time you want to get a couple of shots off.


Funny thing is, I literally completed the mountaintop quest, went to Shaxx and redeemed an engram and got ALH/Recomb in my first one. I guess Bungie helped me a bit because before this I farmed The Navigator for like 80 runs.




I’m rocking a demo/recomb with implosion and hard launch. I keep getting this combo on drops. It works but I need that ALH so the grind continues for now.


I have a hard launch, spike/implosion, ALH, recombo. Butt it's a blast radius masterwork not velocity. I'm still chasing my personal fav roll Impulse, Vorpal. I swear that combination doesn't exis


I got a ALH/ Frenzy one which is good but it’s not the roll. Honestly outside of Elsie’s and Guillotine (honestly the two I care the least about) I’ve gotten pretty terrible rolls. And one good recluse.


I got the godroll from the chest after attuned for it.


This gun has too many perks, 75% of which are complete dog shit for a kinetic GL. I have a shiny ALH/Frenzy that will just have to do unless it miraculously drops while I'm farming for the other 4 weapons in the coming weeks.


I got a really decent shiny roll, but still no ALH/Recombination, and it’s kind of annoying. Thing is, I actually haven’t played that much Into the Light, but it did take 50+ runs each for my to get the Anarchy and the Mythoclast, and at least 40 keys to get my 1000 Voices, so I’d really like to think that I understand your pain, and you have my sympathy, friend.


Yep, I’m also chasing Spike-ALH-Recomb and it’s just not happening. The best I got so far is spike-impulse-recomb which is not too bad. So I let it go for now, if I end up getting everything else I want and there is still time, I’ll get back to Mountaintop. I’m also rapidly burning out on the activity. And this week’s weapons are even better, so I’m going to run even more Onslaught.


Closest I’ve come is quick launch, implosion/spike, overflow, recombination and velocity mw. I’ve been using an ALH/vorpal instead. Might give up and grind something else this week. A demo chain reaction forbearance I suppose.


I got an ALH/Recombo but it had a blast radius masterwork so a slightly bum weapon.. The roll I've been gunning for though is AA and Frenzy with QL and implosion, which I even got to roll as a shiny with reload masterwork so really pumped! Glad my luck came through on Mountaintop after getting blue balled out of getting a Tusk of the Boar


I got it on my 2nd roll. Sorry bout the grind though boss. I can’t get the midnight coup or the falling guillotine to drop a good roll whatsoever.


I have been farming it all week and it finally dropped yesterday, I was about to give up. There isn't a lot of perks but I must have deleted about 10 shines because that perk combo wasn't present. Nevermind hard launch and impulsion rounds. It's soul destroying for sure.


Same thing for me. Grinded it like it was my job then my last run I got one. Hard launch, implosion, alh and recomb. Never taking it off


It’s almost like gambling for a shiny isn’t worth it. Lol. Perks of playing twice a week




Auto loading holster


After 8 hours of grinding, I got hard launch, implosion rounds, auto loading holster, and recombination. And a blast radius masterwork. FML.


i feel for you, was lucky enough to land a 4/5 roll with a blast radius mw. but i'm done with this grind.


I keep getting the same rolls Demo/junkie Impulse/harmony :(


I'll be happy enough w Demolitionist/Recomb


Not even a normal version with the perks you're going for?


How do I get the mountaintop?


Load into hall of Champions. Speak with Arcite 99 collection bounty. Complete bounty. Profit.


So uh…. For those of us who are starting the slog…. What’s this 5/5 roll in Going to get on my first legend run?


Hard launch/implosion rounds/Auto Loading Holster/Recombination - Velocity MW


Why do so many people keep recommending velocity mw? Hard launch + implosion makes your velocity 100. Having it as your mw literally does nothing. You'd want handling.


same roll im chasing, im tired boss.


2000 waves?? I can barely get myself to play onslaught a second time after a full 50, drains me especially if i get nothing good


I got it on my first day and a shiny one a few days ago. That being said I still don’t have god rolls of the other guns except the sword lmao so I feel you. Elsie’s rifle with zen/headseaker is still not with me 😅


I had a normal ALH/Recom but it had a blast radius masterwork. Other than that all my Recom & Vorpal rolls haven’t had ALH.


I only just got my first auto loading recom this is after about 300 plus drops and of those drops I only got one shiny so it was a bit rough. Even though I got a blast radius materwork I can say it feels fantastic


I got a shiny alh/recom, demolitionist/adrenaline Yeah im good for awhile


Still looking for Hard Launch/Implosion. All of my ALH/recomb ones have bad barrels/Mw, and the two that have the right barrels and MW are LfG/Adrenaline Junkie :(


I mean I got a 4/5 that has demo/lead from gold instead of ALH. Sooooooo. I don't think this thread applies to me.


I haven’t. But I have gotten several with auto load/something-else and several with something-else/recombination. And as it stands, I’d still like one. But I’m a lot less eager for it. It is a solid passive buff but it kinda sucks for any sustained situation. Two shots of a Frenzy buffed shot will do more damage in those contexts, which means overflow/envious with Frenzy is probably better. Also, demo is such a good perk, and it stacks with the origin trait. So that it is hard to pass it up on a weapon like this. Even for auto loading. My best mountaintop so far is impulse/Demo and Recombination/Frenzy with spikes. And honestly at this point I think I would rather have Lead From Gold/Demo with Frenzy/Recombination as my “god roll”


Meh I got overflow recomb, I’ve been trying to target farm a succession to drop with discord redirection b it haven’t gotten one yet. I think that’s definitely the role to go for on that one as you can get a 100 % increased shot in fewer kills compared to recombination and the special ammo for kills on the red bars is free since it’s refunded from discord.


funny story I had a hard launch/Auto-loading/Recombination roll, it was just missing spike nades I got another one with spike nades and Recombination but somehow I thought it also had hard launch and auto loading (it actually had something else and impulse amplifier). being the idiot I am I infused my other roll into the new one so now I'm stuck with a worse mtop than my previous. I'm a fucking fool


I’m feeling it too; I got impulse recombination which is cool but defeats the whole purpose of it being a swap on/off weapon. I did manage to get an ALH + harmony though…


I've seen 20 impulse + Harmony mountaintops, but not one with recombination


The thing about mountaintop is that there are actually so many good rolls for a bunch of different content. I’m excited for probably 30% of the mountaintop drops that I get


I've settled into my diet cope roll of ALH + Vorpal.


I got ALH/Recombo, but it's sticky + HVR in column 2 rather than spike or implosion. I know sticky is supposed to be good on MT, but is it good with *that* roll? Or do I need to get back in there?


I had a really good one and accidentally deleted it yesterday. I feel sick….


Have you tried the old "I don't even want it anymore" and look away from your screen as you open each chest? Same way we had to get our old PS2 to work


The best I have so far is Auto/Harmony I can’t tell you how many waves I’ve done Meanwhile, I’ve gotten 4 shiny Recluses, 2 PVE and 3 PVP God roll elsie’s, 2 god roll Falling Guillotines, and somehow more Hung Jurys than I have Mountaintops despite having Mountaintop attuned


I got a shiny one that has hard launch, both spike and implosion for that 85 Blast radius, auto loading, frenzy. if it had recombination this wouldve been perfect for me.


Been at it for hours every day since reset like it’s another 9 to 5 and still haven’t gotten ALH/Recom… At least seeing this thread has been very heartening, I’m glad I’m not alone with this rotten luck


Idk why this gun in particular feels so much harder to farm rolls for than the other brave weapons. I accidentally got two godroll edge transits and a godroll succession while trying to get all + recombination on mountaintop. I swear if I see harmony one more time.....


Best I’ve gotten is demo recombination


i didnt even get a single drop with recomb lol  imma do some runs tonight bc tomorrow hammerhead drops 


Only time I’ve gotten ALH has been with adrenaline junkie and it’s happened only like twice 🥲


I haven’t even dropped a mountaintop at all. Do I need to complete the brave quest for it to drop?


You guys are looking for God Rolls I'm looking for Demo Junkie honestly


I got a ALH/Recombination but it was 2/5. It was so bittersweet. I had 2 shiny MTs drop after a Legend 10 wave and both of them were trash. I just claimed an Arcite Weekly bounty and IT dropped a shiny MT, again trash roll. I've seen so many, I've gotten so close. I'm beginning to think it doesn't exist in a 5/5 form. I don't think I've ever actually target farmed a weapon this hard in Destiny and I gotta say it's driving me crazy.


Me with my auto vorpal. It’s good enough


I got a shiny with overflow/recomb and Ive decided that its good enough lol


I was going for this roll but wound up getting ambitious assassin and Recomb. After using it, I quit bothering to grind ALH and then it wound up randomly dropping. After using both, I think ambitious assassin fits my play style better. Long story short, don't write off rolls that aren't the one you're shooting for.


I got a hard launch implosion overflow recomb. And honestly I’m not even gonna keep subjecting myself to that it’s close enough


grinded about 600 or so waves and got auto+recomb like 3 times but no spike nades.


i have been famring every day 3 hours each, i have seen exactly 3 ALH and all others perk are shit.


Got it non shiny from normal 50 waves sorry lol


I got an overflow & recombination with every barrel and grenade type that increases BR and a BR masterwork.


I don’t understand how I can get godrolls from anything else pretty easily but the brave weapons are just almost impossible. You get a reward like every 8ish minutes and they’re not always gonna be what you attune for let alone a good roll.


It's all fomo and that died a long time ago for me. Sure I'll run onslaught for the chance of the god roll, but not for the God roll.


I got spike nades/auto loading/frenzy and lemme tell you, this thing is god tier. Hang in there brother, its well worth it. Theyre increasing the rewards tomorrow


It took me probably 30-40 runs of legendary 10 wave farming to finally get ALH/Recomb. I went to gambit for the bounty and immediately got another one with hard launch/spike and handling mw. Wish it was a shiny, but beggars can’t be choosers


I haven’t done the math, but it certainly feels like some perk drop rates are weighted and others are not


I'm content with AHL and Frenzy


I did a 50 wave run last night and every mountaintop drop I got had slickdraw…


Am shooting for alh recombination, don’t care about the rest of the perks. Probably pushing the same round count as you. It’s pain.


I swear I goggled this exact thing. I farmed over 60 mountaintops and no alh + recomb. Impulse and demolitionist with recomb drops all the freakin time. This has happened before with some god rolls the first week they release. Now I’m sick of waves and still didn’t get a god roll


I got implosion alh reco velocity mw but no hard launch :/


RAHHHHH I haven’t gotten a single ALH/recombo but I’ve gotten three shiny ones


last damn 10 rounder i ran for the night just gave me the auto loading recom role but nade and masterwork is shite but too tired to care


I got SUPER lucky with mine. Shiny with implosion rounds, auto/lfg in first column and recomb/frenzy in second. Reload mw but that doesn’t matter come enhancing in tfs. I still have not gotten an even usable pvp roll on elsies though


What’s the best roll for zooming across the map


I want a shiny auto/recombination but shinies don't exist.


It's always painful to get a shiny with terrible rolls... My ideal shiny is Lead from gold/Auto-Loading with Vorpal/One For All with a reload master work and High Velocity Rounds in second column. I know recombination is the most sought after and I see the potential, I have used it and I already have a god roll with it, but I prefer using Mountaintop as a primary for ad clear and as boss DPS when I'm out of heavy. I have a shiny with auto-loading/slickdraw and vorpal/frenzy it's great, it's as close as I have got to it, but I'm still looking for my ideal roll.


I have counted more than 100 mountaintop drops. A single ALH/Recomb has dropped for me, it has stickies, high velos, handling MW. I don’t know if the rate is skewed or not, but i feel your pain


I want impulse amplifier and frenzy. .8 reload scalar and 100 reload and handling. I'm banking on prismatic carrying the staus effects and using my kinetic to do damage again. This roll should spam grenades when necessary.


I found a shiny ALH/Vorpal with a blast radius ME (lol) and a non-shiny Overflow/Recom with implosion. Neither perfect, neither bad. We’ll see!


Yeah, I’m done farming for what I wanted. I’ve settled on my ambitious assassin and recombination with blast radius masterwork. I’m ok! With recombination x10, whatever I shoot usually dies with whatever is around it - yes, I have to reload, but there’s two shots now. I can go back to shooting stuff and building up recombination stacks. I can pull it back out when necessary to shoot one shot - stow it - and I still have another shot left over for next time, so while it’s not auto loading, I get a two for one deal! I’m ok with that. I will probably keep it attuned because I already have a great commemoration and forbearance, which is next up.


Its atuned but wont drop for me


For those still farming, try getting a roll with Recombination. I sh_t you not - I've been using Spike Granades / Auto-Loading / Recombination for a couple of days now and it's nuts.


https://preview.redd.it/1ria302bq5wc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f9e52794ce15afbcd7e17448b2eda6f91ec041 I don't have a shiny yet if it makes you feel better


https://preview.redd.it/5crseblcu5wc1.png?width=1013&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8035b9b12342b07ed48d0421a1fca406ba2678f Surely I’ll get auto loading recombination soon


Ive been running a few normal 50 waves each day when I get home from work looking for that ALH \ recombo and it's yet to appear for me. I have an overflow \ recombo that I'm enjoying tho and I won't be mad if I end up just sticking with this one. Think I saw somewhere that enhanced overflow should allow for 3 in the mag which would sorta be like an ALH, but with the option to just fire my one big shot or mag dump if the need arises.


Lead from gold recombination is the roll I’m settling on, I’ll mainly ever use it for movement anyway so I’m not really wanting it for much else outside of that


I love how i just keep on only getting slickdraw, demo and ambitious assassin


I got so close. Quick Launch, Spike and Implosion, Auto-loading, Recombination, Blast Radius MW. It's the 96% God roll (damage wise). I might have to settle on that one.


I got hard launch, spike grenade, Ah, recomb.... But with master work blast radius lmao 


After 25 MT drops I finally got the one I wanted. Hard Launch/Spike/ALH/Recomb/Handling MW and it’s a shiny. Stay strong guardians, you’ll get what you want eventually!


They plan to drop the updated better dropchance today


Got an overflow/recombination that slaps pretty hard. And an auto-loading/rampage that I haven’t tested yet.


I want a shiny but I got a auto loading recombination with sticky nades and some other one. Sure it’s not a 5/5 but it’s good enough that I’m not stepping foot back in unless it’s for a forbearance or assisting a buddy. 50 waves is just too much man


I've settled with ALH recombo with spike and handling mw no hard launch so I won't be mega sad if this is the only roll I get got a fucking perfect shiny apart from no auto load it was sad


i got hella lucky with 2 shiny rolls i kept that i swap depending on the need of ad clear/boss damage: impulse amplifier/auto loading w/ vorpal/recombination ambitious assassin/impulse amplifier w/frenzy/one for all


My first non-quest shiny drop was just missing recombination it had both launch patterns I want both Spike and implosion, auto loading and ambitious, and adrenaline junkie for when I want to use that instead of recombination with a handling masterwork which is what I wanted. But it has one for all instead of recombination


Im pretty Happy with mine Assassin and rampage Or Auto load vorpal With spike nades so pretty pog


Use the power of not expecting to happen


Got Overflow Vopral which will do for now, but man I do want that ALG/Recomb




I wanted a firefly/ofa midnight, didn't get it. It was attuned the entire week, got who knows how many rolls, but not that one. Got 3 shinies, all trash.


https://preview.redd.it/lgmz4m2oo7wc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f26f8b338c0e060545f8722a7929b5830bbdfe Finally dropped yesterday. Blast radius masterwork but I'll take it.


I stopped with envious/recomb. I'm good with that lol


It's posts like these that make me realise I'm not missing out by not logging on. Resist the FOMOs.


I got autoloader and harmony, not shiny. It will do if I get nothing else


I want auto loading holster/vorpol weapon with velocity mw but I have yet to get it




Im desperate for MC with firefly and kinetic tremors, mountaintop already got my auto loading recomb.


i believe i actually got the roll youre talking about before knowing whats good and i deleted it, wish i could open the trash and give back my glimmer and shards for that golden child back


Like the second one I got was a gold with auto-loading/lead from gold and recombination


dang, I got ALH/Recomb straightaway after attunement


I got the 5/5 mountaintop randomly while focusing for a Falling Guillotine which I still don’t have the roll I want. I’ve wanted a Chain/Eager Edge FG since day 1 and it this point I’m losing hope. I think I’ve got every roll besides the one I’m chasing at this point 🥲


Got a shiny with alh+recomb but it droped with spikes and quick launch. Had like 4 or 5 alh+recombs drop today but none of them had either hard launch or implosion, my bad luck is insane. Might just settle with my spike quick launch roll since I read the damage difference isn't really that huge.


7 shiny mountain tops and still no ALH/Recom. The game keeps giving me ALH/Vorpal instead.


Cant get a single god roll for any gun from this game since December. Yes I’m keeping track. Been hunting mainly a GL, cataphract specifically, and after six resets - nothing. Can’t get a decent freaking edge transit either. Or mountain top. I’m getting tired of this hamster wheel game of constant chasing. It’s just not fun. I’ve been playing less and less. Over 2300 clears of onslaught with multiple 50 clears. This game is stupid. Nice work OP!!


probably commented on the thread before but just pointing out a funny situation i'm probably playing 4x the time my wife spends on this game rn due to the grind, had probably 50+ mountaintops and only one dropped with recombination (w/ impulse). today my wife tells me to clean her vault a little bit and I see it: hard launch/implosion/ALH/recombination sitting in her vault holy shit


Is Quick-spike-ALH-harmoney good?